Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial
RESUMO: O tradutor-intérprete educacional de Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras)/Português é fun... more RESUMO: O tradutor-intérprete educacional de Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras)/Português é fundamental em um espaço educacional que busca ser inclusivo a surdos, porém sua função vem sendo debatida frente à pluralidade existente quanto às disciplinas e aos contextos nos quais esses profissionais atuam. Diante disso, este trabalho promove uma discussão a fim de somar a um constructo que, aos poucos, tece uma perspectiva mais clara acerca dos aspectos que caracterizam a prática de um intérprete educacional. Para isso, analisaram-se respostas de 53 intérpretes de diferentes regiões do Brasil, obtidas por meio de um questionário enviado via Google Forms, que indagava sobre qual seria a sua função no âmbito educacional. A partir disso, aplicando o método de análise de conteúdo, identificaram-se quatro categorias que apontavam o intérprete educacional como: colaborador no processo de inclusão, mediador cultural, coformador do discente surdo e mediador linguístico. Compreende-se que, em...

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Oct 3, 2020
Chemistry teaching for deaf students has specificities regarding their culture. In a classroom th... more Chemistry teaching for deaf students has specificities regarding their culture. In a classroom that aims to be inclusive, the presence of the Educational Interpreter-EI is essential, as he is the responsible for ensuring the linguistic accessibility of these kinds of students. His performance in this teaching space is linked to the work of the teacher, who is a representative of the scientific / chemical community, which uses a specific language from this area of knowledge in the teaching and learning process with the students. In this context, EI needs to deal with a lot of chemical's terminologies that do not yet have an equivalent sign-term, and pass them from Portuguese to the Brazilian Sign Language-Libras. Thus, in this research we are dedicated to investigating how an Educational Interpreter, in a context of a lack in the chemical sign-terms, interprets the speech of a Chemistry teacher; analysing what her interpretive choices are and what linguistic resources she uses. For this, we recorded a chemistry class on "Rule of the Octet / Chemical Bonds" in a public school in the city of Juiz de Fora-MG, in the first year of high school, in a room with a deaf student. In addition, in order to characterize some aspects of the activities of EIs, we applied a questionnaire via Google Forms for interpreters from different locations in the country, asking them mainly about which functions are assigned to this professional in the educational context. The discussions on the research data were made through the content analysis (questionnaires) of Lawrence Bardin (1977-) and in the use of Charles S. Peirce's semiotic theory (1839-1914), as well as the gesture classifications elaborated by David McNeill (1933-) (filming the lesson) and the theoretical bases of Libras linguistics. In this connection, performing the analyses, we infer that an EI has some functions such as (i) cooperating for the accessibility of the deaf in the educational space; (ii) promoting mediation between deaf culture and others; (iii) act as co-trainer of this student; (iv) perform linguistic mediations through their knowledge of translation / interpretation, Portuguese and Libras. Still, we identified that these professional uses classifiers, typing alphabet, some gestures and signs to signify certain chemical's concepts that were presented by the teacher. However, not only in situations in which there are no sign-terms, these resources were used as a strategy to describe chemical phenomenal and their processes, aiming to cooperate with the deaf student's learning. In short, through the analysis of the class episode, we perceive the reinforcement of the idea, also present in the responses to the questionnaires, that the EI has a co-forming function for the deaf, collaborating with the teacher through his interactions and interpretive choices.

Revista de Ciências Humanas, 2018
O presente trabalho analisa a acessibilidade linguistica de um estudante surdo no curso de Licenc... more O presente trabalho analisa a acessibilidade linguistica de um estudante surdo no curso de Licenciatura em Quimica da Universidade Federal de Vicosa e os desafios colocados diante dele, da professora e dos Tradutores e Interpretes de Lingua de Sinais e Portugues (TILSP). Abordam-se aqui algumas dificuldades no processo de traducao/interpretacao dos conceitos especificos da Quimica (termos tecnicos) e as escolhas lexicais na interpretacao simultânea, podendo comprometer a acessibilidade linguistica. Alem disso, discute-se a barreira comunicacional entre estudante surdo/professora e estudante surdo/estudantes ouvintes, o que dificultou a interacao social entre as partes, entendida aqui como algo fundamental para favorecer o desenvolvimento inter/intrapessoal e profissional do estudante surdo. Conclui-se que ha a necessidade de incentivar a interacao entre os pares e entre o professor e os TILSPs no planejamento didatico das aulas, para que todos contribuam com o processo formativo do ...