Papers by Katrin Poom- Valickis
BRILL eBooks, Jan 12, 2024

Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education
Selle uuringu eesmärk oli kohandada situatsioonispetsiifiliste ehk PID-oskuste (perception, inter... more Selle uuringu eesmärk oli kohandada situatsioonispetsiifiliste ehk PID-oskuste (perception, interpretation, decision-making skills) hindamisvahend isemääramisteooria konteksti, et analüüsida õpetajakoolituse üliõpilaste suutlikkust märgata ja tõlgendada psühholoogilisi baasvajadusi toetavaid tegevusi klassiruumi kontekstis. Andmeid koguti aineõpetajate õpetajakoolituse magistriõpingute esimese aasta üliõpilastelt (N = 97), kasutades tunnivideote analüüsi. Uuringu tulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et üliõpilased märkavad tunnivideotest psühholoogiliste baasvajadustega seotud aspekte. Tõlgendamisel ning otsuste tegemisel olid üliõpilaste vastused pigem kas kirjeldavad või hinnangulised ega olnud seotud teoreetiliste teadmistega. Töökogemuse põhjal olulisi erinevusi tulemustes ei täheldatud. Kuigi õpetajakoolituse üliõpilaste puhul on tulemused ootuspärased, tuleks PID-oskuste arendamisele õpetajakoolituses senisest teadlikumalt tähelepanu pöörata, toetamaks paremini teoreetiliste teadmiste...

To Be or Not to Be a Great Educator
In the contextual model of teacher competence by Blömeke et al. (2015), teachers’ situation-speci... more In the contextual model of teacher competence by Blömeke et al. (2015), teachers’ situation-specific skills, like perception, interpretation, and decision-making (PID-skills) are regarded as central aspects that determine the performance of teachers in a classroom and are deemed as processes that revolve around student thinking and learning (Santagata & Yeh, 2016). Teachers’ ability to notice and meet students’ needs, in turn, influences their motivation and engagement in learning. In need-supportive teaching, teachers use instructional behaviors that support students’ basic psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. The aim of the current qualitative study was to assess student teachers’ level of PID-skills for needs supportive teaching. Due to the situative characteristics of PID-skills, authentic classroom videos were selected to assess student teachers’ noticing, analyzing and decision-making skills. After watching video clips, semi-structured interviews were...
Educational Research Review
EDULEARN18 Proceedings, 2018
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2022

Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education
Sotsiaal-emotsionaalsete pädevuste omandamisest võidavad kaasava hariduse kontekstis väga erineva... more Sotsiaal-emotsionaalsete pädevuste omandamisest võidavad kaasava hariduse kontekstis väga erinevad õppijad. Eestis on täheldatud ja tõendatud VEPA Käitumisoskuste Mängu mõju laste sotsiaal-emotsionaalsetele pädevustele ja heaolule klassis, kuid pole selge, millistest teguritest sõltub VEPA metoodika rakendamise kvaliteet erinevates koolides ja klassiruumides. Seetõttu oli siinse uurimuse eesmärk välja selgitada kogenud mentorite arusaamad programmi kvaliteetsest kasutamisest ja seda mõjutavatest teguritest. Tulemused võimaldavad pöörata tähelepanu programmi kasutamise võimalikele kitsaskohtadele ja neid teadlikult ennetada. Mentorid kirjeldasid eeskätt rakendamise protsessi tahke ja õpilaste reaktsioone. VEPA programmi kasutamist mõjutavad mentorite hinnangul enim õpetajate omadused, programmi toe struktuur, õpetaja ja mentori koostöösuhe ning programmi kasutajatele antav tagasiside ja ühiskondlik kõlapind. Summary

Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education
Haridusüldsusel on suur huvi neuroteaduste uurimustulemuste rakendamise vastu praktikas, kuid val... more Haridusüldsusel on suur huvi neuroteaduste uurimustulemuste rakendamise vastu praktikas, kuid valdkondlike teadmiste puudumine ning teadlaste ja õpetajate vähene kommunikatsioon keeruliste teadustulemuste tõlgendamisel on viinud mitmete väärarusaamade ehk neuromüütide tekkeni. Siinse uuringu eesmärk oli kaardistada, kuivõrd on rahvusvahelistes uuringutes esitatud väärarusaamad levinud meie tulevaste õpetajate hulgas ning kas õpetajaks õppijaid iseloomustavad taustategurid (nt vanus, läbitud õpingud, õppekava või töökogemus õpetajana) on seotud sellega, milliseid väärarusaamu enam tõeseks peetakse. Küsitluses osales kokku 297 õpetajakoolituse üliõpilast Tallinna ja Tartu Ülikoolist. Kõige levinum neuromüüt tudengite hulgas on arusaam, et inimesed õpivad paremini, kui info jagamisel arvestatakse nende visuaalse, auditiivse ja kinesteetilise õpistiiliga. Õppekavade arendus ja interdistsiplinaarne koostöö teadusvaldkondade vahel on võti teaduspõhise õpetajakoolituse arendamisel. Summary

Frontiers in Education
School- and teacher-related contextual factors are those that often influence the quality of soci... more School- and teacher-related contextual factors are those that often influence the quality of social-emotional learning (SEL) program implementation, which in turn has an impact on student outcomes. The current paper was interested in (1) Which teacher- and school-related contextual factors have been operationalized in articles that focus on the relationship between implementation quality indicators 200 and contextual factors in SEL program implementation in schools? (2) Which contextual factors would demonstrate the highest frequency of statistically significant relationships with SEL program implementation quality indicators and could therefore be more essential for ensuring the program outcomes? Determining the more significant contextual factors would allow for more focused and better-informed teacher professional development for supporting students’ social and emotional skills, it can also be useful for hypothesis development for quasi- experimental research designs of SEL progr...

Interaction Design and Architecture(s), 2020
As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, organizing, designing and delivering learning programs in hig... more As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, organizing, designing and delivering learning programs in higher educational institutions needed to be revised and transferred to the digital world without destroying the overall cohesion and balance of the educational ecosystem. We present a case study of transformation challenges of the institution during COVID-19 from the perspective of teaching staff. The results of a survey indicate, that the learning ecosystem was able to respond to the sudden external disturbances as it had the basic conditions fulfilled. However, the transformation represents rather a first-order change, being an online extension of previous everyday practices and not bringing forth deep changes in ways of learning and teaching. As a result, the institution’s management needs to invest in additional infrastructure as well as in educational technologists who would support the teaching staff to systematically widen their pedagogical repertoire and raise their digital compete...

The development of teachers’ professional identity has been defined as “an on-going and dynamic p... more The development of teachers’ professional identity has been defined as “an on-going and dynamic process which entails the making sense and (re)interpretation of one’s own values and experiences” that have been influenced by personal, social and cognitive factors (Flores & Day, 2006). From the viewpoint that identity consists of meanings formed from moments and situations with relevance for the individual and by being hierarchically organised from the individual’s self-conception (Haamer, 2012), student teachers can be viewed as “developing selves”, gradually developing an understanding of one’s professional self, based on interactions with significant others and the environment (Lauriala & Kukkonen, 2005). In the current paper, based on interviews (N = 13) carried out at the end of a longitudinal study, we present an overview of the development of the professional identity of student teachers who have finished a five-year long teacher training programme. The aim of the study was to ...
Springer International Publishing eBooks, Nov 25, 2022
Eestikeelse raporti koostamisel oleme juhindunud uuringu rahvusvahelisest raportist (Sonmark et a... more Eestikeelse raporti koostamisel oleme juhindunud uuringu rahvusvahelisest raportist (Sonmark et al., 2017). Uuringu taust, teoreetiline raamistik ja metoodika sisaldavad suurel määral rahvusvahelise raporti tõlkeid. Kõik Eesti valimi analüüsid (ptk 4) on läbi viidud raporti autorite ja Mairi Männamaa poolt, rahvusvaheline võrdlus (ptk 5) on koostatud rahvusvahelise raporti põhjal.

New Teachers in Nordic Countries - Ecologies of Mentoring and Induction, 2020
This article gives a brief historical perspective of how the induction programme for newly qualif... more This article gives a brief historical perspective of how the induction programme for newly qualified teachers was launched in Estonia. The induction programme was the result of a combined effort from universities, schools and policymakers. A pilot study was carried out in the academic year 2002/2003. The following year, a group of educators and researchers from Tallinn and Tartu Universities analysed the results, improved the implementation model, and in 2004 launched the programme with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research throughout Estonia. In this paper, we introduce the theoretical framework, the roles of different parties to the induction programme, and analyse the implementation process in order to find answers to the following questions: Firstly, what are the developments and challenges in the Estonian induction programme? Secondly, what are the perspectives for the induction programme in the future? The methodological approach reviewed policy documents, rese...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
The paper describes a study of teachers' beliefs and conceptions of their professional role, inve... more The paper describes a study of teachers' beliefs and conceptions of their professional role, investigated through metaphors. The Estonian lower secondary school subject teachers (N= 551) were asked to find a metaphor that characterises the teacher's role and to explain the content of this specific metaphor. Metaphors were classified and analysed based on the model proposed by . Significant differences were found in the conception of the role of mathematics teachers and teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL). At the same time, there were no relationships observed between role conceptions and teachers' ages and length of teaching practice.
In this paper, we introduce the knowledge appropriation model as an analytical framework to study... more In this paper, we introduce the knowledge appropriation model as an analytical framework to study co-creation processes in School-University Partnerships. The model explains transformative learning processes in the context of innovation adoption in organizations, communities, groups and individuals and how they are interconnected. We demonstrate the suitability of the model by describing several cases of Educational Living Labs currently being developed for introducing innovative teaching practices in STEM subjects in secondary schools. We derive a research model that relates co-creation in Living Labs to the eventual adoption of learning innovation in schools.
Papers by Katrin Poom- Valickis