Análise da prevalência de enteroparasitoses entre escolares da comunidade quilombola de Helvécia, Nova Viçosa, Bahia, 2020
As enteroparasitoses estão associadas ao baixo desenvolvimento econômico, carência de saneamento ... more As enteroparasitoses estão associadas ao baixo desenvolvimento econômico, carência de saneamento e falta de higiene. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a prevalência de enteroparasitoses em crianças na Escola Municipal João Martins Peixoto e na Creche Municipal Emília Sulz da comunidade quilombola de Helvécia, Nova Viçosa - Bahia. Foram avaliadas 63 crianças de até 12 anos de idade. As amostras foram analisadas pelo método de Blagg. Os resultados indicaram que 58,7% apresentavam algum parasito, sendo identificados como Giárdia Lamblia (39,1%), Entamoeba Coli (30,4%), Entamoeba nana (19,5%), Iodamoeba butschilii (6,5%), Trichuris trichiura (4,3%). É de grande relevância investigar a prevalência dos enteroparasitos nas comunidades quilombolas para estabelecer estratégias que visem a diminuição da prevalência de indivíduos infectados. A elevada prevalência de parasitos encontrada sugere a necessidade de programas de educação e promoção da saúde voltados à eliminação das fontes de infecção e não somente ao diagnóstico e tratamento dos escolares.
The enteroparasitosis are associated to the low economic development, lack of environmental sanitation and lack of hygiene. In the study, analyze the prevalence of enteroparasitosis in children in the João Martins Peixoto Municipal School and in the Muni-cipal Nursery Emília Sulz of the quilombola community of Helvécia, Nova Viçosa - Bahia. The Methodology used for the analysis of the samples was the method of Blagg and 63 samples of students were evaluated. The results indicated that 58.7% had some parasitosis, being identified as Giardia lamblia (39.1%), Entamoeba Coli (30.4%), Entamoeba nana (19.5%), Iodamoeba butschilii (6.5%), Trichuris trichiura (4.3%). It is of great relevance to investigate the prevalence of enteroparasites in quilombola communities to establish strategies aimed at reducing the prevalence of infected individuals. The high prevalence of parasites found suggests the need for education and health promotion programs aimed at eliminating the sources of infection and not only for the diagnosis and treatment of schoolchildren.
Papers by Karla Lacerda
The enteroparasitosis are associated to the low economic development, lack of environmental sanitation and lack of hygiene. In the study, analyze the prevalence of enteroparasitosis in children in the João Martins Peixoto Municipal School and in the Muni-cipal Nursery Emília Sulz of the quilombola community of Helvécia, Nova Viçosa - Bahia. The Methodology used for the analysis of the samples was the method of Blagg and 63 samples of students were evaluated. The results indicated that 58.7% had some parasitosis, being identified as Giardia lamblia (39.1%), Entamoeba Coli (30.4%), Entamoeba nana (19.5%), Iodamoeba butschilii (6.5%), Trichuris trichiura (4.3%). It is of great relevance to investigate the prevalence of enteroparasites in quilombola communities to establish strategies aimed at reducing the prevalence of infected individuals. The high prevalence of parasites found suggests the need for education and health promotion programs aimed at eliminating the sources of infection and not only for the diagnosis and treatment of schoolchildren.
The enteroparasitosis are associated to the low economic development, lack of environmental sanitation and lack of hygiene. In the study, analyze the prevalence of enteroparasitosis in children in the João Martins Peixoto Municipal School and in the Muni-cipal Nursery Emília Sulz of the quilombola community of Helvécia, Nova Viçosa - Bahia. The Methodology used for the analysis of the samples was the method of Blagg and 63 samples of students were evaluated. The results indicated that 58.7% had some parasitosis, being identified as Giardia lamblia (39.1%), Entamoeba Coli (30.4%), Entamoeba nana (19.5%), Iodamoeba butschilii (6.5%), Trichuris trichiura (4.3%). It is of great relevance to investigate the prevalence of enteroparasites in quilombola communities to establish strategies aimed at reducing the prevalence of infected individuals. The high prevalence of parasites found suggests the need for education and health promotion programs aimed at eliminating the sources of infection and not only for the diagnosis and treatment of schoolchildren.