Papers by Nurul Kamilati
ix, 86 hlm. ; ilus. ; 19 cm x 25,5 cm

The aim of this research was to understand the learning child friendly visionary scientific appro... more The aim of this research was to understand the learning child friendly visionary scientific approach on lesson study at the Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota. The formulation of the problem were (1) how the learning process friendly visionary scientific approach at Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota?; and (2) how the response of students about the learning? This research was conducted in September-October 2014 using a qualitative approach with case study method. Data were collected through document analysis, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The locus was at the Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota.The conclusion of this study was learning lesson study with a scientific approach has shown child-friendly learning as well as (1) The learning process of lesson study at the locus was appropriate with learning child-friendly indicators and (2) the response of students to their learning was they had learning child fr...
Balai Diklat Keagamaan Semarang, 2021
Menerapkan monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (MBM)
Menerapkan monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (MBM)
Mengidentifikasi komponen MBM yang dimonitor dan dievaluasi
Mendeskripsikan jenis monev
Mendeskripsikan kunci keberhasilan MBM
Menganalisis kasus MBM
Menyusun instrumen monev MBM
Suatu proses pemantauan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan MBM. Jadi fokus monitorin... more Suatu proses pemantauan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan MBM. Jadi fokus monitoring adalah pemantauan pada pelaksanaan MBM, bukan pada hasilnya. EVALUASI Proses untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang hasil MBM. Informasi ini dibandingkan dengan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan. Jika sesuai, MBM efektif.
Suatu proses pemantauan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan MBM. Jadi fokus monitorin... more Suatu proses pemantauan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan MBM. Jadi fokus monitoring adalah pemantauan pada pelaksanaan MBM, bukan pada hasilnya. EVALUASI Proses untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang hasil MBM. Informasi ini dibandingkan dengan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan. Jika sesuai, MBM efektif.

The aim of this research was to understand the learning child friendly visionary scientific appro... more The aim of this research was to understand the learning child friendly visionary scientific approach on lesson study at the Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota. The formulation of the problem were (1) how the learning process friendly visionary scientific approach at Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota?; and (2) how the response of students about the learning? This research was conducted in September - October 2014 using a qualitative approach with case study method. Data were collected through document analysis, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The locus was at the Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota.The conclusion of this study was learning lesson study with a scientific approach has shown child-friendly learning as well as (1) The learning process of lesson study at the locus was appropriate with learning child-friendly indicators and (2) the response of students to their learning was they had learning child ...

The aim of this research was to understand the learning child friendly visionary scientific appro... more The aim of this research was to understand the learning child friendly visionary scientific approach on lesson study at the Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota. The formulation of the problem were (1) how the learning process friendly visionary scientific approach at Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota?; and (2) how the response of students about the learning? This research was conducted in September - October 2014 using a qualitative approach with case study method. Data were collected through document analysis, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The locus was at the Islamic State of Junior Secondary School of Bantul Kota.The conclusion of this study was learning lesson study with a scientific approach has shown child-friendly learning as well as (1) The learning process of lesson study at the locus was appropriate with learning child-friendly indicators and (2) the response of students to their learning was they had learning child ...

This study aims to (1) describe and explain the implementation of the patterns of learning commun... more This study aims to (1) describe and explain the implementation of the patterns of learning community with character; (2) find the development of the patterns of learning community with character through lesson study in order to realize learning reform; and (3) find the impact of the application of the development of the patterns of learning community with character by the realization of learning reform in the Islamic middle schools (Madrasa Tsanawiyah/MTs) of Bantul Regency. This qualitative and quantitative research uses the Research & Development model consisting of stages, i.e., exploration, pattern development, pattern testing, and dissemination. The research is carried out in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta and Semarang Religious Training Center. Data is collected through observations, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. This research obtains three findings. First, the patterns of learning community with character in the MTs of Bantul Regency formed through collaborative ...

Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Penelitian ini bcrtujuan untuk mengetahui cstimasi kesalahan pcngukuran pcrangkat EBTANAS mala pc... more Penelitian ini bcrtujuan untuk mengetahui cstimasi kesalahan pcngukuran pcrangkat EBTANAS mala pclajaran IPA SLTP di Kotamadia Surakarta tahun pelajaran 1997/1998 dengan menggunakan teori tcs klasik dan teori respons butir. Selain itu ingin mengetahui hubungan harga cstimasi kesalahan pcngukuran teori tcs klasik dcngan interval sckor murni peserta EBTANAS dan hubungan harga cstimasi kesalahan pcngukuran teon respons butir dengan interval tingkat kemampuan peserta EBTANAS. Pcrangkat EBTANAS mata pclajaran IPA yang dianalisis tcrdiri dari 45 butir soal pilihan ganda. Populasi penelitian ini bcrjumlah 13.681 lembar jauaban. Pcngambilan sampcl dilakukan dcngan tcknik cluster stratified proportional systematic sampling dipcroleh sampcl berjumlah 3.681 lembar jawaban. Data penelitian yang berupa rcspons jauaban peserta EBTANAS dipcroleh melalui dokumentasi. Estimasi kesalahan pcngukuran dengan teori tcs klasik Model Fcldt terhadap pcrangkat EBTANAS mempcrhatikan klasifikasi dan pcrangkat ...

This research aims to promote the development of the character of learning community at Madrasah... more This research aims to promote the development of the character of learning community at Madrasah Tsanawiyah of Bantul Regency Yogyakarta, and two problems posed to be addressed: why the character of community learning pattern does not realize as it has been expected, and how does the development of the character of learning community at MTs of Bantul look like? The research uses the Research and Development model that is consisted of four stages: exploration, development, tests, and dissemination. The data were collected by means of observatiosn, interviews, questionaire, and review of documentation. The results show: (1) the character of learning community at the MTs in Bantul Regency has not been fully established because the teachers were not active in preparing their lesson study, and they did not benefit from it. Also, they were too busy in fulfilling their obligations as teachers; (2) the development of the character of learning community at MTs in Bantul could be impleme...

EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
The research aims to develop assessment curriculum on Technical Substantive Training of Curricul... more The research aims to develop assessment curriculum on Technical Substantive Training of Curriculum 2013 for islamic secondary schools science teachers in Central-Java Province and Special-Region Yogyakarta using the qualitative method. The research shows that: a) the assessment component in lesson plan before the development from the lowest to the highest scores are indicator, key/criteria, scoring formula, instrumen, and assessment technique, b) the teacher weakness causes are the low mastery on some basic assessment materials (the assessment concept of the Curriculum 2013, analysis of the curriculum, mastery of operational working words, the skill to make criteria); c) the development of training curriculum on assessment concept, curriculum analysis, and lesson plan materials. The strategy is adding column of question indicators, technique, and assessment forms on the curriculum analyzes worksheet, assignment of higher order thinking skills indicators, and peer assessment.Abstra...
This research aims to promote the development of the character of learning community at Madrasah ... more This research aims to promote the development of the character of learning community at Madrasah Tsanawiyah of Bantul Regency Yogyakarta, and two problems posed to be addressed: why the character of community learning pattern does not realize as it has been expected, and how does the development of the character of learning community at Madrasah Tsanawiyah of Bantul look like? The research uses the Research and Development model that is consisted of four stages: exploration, development, tests, and dissemination. The data were collected by means of observatiosn, interviews,
Teaching Documents by Nurul Kamilati
Kita belajar: 10 % dari apa yang kita baca 20 % dari apa yang kita dengar 30 % dari apa yang kita... more Kita belajar: 10 % dari apa yang kita baca 20 % dari apa yang kita dengar 30 % dari apa yang kita lihat 50 % dari apa yang kita lihat dan dengar 70 % dari apa yang kita katakan 90 % dari apa yang kita katakan dan lakukan • Apa yang terjadi jika guru tidak menggunakan media? • Apa implikasi data di atas terhadap persiapan pembelajaran?
Papers by Nurul Kamilati
Menerapkan monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (MBM)
Mengidentifikasi komponen MBM yang dimonitor dan dievaluasi
Mendeskripsikan jenis monev
Mendeskripsikan kunci keberhasilan MBM
Menganalisis kasus MBM
Menyusun instrumen monev MBM
Teaching Documents by Nurul Kamilati
Menerapkan monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (MBM)
Mengidentifikasi komponen MBM yang dimonitor dan dievaluasi
Mendeskripsikan jenis monev
Mendeskripsikan kunci keberhasilan MBM
Menganalisis kasus MBM
Menyusun instrumen monev MBM