Papers by Krzysztof Misiewicz

In the present article we discuss one of the key and final episodes of the military confrontation... more In the present article we discuss one of the key and final episodes of the military confrontation between the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Iran which took place in the Lazica Kingdom, in particular, liberation in 551 by the Byzantines of the last foothold -the Petra fortress. This is examined on the basis of analysis of material obtained as a result of archaeological excavations in Petra-Tsikhisdziri (south western Georgia) carried out at different times and mostly in 2016-2020. Recent archaeological discoveries have produced more knowledge about the besiegement of Petra. This includes information on who was defending the fortress, what the garrison looked like, how it was equipped and supplied, how the siege was developed and finalized, etc. The significance of the findings and their consideration together with the written sources are very important to finally identify the city-fortress Petra, reinforced by the Byzantines, with modern Tsikhisdziri -an issue which is still debatable among the scholars.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2015
Warszawa, Poland, 11th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, paper with Misiewi... more Warszawa, Poland, 11th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, paper with Misiewicz K.,, 15-19.09.2015

In the present article we discuss one of the key and final episodes of the military confrontation... more In the present article we discuss one of the key and final episodes of the military confrontation between the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Iran which took place in the Lazica Kingdom, in particular, liberation in 551 by the Byzantines of the last foothold -the Petra fortress. This is examined on the basis of analysis of material obtained as a result of archaeological excavations in Petra-Tsikhisdziri (south western Georgia) carried out at different times and mostly in 2016-2020. Recent archaeological discoveries have produced more knowledge about the besiegement of Petra. This includes information on who was defending the fortress, what the garrison looked like, how it was equipped and supplied, how the siege was developed and finalized, etc. The significance of the findings and their consideration together with the written sources are very important to finally identify the city-fortress Petra, reinforced by the Byzantines, with modern Tsikhisdziri -an issue which is still debatable among the scholars.

Chrysomallos Polish Archaeologists in the Black Sea Region, 2024
In the immediate vicinity of the citadel in Tyras (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine), a Ukrainian-R... more In the immediate vicinity of the citadel in Tyras (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine), a Ukrainian-Romanian expedition discovered
part of a mysterious building with an apse in the 1990s. Although the structure was located outsidethe defensive
walls, in light of the current state of research, it was interpreted as a Christian basilica, headquarters building (principia)
or bathhouse (balneum). Dating the accompanying layers to the 2nd–3rd century may indicate a connection to the Roman
garrison stationed in the citadel during this period. The location of the extra muros, as well as the plan and size of the
structure, prompts a search for analogies among temples where Roman soldiers participated in private worship outside
garrisons. Therefore, it was assumed that the building with the apse served as a Mithraeum or Dolichenum. The impossibility
of carrying out the excavation verification prompted the authors of this study to conduct geophysical surveys. The
obtained results confirmed that the size and proportions of the building with the apse are very similar to such structures
as e.g., the temple of Jupiter Dolichenus, founded by Roman soldiers near the fort in Balaklava.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2015
Polish Archaeological Research in Ptolemais (Libya) in 2007-2009 : Preliminary Report / Jerzy Żelazowski, Monika Rekowska-Ruszkowska, Zofia Kowarska, Szymon Lenarczyk, Krzysztof Chmielewski, Elżbieta Rosłoniec, Piotr Jaworski, Krzysztof Misiewicz, Kazimierz Lewartowski, George Yacoub, Miron Bogac... Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej, 2010
Informator Archeologiczny : badania, 1976
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2023
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2023

The article presents the results of the topographical survey in Ptolemais, conducted since 2004 u... more The article presents the results of the topographical survey in Ptolemais, conducted since 2004 using mainly non-invasive methods. The main goals of the study were the layout of the city grid and the planning of public space. Apart from the remains of the residential (including some monumental in character)and commercial architecture, the prospection of a larger area resulted in uncovering the ruins of public buildings,both secular (baths, porticoes, fountains, and nymphaea) and sacral (temples and churches). The remainsincluded also military installations - forts and barracks, defensive walls complete with gates, as well as preserved fragments of the transport system - passageways between insulae, streets of various width, paved publicsquares, and the facilities in the portside quarter of the city. The article yields not only a commentary on the maps which display the results of the hitherto geophysical prospection and topographical survey, but also provides a wider archaeological ...
Archaeologia Polona, 2003
Światowit : rocznik poświęcony archeologii przeddziejowej i badaniom pierwotnej kultury polskiej i słowiańskiej, 2006
XXI Sesja Pomorzoznawcza. Toruń, 22–24 listopada 2017 roku, t. 2: Od wczesnego średniowiecza do czasów współczesnych, red. J. Gackowski, K. Adamczak, E. Bokiniec, M. Weinkauf, M. Markiewicz, D. Bienias, Toruń, 2021

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
The archaeological site of San Isidro, Sonsonate, El Salvador, is located at a geographically adv... more The archaeological site of San Isidro, Sonsonate, El Salvador, is located at a geographically advantageous position within the transitional zone between large study areas of Mesoamerica and Central America. It became the focus of the Polish-Salvadoran Proyecto Arqueológico San Isidro (PASI) investigation in 2018. The overarching research question of the Project is to understand the prehispanic cultural and social dynamics within this zone, and recover identities of its ancient inhabitants. A number of non-invasive research methods have been employed to accommodate the wishes of the host community to avoid disturbance of the sugarcane plantation. Drone-based mapping, carried out between 2018 and 2021, demonstrated an exceptional size of the ancient settlement, consisting of more than 50 still-visible remains of architectural structures dispersed over an area of 6 square kilometers. Three remote-sensing geophysical survey methods were used in the presumed center of the site. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), magnetometry, and electric resistivity analyses have all detected anomalies related to the eruption of the Ilopango volcano. Initial archaeological excavations permit tentative dating of the prehispanic San Isidro lifespan to the Middle and Late Preclassic periods (1000-400 BCE, and 400 BCE-AD 250, respectively), with possible extension into Early Classic (AD 250-600). Construction techniques of the investigated mounds prove to be rare in the general area, but have close analogies in the relative vicinity of San Isidro.

Nieinwazyjne badania twierdzy Apsaros, wykonane w dniach 15–30 czerwca 2012 roku, miały na celu u... more Nieinwazyjne badania twierdzy Apsaros, wykonane w dniach 15–30 czerwca 2012 roku, miały na celu uzyskanie informacji pozwalających na odpowiednie przygotowanie dalszych pracy badawczych (wskazanie lokalizacji wykopów) na tym stanowisku, zaplanowanych przez Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW. W ramach podjętych działań wykonano zdjęcia z powietrza, pomiary topograficzne i rozpoznanie geofizyczne z zastosowaniem metody magnetycznej. Pozyskane dane opracowano w postaci ortofotomap, trójwymiarowych modeli rozkładu rejestrowanych wartości parametrów fizycznych gruntu, kolorowych i czarno-białych map zmian wartości wektora całkowitego natężenia pola magnetycznego i wartości pseudogradientu jego składowej poziomej hz. Umieszczenie danych w ujednoliconym systemie koordynat geograficznych (UTM strefa 37 T) pozwala na lokalizację wydzielonych anomalii geofizycznych w terenie i zaplanowanie koniecznych sondaży wykopaliskowych w miejscach prawdopodobnego występowania pozostałości zabudow...
Papers by Krzysztof Misiewicz
part of a mysterious building with an apse in the 1990s. Although the structure was located outsidethe defensive
walls, in light of the current state of research, it was interpreted as a Christian basilica, headquarters building (principia)
or bathhouse (balneum). Dating the accompanying layers to the 2nd–3rd century may indicate a connection to the Roman
garrison stationed in the citadel during this period. The location of the extra muros, as well as the plan and size of the
structure, prompts a search for analogies among temples where Roman soldiers participated in private worship outside
garrisons. Therefore, it was assumed that the building with the apse served as a Mithraeum or Dolichenum. The impossibility
of carrying out the excavation verification prompted the authors of this study to conduct geophysical surveys. The
obtained results confirmed that the size and proportions of the building with the apse are very similar to such structures
as e.g., the temple of Jupiter Dolichenus, founded by Roman soldiers near the fort in Balaklava.
part of a mysterious building with an apse in the 1990s. Although the structure was located outsidethe defensive
walls, in light of the current state of research, it was interpreted as a Christian basilica, headquarters building (principia)
or bathhouse (balneum). Dating the accompanying layers to the 2nd–3rd century may indicate a connection to the Roman
garrison stationed in the citadel during this period. The location of the extra muros, as well as the plan and size of the
structure, prompts a search for analogies among temples where Roman soldiers participated in private worship outside
garrisons. Therefore, it was assumed that the building with the apse served as a Mithraeum or Dolichenum. The impossibility
of carrying out the excavation verification prompted the authors of this study to conduct geophysical surveys. The
obtained results confirmed that the size and proportions of the building with the apse are very similar to such structures
as e.g., the temple of Jupiter Dolichenus, founded by Roman soldiers near the fort in Balaklava.