Papers by Kripal Vishwakarma

ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out on the Jamner River, a tributary of the River Narmada... more ABSTRACT: The present study was carried out on the Jamner River, a tributary of the River Narmada, joining at right bank just upstream of Indira Sagar Reservoir. Narmada River has been studied for its conservation and ichthyofaunal diversity but its tributaries have not been studied for its aquatic diversity. Observance in this view, the diversity of fish fauna of the Jamner River in Dewas District, Madhya Pradesh, Central India has been studied from the period May 2011 to March 2013. This river is the lifeline of the people resides in nearby villages mostly for various domestic activities. Fishing for livelihood and food is a common practice of the local community. The fish diversity of the river is still unexplored and not documented. The aim of the study was to explore the fish fauna of Jamner River. In the course of investigation, four sampling spots were selected viz. Harangaon, Jeeyagaon, Sindalpur Bridge and confluence point of Narmada River. The total 27 fish species were re...

The present study was carried out on the Jamner River, a tributary of the River Narmada, joining ... more The present study was carried out on the Jamner River, a tributary of the River Narmada, joining at right bank just upstream of Indira Sagar Reservoir. Narmada River has been studied for its conservation and ichthyofaunal diversity but its tributaries have not been studied for its aquatic diversity. Observance in this view, the diversity of fish fauna of the Jamner River in Dewas District, Madhya Pradesh, Central India has been studied from the period May 2011 to March 2013. This river is the lifeline of the people resides in nearby villages mostly for various domestic activities. Fishing for livelihood and food is a common practice of the local community. The fish diversity of the river is still unexplored and not documented. The aim of the study was to explore the fish fauna of Jamner River. In the course of investigation, four sampling spots were selected viz. Harangaon, Jeeyagaon, Sindalpur Bridge and confluence point of Narmada River. The total 27 fish species were recorded und...

Manuscript History: The present study deals with the fish diversity of Barna River and its tribut... more Manuscript History: The present study deals with the fish diversity of Barna River and its tributary in Raisen district, Madhya Pradesh, Central India. Fish studies were undertaken during Oct. 2011 to Nov. 2012. The aim of the study was to explore the fish fauna of Barna River. The sampling stations were conducted in Barna and its tributary streams. Fishes were collected directly from sampling stations two times in a period of investigation. The results of present investigation reveal the occurrence of 33 fish species belonging to 5 orders, 9 families and 21 genera. The order Cypriniformes was found dominant (24 species) followed by Perciformes and Ophiocephaliformes (3 species) both, Mastacembeliformes (2 species) and Beloniformes (1 species). The species diversity was analyzed using the following diversity indices: Simpson dominance index (D); Simpson index of diversity (1-D); Shannon- Weiner index (H); Evenness index and Margalef index with the help of software PAST (Pale ontolog...
In the present study on Sip and Jamner River tributaries of River Narmada in Central India, betwe... more In the present study on Sip and Jamner River tributaries of River Narmada in Central India, between May 2011 and April 2012. The fish composition comprised 34 species of fishes belonging to 17 genera, 8 families and 3 orders were identified. A total of 427 and 112 individuals were caught from Sip and Jamner stations, respectively. The most abundant group of fish was the Cypriniforimes. The dominant species, Rasbora daniconius consisted 30.08%of the population. Fisheries resources are on the decline in India due to over exploitation and inadequate management of her inland waters. For sustainability of these resources, an adequate knowledge of species composition, diversity and relative abundance of her water bodies must be understood and vigorously pursued.

River consist of a complex mixture of distinctive habitats, which make it among the most producti... more River consist of a complex mixture of distinctive habitats, which make it among the most productive and valuable ecosystem on earth. The Sip and Jamner rivers are the tributaries of the Narmada basin, which afford a lucrative field of ichthyological importance. River with its tributaries is a unique type of ecosystem which generally covers different types of climatic zones, landscapes and biogeographically regions. River is the natural drainage system of the land mass of the earth which move continuously. The findings from the study will benefit the planning and management of fish community structure and conservation of natural resources at national level. During the present investigation, rich ichthyofaunal diversity was observed in the Sip and Jamner tributary of River Narmada represented by 52 fish species, 34 genera, 12 families and 6 orders. The Cyprinidae family is dominant group.
Papers by Kripal Vishwakarma