Papers by Kıbatek Kıbatek
Dil, kültür, çeviri ve edebiyat dergisi.
Uluslararası Dil, Çeviri ve Edebiyat Dergisi
KIBATEK (Kıbrıs Balkanlar Avrasya Türk Edebiyatları Kurumu)'nun üç aylık uluslararası dil, kültür... more KIBATEK (Kıbrıs Balkanlar Avrasya Türk Edebiyatları Kurumu)'nun üç aylık uluslararası dil, kültür, edebiyat ve çeviri dergisi.
Ageless festivity of the ancient world

The developments in architecture make a statement not only in practicality but also in lifestyles... more The developments in architecture make a statement not only in practicality but also in lifestyles needs for a particular period. There is also a direct association with the architecture with a link to lifestyle, culture, social order, and specific needs within the various areas. The current architecture in Turkey, like most parts of the world including Rome and Greece indicates the development of the landscape as well as the historical, religious, cultural, and home areas reflects understanding of architecture, evident in ottoman rule. Modern development is often one based on urban spaces while the traditional means created with religious formations that were a part of Turkey. The research will examine the different pieces of architecture associated with Turkey’s Ottoman era and contemporary classic-style influenced by European cubism and modernism and introducing westernization and secularization. Consequently, this paper intercepts the ottoman rule with contemporary architecture using literature on architecture from the perspective of historical affiliations and contemporary changes as a part of culture. The concept of architecture in contemporary times in Turkey then will look examine the contemporary artefacts. The paper also examines Ottoman architecture design elements present in modern day mosques. One such element is the dome that has continually characterized the structure of mosques and without which this Islamic symbol loses contact with the audience.
Keywords: Ottoman Architecture, Contemporary or Turkey Republic Architecture, Dwellings and Mosques in Turkey,
Conference Presentations by Kıbatek Kıbatek

Although, Turkish landing of Cyprus ... more TURKISH LANDING OF CYPRUS IN CYPRUS TURKISH FICTION
Although, Turkish landing of Cyprus launched on 20 July 1974, actually it started in 1821. Parallel to Greek rebellions, Cyprus Orthodox Church provoked rum living in Cyprus against Turk authority. This event can accepted as similar event with “Megali Idea” and through the event Cyprus dispute started. Turkish landing of Cyprus is still in memories of Turkish Military History and it still plays a crucial role in the history. Cyprus’ importance still maintains because of critical position in the Turkish Political History. In addition to political identification, according to created cultural dynamics, one of the most important accretion of Turks living in Cyprus is producing works about literature. Although, Cyprus population is less and have a limited and small space, notably from 1940s they have been improved themselves in literature area. Through poem and story, they also write a vast number of novels. From 1963 and to 1973 namely ending year of Turkish landing of Cyprus, in ten years process is an important topic in the Cyprus’ writer’s novels. The writers crusaded to war and they had an active role in the war and because of this their books includes autobiographical elements. Because of these qualifications, such as Özker Yaşın, İsmail Bozkurt, Ahmet Gazioğlu and Bekir Kara‘s books include a good number of things which shows everything to us about war in their novels. Furthermore, those writers are known as mujahidin writers. Their books help about creating social consciousness about Cyprus and war.
Keywords: War, TRO ( Turkish Resistance Organization), Peace Operation, Cyprus Turkish Fiction
Books by Kıbatek Kıbatek
Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi, 2019
Metin Turan in the Breeze of Time

Günümüz şairlerinden Metin Turan; imge, simge ve ironi yüklü şiirleriyle çağının nabzını tutmuş, ... more Günümüz şairlerinden Metin Turan; imge, simge ve ironi yüklü şiirleriyle çağının nabzını tutmuş, dünyanın bozuk düzenine eleştiriler getirmiş bir şair ve yazar olmanın yanında, araştırmacı, folklorist ve eleştirmen olarak Türk edebiyatına sayısız katkısı sağlamıştır. Evrensel, bölgesel, kentsel, toplumsal ve bireysel meselelere fiziksel ve ruhsal yıkımlara, çarpık kentleşmelere, ahlaki ve toplumsal yozlaşmalara, ekonomik bunalımlara, siyasi kokuşmuşluklara yer yer toplumcu gerçekçi bir dikkatle ve Marksist bir eleştiriyle sesini yükseltmekten çekinmeyen şair; bireyin özlemlerini, acılarını, aşklarını, yalnızlıklarını, isyanını, ekmek kavgasını, yaşam savaşını dizelere dökerek 'an'da geçmiş ve geleceğe dört mevsim bir tren yolculuğu yapar. Bu makalede toplumcu-gerçekçi şiirin nabzını tutarak, Metin Turan'ın Ağustos Aldı Sırlarımı (2013) adlı son şiir kitabını, dünya edebiyatında önemli bir yer edinen Marksist estetiğin kıyılarında dolaşarak metne dayalı eleştirel bir yaklaşımla inceleyeceğiz.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Marksist estetik, toplumcu gerçekçi şiir, kentler, ülkeler, birey.
ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ DİL, EDEBİYAT VE ÇEVİRİ DERGİSİ K › b r › s -B a l k a n l a r -A v r a s y ... more ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ DİL, EDEBİYAT VE ÇEVİRİ DERGİSİ K › b r › s -B a l k a n l a r -A v r a s y a T ü r k E d e b i y a t l a r › V a k f ı ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ DİL, EDEBİYAT VE ÇEVİRİ DERGİSİ
Turnalar, 2019
1 t u r n a l a r turnalar 74 ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ TÜRK DİLİ, EDEBİYAT VE ÇEVİRİ DERGİSİ 2 K › b ... more 1 t u r n a l a r turnalar 74 ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ TÜRK DİLİ, EDEBİYAT VE ÇEVİRİ DERGİSİ 2 K › b r › s -B a l k a n l a r -A v r a s y a T ü r k E d e b i y a t l a r › V a k f ı t u r n a l a r ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ TÜRK DİLİ, EDEBİYAT VE ÇEVİRİ DERGİSİ
Papers by Kıbatek Kıbatek
Keywords: Ottoman Architecture, Contemporary or Turkey Republic Architecture, Dwellings and Mosques in Turkey,
Conference Presentations by Kıbatek Kıbatek
Although, Turkish landing of Cyprus launched on 20 July 1974, actually it started in 1821. Parallel to Greek rebellions, Cyprus Orthodox Church provoked rum living in Cyprus against Turk authority. This event can accepted as similar event with “Megali Idea” and through the event Cyprus dispute started. Turkish landing of Cyprus is still in memories of Turkish Military History and it still plays a crucial role in the history. Cyprus’ importance still maintains because of critical position in the Turkish Political History. In addition to political identification, according to created cultural dynamics, one of the most important accretion of Turks living in Cyprus is producing works about literature. Although, Cyprus population is less and have a limited and small space, notably from 1940s they have been improved themselves in literature area. Through poem and story, they also write a vast number of novels. From 1963 and to 1973 namely ending year of Turkish landing of Cyprus, in ten years process is an important topic in the Cyprus’ writer’s novels. The writers crusaded to war and they had an active role in the war and because of this their books includes autobiographical elements. Because of these qualifications, such as Özker Yaşın, İsmail Bozkurt, Ahmet Gazioğlu and Bekir Kara‘s books include a good number of things which shows everything to us about war in their novels. Furthermore, those writers are known as mujahidin writers. Their books help about creating social consciousness about Cyprus and war.
Keywords: War, TRO ( Turkish Resistance Organization), Peace Operation, Cyprus Turkish Fiction
Books by Kıbatek Kıbatek
Anahtar Sözcükler: Marksist estetik, toplumcu gerçekçi şiir, kentler, ülkeler, birey.
Keywords: Ottoman Architecture, Contemporary or Turkey Republic Architecture, Dwellings and Mosques in Turkey,
Although, Turkish landing of Cyprus launched on 20 July 1974, actually it started in 1821. Parallel to Greek rebellions, Cyprus Orthodox Church provoked rum living in Cyprus against Turk authority. This event can accepted as similar event with “Megali Idea” and through the event Cyprus dispute started. Turkish landing of Cyprus is still in memories of Turkish Military History and it still plays a crucial role in the history. Cyprus’ importance still maintains because of critical position in the Turkish Political History. In addition to political identification, according to created cultural dynamics, one of the most important accretion of Turks living in Cyprus is producing works about literature. Although, Cyprus population is less and have a limited and small space, notably from 1940s they have been improved themselves in literature area. Through poem and story, they also write a vast number of novels. From 1963 and to 1973 namely ending year of Turkish landing of Cyprus, in ten years process is an important topic in the Cyprus’ writer’s novels. The writers crusaded to war and they had an active role in the war and because of this their books includes autobiographical elements. Because of these qualifications, such as Özker Yaşın, İsmail Bozkurt, Ahmet Gazioğlu and Bekir Kara‘s books include a good number of things which shows everything to us about war in their novels. Furthermore, those writers are known as mujahidin writers. Their books help about creating social consciousness about Cyprus and war.
Keywords: War, TRO ( Turkish Resistance Organization), Peace Operation, Cyprus Turkish Fiction
Anahtar Sözcükler: Marksist estetik, toplumcu gerçekçi şiir, kentler, ülkeler, birey.