Purpose of Review In this review, we summarized information regarding human toxocariasis knowledg... more Purpose of Review In this review, we summarized information regarding human toxocariasis knowledge of disease and relevance in Colombia. Recent Findings Current knowledge on the epidemiology and global burden of this infection is scarce. In part, because it remains a largely underdiagnosed clinical entity, and also since many countries do not officially recognize it as endemic, this has led to a lack of surveillance and underreporting, not considering it an officially notifiable disease. Recent reports have shown broad variability of seroprevalence rates amongst different countries. Summary Human toxocariasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease that would represent high morbidity in many countries. Caused by Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati, clinical spectrum of this systemic helminthiasis can be extended from asymptomatic forms up to life-threating syndromes such as the visceral larva migrans.
Resumen En Ecuador, la contratación pública constituye un medio de coordinación y una de las ac... more Resumen En Ecuador, la contratación pública constituye un medio de coordinación y una de las acciones fundamentales para el desarrollo social y económico. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el contexto de aplicación de los principios constitucionalizados que rigen la contratación pública en el sistema ecuatoriano. Para cumplimentar el mismo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para analizar lo abordado por la literatura científica publicada sobre la temática objeto de estudio, lo que avala el empleo de un enfoque teórico descriptivo. Metodológicamente las fuentes fueron seleccionadas mediante el uso de criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Formaron parte de los primeros los documentos legales que norman el proceder respecto al tema en estudio e investigaciones publicadas en los últimos cinco años en repositorios y bases de datos indexadas como Scopus; Scielo; Latindex; Dialnet; Redib; Amelica. Tras la búsqueda realizada, se incluyeron 21 artículos para su revisión. El...
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports produced after 1991 and a growing number of pre-1991 docu... more U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports produced after 1991 and a growing number of pre-1991 documents are available free via www.OSTI.gov.
There are two main agreements on foreign investment in the WTO Agreements. They are TRIMS and GAT... more There are two main agreements on foreign investment in the WTO Agreements. They are TRIMS and GATS. According to these agreements, China should strengthen relevant laws and regulations quickly, simplify the examination and approval system for foreign investment, and increase the transparency of examination and approvel. We must also extend the opening field of the third industry. All these policies can improve our whole investment environment and adjust our investment structure. So joining WTO can improve foreign direct investment in China.
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 2021
Aims: This research was conducted to find out the development of IT research articles in the publ... more Aims: This research was conducted to find out the development of IT research articles in the public sector published in international journals from 2011 to 2020, to find out the collaboration map between researchers, to be input and direction for further researchers in determining the research study topic. Study Design: This research is a literature study using the bibliometrics analysis method. Place and Duration of Study: The Google Schoolar Database, period 2011 to 2020. Methodology: In the initial search, 976 journals were found. The following selection searched for journal articles that specifically discuss IT in the public sector; as many as 140 journals were found. Results: In the initial search, 976 journals were found. The following selection searched for journal articles that specifically discuss IT in the public sector; as many as 140 journals were found. Based on research on the growth of IT research articles in the public sector in 2011-2020, an average of 14% or a tot...
Los sistemas electorales determinan el modo en que los votos se transforman en curules (Sartori 2... more Los sistemas electorales determinan el modo en que los votos se transforman en curules (Sartori 2003, 15). Los sistemas electorales constituyen procedimientos de formación de órganos de representación política en elecciones. Así, las y los electores expresan sus preferencias políticas en votos; el sistema electoral regula cómo ese voto se convierte en escaños (Nohlen 2006). El impacto de las reglas electorales es de tal magnitud que aplicar un sistema electoral sobre una votación cualquiera tendrá un resultado distinto si se aplica otro sistema electoral sobre esa misma votación, por lo que “escoger un sistema electoral determinado pasa a convertirse en una decisión política de vital importancia para un país” (Tuesta 2005, 17). En el presente artículo se analiza el sistema electoral parlamentario peruano, así como el impacto de las principales reformas implementadas en las Elecciones Generales 2021, desde la perspectiva de la historia de las elecciones parlamentarias de este siglo. ...
This research study examined black college students lived experiences with racism and white studi... more This research study examined black college students lived experiences with racism and white studies. A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted with five black college students. They participated in entrance interviews, a white studies workshop that incorporated a focus group, wrote reflective journals, had exit interviews, and a group debriefing session. The data were analyzed and interpreted through the theoretical lenses of Critical Race Theory and Transformative Learning Theory. A textual analysis of the data revealed two overarching themes. Those themes are the oppressive acts of racism and the revelations from white studies. The participants' white studies experience revealed the power of hearing other students' stories about their experiences with racism, opened their eyes to certain aspects and manifestations of whiteness, provided them with language to use, and fostered strategies about how to respond to racist offenders. Those findings led to a few implicat...
jOURNAL OF southwest University for Nationalities, 2006
Objective: To establish an HPLC method through determining the content of Schisantherin A in Wuwe... more Objective: To establish an HPLC method through determining the content of Schisantherin A in Wuweizi dispersion slice. Method: HPLC is carried out with AgilentC18 column and methanol-water(70:30) as the mobile phase. The detection wavelength is 222 nm. Result: The linear range is 0.244~1.22μg, average recovery rate is 99.01%, RSD is 0.97%. Conclusion: The method is simple, accurate and reliable. It can be used for determination of Wuweizi dispersion slice.
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is a common surgical technique for carotid revascularization. CEA is... more Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is a common surgical technique for carotid revascularization. CEA is done in order to prevent cerebral vascular accidents (CVAs) or strokes. There is a high risk of morbidity and mortality, such as myocardial infarction and CVA, associated with this procedure. Therefore, different types of anesthetic management and various neuromonitoring techniques have been recommended by investigators. General anesthesia with inhaled anesthetics has demonstrated better neuroprotection from focal cerebral ischemia when compared with regional anesthesia. Regional anesthesia has been associated with less hemodynamic fluctuation and decreased risk of perioperative myocardial ischemia. Superficial, intermediate, and deep cervical plexus blocks (or a combination of superficial and deep cervical plexus blocks) are recognized regional anesthetic techniques utilized for CEA. In addition, neuromonitoring techniques such as somatosensory evoked potentials, motor-evoked potential...
본 연구는 2009 개정 체육과 교육과정에 따라 출판된 중학교 체육교과서 경쟁 활동 영역을 이해중심게임수업의 특성에 따라 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 13종의 체육교과서를 대... more 본 연구는 2009 개정 체육과 교육과정에 따라 출판된 중학교 체육교과서 경쟁 활동 영역을 이해중심게임수업의 특성에 따라 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 13종의 체육교과서를 대상으로 이해중심게임수업의 주요 특성인 게임분류체계, 전술적 지식과 개념의 사용, 변형게임의 활용 여부를 중심으로 분석하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 경쟁 활동의 구성체계는 ``종목중심교과서``와 ``영역중심교과서``로 나눌 수 있다. 이해중심게임수업의 게임분류체계에 따라 영역을 기준으로 내용 체제를 구성하고 기술하는 방식의 교과서는 B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J 총 8종이며, 전통적인 방식의 종목을 중심으로 내용 체제를 구성하고 기술하는 방식의 교과서는 A, F, K, L, M 총 5종으로 분류되었다. 둘째, 경쟁 활동에 이해중심게임수업 적용을 위한 전술적 개념이나 지식과 관련된 내용을 다루고 있는 교과서가 영역형에서 B, D, J교과서이고, 필드형, 네트형에서는 게임의 전술적 개념이나 지식을 전혀 다루지 않았다. 셋째, 이해중심게임수업 적용을 위한 변형게임을 제시하고 있는 체육교과서는 13종 중 5종이었다. 그 중 3종의 교과서는 경기 방법과 규칙들만을 소개하고 있고, 2종의 교과서는 변형게임의 방법 및 규칙에 더하여 학생들이 변형게임의 ``왜``하고 변형게임을 통해 ``무엇을`` 학습하기를 기대하는지 제시하고 있다. 이 결과는 향후 경쟁 활동 영역 교과서 구성 체계 및 집필의 방향을 새롭게 모색하는데 시사점을 제공할 것이다.
Burning image classification is critical and attempted problems in medical image processing. This... more Burning image classification is critical and attempted problems in medical image processing. This paper has proposed the real time image classification for burning image to automatically identify the degrees of burns in three levels: II, III, and IV. The proposed model uses the multi-colour channels extraction and binary based on adaptive threshold. The proposed model uses One-class Support Vector Machine instead of traditional Support Vector Machine (SVM) because of unbalanced degrees of burns images database. The classifying precision 77.78% shows the feasibility of our proposed model.
Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in Engli... more Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre -including this research content -immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
Melanoma is defined as a pigmented cancer, the word itself dating to 1838. A decade later, the Pa... more Melanoma is defined as a pigmented cancer, the word itself dating to 1838. A decade later, the Pathological Society of London came into existence. Therefore, I have searched methodologically my collection of these historical treasures. As the obtained panorama ranged from the isolated to the variegated, it is deemed worthy of publication.
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2015
Isoprenoids are natural products that are all derived from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dime... more Isoprenoids are natural products that are all derived from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). These precursors are synthesized either by the mevalonate (MVA) pathway or the 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate (DXP) pathway. Metabolic engineering of microbes has enabled overproduction of various isoprenoid products from the DXP pathway including lycopene, artemisinic acid, taxadiene and levopimaradiene. To date, there is no method to accurately measure all the DXP metabolic intermediates simultaneously so as to enable the identification of potential flux limiting steps. In this study, a solid phase extraction coupled with ultra performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (SPE UPLC-MS) method was developed. This method was used to measure the DXP intermediates in genetically engineered E. coli. Unexpectedly, methylerythritol cyclodiphosphate (MEC) was found to efflux when certain enzymes of the pathway were over-expressed, demonstrating the existence of a novel competing pathway branch in the DXP metabolism. Guided by these findings, ispG was overexpressed and was found to effectively reduce the efflux of MEC inside the cells, resulting in a significant increase in downstream isoprenoid production. This study demonstrated the necessity to quantify metabolites enabling the identification of a hitherto unrecognized pathway and provided useful insights into rational design in metabolic engineering.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Jun 6, 2011
The main determination of the research is to pinpoint the moderating inspiration of firm size bet... more The main determination of the research is to pinpoint the moderating inspiration of firm size between the relationship of firm growth and firm performance. In the study Null and alternative hypothesis have been constructed, Null hypothesis is concerning the negation of the moderating effect of firm size, while alternative hypothesis is pertaining to the acceptance of the moderating inspiration of firm size between the relationship of firm growth and firm performance. For this purpose, the secondary cross-sectional data has been gathered from 50 firms listed in Karachi stock Exchange. Before application of regression equation the formality of stationary of data has been fulfilled, in addition the issue of the multi-co-linearity has also been resolved. The results of the regression analysis are demonstrating that the alternative hypothesis of the research that firm size has moderating inspiration between independent variable (Firm growth) and dependent variable (Firm performance) is accepted. The study is cooperative for the management to keep an eye on firm size along with firm growth while enhancing the firm performance. The future aspects of the research have also been discussed.
Pág. 1. Localización del yacimiento de oro Rodalquilar. 2. Zona minera del Cerro del Cinto. 3. Im... more Pág. 1. Localización del yacimiento de oro Rodalquilar. 2. Zona minera del Cerro del Cinto. 3. Imagen tomada del satélite Landsat 5. 4. Esquema del mapa de alteración superficial, Rodalquilar. 5. Curvas de reflectancia de los minerales dominantes en las distintas zonas de alteración registradas superficialmente en Rodalquilar para un intervalo comprendido entre 0 y 3 m. 6. Ratio 5/7 de la imagen ETM+ sobre la combinación 321. En rojo los valores más altos, en azul los más bajos 7. Combinaciones de la imagen ASTER (b4+b7)/(b5) para alunita (A), (b4+b7)/(b6) para caolinita (B), y (b5+b7)/(b8) para clorita (C). La figura 7D contiene la combinación: RGB de las imágenes resultantes en A, B y C. 8. CP4 del Feautre-Oriented Principal Component Analysis de la imagen ETM+. Las bandas empleadas en el análisis fueron 1, 4, 5 y 7. 9. Feature-Oriented Principal Component Analysis de la imagen ASTER. A) CP4 del análisis de las bandas 3, 4, 5 y 7 (alunita). B) CP4 del análisis de las bandas 3, 4, 6 y 7 (caolinita). C) CP3 del análisis de las bandas 1, 3, 5 y 8 (clorita). 10. Decorrelation stretch aplicado a la combinación 752 de la imagen ETM+. 11. A) Decorrelation stretch (DS) aplicado a la combinación 457 de la imagen ETM+. B) Banda azul obtenida en el DS. 12. A) Decorrelation stretch (DS) aplicado a la combinación 467 de la imagen ETM+. B) Banda azul obtenida en el DS. 13. A) Decorrelation stretch (DS) aplicado a la combinación 578 de la imagen ETM+. B) Banda azul obtenida en el DS.
Purpose of Review In this review, we summarized information regarding human toxocariasis knowledg... more Purpose of Review In this review, we summarized information regarding human toxocariasis knowledge of disease and relevance in Colombia. Recent Findings Current knowledge on the epidemiology and global burden of this infection is scarce. In part, because it remains a largely underdiagnosed clinical entity, and also since many countries do not officially recognize it as endemic, this has led to a lack of surveillance and underreporting, not considering it an officially notifiable disease. Recent reports have shown broad variability of seroprevalence rates amongst different countries. Summary Human toxocariasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease that would represent high morbidity in many countries. Caused by Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati, clinical spectrum of this systemic helminthiasis can be extended from asymptomatic forms up to life-threating syndromes such as the visceral larva migrans.
Resumen En Ecuador, la contratación pública constituye un medio de coordinación y una de las ac... more Resumen En Ecuador, la contratación pública constituye un medio de coordinación y una de las acciones fundamentales para el desarrollo social y económico. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el contexto de aplicación de los principios constitucionalizados que rigen la contratación pública en el sistema ecuatoriano. Para cumplimentar el mismo se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para analizar lo abordado por la literatura científica publicada sobre la temática objeto de estudio, lo que avala el empleo de un enfoque teórico descriptivo. Metodológicamente las fuentes fueron seleccionadas mediante el uso de criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Formaron parte de los primeros los documentos legales que norman el proceder respecto al tema en estudio e investigaciones publicadas en los últimos cinco años en repositorios y bases de datos indexadas como Scopus; Scielo; Latindex; Dialnet; Redib; Amelica. Tras la búsqueda realizada, se incluyeron 21 artículos para su revisión. El...
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports produced after 1991 and a growing number of pre-1991 docu... more U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports produced after 1991 and a growing number of pre-1991 documents are available free via www.OSTI.gov.
There are two main agreements on foreign investment in the WTO Agreements. They are TRIMS and GAT... more There are two main agreements on foreign investment in the WTO Agreements. They are TRIMS and GATS. According to these agreements, China should strengthen relevant laws and regulations quickly, simplify the examination and approval system for foreign investment, and increase the transparency of examination and approvel. We must also extend the opening field of the third industry. All these policies can improve our whole investment environment and adjust our investment structure. So joining WTO can improve foreign direct investment in China.
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 2021
Aims: This research was conducted to find out the development of IT research articles in the publ... more Aims: This research was conducted to find out the development of IT research articles in the public sector published in international journals from 2011 to 2020, to find out the collaboration map between researchers, to be input and direction for further researchers in determining the research study topic. Study Design: This research is a literature study using the bibliometrics analysis method. Place and Duration of Study: The Google Schoolar Database, period 2011 to 2020. Methodology: In the initial search, 976 journals were found. The following selection searched for journal articles that specifically discuss IT in the public sector; as many as 140 journals were found. Results: In the initial search, 976 journals were found. The following selection searched for journal articles that specifically discuss IT in the public sector; as many as 140 journals were found. Based on research on the growth of IT research articles in the public sector in 2011-2020, an average of 14% or a tot...
Los sistemas electorales determinan el modo en que los votos se transforman en curules (Sartori 2... more Los sistemas electorales determinan el modo en que los votos se transforman en curules (Sartori 2003, 15). Los sistemas electorales constituyen procedimientos de formación de órganos de representación política en elecciones. Así, las y los electores expresan sus preferencias políticas en votos; el sistema electoral regula cómo ese voto se convierte en escaños (Nohlen 2006). El impacto de las reglas electorales es de tal magnitud que aplicar un sistema electoral sobre una votación cualquiera tendrá un resultado distinto si se aplica otro sistema electoral sobre esa misma votación, por lo que “escoger un sistema electoral determinado pasa a convertirse en una decisión política de vital importancia para un país” (Tuesta 2005, 17). En el presente artículo se analiza el sistema electoral parlamentario peruano, así como el impacto de las principales reformas implementadas en las Elecciones Generales 2021, desde la perspectiva de la historia de las elecciones parlamentarias de este siglo. ...
This research study examined black college students lived experiences with racism and white studi... more This research study examined black college students lived experiences with racism and white studies. A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted with five black college students. They participated in entrance interviews, a white studies workshop that incorporated a focus group, wrote reflective journals, had exit interviews, and a group debriefing session. The data were analyzed and interpreted through the theoretical lenses of Critical Race Theory and Transformative Learning Theory. A textual analysis of the data revealed two overarching themes. Those themes are the oppressive acts of racism and the revelations from white studies. The participants' white studies experience revealed the power of hearing other students' stories about their experiences with racism, opened their eyes to certain aspects and manifestations of whiteness, provided them with language to use, and fostered strategies about how to respond to racist offenders. Those findings led to a few implicat...
jOURNAL OF southwest University for Nationalities, 2006
Objective: To establish an HPLC method through determining the content of Schisantherin A in Wuwe... more Objective: To establish an HPLC method through determining the content of Schisantherin A in Wuweizi dispersion slice. Method: HPLC is carried out with AgilentC18 column and methanol-water(70:30) as the mobile phase. The detection wavelength is 222 nm. Result: The linear range is 0.244~1.22μg, average recovery rate is 99.01%, RSD is 0.97%. Conclusion: The method is simple, accurate and reliable. It can be used for determination of Wuweizi dispersion slice.
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is a common surgical technique for carotid revascularization. CEA is... more Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is a common surgical technique for carotid revascularization. CEA is done in order to prevent cerebral vascular accidents (CVAs) or strokes. There is a high risk of morbidity and mortality, such as myocardial infarction and CVA, associated with this procedure. Therefore, different types of anesthetic management and various neuromonitoring techniques have been recommended by investigators. General anesthesia with inhaled anesthetics has demonstrated better neuroprotection from focal cerebral ischemia when compared with regional anesthesia. Regional anesthesia has been associated with less hemodynamic fluctuation and decreased risk of perioperative myocardial ischemia. Superficial, intermediate, and deep cervical plexus blocks (or a combination of superficial and deep cervical plexus blocks) are recognized regional anesthetic techniques utilized for CEA. In addition, neuromonitoring techniques such as somatosensory evoked potentials, motor-evoked potential...
본 연구는 2009 개정 체육과 교육과정에 따라 출판된 중학교 체육교과서 경쟁 활동 영역을 이해중심게임수업의 특성에 따라 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 13종의 체육교과서를 대... more 본 연구는 2009 개정 체육과 교육과정에 따라 출판된 중학교 체육교과서 경쟁 활동 영역을 이해중심게임수업의 특성에 따라 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 13종의 체육교과서를 대상으로 이해중심게임수업의 주요 특성인 게임분류체계, 전술적 지식과 개념의 사용, 변형게임의 활용 여부를 중심으로 분석하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 경쟁 활동의 구성체계는 ``종목중심교과서``와 ``영역중심교과서``로 나눌 수 있다. 이해중심게임수업의 게임분류체계에 따라 영역을 기준으로 내용 체제를 구성하고 기술하는 방식의 교과서는 B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J 총 8종이며, 전통적인 방식의 종목을 중심으로 내용 체제를 구성하고 기술하는 방식의 교과서는 A, F, K, L, M 총 5종으로 분류되었다. 둘째, 경쟁 활동에 이해중심게임수업 적용을 위한 전술적 개념이나 지식과 관련된 내용을 다루고 있는 교과서가 영역형에서 B, D, J교과서이고, 필드형, 네트형에서는 게임의 전술적 개념이나 지식을 전혀 다루지 않았다. 셋째, 이해중심게임수업 적용을 위한 변형게임을 제시하고 있는 체육교과서는 13종 중 5종이었다. 그 중 3종의 교과서는 경기 방법과 규칙들만을 소개하고 있고, 2종의 교과서는 변형게임의 방법 및 규칙에 더하여 학생들이 변형게임의 ``왜``하고 변형게임을 통해 ``무엇을`` 학습하기를 기대하는지 제시하고 있다. 이 결과는 향후 경쟁 활동 영역 교과서 구성 체계 및 집필의 방향을 새롭게 모색하는데 시사점을 제공할 것이다.
Burning image classification is critical and attempted problems in medical image processing. This... more Burning image classification is critical and attempted problems in medical image processing. This paper has proposed the real time image classification for burning image to automatically identify the degrees of burns in three levels: II, III, and IV. The proposed model uses the multi-colour channels extraction and binary based on adaptive threshold. The proposed model uses One-class Support Vector Machine instead of traditional Support Vector Machine (SVM) because of unbalanced degrees of burns images database. The classifying precision 77.78% shows the feasibility of our proposed model.
Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in Engli... more Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre -including this research content -immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
Melanoma is defined as a pigmented cancer, the word itself dating to 1838. A decade later, the Pa... more Melanoma is defined as a pigmented cancer, the word itself dating to 1838. A decade later, the Pathological Society of London came into existence. Therefore, I have searched methodologically my collection of these historical treasures. As the obtained panorama ranged from the isolated to the variegated, it is deemed worthy of publication.
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2015
Isoprenoids are natural products that are all derived from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dime... more Isoprenoids are natural products that are all derived from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). These precursors are synthesized either by the mevalonate (MVA) pathway or the 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate (DXP) pathway. Metabolic engineering of microbes has enabled overproduction of various isoprenoid products from the DXP pathway including lycopene, artemisinic acid, taxadiene and levopimaradiene. To date, there is no method to accurately measure all the DXP metabolic intermediates simultaneously so as to enable the identification of potential flux limiting steps. In this study, a solid phase extraction coupled with ultra performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (SPE UPLC-MS) method was developed. This method was used to measure the DXP intermediates in genetically engineered E. coli. Unexpectedly, methylerythritol cyclodiphosphate (MEC) was found to efflux when certain enzymes of the pathway were over-expressed, demonstrating the existence of a novel competing pathway branch in the DXP metabolism. Guided by these findings, ispG was overexpressed and was found to effectively reduce the efflux of MEC inside the cells, resulting in a significant increase in downstream isoprenoid production. This study demonstrated the necessity to quantify metabolites enabling the identification of a hitherto unrecognized pathway and provided useful insights into rational design in metabolic engineering.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Jun 6, 2011
The main determination of the research is to pinpoint the moderating inspiration of firm size bet... more The main determination of the research is to pinpoint the moderating inspiration of firm size between the relationship of firm growth and firm performance. In the study Null and alternative hypothesis have been constructed, Null hypothesis is concerning the negation of the moderating effect of firm size, while alternative hypothesis is pertaining to the acceptance of the moderating inspiration of firm size between the relationship of firm growth and firm performance. For this purpose, the secondary cross-sectional data has been gathered from 50 firms listed in Karachi stock Exchange. Before application of regression equation the formality of stationary of data has been fulfilled, in addition the issue of the multi-co-linearity has also been resolved. The results of the regression analysis are demonstrating that the alternative hypothesis of the research that firm size has moderating inspiration between independent variable (Firm growth) and dependent variable (Firm performance) is accepted. The study is cooperative for the management to keep an eye on firm size along with firm growth while enhancing the firm performance. The future aspects of the research have also been discussed.
Pág. 1. Localización del yacimiento de oro Rodalquilar. 2. Zona minera del Cerro del Cinto. 3. Im... more Pág. 1. Localización del yacimiento de oro Rodalquilar. 2. Zona minera del Cerro del Cinto. 3. Imagen tomada del satélite Landsat 5. 4. Esquema del mapa de alteración superficial, Rodalquilar. 5. Curvas de reflectancia de los minerales dominantes en las distintas zonas de alteración registradas superficialmente en Rodalquilar para un intervalo comprendido entre 0 y 3 m. 6. Ratio 5/7 de la imagen ETM+ sobre la combinación 321. En rojo los valores más altos, en azul los más bajos 7. Combinaciones de la imagen ASTER (b4+b7)/(b5) para alunita (A), (b4+b7)/(b6) para caolinita (B), y (b5+b7)/(b8) para clorita (C). La figura 7D contiene la combinación: RGB de las imágenes resultantes en A, B y C. 8. CP4 del Feautre-Oriented Principal Component Analysis de la imagen ETM+. Las bandas empleadas en el análisis fueron 1, 4, 5 y 7. 9. Feature-Oriented Principal Component Analysis de la imagen ASTER. A) CP4 del análisis de las bandas 3, 4, 5 y 7 (alunita). B) CP4 del análisis de las bandas 3, 4, 6 y 7 (caolinita). C) CP3 del análisis de las bandas 1, 3, 5 y 8 (clorita). 10. Decorrelation stretch aplicado a la combinación 752 de la imagen ETM+. 11. A) Decorrelation stretch (DS) aplicado a la combinación 457 de la imagen ETM+. B) Banda azul obtenida en el DS. 12. A) Decorrelation stretch (DS) aplicado a la combinación 467 de la imagen ETM+. B) Banda azul obtenida en el DS. 13. A) Decorrelation stretch (DS) aplicado a la combinación 578 de la imagen ETM+. B) Banda azul obtenida en el DS.
Papers by Katherine Diaz