Papers by Krzysztof Barbusiński

Zeszyty Naukowe. Inżynieria Środowiska / Politechnika Śląska, 2004
Intensyfikacja procesu oczyszczania ścieków i stabilizacji osadów nadmiernych. 6.2. Oczyszczanie ... more Intensyfikacja procesu oczyszczania ścieków i stabilizacji osadów nadmiernych. 6.2. Oczyszczanie ścieków z produkcji pestycydów 68 6 .2. 1. Parametry stosowania odczynnika Fentona 68 6 .2 .2. Toksyczność ścieków 71 6.2.3. Podatność osadów na odwadnianie 72 6.3. Zmiany toksyczności ścieków oczyszczanych odczynnikiem Fentona 72 6.3.1. Parametry stosowania odczynnika Fentona dla zmian ChZT i toksyczności 73 6.3.2. Kinetyka zmian wartości ChZT i toksyczności 77 6.3.3. Modele kinetyczne zmian wartości ChZT i toksyczności 78 6.3.4. Ocena jakości modeli kinetycznych 88 6.4. Destabilizacja przepracowanych emulsji olejowych 91 6.4.1. Zastosowanie wybranych metod destabilizacji 91 6.4.2. Badania uściślające z wykorzystaniem odczynnika Fentona 93 6.5. Stabilizacja nadmiernych osadów czynnych 97 6.5.1. Stabilizacja osadów w reaktorach okresowych 97 6.5.2. Stabilizacja osadów w reaktorach z półciągłym zasilaniem 107 6 .6. Modyfikacja odczynnika Fentona z wykorzystaniem alternatywnego źródła H20 2 113 6.6.1. Zależność między stężeniem PermeOxu a ilością uwalnianego H20 2 113 6
Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, Nov 5, 2019
Wodociągi - Kanalizacja, 2019

Total nitrogen (TN) concentration is one of important indications of wastewater quality and also ... more Total nitrogen (TN) concentration is one of important indications of wastewater quality and also a parameter important for wastewater treatment plant performance evaluation. Since the variability of total nitrogen in the effluent from the wastewater treatment plant is the result of the processes taking place in the bioreactor, the processes can be described by mechanistic models, for example, activated sludge models. However, calibration of many parameters is required in such models, and can leads to problems in identifying their proper numerical values. The paper proposes a novel way to deal with this problem by presenting a methodology for building a model for simulating TN, based on sequential structure. In the applied approach, regression models for simulation of TN are first created using Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and random forest (RF) methods. In the case of unsatisfactory predictive ability, a division of the dependent variable into a classifier form is made. In the next stage, classification models are created by RF and XGBoost methods and sensitivity analysis is performed by calculating Shapley indices. Two classification models were built that allow for the identification of TN eff variability ranges. The new approach using two models instead of one is preferable because it allows control and optimization of the bioreactor operation.

Odours emitted by biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) may cause a nuisance and negativ... more Odours emitted by biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) may cause a nuisance and negatively impact people's health. It is possible to tackle this issue using known deodorization technologies such as adsorption, absorption, combustion, catalytic oxidation, and biofiltration. However, applying some of these may lead to secondary pollution, high operating and investment costs, periodic replacing, utilising or regenerating reactor or filter bed, or using expensive catalysts. It is possible to avoid problems of this kind using the compact trickle-bed bioreactor (CTBB) technology to biodegrade odours emitted from WWTPs. A pilot-scale CTBB reactor, with a total volume of 1.07 m 3 , diameter of 0.8 m and height of 2.13 m, was installed on the premises of a municipal WWTP. At variable parameters of the biodegradation process, odour reduction was investigated using mobile measuring devices to detect hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The factor of H 2 S conversion was 71%-97%, and that of VOC conversion was 82%-94% when the gaseous-phase flow rate ranged from 7-30 m 3 h-1 , at pH = 7 in the liquid-phase. The research results confirm the significant potential of CTBB technology for application in the municipal sector.

Landfill gas recovery and utilisation is a solution which reduces the adverse environmental impac... more Landfill gas recovery and utilisation is a solution which reduces the adverse environmental impact of the landfill. Combined heat and power (CHP) generation improves the energy balance of the facility and enables the optimal management of energy generated from a renewable source. This article aims to analyse the operation of the CHP unit in two aspects, that is, in terms of energy generation efficiency and operational availability. Energy ratios were calculated and the analysis was based on the Weibull distribution in order to assess the CHP unit’s operational reliability to minimise costs and maximise energy production. The results of the investigations and analyses demonstrated an increase of the gas yield by 29.5%, an increase of energy production by approx. 42%, and the reduction of downtime by 28.2% from 2018 to 2022. Studies related to the efficiency and reliability of operation of the cogeneration unit showed an increase in all the main parameters analysed, which resulted in ...

Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment, 2016
The study presents the preliminary results of research with the aim to test a Compact Trickle-Bed... more The study presents the preliminary results of research with the aim to test a Compact Trickle-Bed Bioreactor (CTBB) to the biopurification of air from VOC’s mixtures (ethyl alcohol, dimethyl sulphide, styrene). The experiments were performed using a 45 dm3 semi-industrial scale bioreactor in which gas and liquid phases flowed co-currently in downward direction through a bed made up of polyethylene rings. The bioreactor was inoculated with a co-culture of microorganisms including bacterial strains found in the wastewater and adopted to chosen pollutants. The gas-flowrate was 4.0 m3/h and VOC concentration in the gas phase was changed from 40 to 255 ppm. In the whole period of research the efficiency of pollutant removal was in the range 92-99%. The lowest result of efficiency was achieved in the 2nd day of research as a response of the highest concentration of VOC. Possible consequences of a violent pollutant overload and the time required for regenerating the microorganisms and retu...
Papers by Krzysztof Barbusiński