The World Homicide Survey is a research project centred on the idea that it is possible to gain i... more The World Homicide Survey is a research project centred on the idea that it is possible to gain insight into the causes of violence around the world by asking knowledgeable individuals their opinions on the social conditions in their country, the functioning of the criminal justice system, and the forms and prevalence of violence and homicide. This technical research report aims to leave behind a trace of information related to the methodology used in the study. It should help those interested in using the individuallevel and country-level databases. This research report is comprised of three sections. The first section presents the World Homicide Survey in general terms, including its objectives and methodology. The second section presents the questions and descriptive results for 149 different countries, compiled from 1201 respondents. Results for eight regions are presented to offer an idea of the global variations. The dimensions covered are: 1) the varieties of homicides, 2) clearance and conviction rates, 3) public opinion of the criminal justice agencies, 4) rule of law, and 5) the importance of social factors related to violence and homicides. The third section examines the results, aggregated at the country level, their consistency, and for certain of the issues, to what extent they relate to similar sources of existing data. The fourth section presents the construction of the final data sets with dimensions and factors.
Stellungnahme als Sachverständige bei der öffentlichen Anhörung am 11.11.2019 zum Gesetzentwurf d... more Stellungnahme als Sachverständige bei der öffentlichen Anhörung am 11.11.2019 zum Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung „Entwurf eines Dritten Gesetzes zur Änderung des Waffengesetzes und weiterer Vorschriften" - BT-Drucksache 19/13839 - sowie weiterer Vorlagen" zur Umsetzung der EU-Feuerwaffenrichtlinie von 2017.
Copy of IMCO's working document with our contribution in blue:
No law can reduce the abuse of fi... more Copy of IMCO's working document with our contribution in blue:
No law can reduce the abuse of firearms to nil. The Directive of 1991 is so good that the recorded cases with registered firearms are insignificant in regards to crime and transfer to illicit ownership by theft or unauthorized delivery in most MS.
Criminals use mostly firearms which are not in the scope of the actual directive: smuggled firearms, thefts from military depots and reactivated, formerly converted firearms.
We have been asked why we don't want a ban on high capicity magazines. We summed up the opinions ... more We have been asked why we don't want a ban on high capicity magazines. We summed up the opinions of two professors and of our own experts :
* Ban could limit only a few of already very rare events (Prof. Gary Kleck) * Ban is unjust and unenforceable (Prof. Adam Winkler) * 27 arguments by our experts
Als die europäische Kommission im November 2015 ihren Antrag " Vorschlag zur Änderung der Ratsric... more Als die europäische Kommission im November 2015 ihren Antrag " Vorschlag zur Änderung der Ratsrichtlinie 91/477/EEC über die Kontrolle des Erwerbs und Besitzes von Feuerwaffen " veröffentlichte, schrieb diese folgendes: " Aufgrund der aktuellen Vorkommnisse und der Dringlichkeit dieses Antrages, wird dieser ohne Folgenabschätzung eingebracht. " Doch das europäische Parlament sah gleich zu Beginn keinen Grund zur Eile.
Wo liegt das Problem?
Fakten über Tötungsdelikte mit Feuerwaffen 1. Terrorismus 2. Massentötungen 3. Feuerwaffen Kriminalität 4.Tötungsdelikte
Haben Waffengesetze Auswirkungen auf Verbrechen mit Feuerwaffen?
Was sind die Folgen der Richtlinie, welche Optionen gibt es und wer ist betroffen?
When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EE... more When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons" it wrote: "Due to the urgency of the proposal in the light of recent events, it is submitted without an impact assessment." European Parliament denied the urgency at the very beginning.
What is the problem and why is it a problem?
Facts about firearms-related homicides 1. Terrorism 2. Mass murders 3. Gun Crime 4. Homicides
Does Firearms legislation have an impact on gun crime?
What are the impacts different options and who will be affected?
When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EE... more When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons" it wrote: "Due to the urgency of the proposal in the light of recent events, it is submitted without an impact assessment."
European Parliament denied the urgency at the very beginning. Waiting eleven months for the missing impact assessment in vain, FIREARMS UNITED made its own following Commission's four studies on firearms and gun crime and regarding Commission's "Guidelines on Impact Assessment" as best as possible.
This report is a study of the relationship between legal firearm ownership and crime.
It has bee... more This report is a study of the relationship between legal firearm ownership and crime. It has been reviewed by academics with expertise in this area, in reaction to the process by the European Commission to amend the EU Firearms Directive with much more restrictions on legal firearm ownership. Such changes are allegedly justified by purported links between legal fiream ownership, crime and terrorism in the EU. However, such purported links are highly controversial, especially in view of the data available to the EU Commission in preparing such amendments to the Directive.
Das Recht auf Waffenbesitz wurde seit der Antike vor allem mit dem natürlichen Recht auf individu... more Das Recht auf Waffenbesitz wurde seit der Antike vor allem mit dem natürlichen Recht auf individuelle und kollektive Selbstverteidigung begründet. Andererseits erlaubten die Herrscher nur denjenigen den Waffenbesitz, denen sie auch politisch vertrauten. Misstrauische Regime sorgten fast immer für flächendeckende Entwaffnungen der Beherrschten.
Ist also der Waffenbesitz heute immer noch ein Recht oder lediglich ein Privileg?
Durch Unterstützung von David Schäfer, Michael Quilez und Maximilian Heurteur gibt es jetzt den R... more Durch Unterstützung von David Schäfer, Michael Quilez und Maximilian Heurteur gibt es jetzt den Report über die Historie auch auf Deutsch.
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit Informationen der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt, die als passend für REFIT gelten soll.
Durch Unterstützung von Melissa Burkhard (Übersetzung) und Maximilian Heurteur (Format und Design... more Durch Unterstützung von Melissa Burkhard (Übersetzung) und Maximilian Heurteur (Format und Design) gibt es jetzt den Report über Waffenbesitz in Europa endlich auch auf Deutsch.
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit den Daten der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt.
Interessant ist, dass diese EU-Studie zu fast den gleichen Werten kommt wie ich.
This report will show you how a few people - we only know the actors Malmström and Marini, but th... more This report will show you how a few people - we only know the actors Malmström and Marini, but there may be more - misuse democracy to implement their dream into law with lies, manipulation and ignorance. These few people were never been interested in reducing crime. They only want to drive their own political anti-gun agenda against law abiding gun owners ignoring all transparency and democratic means.
The rate of gun ownership can only be estimated as nobody knows the number of illegally held fire... more The rate of gun ownership can only be estimated as nobody knows the number of illegally held firearms. Whilst illegal owners do not care about firearms regulations legal owners receive the entire impact of gun regulations. It is therefore of utmost importance to pay attention to the legal status of firearms misused in violent crimes and their real numbers.
I looked deeper into official data regarding gun ownership and the numbers of legal and illegal firearms in Europe and compared them with the report by the Flemish Peace Institute.
The gun debate was once strictly a national debate in the USA. Since 1970 universities and NGOs i... more The gun debate was once strictly a national debate in the USA. Since 1970 universities and NGOs in the USA have researched this topic. European research started almost twenty years later, mostly by NGOs which work on international level like IANSA, Saferworld and Small Arms Survey. Objective studies of European universities were rare, but they are on the rise.
In Teil 2 der Gunology beschäftigen sich daher die Autoren Ron Siderius (vormals Ron Fungun) und ... more In Teil 2 der Gunology beschäftigen sich daher die Autoren Ron Siderius (vormals Ron Fungun) und Katja Triebel nicht ausschließlich mit den quantitativen Aspekten des Waffenmissbrauchs, also der rein zahlenmäßigen Betrachtung, die man aus diversen Statistiken entnehmen kann. Die Verfasser gehen darüber hinaus explizit auch auf die qualitativen Merkmale der Gewaltkriminalität und des damit häufig einhergehenden Waffenmissbrauchs ein. Die Autoren klären auf und fragen konkret danach, wo der Waffenmissbrauch stattfindet und wer die Täter sind. Was sind ihre Motive? Was treibt die Täter an? Anschließend untersuchen die Verfasser von Gunology 2 die Wirksamkeit oder auch Unwirksamkeit strenger Waffengesetze, indem sie die Effekte sowohl bei Verschärfungen als auch bei Lockerungen der Waffengesetze in verschiedenen Ländern vorstellen.
Wer ist die Antiwaffenlobby? Wer ist die Waffenlobby? Welche Argumente nutzen beide?
Kommunikat... more Wer ist die Antiwaffenlobby? Wer ist die Waffenlobby? Welche Argumente nutzen beide?
Kommunikationsprinzipien und "Sprachregelungen" der organisierten Netzwerke. Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung aus dem Blickwinkel der UNO
is the rapporteur for LIBE -Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs -for this prot... more is the rapporteur for LIBE -Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs -for this protocol. She claims in her recommendation A7-0359/20131 1 , that illicit trafficking in firearms is a high risk for the internal security of the Member States and that this Protocol can prevent and combat illicit trafficking in firearms, without having an adverse effect on legal firearms users. Four Member States have not yet signed, or participated in, the Protocol: 18 EU Member States have signed the Protocol and 16 Member States are contracting parties. She therefore strongly recommends that it be ratified with these facts/reasons:
Charlie Hebdo y el supermercado judío en París, el café en Sidney, el centro comercial en Nairobi... more Charlie Hebdo y el supermercado judío en París, el café en Sidney, el centro comercial en Nairobi, la sala de cine en Aurora, el campamento de verano en la isla de Utoya, el hotel en Mumbai y un montón de escuelas y otros lugares públicos de todo el mundo se conocen como "objetivos fáciles" (“soft targets” en inglés) - donde los ciudadanos trabajan, estudian o se relajan.
Lo contrario - "objetivos difíciles" (“hard targets” en inglés) - son lugares con intensa seguridad como el Pentágono, el World Trade Center o incluso los aeropuertos.
Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket in Paris, the cafe in Sidney, the shopping mall in Nairo... more Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket in Paris, the cafe in Sidney, the shopping mall in Nairobi, the movie theater in Aurora, the summer camp on the island of Utøya, the hotel in Mumbai and lots of schools and other public places all over the world are known as "soft targets" - where citizens work, study or relax.
The opposite - "hard targets" - are places with intense security like the Pentagon and World Trade Center and meanwhile also airports.
The World Homicide Survey is a research project centred on the idea that it is possible to gain i... more The World Homicide Survey is a research project centred on the idea that it is possible to gain insight into the causes of violence around the world by asking knowledgeable individuals their opinions on the social conditions in their country, the functioning of the criminal justice system, and the forms and prevalence of violence and homicide. This technical research report aims to leave behind a trace of information related to the methodology used in the study. It should help those interested in using the individuallevel and country-level databases. This research report is comprised of three sections. The first section presents the World Homicide Survey in general terms, including its objectives and methodology. The second section presents the questions and descriptive results for 149 different countries, compiled from 1201 respondents. Results for eight regions are presented to offer an idea of the global variations. The dimensions covered are: 1) the varieties of homicides, 2) clearance and conviction rates, 3) public opinion of the criminal justice agencies, 4) rule of law, and 5) the importance of social factors related to violence and homicides. The third section examines the results, aggregated at the country level, their consistency, and for certain of the issues, to what extent they relate to similar sources of existing data. The fourth section presents the construction of the final data sets with dimensions and factors.
Stellungnahme als Sachverständige bei der öffentlichen Anhörung am 11.11.2019 zum Gesetzentwurf d... more Stellungnahme als Sachverständige bei der öffentlichen Anhörung am 11.11.2019 zum Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung „Entwurf eines Dritten Gesetzes zur Änderung des Waffengesetzes und weiterer Vorschriften" - BT-Drucksache 19/13839 - sowie weiterer Vorlagen" zur Umsetzung der EU-Feuerwaffenrichtlinie von 2017.
Copy of IMCO's working document with our contribution in blue:
No law can reduce the abuse of fi... more Copy of IMCO's working document with our contribution in blue:
No law can reduce the abuse of firearms to nil. The Directive of 1991 is so good that the recorded cases with registered firearms are insignificant in regards to crime and transfer to illicit ownership by theft or unauthorized delivery in most MS.
Criminals use mostly firearms which are not in the scope of the actual directive: smuggled firearms, thefts from military depots and reactivated, formerly converted firearms.
We have been asked why we don't want a ban on high capicity magazines. We summed up the opinions ... more We have been asked why we don't want a ban on high capicity magazines. We summed up the opinions of two professors and of our own experts :
* Ban could limit only a few of already very rare events (Prof. Gary Kleck) * Ban is unjust and unenforceable (Prof. Adam Winkler) * 27 arguments by our experts
Als die europäische Kommission im November 2015 ihren Antrag " Vorschlag zur Änderung der Ratsric... more Als die europäische Kommission im November 2015 ihren Antrag " Vorschlag zur Änderung der Ratsrichtlinie 91/477/EEC über die Kontrolle des Erwerbs und Besitzes von Feuerwaffen " veröffentlichte, schrieb diese folgendes: " Aufgrund der aktuellen Vorkommnisse und der Dringlichkeit dieses Antrages, wird dieser ohne Folgenabschätzung eingebracht. " Doch das europäische Parlament sah gleich zu Beginn keinen Grund zur Eile.
Wo liegt das Problem?
Fakten über Tötungsdelikte mit Feuerwaffen 1. Terrorismus 2. Massentötungen 3. Feuerwaffen Kriminalität 4.Tötungsdelikte
Haben Waffengesetze Auswirkungen auf Verbrechen mit Feuerwaffen?
Was sind die Folgen der Richtlinie, welche Optionen gibt es und wer ist betroffen?
When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EE... more When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons" it wrote: "Due to the urgency of the proposal in the light of recent events, it is submitted without an impact assessment." European Parliament denied the urgency at the very beginning.
What is the problem and why is it a problem?
Facts about firearms-related homicides 1. Terrorism 2. Mass murders 3. Gun Crime 4. Homicides
Does Firearms legislation have an impact on gun crime?
What are the impacts different options and who will be affected?
When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EE... more When Commission published in November 2015 its "Proposal for amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons" it wrote: "Due to the urgency of the proposal in the light of recent events, it is submitted without an impact assessment."
European Parliament denied the urgency at the very beginning. Waiting eleven months for the missing impact assessment in vain, FIREARMS UNITED made its own following Commission's four studies on firearms and gun crime and regarding Commission's "Guidelines on Impact Assessment" as best as possible.
This report is a study of the relationship between legal firearm ownership and crime.
It has bee... more This report is a study of the relationship between legal firearm ownership and crime. It has been reviewed by academics with expertise in this area, in reaction to the process by the European Commission to amend the EU Firearms Directive with much more restrictions on legal firearm ownership. Such changes are allegedly justified by purported links between legal fiream ownership, crime and terrorism in the EU. However, such purported links are highly controversial, especially in view of the data available to the EU Commission in preparing such amendments to the Directive.
Das Recht auf Waffenbesitz wurde seit der Antike vor allem mit dem natürlichen Recht auf individu... more Das Recht auf Waffenbesitz wurde seit der Antike vor allem mit dem natürlichen Recht auf individuelle und kollektive Selbstverteidigung begründet. Andererseits erlaubten die Herrscher nur denjenigen den Waffenbesitz, denen sie auch politisch vertrauten. Misstrauische Regime sorgten fast immer für flächendeckende Entwaffnungen der Beherrschten.
Ist also der Waffenbesitz heute immer noch ein Recht oder lediglich ein Privileg?
Durch Unterstützung von David Schäfer, Michael Quilez und Maximilian Heurteur gibt es jetzt den R... more Durch Unterstützung von David Schäfer, Michael Quilez und Maximilian Heurteur gibt es jetzt den Report über die Historie auch auf Deutsch.
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit Informationen der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt, die als passend für REFIT gelten soll.
Durch Unterstützung von Melissa Burkhard (Übersetzung) und Maximilian Heurteur (Format und Design... more Durch Unterstützung von Melissa Burkhard (Übersetzung) und Maximilian Heurteur (Format und Design) gibt es jetzt den Report über Waffenbesitz in Europa endlich auch auf Deutsch.
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit den Daten der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt.
Interessant ist, dass diese EU-Studie zu fast den gleichen Werten kommt wie ich.
This report will show you how a few people - we only know the actors Malmström and Marini, but th... more This report will show you how a few people - we only know the actors Malmström and Marini, but there may be more - misuse democracy to implement their dream into law with lies, manipulation and ignorance. These few people were never been interested in reducing crime. They only want to drive their own political anti-gun agenda against law abiding gun owners ignoring all transparency and democratic means.
The rate of gun ownership can only be estimated as nobody knows the number of illegally held fire... more The rate of gun ownership can only be estimated as nobody knows the number of illegally held firearms. Whilst illegal owners do not care about firearms regulations legal owners receive the entire impact of gun regulations. It is therefore of utmost importance to pay attention to the legal status of firearms misused in violent crimes and their real numbers.
I looked deeper into official data regarding gun ownership and the numbers of legal and illegal firearms in Europe and compared them with the report by the Flemish Peace Institute.
The gun debate was once strictly a national debate in the USA. Since 1970 universities and NGOs i... more The gun debate was once strictly a national debate in the USA. Since 1970 universities and NGOs in the USA have researched this topic. European research started almost twenty years later, mostly by NGOs which work on international level like IANSA, Saferworld and Small Arms Survey. Objective studies of European universities were rare, but they are on the rise.
In Teil 2 der Gunology beschäftigen sich daher die Autoren Ron Siderius (vormals Ron Fungun) und ... more In Teil 2 der Gunology beschäftigen sich daher die Autoren Ron Siderius (vormals Ron Fungun) und Katja Triebel nicht ausschließlich mit den quantitativen Aspekten des Waffenmissbrauchs, also der rein zahlenmäßigen Betrachtung, die man aus diversen Statistiken entnehmen kann. Die Verfasser gehen darüber hinaus explizit auch auf die qualitativen Merkmale der Gewaltkriminalität und des damit häufig einhergehenden Waffenmissbrauchs ein. Die Autoren klären auf und fragen konkret danach, wo der Waffenmissbrauch stattfindet und wer die Täter sind. Was sind ihre Motive? Was treibt die Täter an? Anschließend untersuchen die Verfasser von Gunology 2 die Wirksamkeit oder auch Unwirksamkeit strenger Waffengesetze, indem sie die Effekte sowohl bei Verschärfungen als auch bei Lockerungen der Waffengesetze in verschiedenen Ländern vorstellen.
Wer ist die Antiwaffenlobby? Wer ist die Waffenlobby? Welche Argumente nutzen beide?
Kommunikat... more Wer ist die Antiwaffenlobby? Wer ist die Waffenlobby? Welche Argumente nutzen beide?
Kommunikationsprinzipien und "Sprachregelungen" der organisierten Netzwerke. Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung aus dem Blickwinkel der UNO
is the rapporteur for LIBE -Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs -for this prot... more is the rapporteur for LIBE -Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs -for this protocol. She claims in her recommendation A7-0359/20131 1 , that illicit trafficking in firearms is a high risk for the internal security of the Member States and that this Protocol can prevent and combat illicit trafficking in firearms, without having an adverse effect on legal firearms users. Four Member States have not yet signed, or participated in, the Protocol: 18 EU Member States have signed the Protocol and 16 Member States are contracting parties. She therefore strongly recommends that it be ratified with these facts/reasons:
Charlie Hebdo y el supermercado judío en París, el café en Sidney, el centro comercial en Nairobi... more Charlie Hebdo y el supermercado judío en París, el café en Sidney, el centro comercial en Nairobi, la sala de cine en Aurora, el campamento de verano en la isla de Utoya, el hotel en Mumbai y un montón de escuelas y otros lugares públicos de todo el mundo se conocen como "objetivos fáciles" (“soft targets” en inglés) - donde los ciudadanos trabajan, estudian o se relajan.
Lo contrario - "objetivos difíciles" (“hard targets” en inglés) - son lugares con intensa seguridad como el Pentágono, el World Trade Center o incluso los aeropuertos.
Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket in Paris, the cafe in Sidney, the shopping mall in Nairo... more Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket in Paris, the cafe in Sidney, the shopping mall in Nairobi, the movie theater in Aurora, the summer camp on the island of Utøya, the hotel in Mumbai and lots of schools and other public places all over the world are known as "soft targets" - where citizens work, study or relax.
The opposite - "hard targets" - are places with intense security like the Pentagon and World Trade Center and meanwhile also airports.
Charlie Hebdo und der jüdische Supermarkt in Paris, das Café in Sidney, das Einkaufszentrum in Na... more Charlie Hebdo und der jüdische Supermarkt in Paris, das Café in Sidney, das Einkaufszentrum in Nairobi, das Kino in Aurora, das Sommerlager auf der Insel Utøya, das Hotel in Mumbai und all die viele Schulen und andere öffentliche Plätze werden als “soft targets” (weiche Ziele) bezeichnet – alle Orte, an denen auf der ganzen Welt Bürger arbeiten, studieren oder relaxen.
Das Gegenteil – “hard targets” (harte Ziele) – sind Orte mit intensiver Sicherheitsüberwachung, wie z.B. das Pentagon und World Trade Center und mittlerweile auch die Flughäfen.
Terrorismus ist jedoch nicht die einzige Bedrohung.....
Factors influencing the rate of homicides by firearms, 2016
DANTINNE Michael, ANDRÉ Sophie
Transnational study on the link between the possession of a firea... more DANTINNE Michael, ANDRÉ Sophie Transnational study on the link between the possession of a firearm and the rate of homicides by firearms
ABSTRACT Background The aim of this article is to examine the link between the rate of homicides by firearms, the possession of a firearm and the severity of legislation with regard to firearms. The construction of our research as well as the different variables selected are based on elements taken from reference works on the subject of mortality by a firearm referred to in scientific literature. Method The statistical design of the study has an ecological approach based on a number of countries (N=52), not including the USA. It integrates a set of confounding variables (economic, social, demographic and criminogenic) through bivariate correlations and multiple regressions with the aim of examining the presence of a significant link between the rate of homicides by firearms (dependent variable), the possession of firearms and the severity of legislation. Results The results observed seem to indicate no significant link between our dependent variable and our variables of interest. However, the different analyses repeatedly underlined the presence of a strong link between one of our confounding variables, the infant mortality rate and the rate of homicides by firearm in the countries included in our sample. Conclusion Much more than the possession of firearms or the severity of legislation, it seems that child mortality is one of the most important predictors in understanding the variations in the rates of homicides by firearm between countries, thus paving the way towards greater attention to the socioeconomic conditions in the apprehension of criminal phenomena linked to firearms but also to reorientation of the policies applied in this area.
Papers by Katja Triebel
No law can reduce the abuse of firearms to nil. The Directive of 1991 is so good that the recorded cases with registered firearms are insignificant in regards to crime and transfer to illicit ownership by theft or unauthorized delivery in most MS.
Criminals use mostly firearms which are not in the scope of the actual directive: smuggled firearms, thefts from military depots and reactivated, formerly converted firearms.
* Ban could limit only a few of already very rare events (Prof. Gary Kleck)
* Ban is unjust and unenforceable (Prof. Adam Winkler)
* 27 arguments by our experts
Wo liegt das Problem?
Fakten über Tötungsdelikte mit Feuerwaffen
1. Terrorismus
2. Massentötungen
3. Feuerwaffen Kriminalität
Haben Waffengesetze Auswirkungen auf Verbrechen mit Feuerwaffen?
Was sind die Folgen der Richtlinie, welche Optionen gibt es und wer ist
What is the problem and why is it a problem?
Facts about firearms-related homicides
1. Terrorism
2. Mass murders
3. Gun Crime
4. Homicides
Does Firearms legislation have an impact on gun crime?
What are the impacts different options and who will be affected?
of the proposal in the light of recent events, it is submitted without an impact assessment."
European Parliament denied the urgency at the very beginning. Waiting eleven months for the missing impact assessment in vain, FIREARMS UNITED made its own following Commission's four studies on firearms and gun crime and regarding Commission's "Guidelines on Impact Assessment" as best as possible.
It has been reviewed by academics with expertise in this area, in reaction to the process by the European Commission to amend the EU Firearms Directive with much more restrictions on legal firearm ownership. Such changes are allegedly justified by purported links between legal fiream ownership, crime and terrorism in the EU. However, such purported links are highly controversial, especially in view of the data available to the EU Commission in preparing such amendments to the Directive.
Ist also der Waffenbesitz heute immer noch ein Recht oder lediglich ein Privileg?
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit Informationen der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt, die als passend für REFIT gelten soll.
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit den Daten der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt.
Interessant ist, dass diese EU-Studie zu fast den gleichen Werten kommt wie ich.
I looked deeper into official data regarding gun ownership and the numbers of legal and illegal firearms in Europe and compared them with the report by the Flemish Peace Institute.
Updated in 2017 due to justified criticism.
Die Autoren klären auf und fragen konkret danach, wo der Waffenmissbrauch stattfindet und wer die Täter sind.
Was sind ihre Motive? Was treibt die Täter an? Anschließend untersuchen die Verfasser von Gunology 2 die Wirksamkeit oder auch Unwirksamkeit strenger Waffengesetze, indem sie die Effekte sowohl bei Verschärfungen als auch bei Lockerungen der Waffengesetze in verschiedenen Ländern vorstellen.
Kommunikationsprinzipien und "Sprachregelungen" der organisierten Netzwerke. Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung aus dem Blickwinkel der UNO
Talks by Katja Triebel
Lo contrario - "objetivos difíciles" (“hard targets” en inglés) - son lugares con intensa seguridad como el Pentágono, el World Trade Center o incluso los aeropuertos.
Download link:
The opposite - "hard targets" - are places with intense security like the Pentagon and World Trade Center and meanwhile also airports.
No law can reduce the abuse of firearms to nil. The Directive of 1991 is so good that the recorded cases with registered firearms are insignificant in regards to crime and transfer to illicit ownership by theft or unauthorized delivery in most MS.
Criminals use mostly firearms which are not in the scope of the actual directive: smuggled firearms, thefts from military depots and reactivated, formerly converted firearms.
* Ban could limit only a few of already very rare events (Prof. Gary Kleck)
* Ban is unjust and unenforceable (Prof. Adam Winkler)
* 27 arguments by our experts
Wo liegt das Problem?
Fakten über Tötungsdelikte mit Feuerwaffen
1. Terrorismus
2. Massentötungen
3. Feuerwaffen Kriminalität
Haben Waffengesetze Auswirkungen auf Verbrechen mit Feuerwaffen?
Was sind die Folgen der Richtlinie, welche Optionen gibt es und wer ist
What is the problem and why is it a problem?
Facts about firearms-related homicides
1. Terrorism
2. Mass murders
3. Gun Crime
4. Homicides
Does Firearms legislation have an impact on gun crime?
What are the impacts different options and who will be affected?
of the proposal in the light of recent events, it is submitted without an impact assessment."
European Parliament denied the urgency at the very beginning. Waiting eleven months for the missing impact assessment in vain, FIREARMS UNITED made its own following Commission's four studies on firearms and gun crime and regarding Commission's "Guidelines on Impact Assessment" as best as possible.
It has been reviewed by academics with expertise in this area, in reaction to the process by the European Commission to amend the EU Firearms Directive with much more restrictions on legal firearm ownership. Such changes are allegedly justified by purported links between legal fiream ownership, crime and terrorism in the EU. However, such purported links are highly controversial, especially in view of the data available to the EU Commission in preparing such amendments to the Directive.
Ist also der Waffenbesitz heute immer noch ein Recht oder lediglich ein Privileg?
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit Informationen der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt, die als passend für REFIT gelten soll.
Ich habe die letzte Seite mit den Daten der Evaluation vom Dezember 2014 ergänzt.
Interessant ist, dass diese EU-Studie zu fast den gleichen Werten kommt wie ich.
I looked deeper into official data regarding gun ownership and the numbers of legal and illegal firearms in Europe and compared them with the report by the Flemish Peace Institute.
Updated in 2017 due to justified criticism.
Die Autoren klären auf und fragen konkret danach, wo der Waffenmissbrauch stattfindet und wer die Täter sind.
Was sind ihre Motive? Was treibt die Täter an? Anschließend untersuchen die Verfasser von Gunology 2 die Wirksamkeit oder auch Unwirksamkeit strenger Waffengesetze, indem sie die Effekte sowohl bei Verschärfungen als auch bei Lockerungen der Waffengesetze in verschiedenen Ländern vorstellen.
Kommunikationsprinzipien und "Sprachregelungen" der organisierten Netzwerke. Das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung aus dem Blickwinkel der UNO
Lo contrario - "objetivos difíciles" (“hard targets” en inglés) - son lugares con intensa seguridad como el Pentágono, el World Trade Center o incluso los aeropuertos.
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The opposite - "hard targets" - are places with intense security like the Pentagon and World Trade Center and meanwhile also airports.
Das Gegenteil – “hard targets” (harte Ziele) – sind Orte mit intensiver Sicherheitsüberwachung, wie z.B. das Pentagon und World Trade Center und mittlerweile auch die Flughäfen.
Terrorismus ist jedoch nicht die einzige Bedrohung.....
Transnational study on the link between the possession of a firearm and the rate of homicides by firearms
ABSTRACT Background The aim of this article is to examine the link between the rate of homicides by firearms, the possession of a firearm and the severity of legislation with regard to firearms. The construction of our research as well as the different variables selected are based on elements taken from reference works on the subject of mortality by a firearm referred to in scientific literature. Method The statistical design of the study has an ecological approach based on a number of countries (N=52), not including the USA. It integrates a set of confounding variables (economic, social, demographic and criminogenic) through bivariate correlations and multiple regressions with the aim of examining the presence of a significant link between the rate of homicides by firearms (dependent variable), the possession of firearms and the severity of legislation. Results The results observed seem to indicate no significant link between our dependent variable and our variables of interest. However, the different analyses repeatedly underlined the presence of a strong link between one of our confounding variables, the infant mortality rate and the rate of homicides by firearm in the countries included in our sample. Conclusion Much more than the possession of firearms or the severity of legislation, it seems that child mortality is one of the most important predictors in understanding the variations in the rates of homicides by firearm between countries, thus paving the way towards greater attention to the socioeconomic conditions in the apprehension of criminal phenomena linked to firearms but also to reorientation of the policies applied in this area.
Link to whole study: