Papers by Kongsy Chounlamany
Embracing East and West: Cross-cultural action research for change in Laos : A contextual analysi... more Embracing East and West: Cross-cultural action research for change in Laos : A contextual analysis on gender, ethnicity, education and social status
Revue internationale d'éducation Sèvres, Sep 1, 2018

La question de l’inclusion est aujourd’hui au cœur des problématiques éducatives. Alors qu’à l’or... more La question de l’inclusion est aujourd’hui au cœur des problématiques éducatives. Alors qu’à l’origine, elle concernait surtout les élèves handicapés ou présentant des troubles de l’apprentissage, l’école inclusive se donne désormais pour objectif de veiller à l'inclusion de tous les enfants, sans distinction, en prenant en compte leur diversité. On constate cependant que ce discours s’accompagne, à divers degrés selon les pays, d’un maintien ou d’une aggravation des inégalités scolaires, de difficultés d’enseignement pour les professeurs et, parfois, de résistances familiales. Ce nouveau dossier de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres se propose d’apporter des regards croisés sur cette problématique, en interrogeant l’évolution des conceptions éducatives au sein de neuf pays : l’Italie, le Brésil, Israël, les États-Unis, la Slovaquie, le Mali, le Laos, la Suisse et la France. Dans chaque pays, le parcours vers l’inclusion est un processus long et jalonné de multiples é...
Embracing East and West: Cross-cultural action research for change in Laos : A contextual analysi... more Embracing East and West: Cross-cultural action research for change in Laos : A contextual analysis on gender, ethnicity, education and social status
邓小平的"不搞运动"思想是逐步形成的,这表现在:民主革命时期,党必须掌握住群众运动的规律;社会主义革命和建设时期,加强经常工作,干部甄别平反工作"不要搞运动";改革开放时期,反复强调"不搞运动"... more 邓小平的"不搞运动"思想是逐步形成的,这表现在:民主革命时期,党必须掌握住群众运动的规律;社会主义革命和建设时期,加强经常工作,干部甄别平反工作"不要搞运动";改革开放时期,反复强调"不搞运动"。邓小平"不搞运动"思想的主要内容包括:不搞运动针对各个领域,不搞运动不等于不发动群众,解决思想问题主要靠教育引导,依靠制度改革解决问题,加强经常工作等。邓小平"不搞运动"思想启示我们,必须克服"运动式治理",加强制度建设,发挥人民群众的积极性。
This thesis is about the recent education reform in Laos as a global and a local process. When th... more This thesis is about the recent education reform in Laos as a global and a local process. When the economy was deteriorating in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), the so called New Economic Me ...
La Republique democratique populaire du Laos compte 5,6 millions d’habitants comprenant 49 groupe... more La Republique democratique populaire du Laos compte 5,6 millions d’habitants comprenant 49 groupes ethniques (recensement national de 2005), parlant 82 langues et residant principalement dans des zones rurales (a 80 %). Au cours de l’histoire, le territoire du Laos a subi de nombreuses ingerences de la part de pays voisins et de colonisateurs plus puissants. En 1954, le Laos, qui venait d’obtenir son independance de la France, entreprend de bâtir une societe moderne, mais se trouve vite (en 1...
Introduction The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) has a population of 5.6 million with 49 i... more Introduction The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) has a population of 5.6 million with 49 identified ethnic groups (Lao census, 2005), 82 languages, and a predominantly rural population (80 percent). The Lao PDR has a history of being an arena in which more powerful neighbors and colonisers have interfered. In 1954, however, Laos, newly independent from France, set out to build a modern society, but was soon engulfed by the American War (in 1962). Colonial heritage, economy, traditions,...
Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres

This thesis is about the recent education reform in Laos as a global and a local process. When th... more This thesis is about the recent education reform in Laos as a global and a local process. When the economy was deteriorating in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the so called New Economic Mechanism (NEM) was introduced and the country opened up for global donors and markets. This also had an effect on the education system. To get hold of financial support there were demands on Lao PDR to replace the previous strong centralised governing of education with more decentralised strategies. There were further demands to replace teacher-led lessons and rote learning with more student-centred classroom practices. The research questions asked in this thesis are: How are education reform and the new methods of teaching governed in policy and through the formal education organisations from ministry level to school level? How do teachers and students in teacher education respond to the education reform and the new methods of teaching? What attention is put to gender and ethnic minorities in these matters? The thesis is inspired by Gita Steiner-Khamsi's global perspectives on education reform; consensus, conflict and culturalist perspectives. It is also based on a local understanding taking its starting point in a pragmatic approach and a mosaic epistemology and a qualitative inductive methodological approach. The empirical findings are based on 36 documents that govern the education reform, 119 individual interviews with teachers and students in social science and science at teacher education, some observations and a contextual analysis of education, gender and ethnicity in Laos. The findings show that there is a consensus with the international community about bringing education to all people in Lao PDR. However, the political understanding is in conflict between neoliberal and socialist traditions. Democratic centralism is the foundation which built the governing system in Laos; information flows up through the system and decisions down. Even though the system leaves 20 percent autonomy to teachers to develop local curricula in line with the new methods of teaching, there are yet no major signs that such curricula exist. Teacher educators and teacher students understand new methods of teaching mainly as group learning and individual learning with only small variations between the two subjects. According to current policy the goal is to improve access to education for females and ethnic minority students. The ethnic minority students regarded individual studies as difficult because of language problems. They preferred group learning because they could be supported in language issues. Females also felt supported in group learning. However, because of old gender traditions especially females from the dominating Lao Loum group also found individual learning supportive. In individual learning females got opportunities to show individual capacities without being constrained by societal norms. The thesis ends up in a pragmatic tradition where possibilities and constraints with the education reform in Lao PDR are commented on.
Revue Internationale D Education De Sevres, Jun 11, 2014
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2016
Revue Internationale D Education De Sevres, Jun 5, 2014

This thesis is about the recent education reform in Laos as a global and a local process. When th... more This thesis is about the recent education reform in Laos as a global and a local process. When the economy was deteriorating in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the so called New Economic Mechanism (NEM) was introduced and the country opened up for global donors and markets. This also had an effect on the education system. To get hold of financial support there were demands on Lao PDR to replace the previous strong centralised governing of education with more decentralised strategies. There were further demands to replace teacher-led lessons and rote learning with more student-centred classroom practices. The research questions asked in this thesis are: How are education reform and the new methods of teaching governed in policy and through the formal education organisations from ministry level to school level? How do teachers and students in teacher education respond to the education reform and the new methods of teaching? What attention is put to gender and ethnic minorities in these matters? The thesis is inspired by Gita Steiner-Khamsi's global perspectives on education reform; consensus, conflict and culturalist perspectives. It is also based on a local understanding taking its starting point in a pragmatic approach and a mosaic epistemology and a qualitative inductive methodological approach. The empirical findings are based on 36 documents that govern the education reform, 119 individual interviews with teachers and students in social science and science at teacher education, some observations and a contextual analysis of education, gender and ethnicity in Laos. The findings show that there is a consensus with the international community about bringing education to all people in Lao PDR. However, the political understanding is in conflict between neoliberal and socialist traditions. Democratic centralism is the foundation which built the governing system in Laos; information flows up through the system and decisions down. Even though the system leaves 20 percent autonomy to teachers to develop local curricula in line with the new methods of teaching, there are yet no major signs that such curricula exist. Teacher educators and teacher students understand new methods of teaching mainly as group learning and individual learning with only small variations between the two subjects. According to current policy the goal is to improve access to education for females and ethnic minority students. The ethnic minority students regarded individual studies as difficult because of language problems. They preferred group learning because they could be supported in language issues. Females also felt supported in group learning. However, because of old gender traditions especially females from the dominating Lao Loum group also found individual learning supportive. In individual learning females got opportunities to show individual capacities without being constrained by societal norms. The thesis ends up in a pragmatic tradition where possibilities and constraints with the education reform in Lao PDR are commented on.
Papers by Kongsy Chounlamany