This article aims to find out how the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition developed in Islamic boardin... more This article aims to find out how the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition developed in Islamic boarding schools to achieve a problem goal, which includes the history of hizib hirzul jausyan and how the motifs used in the Al-Mahrusiyah Islamic boarding school with this type of research are descriptive analysis and use a phenomenological approach. By collecting data in the form of in-depth interviews with informants in the form of boarding school caregivers, students, and alumni of the Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Madrasah Parent (MHM) as teachers at the Dinah Putri Madrasah, and active advisors, in addition, researchers conducted observations and documentation. The data analysis process uses a flow model: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The researcher aims to find out how we know the development of the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition which has developed from being certified to students until now making it a routine for students. In the motive of the implementation of the hizib...
Indonesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
The term Sufism is indeed familiar among Muslim scholars, which is known as a way of approaching ... more The term Sufism is indeed familiar among Muslim scholars, which is known as a way of approaching the human self with God, which researchers feel is necessary for all humans to know. This study aims to determine and analyze Sufism Learning, Sufism Learning Methods and Sufism Learning Approaches. In this research, the writer uses field research which is ethnomethodology-qualitative. The results of the research carried out, namely: Materials or Sufism Learning Curriculum at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Bandar Kidul, Kediri City using classical books (yellow books) from the Sufism perspective including: 'Aqi>datul 'Layers and also using the Mu'taqod Question Answer method, Jawa>hirul Kala>miyyah, Tija>nud Duroriy, Kifa>yatul 'Awam and H}usunul H}amidiyah, Ih}ya' 'Ulu>middi}n and the book of Al-H}ikam, Sufism Learning Methods at Islamic Boarding Schools Salafiyah Bandar Kidul in Kediri City by using the Ngaji Bandongan, Tirakat, Majlis T...
AbstractThis study aims to describe the rhythmic gymnastics in developing kinesthetic intelligenc... more AbstractThis study aims to describe the rhythmic gymnastics in developing kinesthetic intelligence in children aged 5-6 years in the Catholic Private Kindergarten Works Yosef Pontianak. This research is done by qualitative approach and descriptive. The data sources are the B2 class teachers and the B2 group of 38 students. Research instruments: interview guide, observation guide, and documentation data. It is generally collected that the teacher has been able to define kinesthetic intelligence specifically so that the rhythmic gymnastics performed every Friday is to develop the optimal kinesthetic intelligence of the child. In particular; (1) Understanding the teacher is already know the definition of kinesthetic intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence characteristics, defini- tion of gymnastics rhythm and elements of gymnastics can exemplify and practice in the field; (2) Implementation of rhythmic gymnastics that teachers have made several movements in rhythmic gymnastics to develo...
Penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah terhadap pe... more Penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah terhadap peningkatan akuntabilitas profesional guru pendidikan agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kabupaten Blora. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan didukung oleh metode deskriptif pada populasi guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Atas wilayah Kabupaten Blora. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran angket, dan didapat 37 orang responden sebagai populasi penelitian. Akuntabilitas Profesional Guru PAI adalah orang yang menyandang suatu profesi sebagai guru Agama Islam dan penampilannya dalam melakukan pekeijaannya yang sesuai dengan profesinya, supervisi akademik: supervisi yang menitik beratkan pengamatan supervisor kepada masalah-masalah akademik.yaitu hal-hal yang langsung berada dalam lingkungan kegiatan pembelajaran pada waktu siswa sedang dalam proses mempelajari sesuatu dan yang dimaksud budaya sekolah adalah nilai-nila dasar sekolah yang merupakan harapan-harap...
This paper is a study of literature that is triggered by the incidence of conflict between health... more This paper is a study of literature that is triggered by the incidence of conflict between health nurses with patients / families of patients who are repeated again. Cases such as Prita vs. RS Omni, but this time is a viral known as the case of "Surgery Nurses". This paper is intended to build a hypothetical model of conflict prevention and management between health care workers and patients / families of patients in the hope of becoming a guide to prevention and resolution of similar conflicts. It is said the hypothetical model because it still must be done refinement and empirical testing on it. The definition of health care is a team of doctors and nurses and even hospital-related organizations that provide services. Mentioned as patient / family of patients because in some cases the patient has been unconscious or is gone so that the conflict is the family. Health conflicts can be malpractice or miscommunication. The conflict studied in this paper is miscommunication r...
For educational institutions that have many students such as the P esantren Al Mahrusiyah Lirboyo... more For educational institutions that have many students such as the P esantren Al Mahrusiyah Lirboyo, implementing computerized management information system is a necessity and importance. By using traditional management, official board and madrasah administrators difficult to submit reports to the kiyai as the top leader of pesantren . These difficulties include delays in data collection and inaccurate data analysis. To manage around 3791 santri located in three different places, pesantren al mahrusiyah lirboyo requires an appropriate computer-based Management Information System and in accordance with the pesantren learning culture. By using Research and Development (R & D) methods this empowerment program produces several things; First, changes in the data processing paradigm through information technology literacy which includes (1) Information Literacy, (2) Computer Literacy, (3) Internet Literacy, and (4) digital literacy. Second, changes in the flow of data management. Third, the...
Educators are the best curriculum for applying knowledge, culture, and science. As for realizing ... more Educators are the best curriculum for applying knowledge, culture, and science. As for realizing all these goals, it is necessary to have the right idea. From that, the ideas conveyed by Nadiem Makarim the Indonesian Minister of Education, will be correlated in the hadith perspective. This idea can be drawn from five important points, namely, class discussion, the role of students in teaching and learning activities, fostering the social spirit of students, discovering student’s identities, cooperation between teachers and students. Where these ideas have been conveyed indirectly through the hadiths, which are, part of the Prophet is learning. Hadiths found through literature study are the Kitab Syarah Bukhari, Fathul Baari, Sahih Muslim, and journals. The method used in this Takhrij al-Hadith is a qualitative study with the sanad criticism approach to determine the authenticity of a hadisth. In the sanad criticism method, the writer uses the Lidwa Pustaka i-software assistance meth...
Family has a very big contribution in children's education. Because the family is the first e... more Family has a very big contribution in children's education. Because the family is the first environment for children. Basically, children are born to bring fitrah to good beliefs, that's where the family plays a role, especially parents who focus on and strengthen children's beliefs through education. For this reason, if we want to shape children's education with good education, it must begin at the time of family formation. Because a good family will continue a good generation. A good family according to Islam is the one that is sure to be mawaddahwarahmah. The results of the study found that the concept of Sakinah MawaddahWaRahmah according to M. Quraish Shihab is relevant to children's education because families that use the concept of sakinah mawaddah warahmah are families who are able to form good education for their children. Based on the process of relations between family and children, both underlie the relationship with the feeling of love and love. As w...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Mar 5, 2015
From 2008 to 2010, the effect of a wind erosion-alleviating practice, that is, planting of windbr... more From 2008 to 2010, the effect of a wind erosion-alleviating practice, that is, planting of windbreaks of the perennial grass Andropogon gayanus Kunth on the populations of millet stem borer (MSB) Coniesta ignefusalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the damage induced by this pest to pearl millet, was studied at Sadore (Niger). The extent of bored stems in the A. gayanus hedge bordering millet plots (23% on average) was significantly lower than in the millet plots (76% on average), with no MSB larva recovered, compared to an average of 2.2 larvae per stem in the millet plots over the three years. Andropogon grass was thus ruled out as a trap crop for MSB management. Under the conditions of this study, a pest regulation service by Andropogon grass hedges, synergistic with a potential wind erosion alleviating service, cannot be put forward.
... Pesticides application EC and WG formulations were applied in a total cover using a pressure ... more ... Pesticides application EC and WG formulations were applied in a total cover using a pressure maintained apparatus carried on the back. All the treatments were applied on February 16, 2010 between 8h00 ' to 11h00 ' when the temperature is relatively low. ...
This article answers the problem of continuity and change of salaf tradition in the educational s... more This article answers the problem of continuity and change of salaf tradition in the educational system of Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo Kediri. Using system theory along with historical, sociological, anthropological and phenomenology-cal appraoch, this article reveals some important points. First, the salaf tradition of pesantren undergoes substantial continuity, where knowledge structure of pesantren are conserved in learning of religious sciences originated from classical books, and partial change, where changes occur in the aspect of learning method, curriculum development, and teachers from outside pesantren. Second, there are internal and external factors that drive continuity and change in salaf tradition in the educational system of Pesantren Lirboyo. The internal factor is the attitude and thought of kiai as the servant of ummah (khādim al-ummah) and the objective condition of santri. While the external factor occurs because the development of the system of public education and ...
This article aims to find out how the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition developed in Islamic boardin... more This article aims to find out how the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition developed in Islamic boarding schools to achieve a problem goal, which includes the history of hizib hirzul jausyan and how the motifs used in the Al-Mahrusiyah Islamic boarding school with this type of research are descriptive analysis and use a phenomenological approach. By collecting data in the form of in-depth interviews with informants in the form of boarding school caregivers, students, and alumni of the Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Madrasah Parent (MHM) as teachers at the Dinah Putri Madrasah, and active advisors, in addition, researchers conducted observations and documentation. The data analysis process uses a flow model: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The researcher aims to find out how we know the development of the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition which has developed from being certified to students until now making it a routine for students. In the motive of the implementation of the hizib...
Indonesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
The term Sufism is indeed familiar among Muslim scholars, which is known as a way of approaching ... more The term Sufism is indeed familiar among Muslim scholars, which is known as a way of approaching the human self with God, which researchers feel is necessary for all humans to know. This study aims to determine and analyze Sufism Learning, Sufism Learning Methods and Sufism Learning Approaches. In this research, the writer uses field research which is ethnomethodology-qualitative. The results of the research carried out, namely: Materials or Sufism Learning Curriculum at the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Bandar Kidul, Kediri City using classical books (yellow books) from the Sufism perspective including: 'Aqi>datul 'Layers and also using the Mu'taqod Question Answer method, Jawa>hirul Kala>miyyah, Tija>nud Duroriy, Kifa>yatul 'Awam and H}usunul H}amidiyah, Ih}ya' 'Ulu>middi}n and the book of Al-H}ikam, Sufism Learning Methods at Islamic Boarding Schools Salafiyah Bandar Kidul in Kediri City by using the Ngaji Bandongan, Tirakat, Majlis T...
AbstractThis study aims to describe the rhythmic gymnastics in developing kinesthetic intelligenc... more AbstractThis study aims to describe the rhythmic gymnastics in developing kinesthetic intelligence in children aged 5-6 years in the Catholic Private Kindergarten Works Yosef Pontianak. This research is done by qualitative approach and descriptive. The data sources are the B2 class teachers and the B2 group of 38 students. Research instruments: interview guide, observation guide, and documentation data. It is generally collected that the teacher has been able to define kinesthetic intelligence specifically so that the rhythmic gymnastics performed every Friday is to develop the optimal kinesthetic intelligence of the child. In particular; (1) Understanding the teacher is already know the definition of kinesthetic intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence characteristics, defini- tion of gymnastics rhythm and elements of gymnastics can exemplify and practice in the field; (2) Implementation of rhythmic gymnastics that teachers have made several movements in rhythmic gymnastics to develo...
Penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah terhadap pe... more Penelitian ini mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh supervisi akademik dan budaya sekolah terhadap peningkatan akuntabilitas profesional guru pendidikan agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kabupaten Blora. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan didukung oleh metode deskriptif pada populasi guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Atas wilayah Kabupaten Blora. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran angket, dan didapat 37 orang responden sebagai populasi penelitian. Akuntabilitas Profesional Guru PAI adalah orang yang menyandang suatu profesi sebagai guru Agama Islam dan penampilannya dalam melakukan pekeijaannya yang sesuai dengan profesinya, supervisi akademik: supervisi yang menitik beratkan pengamatan supervisor kepada masalah-masalah akademik.yaitu hal-hal yang langsung berada dalam lingkungan kegiatan pembelajaran pada waktu siswa sedang dalam proses mempelajari sesuatu dan yang dimaksud budaya sekolah adalah nilai-nila dasar sekolah yang merupakan harapan-harap...
This paper is a study of literature that is triggered by the incidence of conflict between health... more This paper is a study of literature that is triggered by the incidence of conflict between health nurses with patients / families of patients who are repeated again. Cases such as Prita vs. RS Omni, but this time is a viral known as the case of "Surgery Nurses". This paper is intended to build a hypothetical model of conflict prevention and management between health care workers and patients / families of patients in the hope of becoming a guide to prevention and resolution of similar conflicts. It is said the hypothetical model because it still must be done refinement and empirical testing on it. The definition of health care is a team of doctors and nurses and even hospital-related organizations that provide services. Mentioned as patient / family of patients because in some cases the patient has been unconscious or is gone so that the conflict is the family. Health conflicts can be malpractice or miscommunication. The conflict studied in this paper is miscommunication r...
For educational institutions that have many students such as the P esantren Al Mahrusiyah Lirboyo... more For educational institutions that have many students such as the P esantren Al Mahrusiyah Lirboyo, implementing computerized management information system is a necessity and importance. By using traditional management, official board and madrasah administrators difficult to submit reports to the kiyai as the top leader of pesantren . These difficulties include delays in data collection and inaccurate data analysis. To manage around 3791 santri located in three different places, pesantren al mahrusiyah lirboyo requires an appropriate computer-based Management Information System and in accordance with the pesantren learning culture. By using Research and Development (R & D) methods this empowerment program produces several things; First, changes in the data processing paradigm through information technology literacy which includes (1) Information Literacy, (2) Computer Literacy, (3) Internet Literacy, and (4) digital literacy. Second, changes in the flow of data management. Third, the...
Educators are the best curriculum for applying knowledge, culture, and science. As for realizing ... more Educators are the best curriculum for applying knowledge, culture, and science. As for realizing all these goals, it is necessary to have the right idea. From that, the ideas conveyed by Nadiem Makarim the Indonesian Minister of Education, will be correlated in the hadith perspective. This idea can be drawn from five important points, namely, class discussion, the role of students in teaching and learning activities, fostering the social spirit of students, discovering student’s identities, cooperation between teachers and students. Where these ideas have been conveyed indirectly through the hadiths, which are, part of the Prophet is learning. Hadiths found through literature study are the Kitab Syarah Bukhari, Fathul Baari, Sahih Muslim, and journals. The method used in this Takhrij al-Hadith is a qualitative study with the sanad criticism approach to determine the authenticity of a hadisth. In the sanad criticism method, the writer uses the Lidwa Pustaka i-software assistance meth...
Family has a very big contribution in children's education. Because the family is the first e... more Family has a very big contribution in children's education. Because the family is the first environment for children. Basically, children are born to bring fitrah to good beliefs, that's where the family plays a role, especially parents who focus on and strengthen children's beliefs through education. For this reason, if we want to shape children's education with good education, it must begin at the time of family formation. Because a good family will continue a good generation. A good family according to Islam is the one that is sure to be mawaddahwarahmah. The results of the study found that the concept of Sakinah MawaddahWaRahmah according to M. Quraish Shihab is relevant to children's education because families that use the concept of sakinah mawaddah warahmah are families who are able to form good education for their children. Based on the process of relations between family and children, both underlie the relationship with the feeling of love and love. As w...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Mar 5, 2015
From 2008 to 2010, the effect of a wind erosion-alleviating practice, that is, planting of windbr... more From 2008 to 2010, the effect of a wind erosion-alleviating practice, that is, planting of windbreaks of the perennial grass Andropogon gayanus Kunth on the populations of millet stem borer (MSB) Coniesta ignefusalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the damage induced by this pest to pearl millet, was studied at Sadore (Niger). The extent of bored stems in the A. gayanus hedge bordering millet plots (23% on average) was significantly lower than in the millet plots (76% on average), with no MSB larva recovered, compared to an average of 2.2 larvae per stem in the millet plots over the three years. Andropogon grass was thus ruled out as a trap crop for MSB management. Under the conditions of this study, a pest regulation service by Andropogon grass hedges, synergistic with a potential wind erosion alleviating service, cannot be put forward.
... Pesticides application EC and WG formulations were applied in a total cover using a pressure ... more ... Pesticides application EC and WG formulations were applied in a total cover using a pressure maintained apparatus carried on the back. All the treatments were applied on February 16, 2010 between 8h00 ' to 11h00 ' when the temperature is relatively low. ...
This article answers the problem of continuity and change of salaf tradition in the educational s... more This article answers the problem of continuity and change of salaf tradition in the educational system of Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo Kediri. Using system theory along with historical, sociological, anthropological and phenomenology-cal appraoch, this article reveals some important points. First, the salaf tradition of pesantren undergoes substantial continuity, where knowledge structure of pesantren are conserved in learning of religious sciences originated from classical books, and partial change, where changes occur in the aspect of learning method, curriculum development, and teachers from outside pesantren. Second, there are internal and external factors that drive continuity and change in salaf tradition in the educational system of Pesantren Lirboyo. The internal factor is the attitude and thought of kiai as the servant of ummah (khādim al-ummah) and the objective condition of santri. While the external factor occurs because the development of the system of public education and ...
Papers by Kadi Kadi