Papers by Krystian Zawistowski
Książka argumentuje za uniwersalnym priorytetem filozofii przyczyn celowych (teleologii) szczegól... more Książka argumentuje za uniwersalnym priorytetem filozofii przyczyn celowych (teleologii) szczególnie w filozofii języka i metodzie naukowej. Zawiera też refutację irracjonalistów (Kuhna, Wittgensteina) z pozycji teleologicznej.
LLM text decoding is key component for perceived LLM quality. We demonstrate two experiments show... more LLM text decoding is key component for perceived LLM quality. We demonstrate two experiments showing that decoding methods could be improved by manipulation of token probabilities. First, we test few LLM on SummEval summary scoring dataset, to measure reading comprehension. We compare scores from greedy decoding to expected values over the next token distribution. We scale logits by large temperature to increase the entropy of scores. This allows strong improvement of performance on SummEval (in terms of correlations to human judgement). We see improvement from 6-8% to 13-28% for 7B Mistral and from 20%-46% to 37%-56% for Mixtral, beating GPT 4 0314 result on two metrics. Part of the gain seems related to positional bias. Secondly, we use probability-based tree sampling algorithm, to examine all most probable generations for given prompt.

Calculus is often taught by means of symbolic formulae made of quantifiers and inequalities, and ... more Calculus is often taught by means of symbolic formulae made of quantifiers and inequalities, and this approach is considered difficult to learn and to use. Nonstandard infinitesimal analysis is easier to use but often criticized as dealing with fictions. We show third approach, invented by Augustine Louis Cauchy himself. Cauchy, broadly recognized as father of modern calculus, is able to establish basics of calculus with simplicity and rigor, and in a way that is more comprehensible to physicist or computer scientist than standard formulation. Cauchy's infinitesimal is not a fictitious number, but a class of sequences of numbers approaching zero. This approach aligns nicely with Cauchy's philosophical and religious views, which allow to deal with abstract symbols and make them meaningful by the calculation on real quantities. At the same time, Cauchy criticized any notion of real infinite totalities (so it is unlikely that he ever used them).
Shannon information, used in computer science as a measure of information doesn't reflect human p... more Shannon information, used in computer science as a measure of information doesn't reflect human perception of information. The missing aspect seems to be this: information is more relevant if it makes other information comprehensible. Such opinion was raised in physics, game theory, philosophy and other fields. We propose similar approach for machine learning. We define relevance of the data through effective analog of Kolmogorov complexity. The data we consider relevant for some other data is the data that decreases effective Kolmogorov complexity of it. We point that BARTScore and other similar metrics are closely related to this notion. We evaluate the concept on few LLM experiments, with use of SummEval dataset.
We propose an O(nlogn) algorithm for evaluation of bivariate KolmogorovSmirnov statistics for n t... more We propose an O(nlogn) algorithm for evaluation of bivariate KolmogorovSmirnov statistics for n two dimmensional data points. It offers few orders of magnitude of speedup over existing implementations for n > 10 samples of input. Algorithm is based on static Binary Search Trees and sweep algorithm. We share tested C++ implementation with Python bindings.
viXra, 2019
We propose an O(n log n) algorithm for evaluation of bivariate Kolmogorov- Smirnov statistics (n ... more We propose an O(n log n) algorithm for evaluation of bivariate Kolmogorov- Smirnov statistics (n is number of samples). It offers few orders of magnitude of speedup over existing implementations for n > 100k samples of input. The algorithm is based on static Binary Search Trees and sweep algorithm. We share C++ implementation with Python bindings.
Books by Krystian Zawistowski
Importance of final causes in language, physics, other sciences and political philosophy. Refutat... more Importance of final causes in language, physics, other sciences and political philosophy. Refutation of Kuhn, Wittgenstein, positivism.

The most important aspect of modern physics is the
study of the unchanging order between measured... more The most important aspect of modern physics is the
study of the unchanging order between measured quanti-
ties, such as that described by Newton’s law of gravity or
Ampère’s law. This aspect makes physics useful, as the laws
of physics are applied to develop a variety of technical de-
vices and machines, being a crucial foundation of technical
civilization. Additionally, this aspect reveals certain truths
about the world, as accurate predictions calculated from
these laws testify to their validity. Furthermore, when new
experiments force a physical law to be modified, the descrip-
tion of relations between quantities is almost never refuted
and becomes a special case of the new, more general theory,
showing an incremental progress of knowledge.
How has this most critical part of physics originated?
The source of it is theology, which produced core method-
ological principles that underpin this approach:
The world is comprehensible and ordered according
to universal, unchanging relations between measured
The world is contingent, and any metaphysical pos-
sibility we conceive is possible, if only in agreement
with experience.
The highest goal of the rational mind is the pursuit
and contemplation of truth.
These principles were essential to the development of mod-
ern physics. The success of this project provides evidence in
favor of Christian Revelation, by means of heuristic power
— prediction of essential knowledge that could not be ob-
tained in any other way.
Porządek i Przygodność., 2023
Początki metody fizyki, teorii wielkości fizycznej, nowożytnej dynamiki i kosmologii w twórczej m... more Początki metody fizyki, teorii wielkości fizycznej, nowożytnej dynamiki i kosmologii w twórczej modyfikacji filozofii naturalnej Arystotelesa przez scholastyków
Pokazuję, że zachodzi ścisły związek między filozofią metody fizyki Duhema, a Tezą Duhema o początkach fizyki (która odpowiada na pytanie, jak wskazana metoda powstała).
Papers by Krystian Zawistowski
Books by Krystian Zawistowski
study of the unchanging order between measured quanti-
ties, such as that described by Newton’s law of gravity or
Ampère’s law. This aspect makes physics useful, as the laws
of physics are applied to develop a variety of technical de-
vices and machines, being a crucial foundation of technical
civilization. Additionally, this aspect reveals certain truths
about the world, as accurate predictions calculated from
these laws testify to their validity. Furthermore, when new
experiments force a physical law to be modified, the descrip-
tion of relations between quantities is almost never refuted
and becomes a special case of the new, more general theory,
showing an incremental progress of knowledge.
How has this most critical part of physics originated?
The source of it is theology, which produced core method-
ological principles that underpin this approach:
The world is comprehensible and ordered according
to universal, unchanging relations between measured
The world is contingent, and any metaphysical pos-
sibility we conceive is possible, if only in agreement
with experience.
The highest goal of the rational mind is the pursuit
and contemplation of truth.
These principles were essential to the development of mod-
ern physics. The success of this project provides evidence in
favor of Christian Revelation, by means of heuristic power
— prediction of essential knowledge that could not be ob-
tained in any other way.
Pokazuję, że zachodzi ścisły związek między filozofią metody fizyki Duhema, a Tezą Duhema o początkach fizyki (która odpowiada na pytanie, jak wskazana metoda powstała).
study of the unchanging order between measured quanti-
ties, such as that described by Newton’s law of gravity or
Ampère’s law. This aspect makes physics useful, as the laws
of physics are applied to develop a variety of technical de-
vices and machines, being a crucial foundation of technical
civilization. Additionally, this aspect reveals certain truths
about the world, as accurate predictions calculated from
these laws testify to their validity. Furthermore, when new
experiments force a physical law to be modified, the descrip-
tion of relations between quantities is almost never refuted
and becomes a special case of the new, more general theory,
showing an incremental progress of knowledge.
How has this most critical part of physics originated?
The source of it is theology, which produced core method-
ological principles that underpin this approach:
The world is comprehensible and ordered according
to universal, unchanging relations between measured
The world is contingent, and any metaphysical pos-
sibility we conceive is possible, if only in agreement
with experience.
The highest goal of the rational mind is the pursuit
and contemplation of truth.
These principles were essential to the development of mod-
ern physics. The success of this project provides evidence in
favor of Christian Revelation, by means of heuristic power
— prediction of essential knowledge that could not be ob-
tained in any other way.
Pokazuję, że zachodzi ścisły związek między filozofią metody fizyki Duhema, a Tezą Duhema o początkach fizyki (która odpowiada na pytanie, jak wskazana metoda powstała).