Papers by Justyna Żabicka

Diversity, Aug 24, 2020
The Viola epipsila-V. palustris complex is a highly taxonomically complicated group of species in... more The Viola epipsila-V. palustris complex is a highly taxonomically complicated group of species in its entire circumboreal range of distribution. Habitat loss, forest flooding, and hybridization could lead to the extinction of V. epipsila. A hybrid index and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to select qualitative and quantitative morphological features to distinguish parent species and hybrids, inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers to determine the genetic diversity of the populations, flow cytometry to estimate the genome size (GS), and non-coding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions to indicate the directions of crosses. All taxa are very morphologically variable, and their features can change within a season. The most stable feature is the distance of the bracts on the pedicel from the rhizome. The genetic diversity of all taxa populations is low and highly influenced by selfing and vegetative propagation. The population structure is differentiated: populations of V. epipsila or V. palustris, mixed populations with both parent species, F1 hybrids and populations with introgressive forms occur in different regions. The interspecific GS variation corresponds to the ploidy level (4x = 2.52 pg, 8x = 4.26 pg, 6x = 3.42 pg). Viola epipsila is the mother plant of the hybrids. Research has shown the risk of V. epipsila extinction in Central Europe and the importance of local populations in studying the role of hybridization in reducing/maintaining/increasing biodiversity.

Scientific Reports, Aug 22, 2022
The study focuses on the propagation of a rare and endangered plant species (Pulsatilla patens) t... more The study focuses on the propagation of a rare and endangered plant species (Pulsatilla patens) to reintroduce an extinct population from calamine area in Southern Poland. The plants were propagated from seeds, rhizome cuttings, or regenerated in vitro from shoot tips, hypocotyls with roots or cotyledons of seedlings on Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.25 or 0.50 mg L −1 BAP (Benzylaminopurine) via direct and indirect organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis (SE). The most efficient micropropagation method was with shoot tips as an explant on MS + 0.25 mg L −1 BAP where 97% of the explants produced multiple shoots, mass SE was observed after transfer on ½ MS with 2% saccharose; 267 (35%) shoots rooted on ½ MS + 2% saccharose were acclimatized to ex vitro conditions. Flow cytometry revealed genome size stability of propagated plantlets. Low genetic differentiation between micropropagated plantlets and initial material was indicated by ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) markers. Totally, 132 vigorous plantlets obtained on various pathways were introduced to the field plots in 2020; 30.33% survived the winter, and several reached the generative stage and flowered in the spring 2021. In next season (March/April 2022) the number of introduced plants decreased to 25% while the number of flowering and fruiting shoots in different clumps increased in some plots. This is the first report of successful re-introduction of the endangered P. patens based on micropropagation, rhizome cuttings, and seed germination. Is there a risk of extinction of the pasque-flower in its European range? Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. (pasque-flower) is a one of the most endangered plant species in Europe, and in several regions it is threatened with extinction 1-13. Current threats include both natural and anthropogenic factors, e.g. habitat reduction, fragmentation and eutrophication, natural succession, unsuitable forest management, forest fires, damage caused by animals, reduced seed set due to a lack of pollinators, poor seed germination, scarce vegetative propagation, hybridization with other pasque-flower species, and a lack of root-colonizing mycorrhizal fungi 1,8,14-18. Variation in the life cycle and slow growth and development until flowering are also negative factors for population dynamics 19. Thus, the species is included in the European Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, Appendix II i IV, code 1477. In Poland, in the late 19th and early twentieth century the range of P. patens included almost the entire country. The situation drastically changed in the second half of the twentieth century, when almost all populations in western, central and southern Poland became extinct. Currently, the highest density of extant populations is reported from northeastern Poland 11 .

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC)
The paper presents a technique for micropropagation of endangered in Europe and extinct in Poland... more The paper presents a technique for micropropagation of endangered in Europe and extinct in Poland Pulsatilla vulgaris for ex situ conservation of the genetic resources. Genotype-dependent induction of somatic embryogenesis and rooting was revealed in series of two experiments (I and II) performed under the same experimental conditions. Shoot tips of seedlings were the best explants in both experiments and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.25 or 0.5 mg L−1 BAP was suitable for induction of somatic embryos (SE) and adventitious shoots. Mass SE was obtained in experiment I after explants transfer on ½ MS (2% sucrose) + 0.45 mg L−1 B1 and extending culture to 2–3 months without passages. Rooting of adventitious shoots was a critical point. Out of seven rooting media used in experiment I, only two, ½ MS hormone free (2% sucrose) + 0.45 mg L−1 B1 or MS + 5 mg L−1 NAA + 3.76 mg L−1 B2 resulted in altogether 36.4% rooted shoots. In experiment II, somatic embryogenesis, roo...

In Europe, the V. epipsila—V. palustris group comprises V. epipsila Ledeb., V. palustris L., V. p... more In Europe, the V. epipsila—V. palustris group comprises V. epipsila Ledeb., V. palustris L., V. pubifolia (Kuta) G. H. Loos (=V. palustris subsp. pubifolia Kuta), interspecific hybrids, and putative introgressants. The genetic affinity of V. pubifolia to V. palustris, and their shared origin via hybridization followed by polyploidization, were confirmed using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers, restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq), and a low-copy nuclear gene, GPI, which encodes glucose-6-phosphate isomerase. The other taxa of subsect. Stolonosae were not identified as putative parents of V. pubifolia by GPI. Our analyses indicated that V. pubifolia can be included in the morphological and genetic variation of V. palustris. The ISSR, RAD-Seq, and genome size value separated well V. palustris from V. epipsila and hybrids. The results also reopen the discussion on intraspecific variation in the context of taxa ranks and species concepts. The reduced tolerance ...
Biology, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Papers by Justyna Żabicka