Papers by Katarzyna Halicka
Wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do klasyfikacji charakterystyk obciążenia układu wzbud... more Wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do klasyfikacji charakterystyk obciążenia układu wzbudnik-wsad Streszczenie. W artykule zaproponowano metodę przewidywania charakterystyk obciążenia układu wzbudnik-wsad. Metoda wykorzystuje zbudowaną wcześniej specjalizowaną bazę wiedzy zawierającą zestaw takich charakterystyk oraz dwa rodzaje rekurencyjnych sztucznych sieci neuronowych dla potrzeb klasyfikacji. Metoda została pozytywnie zweryfikowana w kilku rzeczywistych przypadkach i zostanie włączona jako element algorytmu inteligentnego generatora do nagrzewania indukcyjnego powstającego w Instytucie Informatyki Stosowanej PŁ.
Applied Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference, 2006
The principal aim of the paper was to use exponential smoothing methods for forecasting EUR selli... more The principal aim of the paper was to use exponential smoothing methods for forecasting EUR selling rate. Forecasting models were built on the basis of data from the period from January 2010 to April 2013, obtained from the website of the National Polish Bank. The important objective of the study was to use the simplest exponential smoothing methods. Another important element of the study was the conduct of a comparative analysis of the quality of forecasts. To assess the quality of forecasts, six measures of statistical description were used: mean error, mean absolute error, maximum absolute error, root mean square error, mean absolute percentage error, median absolute percentage error and maximum absolute percentage error.

The objectives of this paper are foresight study of the anticipated needs and requirements as wel... more The objectives of this paper are foresight study of the anticipated needs and requirements as well as identification of development directions of materials and technologies for use in road construction in the time perspective of approximately 30 years. In order to address this goal, Delphi forecasting method was utilized in the Polish-nationwide study with 150 invited experts. Paper presents results of research project dealing with development of directions of road pavement technologies with regards to the en vironmental aspects. As a result of the analyses, it was concluded that binding materials with improved viscoelastic range (often with modifications) would continue to play a leading role. Furthermore, according to the experts, the technologies that e nable to monitor the state of road pavement in a continuous manner will be used to a greater range. Introduction of sensors into th e pavement network will lead to the construction of "smart" roads while the spread of na...
Rynek Energii, 2010
Streszczenie. Celem niniejszego artykulu jest przedstawienie zastosowania sztucznych sieci neuron... more Streszczenie. Celem niniejszego artykulu jest przedstawienie zastosowania sztucznych sieci neuronowych do prognozowania cen na gieldzie energii elektrycznej. Na wejście skonstruowanego predykatora neuronowego wprowadzono przeszle wartości ceny energii i wolumenu obrotu, zmienne określające pogode, tzn. temperature, zachmurzenie, predkośc wiatru oraz zmienne opisujące dzien i godzine transakcji. Wszystkie te zmienne byly mierzone dla kazdej godziny doby handlowej.

Trends economics and management, 2015
Purpose of the article: The main objective of this paper is to present the possibility of using t... more Purpose of the article: The main objective of this paper is to present the possibility of using the method of technology roadmapping to build the route of development of RES technologies. The article is of review-theoretical character and is the beginning of further work in this area. Methodology/methods: General scheme of route development of RES technologies has been developed, inter alia, on the basis of evaluation studies of Polish and foreign literature and conceptual study work in the field of graphic presentation of routes, as well as the experience of the author associated with the management and planning in the energy market. Scientific aim: The scientific purpose of this study was to identify and present the basic assumptions of the design of routes of development of RES technologies and to construct a general scheme of the routes of development of renewable energy technologies. Findings: This paper presents the basic principles for the design of routes of development of r...

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020
In the article, the authors describe their approach to creating regional nanotechnology developme... more In the article, the authors describe their approach to creating regional nanotechnology development roadmaps. Original visualization and roadmaps for selected nanotechnologies are showcased. The creation of roadmaps was preceded by technology mapping and the selection of priority technologies, for which technology characteristics sheets were developed. Human resources (skills), financial resources, and tangible assets were a basis for the creation of the roadmaps specifying the development of priority nanotechnologies in the studied region (Podlaskie, Poland). The development of the technologies described in the roadmaps is stimulated by the R&D domain, which constitutes one of the roadmap layers. Potential technology application areas form the background for the “market” layer of the roadmaps. Segments related to the general development of a particular technology in time are additional elements enriching the roadmaps. All layers were presented in three-time perspectives. The conducted analysis served as a basis for the integration of the selected priority nanotechnologies into four nanotechnology development scenarios of the region. The obtained results contributed to the formulation of the Regional Nanotechnology Development Strategy. The research was conducted in a framework of the “Technological foresight ‘NT FOR Podlaskie 2020’ Regional strategy of nanotechnology development” project.

Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018
As part of this article, research work aimed at acquiring new knowledge regarding the analysis an... more As part of this article, research work aimed at acquiring new knowledge regarding the analysis and assessment of arbitrarily selected gerontechnology: personal care robots for older adults. The results planned to be achieved under the article have not been reflected in previous scientific studies. Until now, no research has been carried out to assess this technology regarding heterogeneous criteria. The existing research results only concern the study of the acceptability of the technologies used by older people to improve their quality of life. The opinions of prospective potential users were not considered as well as their age and place of posting or education. Neither were marketing, social and ethical aspects, competitiveness or innovation. The author will use the proprietary methodology of prospective technology analysis (PAT) to analyse and evaluate the technology. This methodology allows assessing the current state of technology. It enables providing knowledge on characterist...

Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2016
In the era characterized by significant dynamics of the environment traditional methods of antici... more In the era characterized by significant dynamics of the environment traditional methods of anticipating the future, assuming the immutability of the factors affecting the forecasted phenomenon, may be in the long term ineffective. The modern approach of predicting the future of technology, taking into account the multidimensionality of the environment, is, among other things, the Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA). Designing the FTA research procedure is a complex process, both in organizational and methodological terms. The catalogue of methods that can be used in this process is extensive and constantly open. However, in the source literature the rules for the selection of methods appropriate for the type of research were not specified. The ways of combining methods in the research process were also missing. The main aim of this article was to present the author’s classification of methods of future-oriented technology analysis and indicate the possibilities of its applicat...
Procedia Engineering, 2017
The main aim of this article is to identify and present the relevant concepts and methods of tech... more The main aim of this article is to identify and present the relevant concepts and methods of technology analysis. On the basis of the bibliometric analysis of scientific articles, research subareas related to the technology analysis were selected. Relationships between earlier executed research in this field were determined. Taking into account the obtained map of relationships, the possibility of the use of technology analysis was indicated. Also, methods used to analyse the current state of technology and concepts used for the prospective technology analysis were identified. Then, the concepts of predicting the technology development were discussed and compared. The conclusions from the conducted study can be used as the basis for determining the critical directions for the development of research areas related to the technology analysis.
Clean Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The article first presents the concept of the routing technology development and its components. ... more The article first presents the concept of the routing technology development and its components. Next, with regard to the RES technology, routing design phases were synthetically characterized and illustrated. Further, a general diagram of the renewable energy technologies route development was presented. The presented proposal of the route of the RES energy technologies should allow for coordination of the development of the technical potential of renewable energy sources, and development of paths of implementation of the desired vision for technology development of renewable energy sources with a horizon for a dozen years or so.

Streszczenie. Zasadniczym celem artykułu było wyznaczenie prognozy ceny energii elektrycznej na R... more Streszczenie. Zasadniczym celem artykułu było wyznaczenie prognozy ceny energii elektrycznej na Rynku Dnia Następnego Towarowej Giełdy Energii. Kolejnym istotnym celem badań było przeprowadzenie analizy porównawczej jakości otrzymanych prognoz i dokonanie rekomendacji zbudowanych modeli prognostycznych. Początkowo przeanalizowano zebrane dane, przeprowadzono dekompozycję analizowanego szeregu czasowego. Następnie wyznaczono prognozę ceny energii elektrycznej na giełdzie energii, wykorzystując takie metody, jak model Holta-Wintersa oraz sztuczne sieci neuronowe. Słowa kluczowe: prognozowanie, giełda energii, cena energii, model Holta-Wintersa, sztuczne sieci neuronowe. FORECASTING THE PRICE OF ELECTRICITY ON THE ENERGY EXCHANGE Summary. The main objective of this paper was to determine the forecast of the price of electricity on the POLPX Day Ahead Market. Another important aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the quality of the forecasts and make recommendations concerning the constructed forecasting models. Initially the collected data was analyzed, and the decomposition of the analyzed time series was performed. Then the forecast of electricity prices on the energy exchange was determined using methods such as the Holt-Winters model and artificial neural networks.
In modern world the quality of services is a major determinant of competitiveness. The quality of... more In modern world the quality of services is a major determinant of competitiveness. The quality of public transport affects the demand for services and the number of customers. The concept of quality is a complex concept, encompassing all components of both services as well as the entire management process. In order to assess the quality of services, companies should carry out relevant studies. The aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction of passengers using the services of the Białystok Public Transport.
The development of industrialization in the 20th century that resulted in the conversion of agric... more The development of industrialization in the 20th century that resulted in the conversion of agricultural land in the industrial societies and migration of rural population to urban areas, started the process of urbanization in the world. The changes resulted in infrastructure transformations and determined the shape and functioning of the centers of modern life. Present continually increasing urban growth, complicates the free movement of goods and cargo flows in cities. It affects their dysfunctional nature, generating phenomenon in the form of transport congestion. The aim of research is the approximation of this problem. The study will be done on the example of the transportation system condition in the urban area of Białystok.

The article is devoted to logistics customer service and its role in the management of companies ... more The article is devoted to logistics customer service and its role in the management of companies involved in the sale of logistics services. The first part presents the definition of customer service and logistics companies, which have been studied in this regard. Subsequently, these companies were analyzed for levels of customer service. The first was Tradis Ltd. engaged in the distribution of goods on Polish territory. The second was the Raben Group. The company provides comprehensive logistics services worldwide. The third company is the ESA, which has also a wide range of bid, but its activity is concentrated mainly in Central Europe. The choice of these three companies was not only dictated by the need to compare the level of customer service. Also examined whether the level is higher in companies that offer comprehensive services in logistics or in those that focus only on one area of the industry. The results of this work may be useful to anyone who wishes to use the services of one of the companies and looking for its evaluation. A comparative analysis can benefit the people who are considering working with one of the companies reported. List of available elements of customer service can help select one of the companies without having to compare their level of service.

Bialystok was characterized by bad condition of infrastructure. Taking into consideration the imp... more Bialystok was characterized by bad condition of infrastructure. Taking into consideration the importance of the region (transit location and connection with national roads) a lot of investments should be made. Modernization of the most important roads in the city is associated with huge costs. This was the reason why the city authorities have decided to gain support from the European Funds. Money from the European budget are the basis of financing the infrastructure projects. In this article available information from official portals of Operational Program and city Council of Bialystok was used. Obtained information brought about an analysis of the major projects made in 2007-2013. Assessment of effective spending of the European Funds in Bialystok and Podlaskie in comparison to the other local governments in Poland was also an important task. Information shows that Bialystok is one of the most attractive cities in the eastern Poland in terms of investment. Granted funds helped to reduce road traffic and contributed to the increase of Bialystok inhabitants life standard. This is the reason to continue the financial support from European Funds.

r o z d z i a ł 1 Charakterystyka działalności naukowo-badawczej w zakresie nanotechnologii 13 r ... more r o z d z i a ł 1 Charakterystyka działalności naukowo-badawczej w zakresie nanotechnologii 13 r o z d z i a ł 1 Charakterystyka działalności naukowo-badawczej w zakresie nanotechnologii r o z d z i a ł 1 Charakterystyka działalności naukowo-badawczej w zakresie nanotechnologii 17 Rys. 1.2. Liczba zgłoszonych projektów do finansowania przez MNiSW z obszaru "nano" w podziale na typy projektów Rys. 1.1. Liczba projektów zgłoszonych do finansowania do MNiSW z obszaru "nano" Źródło: opracowanie własne. Źródło: opracowanie własne. Rys. 1.3. Rodzaje prac badawczych zarejestrowanych w systemie SYNABA w obszarze "nano" [%] Źródło: opracowanie własne. Tab. 1.1. Typy konkursów finansowanych przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki Lp Typ konkursu Charakterystyka r o z d z i a ł 1 Charakterystyka działalności naukowo-badawczej w zakresie nanotechnologii r o z d z i a ł 1 Charakterystyka działalności naukowo-badawczej w zakresie nanotechnologii 23 Rys. 1.7. Zatrudnieni w działalności B+R według poziomu wykształcenia w 2011 roku [%] Źródło: opracowanie własne na podstawie danych [56]. Wykaz kandydujących kierunków badań ze wskazaniem obszarów zastosowań 37 Rys. 3.2. Wzór formularza do identyfikacji obszarów i kierunków badań Źródło: opracowanie własne.
Papers by Katarzyna Halicka