Papers by Kaynara Trevisan

Acta Scientiae
Background: Learning in exact sciences is a common problem for education in all countries. New ed... more Background: Learning in exact sciences is a common problem for education in all countries. New education technologies are proposed to solve these situations, and using real problems in teaching is suggested. Objectives: This article associates Pólya's problem-solving method with the real problems in the construction of the Tower of Pisa. Design: In this work, we propose a multidisciplinary approach to the history of the construction of the Tower of Pisa, related to the social, historical, geological, and mainly physics and engineering problems shown in this work. Setting and participants: The authors were responsible for elaborating and solving the proposed problems. Data collection and analysis: The data used come from the history of the Leaning Tower of Pisa as a pedagogical basis for teaching, especially in the exact sciences. Results: Many problems and resolutions via Pólya's problem-solving method Acta Sci. (Canoas), 24(5), 231-265, Sep./Oct. 2022 232 were performed to show teaching possibilities to teachers and students. Conclusions: The Tower of Pisa theme can be used to implement new education technologies, such as modelling, problem-solving, and real-life problems, as it enriches school culture and attracts an inter-and multidisciplinary character to teaching, as shown through the proposed teaching in exact sciences examples.

In this work, the fundamental data will be placed as logically as possible within a simple, but n... more In this work, the fundamental data will be placed as logically as possible within a simple, but not simplistic philosophy, therefore, the objective was to indicate the basic ontogenetic and phylogenetic data in terms of the evolutionary history of the vertebrate skull starting from the initial, often idealized, structures that formed the framework of the primitive vertebrate skull. Therefore, the methodology used was a literature review, in order to refine the information. From this methodology, the expected result was to reduce the excess or oversimplification of information that could fail in the teaching processes, to avoid the danger of errors of the interpretation. An overview with basic data, but well ordered in terms of substitutions and phylogenetic history is essential to prepare future scientists in the areas of morphology, taxonomy, evolution, comparative anatomy, paleontology, forensic anatomy; therefore, this text was builded objectively as possible to be consulted for ...

Conjeturas, May 26, 2022
Os problemas ortopédicos no joelho são a principal causa de dor em grávidas a partir do 3º trimes... more Os problemas ortopédicos no joelho são a principal causa de dor em grávidas a partir do 3º trimestre de gravidez. Os problemas musculoesqueléticos que acometem as grávidas podem permanecer após o parto; nesse sentido, foi realizada uma análise comparativa entre as medidas do ângulo Q de amostras de grávidas e não grávidas para verificar as alterações desse ângulo para servir de base para tratamentos profiláticos quando o ângulo estiver aumentado. Foram obtidos dados de medida do ângulo Q, e outros para verificar a relação do ângulo Q com a idade, altura, peso, Índice Metabólico Corporal [IMC], circunferência do quadril, medida da espinha ilíaca anterior superior até a patela. Esses dados foram comparados com os valores de ângulo Q para ambas as amostras, e, posteriormente, os valores dos ângulos foram comparados entre grávidas e não grávidas. Os dados estatísticos e a análise de valores absolutos mostraram que ocorreu um aumento do ângulo Q das mulheres grávidas em relação às não grávidas e a comparação o IMC com o ângulo Q mostrou maior r 2 para mulheres grávidas.

BioMed Research International, 2020
Macaca fuscata displays characteristic behaviours, such as stone handling, locomotor behaviour, g... more Macaca fuscata displays characteristic behaviours, such as stone handling, locomotor behaviour, gait position, and intermittent bipedalism. Differences in characteristic behaviours among primate species/genera could be explained by anatomical details of the body. However, the anatomical details have not been well studied in Macaca fuscata. Arterial models could be one of the anatomical bases for the phylogenetic and functional differences among species, since the arterial supply could be associated with the muscular performance, especially locomotor behaviour. In this study, five thoracic limbs of Macaca fuscata adults were dissected to analyse the vessels. Patterns of arterial distribution in the thoracic limbs of Macaca fuscata were compared with those in other primates. The results indicated that the arterial distribution in the Japanese monkeys was more similar to those in Macaca mulatta and Papio anubis, which is consistent with phylogenetic similarities. However, compared with...
Engenharia: criação, construção e manutenção, 2021

Research, Society and Development, 2021
Este trabalho discute acerca da ação da psilocibina no organismo humano e seu potencial terapêuti... more Este trabalho discute acerca da ação da psilocibina no organismo humano e seu potencial terapêutico enquanto tratamento principal ou adjuvante para certos distúrbios psiquiátricos, mais especificamente a depressão e a ansiedade, como aquelas encontradas em pacientes que estão em cuidados paliativos e enfrentando o processo de fim de vida, mas também em pacientes nos quais o tratamento convencional não demonstrou eficácia. Estudos recentes também indicam a possibilidade da utilização da psilocibina no tratamento de sequelas psiquiátricas a longo prazo decorrentes da COVID. A literatura disponível indica que a psilocibina promove aumento da qualidade de vida, alterações na percepção do self, percepção de integralidade com o meio e experiências espirituais, o que se mostra especialmente importante nos grupos de pacientes supracitados. Além disso, demonstra pouco ou nenhum efeito colateral. Este trabalho realiza uma revisão para ratificar a hipótese do uso terapêutico da psilocibina na ...

Research, Society and Development, 2021
O transtorno de déficit de atenção [TDAH] é considerado como um problema que ocorre principalment... more O transtorno de déficit de atenção [TDAH] é considerado como um problema que ocorre principalmente em crianças e que dificulta a vida do estudante pela falta de compreensão do problema pelos professores e família do individuo afetado por esse transtorno, o que gera problemas comportamentais e de convivência social. Esse problema pode persistir no adulto e, além de ser negligenciado em crianças e jovens, o é ainda mais no adulto. Dentro desse escopo, essa revisão sistemática foi efetuada para verificar e alertar sobre o TDAH em adultos e os problemas que afetam os estudantes universitários que sofrem o transtorno. Em conclusão, foi verificado que o TDAH em adultos é, de fato, negligenciado e que problemas no relacionamento social e com professores afetam as atividades acadêmicas e que o professores universitários, em geral, principalmente aqueles que não possuem formação pedagógica, não estão preparados para compreender a situação dos estudantes afetados, podendo levar à evasão esco...

Objective. Aging and AD are associated in some way, then it is reasonable to ask whether or not i... more Objective. Aging and AD are associated in some way, then it is reasonable to ask whether or not it is possible to age without AD inexorably appearing at any moment, depending on the period of life. Therefore, the goal of this review is to verify, in light of some aging theories, the prevalence of AD. Methods. For the purpose of this manuscript, the indexers Alzheimer, aging, Alzheimer, and aging were considered; theories of aging were researched. The research was conducted using PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Elsevier, and Google Scholar. Results. The most common subjects in the papers analyzed for this manuscript were aging and Alzheimer's disease. The association between Alzheimer and theories of aging seems inconclusive. Conclusions. Accordingly, the general idea is that AD is associated with aging in such a way that almost all people will present this disease; however, it is plausible to consider that the increase in life expectancy will generate a high prevalence of AD. In a general sense, it seems that the theories of aging explain the origin of AD under superlative and catastrophic considerations and use more biomolecular data than social or behavioral data as the bases of analysis, which may be the problem.
Papers by Kaynara Trevisan