Papers by Katarina Andersson

Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
Bakgrund: Socionomer är en viktig profession i samhällets sociala skyddsnät och verksamma i många... more Bakgrund: Socionomer är en viktig profession i samhällets sociala skyddsnät och verksamma i många möten med sårbara grupper i kris. Den pågående globala coronapandemin är en stor kris som drabbat världen och speciellt äldre personer har drabbats hårt av pandemins konsekvenser. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka och beskriva biståndshandläggares/socionomers erfarenheter av krishantering och möten med äldre personer under covid-19-pandemin. Metod: En kvalitativ design med individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Deltagarna rekryterades med ett ändamålsenligt urval och åtta biståndshandläggare intervjuades i en kommun i norra Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier identifierades: erfarenhet av egen krishantering, nya perspektiv i arbetet, erfarenhet av kommunens krishantering och samhällsansvar. Slutsats: Ett nytt arbetssätt har identifierats som innebär arbete på distans i hemmet. Äldre personers delaktighet i sin...
Historical and structural affi nity: the Nordic context 15 A Nordic ethos of care: an ambiguous h... more Historical and structural affi nity: the Nordic context 15 A Nordic ethos of care: an ambiguous history 21 The rationality of effi ciency 23 Education as a strategy for regulating care 26 Care work in crisis 28 Aim and scope 29 PART I DENMARK INTRODUCTION TO PART I 39 Crisis of Care in A Learning Perspective Betina Dybbroe Changes in politics of care 40 Professionalisation and deprofessionalisation in care work 42 Crisis of quality and the declining interest in care work 43 Learning in care 44 ONE 47 A Crisis of Learning, Professional Knowledge and Welfare in Care Betina Dybbroe Recruitment crisis-a symptom 49 A qualifi cation strategy for welfare? 52 Learning to be professional 54 Subjective and shared experience of dequalifi cation 66
Innovation in Aging, 2017
… Concerning Time, Needs and Gender in a …, 2007

The British Journal of Social Work
Sweden, as a welfare state, has a long tradition of providing formal home care and support to the... more Sweden, as a welfare state, has a long tradition of providing formal home care and support to their citizens in their own homes, either through home care services or personal assistance. A large percentage of frail elderly and persons with disability who receive formal home care require personal and intimate care, such as help with eating, showering, getting dressed and personal hygiene. Managing intimacy and safeguarding the care recipient’s integrity pose particular challenges for staff. The aim of this qualitative interview study is to describe and analyse care workers’ (CWs) and personal assistants’ (PAs) strategies for managing situations and challenges related to provision of personal and intimate care in the context of formal home care. Semi-structured interviews with eleven CWs and nine PAs were conducted. Our analysis reveals a complex repertoire of relational and communicative strategies, within an overall approach—which we labelled ‘empathetic attuning’—of relating to the...

Malmö: Gleerups, 2007
ABSTRACT Social omsorg är ett perspektiv på det sociala arbetet. Vi kan alla komma att hamna i ro... more ABSTRACT Social omsorg är ett perspektiv på det sociala arbetet. Vi kan alla komma att hamna i rollen som både givare och mottagare av omsorg. Inom det sociala omsorgsperspektivet är därför gränsen mellan "vi" och "dom" inte självklar, vilket påverkar yrkesutövningen. Författarna menar att kommunikationen mellan personer i olika omsorgsroller är A och O i ett professionellt socialt arbete. I boken diskuterar ett antal forskare de välfärdspolitiska konsekvenser som de senaste årens samhällsförändringar har fått. Dessa konsekvenser problematiseras i förhållande till begrepp som hem, familj, kön, behov och rättigheter samt olika former av organisering av omsorg. Social omsorg i socialt arbete beskriver olika typer av sociala relationer där omsorg ingår. Utifrån en mångfald av aspekter leds läsaren in i ett kunskapsfält som ger tillträde till en yrkesverksamhet inom det sociala omsorgsfältet. Boken vänder sig främst till universitets- och högskolestuderande i socialt arbete samt vård- och sociala omsorgsutbildningar. Stina Johansson är professor i socialt arbete med inriktning mot social omsorg vid Umeå universitet. Bokens övriga författare är väl etablerade forskare inom socialt arbete.

Health & Social Care in the Community
This article aims at exploring how community home care of older people is provided and organized ... more This article aims at exploring how community home care of older people is provided and organized at night. In times of welfare decline, organizational changes, and an increasing aged population, questions arise about home care and support for older people. In Sweden, as in many other Western countries, “ageing in place” is a guiding principle in care provision for older people, which put increasing pressure on home care services. Still, nighttime care represents a research gap within health and social care research, nationally and internationally. This telephone interview survey examines 41 operations managers’ perceptions of organization and care provision and how they account for the goals and work of home care at nighttime in a selection of 37 Swedish municipalities. The analysis was inspired by thematic content analysis where three central themes were categorized: organizational context of nighttime care, working conditions, and challenges of nighttime care. Our results reveal t...

Nordic Social Work Research
The aim of the article is to analyse and problematize care managers' argumentation of individual ... more The aim of the article is to analyse and problematize care managers' argumentation of individual needs when assessing migrant customers within Swedish public elderly home care services. According to legislation, need for assistance should always be assessed individually. In recent decades of service decline, standardization of needs has been part of the distribution of elderly care services. Simultaneously, the stratum of older people has become more diverse, which means that a wider spectrum of needs is presented to the care managers. Ten interviews with care managers were analysed with a focus on their arguments regarding the care needs of elderly people with migrant backgrounds seeking assistance. The theoretical conceptions of the two perspectives of care and services were used to analyse the understanding of care managers' arguments. Our analysis shows that the service perspective with assistance and support that are standardized for Swedes is poorly suited to people born outside Sweden and socialized into other expectations of family and society. The meaning of individual needs was imprecise and contradictory when confronted with diverse cultural codes. When general standards were used in the arguments by referring to regulations and local guidelines, immigrants' individual needs were not prioritized. Our analysis suggests that the tension between national standards, local guidelines and individual needs has to be discussed further, where theoretical tools related to care and services may be useful in guiding care managers' professional arguments of individual needs and cultural sensitivity in the needs assessment.
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
Artikelns syfte är att med stöd i ett empiriskt material analysera biståndsbedömares resonemang k... more Artikelns syfte är att med stöd i ett empiriskt material analysera biståndsbedömares resonemang kring de behovsbedömningar som görs. Av analysen framkommer tydliga gemensamma riktlinjer för hur de äldres behov skall tolkas. Ekonomiska argument väger tungt. Det handlar framförallt om att hushålla med de resurser som finns i kommunen, menar bedömarna.

Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
The aim of this article is to broaden the understanding of how Swedish disability policies are co... more The aim of this article is to broaden the understanding of how Swedish disability policies are constructed to meet the objectives of the ratified UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) regarding active citizenship and full participation on an equal basis with others. The study examines two policy domains: health and employment. Recently issued legal documents are analyzed using the approach of directed content analysis and the theories of ‘social risk’ and ‘governance’. The results suggest that the policy area of employment implicitly and explicitly overshadows the policy area of health and related rights accounted for in the CRPD. A more nuanced perspective in disability policies concerning employment in relation to active citizenry and full participation is required, accompanied by social policy schemes that encompass the perspective of the CRPD as a whole in all support-to- work services, instead of the limited focus of finding full-time employment
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
Äldreomsorgen har på senare år genomgått stora förändringar i riktning mot olika former av markna... more Äldreomsorgen har på senare år genomgått stora förändringar i riktning mot olika former av marknadslösningar. Kundvalssystemet är en sådan, som idealt sett antas öka både brukarinflytandet och kvaliteten i hemtjänsten. Artikeln utgår framförallt från äldre med hemtjänstinsatser och personalens erfarenheter av omsorg och arbete i en kommun som infört kundval.

Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Welfare technologies have within the last few years become a new mantra for reforming the Nordic ... more Welfare technologies have within the last few years become a new mantra for reforming the Nordic public health and social care, and are increasingly making their impact on working life of care professionals.Welfare technologies – a term exclusively used in a Nordic context – is a broad and loosely defined concept that covers a wide array of technologies such as tele-care solutions, automatic toilets, eating robots, GPS-trackers, and many others. They are envisioned as leading to a new and smarter form of retrenchment, promising better quality, empowerment of clients, and work that is smarter and more qualified (e.g., Danish government et al. 2013). Together with other reform initiatives like coproduction, rehabili- tation, and user-involvement, welfare technologies aim at enabling a change in the role of the clients/patients, stressing their resourcefulness and potentials and encouraging to self-responsibilization and self-care (Rose 1998; Triantafillou 2017).This implies a fundamen...
The British Journal of Social Work

European Journal of Women's Studies
The care for older and disabled people has been described as a core area of the Nordic model. The... more The care for older and disabled people has been described as a core area of the Nordic model. The Nordic countries’ welfare model has also been described as women friendly, as women are not forced to make harder choices than men between work and family. The Swedish eldercare system has, during the last several decades, undergone significant changes. Previously, eldercare could be described as universal, meaning a publicly provided, comprehensive, high-quality service available to all citizens according to need and not based on the ability to pay. In later years transformation of eldercare has been influenced by neoliberal politics, which emphasize economic efficiency and cost reduction through competition. Eldercare has become a more diverse multidimensional system, and a private market for home-based eldercare has been created. The numbers of eldercare providers have increased considerably, and new ways of organizing eldercare have been established. In January 2009, the Act on Syst...
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 13645579 2011 578838, Dec 5, 2011
As social reality is quite elusive, even regarding seemingly well-recognized everyday concepts an... more As social reality is quite elusive, even regarding seemingly well-recognized everyday concepts and objects, there are always methodological challenges underlying assessments and evaluations of implementation policies. The present article addresses this area of concern by presenting the results of a rereading of an empirical study of elderly home care services. Our results reveal the emergence of a dissolution of common and professional key concepts and objects in these welfare services to a degree that challenges both the implementation policy and the evaluation of policy. We claim that this has methodological implications for evaluation of implementation policies in general.
European Journal of Social Work, 2016
Papers by Katarina Andersson