Thesis Chapters by Karen Parham

The first stage in this investigation of the function of the concept of perfection in the works o... more The first stage in this investigation of the function of the concept of perfection in the works of the Dutch medieval mystic Jan van Ruusbroec was to examine the current schools of thought concerning the application of evolutionary theory, the explanatory model to be used in this study. In the study of human cultural behaviour and the innateness of concepts, it became apparent that there were discrepancies between the various schools of thought. In order to test Ruusbroec’s concepts, strongly influenced by his culture, it would be necessary to apply the theories separately to each of Ruusbroec’s ideas of perfection. These ideas were identified in a study made by John Passmore where he categorized perfection into eight types. If evolutionary theory is to be successful in explaining the function of perfection, there would have to be a fundamental type of perfection. This is the process of surviving and reproducing, which I called natural perfection. Ruusbroec’s cultural climate would prove to be a challenge because of its preoccupation with the intellectual soul, the divine link to the spiritual world, which should transcend the material world. The results demonstrated that Ruusbroec’s various ideas of perfection are either beneficial towards natural perfection or have been derived from something adaptive. These were referred to as non-adaptive by-products. This eliminates any idea of a meme as an autonomous selfish replicator. The concept of perfection, therefore, is predominantly functional towards survival and reproduction (including reproductive effort), which confirms my hypothesis that the concept of perfection is innate; it has been passed on through generations as a behaviour that can help in the survival and reproduction of individuals. The application of evolutionary theory was successful in demonstrating not only the function of perfection but also its importance that helped Ruusbroec’s texts gain their reputation.
Drafts by Karen Parham

The aim of this paper is to promote Gilles Deleuze and Pierre-Felix Guattari as leading twenty-fi... more The aim of this paper is to promote Gilles Deleuze and Pierre-Felix Guattari as leading twenty-first century ecological thinkers. I will be arguing that Deleuze and Guattari, as ecologically-minded philosophers, offer a positive metaphysics of nature and subjectivity that is not confined to ‘state thought’, thought that has dominated ever since the Enlightenment period. Patrick Hayden argues that Deleuze is such a contributor but I will be taking this further by extending this to Guattari and how ecosophy compares to other ecological philosophies. I will be defending Deleuze and Guattari’s ecosophy because I believe it is consistent and skillfully creative unlike the works of some prominent ecological philosophers such as Arne Naess, Murray Bookchin, David Abram and Timothy Morton. Ultimately this article will be able to establish whether Deleuze’s and Guattari’s philosophy aims to further thought alone or is also practical in saving life on earth.
Finished book now available on amazon. This is a draft copy of one of the chapters from my book ‘... more Finished book now available on amazon. This is a draft copy of one of the chapters from my book ‘Mysticism in Western Esoericism’ which is available on amazon. In the study of Western esotericism there is frequent mention of mysticism and yet there have been no studies linking the two. This book examines how the two could be related within a neo-essentailist approach. Other chapters include an overview of the philosophical study of Mysticism, an overview of the study of Western esotericism, application to Ruusbroec, Swedenborg and Neo-druidry.
Books by Karen Parham
Mysticism and Western Esotericism, 2018
This is the introduction to my book on Mysticism and Western Esotericism available on amazon. Thi... more This is the introduction to my book on Mysticism and Western Esotericism available on amazon. This is an outline of what I endeavour to do in the book.
Papers by Karen Parham
Theology in Scotland, May 21, 2024
EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
This paper examines the concept of perfection in relation to the celestial magic described within... more This paper examines the concept of perfection in relation to the celestial magic described within the alchemical work Aurora Consurgens. This fifteenthcentury illuminated manuscript has been erroneously attributed to Thomas Aquinas and was popularised by Carl Gustav Jung. It contains an entire section on ‘astronomy’, which is one of the keys to wisdom and perfection. Perfection, a multifaceted concept, proves useful in elucidating further philosophical understanding of the various traditions within Western esotericism. By identifying interpretations of this concept within Aurora Consurgens, I hope to demonstrate how this approach can aid in the understanding of both Aurora Consurgens and of alchemy and its relationship to celestial magic in general. This will then provide an opening to identifying concepts that are common to all Western esoteric
Thesis Chapters by Karen Parham
Drafts by Karen Parham
Books by Karen Parham
Papers by Karen Parham