Papers by Juraj Procházka

Temperate oak-dominated woodlands are plant communities characterized by relatively open canopy s... more Temperate oak-dominated woodlands are plant communities characterized by relatively open canopy structure and often rich assemblages of light-demanding understory species. This vegetation prevailed in Central European lowlands during the early and middle Holocene. Where open woodlands persisted in later periods, several main factors might have prevented the expansion of shade-tolerant tree species: climate, soil, and disturbances. The last factor includes both natural and human induced agents (fire, grazing of wild or domestic herbivores, management). In our study we focused on the relative impact of the humans and climate on long-term forest vegetation changes in the northerwestern part of the Panonnian Basin. Two peat cores covering the vegetation history of the past 12,000 years have been investigated by means of pollen and charcoal analyses. Palaeoecological data were interpreted in the context of a climatic model and archaeological evidence. Our results showed that the early Ho...
Geografický časopis - Geographical Journal

During the period 1782-1900, artificial meander cutoffs were the most important interferences to ... more During the period 1782-1900, artificial meander cutoffs were the most important interferences to the lower Váh River channel. For the study of this phenomenon, we used historic map data sources, such as 1 st – 3 rd military survey of Habsburg Empire, old cadastral, local and regional maps. In the investigated segment of Váh river on Podunajská nížina lowland (stretch between towns Sereď and Komárno), we identified 27 artificial meander cutoffs in total, from which five were already realised during the 18 th century. Some of them were even cut repeatedly. Due to artificial meander cutoffs not only channel shortening and decrease in sinuosity took place, but probably also an increase in channel slope and incision, leading to subsequent narrowing of the channel. The aim of the work is to evaluate chronologically the most important channel alterations to the lower Váh river channel before the end of the 19 th century using historic maps.

During the period 1782-1900, artificial meander cutoffs were the most important interferences to ... more During the period 1782-1900, artificial meander cutoffs were the most important interferences to the lower Váh River channel. For the study of this phenomenon, we used historic map data sources, such as 1 st – 3 rd military survey of Habsburg Empire, old cadastral, local and regional maps. In the investigated segment of Váh river on Podunajská nížina lowland (stretch between towns Sereď and Komárno), we identified 27 artificial meander cutoffs in total, from which five were already realised during the 18 th century. Some of them were even cut repeatedly. Due to artificial meander cutoffs not only channel shortening and decrease in sinuosity took place, but probably also an increase in channel slope and incision, leading to subsequent narrowing of the channel. The aim of the work is to evaluate chronologically the most important channel alterations to the lower Váh river channel before the end of the 19 th century using historic maps.
Papers by Juraj Procházka