Book Chapters by Karl Laumbach
Papers by Karl Laumbach
New Mexico Geological Society, 2009 Annual Spring Meeting, Proceedings Volume, Theme: "Rocks of New Mexico and Adjacent States"
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

American Antiquity
In the US Southwest and Northwest Mexico, people and turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) have had a rec... more In the US Southwest and Northwest Mexico, people and turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) have had a reciprocal relationship for millennia; turkeys supplied feathers, meat, and other resources, whereas people provided food, shelter, and care. To investigate how turkeys fit within subsistence, economic production, sociopolitical organization, and religious and ritual practice in the Mimbres Valley of southwestern New Mexico, we report on genetic (mtDNA) and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) data from turkeys recovered from Mimbres Classic period (AD 1000–1130) sites. Results indicate that Mimbres aviculturists had haplogroup H1 and H2 turkeys, and most ate maize-based diets similar to humans, but some ate nonmaize and mixed diets. We contextualize these data to other turkey studies from the northern Southwest and discuss how the human-turkey relationship began, the evidence for pens and restricting turkey movement, and the socioecological factors related to turkey management during the Classic pe...
Geology of the Warm Springs Region
Geology of the Warm Springs Region
Book Chapters by Karl Laumbach
Papers by Karl Laumbach