Papers by Katariina Juusola
Journal of social marketing, Apr 10, 2024
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Dec 21, 2023

Journal of Product & Brand Management, Jun 14, 2023
Purpose Informed by the resource-based and resource-advantage theories, this study, a comparative... more Purpose Informed by the resource-based and resource-advantage theories, this study, a comparative study, aims to examine the core dimensions of nation brands – culture, tourism, exports, foreign direct investment, migration and governance – from the company-based brand equity perspective in a sample of 48 countries clustered into three groups (strong, moderate and weak nation brands) from 2011 to 2019 to identify the most critical predictors of nation brand strength in each cluster. Design/methodology/approach A clustering technique was applied to the modified Country Brand Index to cluster the included countries into strong, moderate and weak nation brands. The authors were then able to analyze each cluster in an effort to explore the relative importance of the predictor variables and determine if that importance varied across the clusters. Findings This approach revealed novel findings of great importance to policymakers and academics. The results indicate the resources that contribute the most to nation brand equity in each cluster. Such information can guide policymakers in effectively leveraging these strategic resources. First, the cultural dimension was a more critical predictor concerning countries with moderate and weak nation brands than countries with strong brands. Second, tourism exhibited the highest predictive importance concerning all the clusters. For academics, these findings help foster a better understanding of the determinants of nation brand strength, as aligned with the resource-based and resource-advantage theories. Originality/value The findings of this study contribute to the literature concerning nation brand management, particularly the stream related to nation brand equity monetization.

International Marketing Review, Apr 14, 2020
Purpose-This study focuses on country branding indices. The main purpose of this study is to buil... more Purpose-This study focuses on country branding indices. The main purpose of this study is to build an objective country brand strength index using secondary data. The new index, the Modified Country Brand Strength Index (MCBSI), builds on Fetscherin's (2010) Country Brand Strength Index (CBSI) but uses more rigorous methods and design to create a complementary index to be used together with the survey-based Anholt-GfK Nation Brands Index (NBI). The MCBSI also utilized human development, which is an important dimension of country brands not captured by CBSI. Design/methodology/approach-The MCBSI addresses three significant limitations of the CBSI by using an alternative methodology in constructing the index: specifically, it uses weights for the dimensions, longitudinal data, and relative values by dividing each factor by its crosscountry maximum. Findings-Our index ranks 131 countries based on the strength of their country brand. A stronger correlation was found between the MCBSI and NBI than between the CBSI and NBI. Practical implications-Our contribution has strong implications for both policymakers and academic researchers as it provides a tool for assessing the strength of country brands through accurate but less costly data compared to primary data collected by consultancies for country brand strength indices. The MCBSI informs country brand managers regarding how well their country brand performs across a range of critical dimensions, including export, tourism, foreign direct investments, immigration, government environment and human development. Originality/value-This study contributes to the emerging academic literature on country brand indices. Currently, there is a lack of objective measurement instruments for assessing country brands. The MCBSI is designed for this purpose to complement the NBI by measuring country brands with objective secondary data. Viewed together, the NBI and our index overcome the obvious shortcomings inherent in each method by providing objective, factual data on country brand equity while providing insight into how people socially construct and evaluate nation brands.

Australian Journal of Management, Nov 17, 2022
The purpose of this study is to assess longitudinal nation brand performance by modeling transiti... more The purpose of this study is to assess longitudinal nation brand performance by modeling transitions in nation brand equity and to develop a method for nation brand performance assessment. This study has two objectives: (1) to empirically test Steenkamp’s nation equity power grid conceptual framework; its categories (dominant, receding, niche, emerging, and weak nation brands), and their expected development trajectories, and (2) to identify new types of nation brands and development patterns to complement the framework. To do this, this study used objective secondary data and applied the smooth transition technique. We assessed 41 countries’ nation brand performance over the 1995–2017 period to understand the development of their nation brand equity. Particular attention was paid to countries that had significantly improved their performance and countries that had lost their brand strength. Our findings support the categories proposed by Steenkamp, but we provide a more nuanced approach to analyzing countries’ brand strength and the possible development trajectories, and introduce new categories of nation brands called volatile nation brands and booming nation brands. Our approach to using the nonlinear smooth transition demonstrated how countries’ brand strength evolved over time, and also detected the speed of any transitions; in other words, how fast nation brands moved from one level to another. Our findings benefit country brand managers, enabling them to better determine their country’s positioning and the necessary means to improve brand equity. Understanding the mechanisms behind transitions in brand equity can also help researchers link these transitions back to various economic, social, cultural, and political transitions that have occurred in nations. Our method therefore has powerful explanatory value for a wide range of marketing, economics, and other social science studies. JEL Classification: M31

Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2023
Purpose Informed by the resource-based and resource-advantage theories, this study, a comparative... more Purpose Informed by the resource-based and resource-advantage theories, this study, a comparative study, aims to examine the core dimensions of nation brands – culture, tourism, exports, foreign direct investment, migration and governance – from the company-based brand equity perspective in a sample of 48 countries clustered into three groups (strong, moderate and weak nation brands) from 2011 to 2019 to identify the most critical predictors of nation brand strength in each cluster. Design/methodology/approach A clustering technique was applied to the modified Country Brand Index to cluster the included countries into strong, moderate and weak nation brands. The authors were then able to analyze each cluster in an effort to explore the relative importance of the predictor variables and determine if that importance varied across the clusters. Findings This approach revealed novel findings of great importance to policymakers and academics. The results indicate the resources that contr...
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022
Educational Action Research
International Journal of Law and Management, Dec 1, 2022

Australian Journal of Management
The purpose of this study is to assess longitudinal nation brand performance by modeling transiti... more The purpose of this study is to assess longitudinal nation brand performance by modeling transitions in nation brand equity and to develop a method for nation brand performance assessment. This study has two objectives: (1) to empirically test Steenkamp’s nation equity power grid conceptual framework; its categories (dominant, receding, niche, emerging, and weak nation brands), and their expected development trajectories, and (2) to identify new types of nation brands and development patterns to complement the framework. To do this, this study used objective secondary data and applied the smooth transition technique. We assessed 41 countries’ nation brand performance over the 1995–2017 period to understand the development of their nation brand equity. Particular attention was paid to countries that had significantly improved their performance and countries that had lost their brand strength. Our findings support the categories proposed by Steenkamp, but we provide a more nuanced app...
International Journal of Management in Education
Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, 2018
The Changing Global Economy and its Impact on International Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2014

International Journal of Educational Management, 2018
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the interrelationship of branding practices and l... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the interrelationship of branding practices and legitimacy-building of commercial degree program franchising within transnational higher education (TNHE). It aims to understand how commercial franchisees’ branding practices employ discursive and symbolic strategies for building legitimacy, and how these practices impact both organizational development and stakeholder perception. Design/methodology/approach This qualitative study uses document and visual content analysis, supported by discourse analysis, as the methods in analyzing commercial franchisees’ branding practices of their franchised programs. The sample of the study consists of five commercial franchisees offering primarily Western MBA programs in the United Arab Emirates. The data were obtained through franchisees’ websites, marketing materials, student prospectuses, visiting campuses and their marketing events, and through interviews with franchise managers. Findings The fi...

Koulutusosaamisen viennista tulee kehittaa yksi Suomen tulevaisuuden tarkeimmista vientituotteist... more Koulutusosaamisen viennista tulee kehittaa yksi Suomen tulevaisuuden tarkeimmista vientituotteista. Nain kaavailtiin vuonna 2010 julkaistussa opetusja kulttuuriministerion raportissa (OKM 2010). Suomessa ajatus koulutuksesta vientituotteena on suhteellisen tuore kasite ja kattaa laajan skaalan erilaisia koulutusosaamisen viennin muotoja. Monissa muissa maissa, etenkin Australiassa, Isossa-Britanniassa seka Yhdysvalloissa, koulutuksella on tehty kauppaa yli rajojen jo vuosikymmenia. Koulutuksen suurimmat vientimaat ovat luonnollisesti englanninkielisia maita, joiden koulutusosaamisella on kysyntaa yli rajojen, ja joissa tutkintomaksut ovat arkipaivaa. Usein naissa maissa vaestorakenteen muutokset ovat ajaneet korkeakoulut tilanteeseen, jossa kotimaiset opiskelijamaarat ovat laskemassa, mika puolestaan on johtanut koulutussektorin ylikapasiteettiin. Taman lisaksi julkisen rahoituksen osuus korkeakoulujen budjetista, mikali sellaista on ollut, on ollut laskusuunnassa jo vuosikymmenia. ...

The Australian Universities' review, 2018
The purpose of this article is to analyse some of the key ongoing debates in transnational higher... more The purpose of this article is to analyse some of the key ongoing debates in transnational higher education (TNHE). First, we discuss a selection of the claimed benefits and drawbacks of TNHE for home and host country stakeholders (students, governments and institutions), and then we suggest alternative realities, for which there appears to be evidence in practice. It is concluded that (1) recent TNHE developments on the provision side act as a counterforce to the spread of neo-colonialism; (2) international branch campus development continues but there is evidence that the forms, motives, and markets of these initiatives are changing; (3) distance/online/MOOC programs do not pose a threat to the sustainability of other forms of TNHE; (4) the majority of TNHE programs are of acceptable quality due to high levels of competition in international higher education markets and increased regulatory demands from quality assurance agencies; and (5) these forces also contribute to students g...
Papers by Katariina Juusola
Wilkins, S., & Juusola, K. (2018), Transnational Higher Education, In P. Teixeira and J. C. Shin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Dordrecht: Springer Science.
Wilkins, S., & Juusola, K. (2018), Transnational Higher Education, In P. Teixeira and J. C. Shin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Dordrecht: Springer Science.