Volume 2 Issue July & Aug 2018 by KHUSHBOO CHANDRA

Water calamity results in the screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for bot... more Water calamity results in the screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for both non-irrigated as well as in irrigated condition. Keeping consideration over this experiment was designed to study genetic variability and heritability under non-irrigated and irrigated condition on some morphological and quality traits an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.Czern & Coss), was conducted by accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17 in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD), one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under non-irrigated condition which was also devoid of rainfall and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University , Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance for the studied traits revealed considerably exploitable variability. Out of 20 genotypes under both non-irrigated as well as irrigated condition, Rajendra Suphalam showed tolerance towards water stressed condition and performed well in terms of productivity in an irrigated situation for all the traits. PKRS-28 identified as tolerant genotype under non-irrigated, and Pusa Mahak as well suited under an irrigated condition in terms of flowering-maturity, siliqua characteristics and yield contributing traits. Under both conditions, high heritability coupled with high GAM for traits namely, HFPB and SBP-1 which were indicative of preponderance of additive gene action for expression of these traits hence are acquiescent for simple selection. The height of first primary branch and secondary branches per plant due to wide variability, meagre environmental influence along with high heritability and genetic advance suggested the exploitation of these traits for the further breeding programme as these traits are fixable in nature can be utilized in further segregating generations.The initiation of primary branches from the lowest position of the plant can accommodate number of branches and also provides a way to utilize the non-usable portion of the mustard plant from the base up to 55-60 cm.

IARS international research journal, May 7, 2023
Oilseed rape and mustard are mostly grown on conserved soil water in the Indian sub-continent. Th... more Oilseed rape and mustard are mostly grown on conserved soil water in the Indian sub-continent. These crops generally suffer from water stress at reproductive period of development. Thus, to obtain higher stable yields of Brassica species under routine stress conditions, it is essential to identify and understand the interactions of different morpho-physiological traits responsible for drought resistance. To explicate interaction of traits related to biochemical, physio-morphological factors for sustaining drought resistance in Brassica species. Dry mass production and partition in a plant is important when increased yield are sought. A osmometer like plant cell which allows only selective solutes to pass through elastic membrane, cell wall and the thin layer of cytoplasm and a vacuole containing an aqueous solution. To express drought tolerance turgidity of cells maintained by osmotic adjustments.

Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2024
Genetic Variability Studies for Yield Attributes in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) were cond... more Genetic Variability Studies for Yield Attributes in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) were conducted on 15 Mung bean genotypes at Horticulture Research Farm, SGT, Gurugram, Haryana during kharif 2021. The study was set up in a Randomised Block Design with three replications and focused on variability of 16 morpho-physiological characters. The analysis of variance revealed extremely significant variations across accessions for all characteristics. There is potential for improvement in traits with high mean and high range, such as Days to 50% blooming, Days to initial flower opening, Days to cessation of flower, Relative water content, Biological Yield, Harvest Index, and Grain yield per plant. IPM205-7 demonstrated advantage in terms of early blooming as well as a number of yield-related features like height of the plant, number of secondary and primary branches per plant, number of pods, root length, and number of roots, biological yield, harvest index, and grain yield per plant.
Crop Research Hisar, 2000

The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2018
Increasing pace towards water crisis results in demand of screening of drought tolerant genotypes... more Increasing pace towards water crisis results in demand of screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for both non-irrigated as well as in irrigated condition. Keeping consideration over this experiment was designed to study genetic variability and heritability under non-irrigated and irrigated condition on some physiological and quality traits an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss), was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD) accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17, one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under non-irrigated condition which was also devoid of rainfall and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance for the studied traits revealed considerably exploitable variability. Out of 20 genotypes under both non-irrigated as well as irrigated condition, Rajendra Suphalam showed tolerance towards water stressed condition and perform well in terms of productivity in irrigated situation for traits namely Tap
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Jun 10, 2018
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.), locally called as Laha, Raya or Rai, belongs to family Cruci... more Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.), locally called as Laha, Raya or Rai, belongs to family Cruciferae; genus Brassica (Iraddi, 2008) and introduced as an oily herb, which is appropriate for zones with short seasons and less rainfall (Burton et al., 1999). It is cultivated in winter season and is a thermo as

Pollinators, particularly insects, play an indispensable role in ensuring the health of terrestri... more Pollinators, particularly insects, play an indispensable role in ensuring the health of terrestrial ecosystems and in bolstering agricultural productivity. Their symbiotic relationship with plants has evolved over millennia, resulting in co-adaptations that facilitate the reproductive success of many plant species. This review sheds light on the multifaceted interactions between insect pollinators and plants, emphasizing their contributions not only in crop production but also in maintaining broader ecosystem services. The importance of insect pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, beetles, and flies, among others, is highlighted by their direct influence on the yield and quality of many crops. Notably, global agricultural sectors like fruits (e.g., apples and berries) and nuts (e.g., almonds) heavily depend on these insects for pollination. In economic terms, pollinators contribute substantially, with their decline potentially resulting in significant economic losses globally. Bey...

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient oilseed crop known for its nutty seeds and high-quality... more Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient oilseed crop known for its nutty seeds and high-quality edible oil. It is an unexplored crop with a great economic potential. The present study deals with assessment of genetic diversity in the crop. Twenty two RAPD and 18 SSR primers were used for analysis of the 47 different sesame accessions grown in different agroclimatic zones of India. A total of 256 bands were obtained with RAPD primers, of which 191 were polymorphic. SSR primers gave 64 DNA bands, of which all of were polymorphic. The Jaccard& s similarity coefficient of RAPD, SSR, and pooled RAPD and SSR data ranged from 0.510 to 0.885, 0.167 to 0.867, and 0.505 to 0.853, respectively. Maximum polymorphic information content was reported with SSRs (0.194) compared to RAPDs (0.186). Higher marker index was observed with RAPDs (1.426) than with SSRs (0.621). Similarly, maximum resolving power was found with RAPD (4.012) primers than with SSRs (0.884). The RAPD primer RPI-B11 and SSR primer S16 were the most informative in terms of describing genetic variability among the varieties under study. At a molecular level, the seed coat colour was distinguishable by the presence and absence of a group of marker amplicon/s. White and brown seeded varieties clustered close to each other, while black seeded varieties remained distanced from the cluster. In the present study, we found higher variability in Sesamum indicum L. using RAPD and SSR markers and these could assist in DNA finger printing, conservation of germplasm, and crop improvement.

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
Modern agriculture is facing multiple challenges including the necessity for a substantial increa... more Modern agriculture is facing multiple challenges including the necessity for a substantial increase, in production to meet the needs of a burgeoning human population. Water shortage is a deleterious consequence of both population growth and climate change and is one of the most severe factors limiting global crop productivity. In order to study correlation and cause effect of deficit irrigation on some physiological traits on yield an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss), was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD) accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17, one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under residual moisture condition and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance revealed considerably exploitable variability for all the 15 traits. Under both conditions of phenotypic correlation revealed that grain yield per plant showed significant and positive correlation with RWC, LMSI, CC, CA, PERO, PRO, RGR, LAI, SLW, OY except ELWL. Phenotypic path coefficient under both condition revealed that all the physiological parameters showed the low direct effect except oil yield showed high direct effect on grain yield per plot. This indicated that improvement in all the physiological parameters which showed significant positive effect and direct effect on grain yield per plot will ultimately enhances the grain yield.

IARS' International Research Journal
Oilseed rape and mustard are mostly grown on conserved soil water in the Indian sub-continent. Th... more Oilseed rape and mustard are mostly grown on conserved soil water in the Indian sub-continent. These crops generally suffer from water stress at reproductive period of development. Thus, to obtain higher stable yields of Brassica species under routine stress conditions, it is essential to identify and understand the interactions of different morpho-physiological traits responsible for drought resistance. To explicate interaction of traits related to biochemical, physio-morphological factors for sustaining drought resistance in Brassica species. Dry mass production and partition in a plant is important when increased yield are sought. A osmometer like plant cell which allows only selective solutes to pass through elastic membrane, cell wall and the thin layer of cytoplasm and a vacuole containing an aqueous solution. To express drought tolerance turgidity of cells maintained by osmotic adjustments.

Water calamity results in the screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for bot... more Water calamity results in the screening of drought tolerant genotypes which were suitable for both non-irrigated as well as in irrigated condition. Keeping consideration over this experiment was designed to study genetic variability and heritability under non- irrigated and irrigated condition on some morphological and quality traits an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.Czern & Coss), was conducted by accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17 in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD), one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under nonirrigated condition which was also devoid of rainfall and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University , Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance for the studied traits revealed considerably exploitable variability. Out of 20 genotypes under both non-irr...

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
Modern agriculture is facing multiple challenges including the necessity for a substantial increa... more Modern agriculture is facing multiple challenges including the necessity for a substantial increase, in production to meet the needs of a burgeoning human population. Water shortage is a deleterious consequence of both population growth and climate change and is one of the most severe factors limiting global crop productivity. In order to study correlation and cause effect of deficit irrigation on some physiological traits on yield an experiment on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss), was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RBCD) accommodating 20 genotypes, from various Rapeseed & Mustard centres located across country, randomly in three replications during Rabi 2016-17, one subjected to a drought regime inside the Rainout shelter under residual moisture condition and another one provided with normal irrigated field condition in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur. Analysis of variance revealed considerably exploitable variab...

Twenty five genotypes of rice were evaluated under aerobic and normal conditions to study the cor... more Twenty five genotypes of rice were evaluated under aerobic and normal conditions to study the correlation and path coefficient analysis based on fifteen morpho-physiological traits. Correlation studies indicated that, grain yield per plot exhibited significant and positive association(with plant height (0.28,0.63), panicle length (0.39,0.69), number of tillers per plant (0.35,0.60), number of spikelets per panicle (0.62,0.49), relative water content (0.36,0.72), maximum root length (0.44,0.72), flag leaf area (0.58,0.73), harvest index (0.61,0.27), chlorophyll content (0.68,0.59) and 1000 grain weight (0.58,0.68), at phenotypic level under both normal and aerobic condition. Path analysis revealed at genotypic level that under aerobic and normal condition traits like days to fifty percent flowering (0.487), no. of spikelet per panicle (0.572), no. of tillers per plant (0.688), relative water content in flag leaf (0.98) and maximum root length (0.832, 1.18) had highest positive direct...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Dec 10, 2017
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Oil seed Brassicas, with predominantly cultivated Indian mustard (B. juncea L. Czern and Coss) ha... more Oil seed Brassicas, with predominantly cultivated Indian mustard (B. juncea L. Czern and Coss) have major share in edible oil economy of Bihar, offering potential option for diversifying the predominant Rice-Wheat system (Khachatourians et al., 2004) and grown mainly as rainfed / irrigated situations under early, timely and late sown agroecologies. The extent of variability and diversity available decides the success of crop improvement programme making essential to know the spectrum of diversity in any crop
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International
Volume 2 Issue July & Aug 2018 by KHUSHBOO CHANDRA