Papers by K. Papavinasasundaram
This article cites 32 articles, 14 of which can be accessed free

Vaccine, Feb 8, 2018
Development of a new vaccine against tuberculosis is urgently needed. Recent work has demonstrate... more Development of a new vaccine against tuberculosis is urgently needed. Recent work has demonstrated that two related LC3-associated trafficking pathways, autophagy and LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP), enhance antigen presentation and might play a role in vaccine efficacy. Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibits both LC3-trafficking pathways. Moreover, the vaccine strain, BCG, induces even less LC3-trafficking than M. tuberculosis, which may help explain its limited efficacy. To determine whether enhanced LC3-trafficking can improve efficacy of a live, attenuated M. tuberculosis vaccine, we took advantage of our recent finding that the bacterial virulence factor CpsA inhibits LAP. When we deleted cpsA in the mc6206 vaccine strain, it dramatically increased LC3-trafficking. We compared the protective efficacy of the strain lacking cpsA to the parent strain and to BCG in mice challenged with M. tuberculosis. We found that the strain lacking cpsA generated modestly enhanced protection in t...
Molecular Microbiology, 2002
The ubiquitous and highly conserved RecA protein is generally expressed from a single promoter, w... more The ubiquitous and highly conserved RecA protein is generally expressed from a single promoter, which is regulated by LexA in conjunction with RecA. We show here using transcriptional fusions to a reporter gene that the Mycobacterium tuberculosis recA gene is expressed from two promoters. Although one promoter is clearly regulated in the classical way, the other remains DNA damage inducible in the absence of RecA or when LexA binding is prevented. These observations demonstrate convincingly for the first time that there is a novel mechanism of DNA damage induction in M. tuberculosis that is independent of LexA and RecA.

Molecular Microbiology, 1997
The recA gene of Mycobacterium smegmatis has been cloned and sequenced. The amino acid sequence o... more The recA gene of Mycobacterium smegmatis has been cloned and sequenced. The amino acid sequence of the RecA protein is highly homologous to other RecA proteins. Three other potential open reading frames were identified. One of these showed extensive homology to a protein, HypB, involved in the incorporation of nickel into hydrogenases. Another, found downstream of and overlapping recA, was similar to a gene, recX, which has been proposed to play a regulatory role related to recA function. The homology between the M. smegmatis sequence and that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis extended upstream of the recA coding region for 140 bp including a motif identical to the Cheo-box consensus sequence which has been shown to bind LexA. In addition, the transcriptional start sites were found to be identical to those identified previously for M. tuberculosis. Transcriptional fusions to the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) revealed that recA was DNA-damage inducible and that expression required sequences at some distance from the mapped transcriptional start sites. Although a motif with only one mismatch to the Cheo box was found in the intergenic region between orf1 and orf2 these open reading frames were not DNA-damage inducible, nor was this motif required for regulation of recA expression. Gel retardation assays revealed that the reason for this was that LexA did not bind to this sequence containing a mismatch. Reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction analysis of M. smegmatis RNA demonstrated that recA and orf3 (recX) are within the same transcriptional unit.

Molecular Microbiology, 1998
A recA deletion mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis has been isolated by homologous recombination u... more A recA deletion mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis has been isolated by homologous recombination using a sacB counterselection strategy. Deletion of the recA gene from the chromosome was demonstrated by Southern hybridizations and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Western analysis using anti-RecA antibodies confirmed that the RecA protein was not made by the mutant strain. The recA deletion strain exhibited enhanced sensitivity to UV irradiation and failed to undergo homologous recombination. The results obtained from the recombination assays suggest that in wild-type M. smegmatis the majority of colonies arise from single cross-over homologous recombination events with only a very minor contribution from random integrations. The deficiencies in UV survival and recombination were complemented by introduction of the cloned M. smegmatis recA gene. Overexpression of RecA was found to be toxic in the absence of recX, which is found downstream of and co-transcribed with recA and is thus also affected by the deletion of recA. The M. smegmatis recA deletion strain was also complemented by the M. tuberculosis recA gene with or without its intein; most importantly, the frequency of double cross-over homologous recombination events was identical regardless of whether the M. tuberculosis recA gene contained or lacked the intein. Thus, the low frequency of homologous recombination observed in M. tuberculosis is not due to the presence of an intein-coding sequence in its recA gene per se.

Molecular Microbiology, 2002
The functions of OmpATb, the product of the ompATb gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a putat... more The functions of OmpATb, the product of the ompATb gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a putative porin, were investigated by studying a mutant with a targeted deletion of the gene, and by observing expression of the gene in wild-type M. tuberculosis H37Rv by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunoblotting. The loss of ompATb had no effect on growth under normal conditions, but caused a major reduction in ability to grow at reduced pH. The gene was substantially upregulated in wild-type bacteria exposed to these conditions. The mutant was impaired in its ability to grow in macrophages and in normal mice, although it was as virulent as the wild type in mice that lack T cells. Deletion of the ompATb gene reduced permeability to several small water-soluble substances. This was particularly evident at pH 5.5; at this pH, uptake of serine was minimal, suggesting that, at this pH, OmpATb might be the only functioning porin. These data indicate that OmpATb has two functions: as a pore-forming protein with properties of a porin, and in enabling M. tuberculosis to respond to reduced environmental pH. It is not known whether this second function is related to the porin-like activity at low pH or involves a completely separate role for OmpATB. The involvement with pH is likely to contribute to the ability of M. tuberculosis to overcome host defence mechanisms and grow in a mammalian host.

Journal of Molecular Biology, 2001
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of tuberculosis in humans, a disease that affects over a ... more Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of tuberculosis in humans, a disease that affects over a one-third of the world's population. This slowgrowing pathogen has only one ribosomal RNA operon, thus making its transcriptional apparatus a fundamentally interesting target for drug discovery. NusA binds to RNA polymerase and modulates several of the ribosomal RNA transcriptional processes. Here, we report the crystal structure of NusA, and reveal that the molecule consists of four domains. They are organised as two distinct entities. The N-terminal domain (residues 1 to 99) that resembles the B chain of the Rad50cd ATP binding cassette-ATPase (ABC-ATPase) and a C-terminal module (residues 108 to 329) consisting of a ribosomal S1 protein domain followed by two K homology domains. The S1 and KH domains are tightly integrated together to form an extensive RNA-binding structure, but are¯exibly tethered to the N-terminal domain. The molecule's surfaces and architecture provide insights into RNA and polymerase interactions and the mechanism of pause site discrimination. They also allow us to rationalize certain termination-defective and cold shock-sensitive mutations in the nusA gene that have been studied in Escherichia coli.
Journal of Genetics, 1994
The erg3 gene of Neurospora crassa was sequenc~l (EMBL accession no. X77955) and found to encode ... more The erg3 gene of Neurospora crassa was sequenc~l (EMBL accession no. X77955) and found to encode a protein of 490 amino acid residues with significant homology to the yeast sterol biosynthetic enzyme C-14 reduetase (39% identity) and also to the C-terminal region in the sequence reported for the chicken lamin B receptor (41% identity). The possibility that a single protein may possess both lamin B receptor and sterol C-14 reductase fonctions might account for non-sterol-biosynthetie effects of mutations in sterol biosynthesis genes and of inhibitors of ste,'ol biosynthetic enzymes.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1992
Pretreatment of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae with a sublethal concentration of the pea phytoa... more Pretreatment of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae with a sublethal concentration of the pea phytoalexin pisatin was shown to induce nondegradative resistance to subsequent challenges with inhibitory concentrations. An alteration of membrane sterol composition either with the azasterol A25822B or by mutations in nysC that confer resistance to the polyene antibiotic nystatin suppressed the induction of pisatin resistance. Wild-type cells grown on pisatin medium acquired resistance to nystatin; however, after transfer to nystatin medium, they lost their pisatin resistance phenotype but remained nystatin resistant. To account for this asymmetry in the induction and maintenance of cross-resistance after growth on pisatin and nystatin media, we propose a model in which the two resistance phenotypes are governed by distinct mechanisms. This model presumes that growth on pisatin induces membrane alterations that predispose cells to acquire nystatin resistance but that the pisatin-induced mem...

PLOS Pathogens
In order to sustain a persistent infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) must adapt to a chan... more In order to sustain a persistent infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) must adapt to a changing environment that is shaped by the developing immune response. This necessity to adapt is evident in the flexibility of many aspects of Mtb metabolism, including a respiratory chain that consists of two distinct terminal cytochrome oxidase complexes. Under the conditions tested thus far, the bc1/aa3 complex appears to play a dominant role, while the alternative bd oxidase is largely redundant. However, the presence of two terminal oxidases in this obligate pathogen implies that respiratory requirements might change during infection. We report that the cytochrome bd oxidase is specifically required for resisting the adaptive immune response. While the bd oxidase was dispensable for growth in resting macrophages and the establishment of infection in mice, this complex was necessary for optimal fitness after the initiation of adaptive immunity. This requirement was dependent on lymphocy...
This article cites 19 articles, 8 of which can be accessed free at:

Current chemotherapy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), an important human pathogen, requi... more Current chemotherapy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), an important human pathogen, requires a multidrug regimen lasting several months. While efforts have been made to optimize therapy by exploiting drug-drug synergies, testing new drug combinations in relevant host environments remains arduous. In particular, host environments profoundly affect the bacterial metabolic state and drug efficacy, limiting the accuracy of predictions based on in vitro assays alone. In this study, we utilize conditional Mtb knockdown mutants of essential genes as an experimentally-tractable surrogate for drug treatment, and probe the relationship between Mtb carbon metabolism and chemical-genetic interactions (CGI). We examined the anti-tubercular drugs isoniazid, rifampicin and moxifloxacin, and found that CGI are differentially responsive to the metabolic state, defining both environment-independent and –dependent interactions. Specifically, growth on the in vivo-relevant carbon source, choles...

PLOS Pathogens, 2020
CD8 T cells provide limited protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection in the ... more CD8 T cells provide limited protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection in the mouse model. As Mtb causes chronic infection in mice and humans, we hypothesize that Mtb impairs T cell responses as an immune evasion strategy. TB10.4 is an immunodominant antigen in people, nonhuman primates, and mice, which is encoded by the esxH gene. In C57BL/6 mice, 30-50% of pulmonary CD8 T cells recognize the TB10.4 4-11 epitope. However, TB10.4-specific CD8 T cells fail to recognize Mtb-infected macrophages. We speculate that Mtb elicits immunodominant CD8 T cell responses to antigens that are inefficiently presented by infected cells, thereby focusing CD8 T cells on nonprotective antigens. Here, we leverage naturally occurring polymorphisms in esxH, which frequently occur in lineage 1 strains, to test this "decoy hypothesis". Using the clinical isolate 667, which contains an EsxH A10T polymorphism, we observe a drastic change in the hierarchy of CD8 T cells. Using isogenic Erd.EsxH A10T and Erd.EsxH WT strains, we prove that this polymorphism alters the hierarchy of immunodominant CD8 T cell responses. Our data are best explained by immunodomination, a mechanism by which competition for APC leads to dominant responses suppressing subdominant responses. These results were surprising as the variant epitope can bind to H2-K b and is recognized by TB10.4-specific CD8 T cells. The dramatic change in TB10.4-specific CD8 responses resulted from increased proteolytic degradation of A10T variant, which destroyed the TB10.4 4-11 epitope. Importantly, this polymorphism affected T cell priming and recognition of infected cells. These data support a model in which nonprotective CD8 T cells become immunodominant and suppress subdominant responses. Thus, polymorphisms between clinical Mtb strains, and BCG or H37Rv sequence-based vaccines could lead to a mismatch between T cells that are primed by

The outcome of an encounter with Mycobacterium tuberculosis depends on the pathogen’s ability to ... more The outcome of an encounter with Mycobacterium tuberculosis depends on the pathogen’s ability to adapt to the variable immune pressures exerted by the host. Understanding this interplay has proven difficult, largely because experimentally tractable animal models do not recapitulate the heterogeneity of tuberculosis disease. We leveraged the genetically diverse Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse panel in conjunction with a library of Mtb mutants to associate bacterial genetic requirements with host genetics and immunity. We report that CC strains vary dramatically in their susceptibility to infection and produce qualitatively distinct immune states. Global analysis of Mtb mutant fitness across the CC panel revealed that many virulence pathways are only in specific host microenvironments, identifying the large fraction of the pathogen’s genome that has been maintained to ensure fitness in a diverse population. Both immunological and bacterial traits were associated with genetic variants d...

Journal of Bacteriology, 1998
An open reading frame in the genomic database of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was identified ... more An open reading frame in the genomic database of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was identified as having homology with an outer membrane protein. We found that the gene specified a protein belonging to the OmpA family, which includes some porins of gram-negative organisms. The gene was amplified by PCR and cloned into Escherichia coli . Overexpression of the gene was toxic to the host, but limited amounts could be purified from cells before growth ceased. A truncated gene devoid of the code for a presumed signal sequence was well expressed, but the protein had no pore-forming activity in the liposome swelling assay. However, the intact protein, OmpATb, behaved as a porin of low specific activity, with a pore diameter of 1.4 to 1.8 nm, and was also active in planar lipid bilayers, showing a single-channel conductance of 700 pS. The protein had a molecular mass of about 38 kDa in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A polyclonal rabbit antiserum raised to the t...

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its relatives, like many bacteria, have dynamic cell walls that re... more Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its relatives, like many bacteria, have dynamic cell walls that respond to environmental stresses. Modulation of cell wall metabolism in stress is thought to be responsible for decreased permeability and increased tolerance to antibiotics. The signaling systems that control cell wall metabolism under stress, however, are poorly understood. Here, we examine the cell wall regulatory function of a key cell wall regulator, the Serine Threonine Phosphatase PstP, in the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis. We show that the peptidoglycan regulator CwlM is a substrate of PstP. We find that a phospho-mimetic mutation, pstP T171E, slows growth, mis-regulates both mycolic acid and peptidoglycan metabolism in different conditions, and interferes with antibiotic tolerance. These data suggest that phosphorylation on PstP affects its activity against various substrates and is important in the transition between growth and stasis.ImportanceRegulation of cell wall a...

Nature, 2019
New antibiotics are needed to combat rising resistance, with new Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)... more New antibiotics are needed to combat rising resistance, with new Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) drugs of highest priority. Conventional whole-cell and biochemical antibiotic screens have failed. We developed a novel strategy termed PROSPECT (PRimary screening Of Strains to Prioritize Expanded Chemistry and Targets) in which we screen compounds against pools of strains depleted for essential bacterial targets. We engineered strains targeting 474 Mtb essential genes and screened pools of 100-150 strains against activity-enriched and unbiased compounds libraries, measuring > 8.5-million chemical-genetic interactions. Primary screens identified > 10-fold more hits than screening wild-type Mtb alone, with chemical-genetic interactions providing immediate, direct target insight. We identified > 40 novel compounds targeting DNA gyrase, cell wall, tryptophan, folate biosynthesis, and RNA polymerase, as well as inhibitors of a novel target EfpA. Chemical optimization yielded EfpA inhibitors with potent wild-type activity, thus demonstrating PROSPECT's ability to yield inhibitors against novel targets which would have eluded conventional drug discovery.
Papers by K. Papavinasasundaram