Papers by Katarzyna Grzesiak-kopec

Microelectronic Engineering, Dec 1, 2015
Computer-aided 3D IC layout design task is computationally difficult and no deterministic polynom... more Computer-aided 3D IC layout design task is computationally difficult and no deterministic polynomial time algorithms are able to solve it. The elaborated intelligent framework architecture for visual kind of design uses a simple shape grammar to generate topologically feasible solutions which are further optimized to meet design requirements. The search process is driven by an intelligent derivation controller that employs design specific knowledge given in a form of goals and constraints. The paper focuses on the post-generation 3D IC wirelength optimization stage. The original partitioning heuristics implemented by the means of the extremal optimization is applied to the MCNC set of benchmark circuits. The achieved results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach while applied to sparse circuits. Display Omitted We use shape grammars and extremal optimization in 3D IC layout design.Shape grammar generates topologically feasible solutions.Design requirements are in a form of goals and constraints that are predicates.The partitioning using grouping of interconnected 3D neighborhoods is proposed.The extremal optimization is applied to the MCNC set of benchmark circuits.
Springer eBooks, 2004
... Publishers, Dordrecht, Printed in the Netherlands EMERGENT ELEMENTS IN PERIODIC DESIGNS: AN A... more ... Publishers, Dordrecht, Printed in the Netherlands EMERGENT ELEMENTS IN PERIODIC DESIGNS: AN ATTEMPT AT FORMALIZATION KATARZYNA GRZESIAK-KOPEC ... I would also like to thank my supervisor Ewa Grabska for her insights and constant encouragement. ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017
This paper is devoted to the original approach to block-level 3D IC layout design. The circuit co... more This paper is devoted to the original approach to block-level 3D IC layout design. The circuit components are modeled as autonomous mobile agents that explore their virtual world in order to find a globally near-optimal layout solution. The search space is defined by geometry features, wire connections, goals and constraints of the design task. The approach is illustrated by the example application to one of the MCNC benchmark circuits and implemented using Godot.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
The increasing incidence of melanoma skin cancer is alarming. The lack of objective diagnostic pr... more The increasing incidence of melanoma skin cancer is alarming. The lack of objective diagnostic procedures encourages development of computer aided approaches. Presented research uses three different machine learning methods, namely the Naive Bayes classifier, the Random Forest and the K* instance-based classifier together with two meta-learning algorithms: the Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging) and the Vote Ensemble Classifier. Diagnostic accuracy of the selected methods, such as sensitivity and specificity and the area under the ROC curve, are discussed. The obtained results confirm that clinical history context and dermoscopic structures present in the images are important and can give accurate diagnostic classification of the lesions.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
ABSTRACT This paper presents the new framework for visual computational design in which emergence... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the new framework for visual computational design in which emergence is a key to creativity. Visual shape grammar computations proceeded with the use of diagrams are situated in a design context indirectly through the designer working with the application or more explicitly through curious agents. Curiosity of intelligent agents is applied to search for novel and plausible design solutions. The approach is illustrated by designing decorative patterns.

12th International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications in Engineering, Technology and Management (ISORA 2015), 2015
In this paper a method is presented for detection of melanin globules often present in melanocyti... more In this paper a method is presented for detection of melanin globules often present in melanocytic skin lesions images. The detection is done by performing image analysis similar to the one used in clinical evaluation. The method uses multi-stage image filtering to extract objects present in the dermoscopic image that match globule structure pattern. Classification of the found objects is made based on shape and size of globule structure. The classification is problematic task due to color and scale differences between dermatologic images and is related to differences between image acquisition equipment used in dermatoscopy. First we describe characteristic of globule structure needed for correct classification, along with method for calculating those characteristic. Next we presented a method for globules detection that is a part of computer-aided diagnostic process of melanocytic skin lesions. Evaluation of such lesions is a basis for early detection of malignant lesions.
Applied Sciences, 2021
In this paper, an evolutionary technique is proposed as a method for generating new design soluti... more In this paper, an evolutionary technique is proposed as a method for generating new design solutions for the floor layout problem. The genotypes are represented by the vectors of numerical values of points representing endpoints of room walls. Equivalents of genetic operators for such a representation are proposed. A case study of the design problem of one-story houses is presented from the initial requirements to the best solutions. An evaluation method using requirement-weighted fitness function for evolved plans is also proposed. The obtained results as well as the advantages and issues related to such an approach are also discussed.

Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2015
NC simulation emulates the CNC machine tool and the cutter move along its axis. It depicts the ma... more NC simulation emulates the CNC machine tool and the cutter move along its axis. It depicts the material removal to better visualize the machining process. Until now, its main goals are still confined to check an unproved NC program to avoid potential collisions, and to analyze undercuts and overcuts. In this work, by using the simulated output-the in-process model (IPM), and rebuilding a machining feature based model, applications of NC simulation are extended to establish the feedback link from CNC to CAM, which can automatically pass modifications of manufacturing engineers back through the digital chain. In cases when old CAD archives of parts are incompatible with new systems and machines, or are damaged or lost, the original CAD model is neither available nor usable, and the part program is the only data available, rebuilding the feature based model from the NC simulation is necessary. This paper proposes an approach for machining feature recognition from IPM. As per the IPM characteristics, the approach adopts a novel approach of curvature based region segmentation and valuated adjacency graph based feature recognition.

arXiv (Cornell University), Nov 26, 2019
The task of 3D ICs layout design involves the assembly of millions of components taking into acco... more The task of 3D ICs layout design involves the assembly of millions of components taking into account many different requirements and constraints such as topological, wiring or manufacturability ones. It is a NP-hard problem that requires new non-deterministic and heuristic algorithms. Considering the time complexity, the commonly applied Fiduccia-Mattheyses partitioning algorithm is superior to any other local search method. Nevertheless, it can often miss to reach a quasi-optimal solution in 3D spaces. The presented approach uses an original 3D layout graph partitioning heuristics implemented with use of the extremal optimization method. The goal is to minimize the total wire-length in the chip. In order to improve the time complexity a parallel and distributed Java implementation is applied. Inside one Java Virtual Machine separate optimization algorithms are executed by independent threads. The work may also be shared among different machines by means of The Java Remote Method Invocation system.
Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2013
Computer-aided 3D ICs layout design requires efficient search of large and discontinuous spaces a... more Computer-aided 3D ICs layout design requires efficient search of large and discontinuous spaces and no deterministic algorithms are able to perform such a task. The paper presents a new framework for visual kind of intelligent layout design. In the proposed approach a shape grammar generates possible design solutions while intelligent algorithms control the direction of the solution space exploration. Although the method is not limited to a particular design assignment, the paper focuses on a 3D ICs layout problem to demonstrate its potential.
2014 IEEE 5th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2014
Computer-aided 3D ICs layout design requires effective search of discontinuous and large spaces o... more Computer-aided 3D ICs layout design requires effective search of discontinuous and large spaces of possible solutions. There are no deterministic algorithms able to perform the task. This paper presents a new approach to block-level 3D IC layout design. A simple shape grammar generates possible design solutions. Design specific knowledge is represented as goals and constraints that are both given in the form of predicates. The solution space exploration is driven by an intelligent derivation controller. The proposed concept undergoes practical verification and is illustrated with an example generated by a dedicated application PerfectShape.
2013 6th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI), 2013
Shape grammars are generative systems dedicated to specific needs of designers. In the last few y... more Shape grammars are generative systems dedicated to specific needs of designers. In the last few years, they have received increased interest especially in building reconstruction and building model generation. We propose to combine the formalism with computational intelligence methods and apply to the 3D layout problem which require efficient search of large and discontinuous spaces. The approach is illustrated by the example of a designing 3D ICs layouts. The presented results have been generated with a use of a dedicated application PerfectShape.
Machine Graphics & …, 2007
This paper deals with a new, computer-aided approach to floor-layout design. The approach propose... more This paper deals with a new, computer-aided approach to floor-layout design. The approach proposes: firstly, a specific layout language with a syntactic knowledge defined by means of hierarchical hypergraphs; secondly, a correspondence between layout ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
This paper presents the new framework for visual computational design in which emergence is a key... more This paper presents the new framework for visual computational design in which emergence is a key to creativity. Visual shape grammar computations proceeded with the use of diagrams are situated in a design context indirectly through the designer working with the ...
Computational Imaging and Vision
A specific diagram language, called the floor-layout language, is considered. It allows to edit f... more A specific diagram language, called the floor-layout language, is considered. It allows to edit floor-layouts maintaining specified restrictions. An internal diagram representation in the form of hypergraphs needed for syntactic analysis is described. Some examples of ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
The paper deals with visual computational design in which emergence is a key to creativity. The p... more The paper deals with visual computational design in which emergence is a key to creativity. The presented framework for conceptual design uses shape grammars and curious agent assistants. The intelligent agents perceive the changing environment and emergent phenomena that occur in it. Interacting with each other and the designer they look for the most original and plausible solutions to a given design task. The approach is illustrated by the example of a designing floor-layouts.
This paper is devoted to the original approach to block-level 3D IC layout design. The circuit co... more This paper is devoted to the original approach to block-level 3D IC layout design. The circuit components are modeled as autonomous mobile agents that explore their virtual world in order to find a globally near-optimal layout solution. The search space is defined by geometry features, wire connections, goals and constraints of the design task. The approach is illustrated by the example application to one of the MCNC benchmark circuits and implemented using Godot.
Papers by Katarzyna Grzesiak-kopec