Papers by Junaidin Muhaimin

Jurnal Al-Qalam: Jurnal Kajian Islam & Pendidikan
Artikel ini merupakan refleksi dari maraknya kasus-kasus pencabulan, pelecehan dan pemerkosaan ya... more Artikel ini merupakan refleksi dari maraknya kasus-kasus pencabulan, pelecehan dan pemerkosaan yang terjadi pada masa pandemi covid 19 di Bima awal tahu 2021. Mirisnya kasus-kasus tersebut justru menimpa anak-anak di bawah umur. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk membangkitkan solidaritas sosial dan respon masyarakat terhadap tindak pidana kriminal tersebut serta upaya pemberantasannya. Adapun sumber data yang peneliti gunakan ialah berita-berita yang didapat dari media online yang ada di Bima. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara Online pada aplikasi facebook. Penelitian ini kemudian mengungkap faktor-faktor penyebab kekerasan sexual pada anak di Bima dilatarbelakangi dari minimnya pengetahuan tentang ilmu agama. Disamping itu maraknya peredaran konten-konten yang berbau pornografi di Media sosial turut menjadi perhatian. Solidaritas sosial yang timbul di media sosial ditandai dengan 114 emoticon like, 79 emoticon sedih, 4 emoticon marah, 27 komentar dan dishare sebanyak 790 kali. Gera...

Jurnal Al-Qalam: Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Pendidikan, 2022
Artikel ini merupakan refleksi dari maraknya kasus-kasus pencabulan, pelecehan dan pemerkosaan ya... more Artikel ini merupakan refleksi dari maraknya kasus-kasus pencabulan, pelecehan dan pemerkosaan yang terjadi pada masa pandemi covid 19 di Bima awal tahu 2021. Mirisnya kasus-kasus tersebut justru menimpa anak-anak di bawah umur. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk membangkitkan solidaritas sosial dan respon masyarakat terhadap tindak pidana kriminal tersebut serta upaya pemberantasannya. Adapun sumber data yang peneliti gunakan ialah berita-berita yang didapat dari media online yang ada di Bima. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara Online pada aplikasi facebook. Penelitian ini kemudian mengungkap faktor-faktor penyebab kekerasan sexual pada anak di Bima dilatarbelakangi dari minimnya pengetahuan tentang ilmu agama. Disamping itu maraknya peredaran konten-konten yang berbau pornografi di Media sosial turut menjadi perhatian. Solidaritas sosial yang timbul di media sosial ditandai dengan 114 emoticon like, 79 emoticon sedih, 4 emoticon marah, 27 komentar dan dishare sebanyak 790 kali. Gerakan sosial yang muncul ini merupakan wujud keperdulian masyarakat Bima di media sosial dalam mencegah dan mengingatkan para pembaca terhadap maraknya kejahatan sexual pada anak. Pelaku dijumpai rata-rata masih berstatus tetangga dan kerabat dari korban.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemaknaan pe... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemaknaan pendidikan akhlak tasawuf dalam kehidupan eksoteris masyarakat Ntori Bima tentang tata cara berwudhu. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi penelitian di Desa Ntori Kabupaten Bima. Adapun metode pengumpulan data ialah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Tekhnik analisis data yakni; 1) pengumpulan data, 2) kondensasi data, 3) mengorganisasi data, dan 4) verifikasi data. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan pedoman dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini kemudian menemukan bahwa pemaknaan dalam kehidupan eksoteris masyarakat Ntori Bima masih cukup kental pada tataran masyarakat klasik atau umur 90-an ke bawah. Sedangkan pada tataran masyarakat milenial sudah mulai berkurang. Nilai raso ini merupakan instrumen dalam aktivitas ibadah umat Islam yang menjadi tiang utama terbentuknya masyarakat yang Islami.

The study was descriptive qualitative research, aimed at identifying and analyzing the Sufism mor... more The study was descriptive qualitative research, aimed at identifying and analyzing the Sufism moral values in children's education in Ntori Bima community. The child referred to in this study was a child who is the second offspring of his /her parents . The location of this research was in Ntori Village, Wawo District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Data sources w ere taken from the local community leaders regarded to understand and practice the moral values that can be detected by observing the scale of their spiritual attitudes. Observation , interview, and documentation were utilized in collecting the data . The researcher as the main instrument, observation guide, interview guide, and check list of documents as well as other supporting tools such as recorders, cameras and stationery were used as the research instruments . Data processing techniques employed were Miles and Hiberman techniques, starting from collecting, condensing , managing, and veriying the data. The quan...

Imam Mahdi is believed by both Sunni and Shiite Muslims to be present at the end of time. This be... more Imam Mahdi is believed by both Sunni and Shiite Muslims to be present at the end of time. This belief is reinforced by the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. But they differed in their views regarding the figure of Imam Mahdi al-Muntadhar. Even among Sunnis and Shiites themselves have a variety of views. Among Sunnis there are three opinions about the Mahdi. First, Imam Mahdi comes from the descendants of Fatimah az-Zahra, whose name is the same as the name of the Prophet Muhammad. and the name of his father is the same as the name of his father the Prophet Muhammad, namely Abdullah. Secondly, Imam Mahdi is only a figure of a savior of human life. Thus, he does not have to come from the descendants of Fatimah az-Zahra, but a Muslim. Third, Imam Mahdi is not an individual figure but a symbol of the triumph of truth over evil or the triumph of justice over injustice. This assumption is widely held by modern thinkers. Among the Shiites there are also three opinions rega...

STIT Sunan Giri Bima, 2021
This article is an analysis of the concepts of fana, baqa and Ittihat promoted by Abu Yazid al-Bu... more This article is an analysis of the concepts of fana, baqa and Ittihat promoted by Abu Yazid al-Bustami. The understanding of Fana' which was developed by him is to state that when humans have reached the level of Fana', which means the loss of awareness of the existence of oneself and the environment, then he will be Baqa' which means continuous in the attributes of divinity. Namely, the eternal commendable attributes and attributes of God in humans and the peak is that humans can unite or ittihad with God so that the personal self becomes non-existent and there is only God. This understanding received mixed responses from the scholars. Shari'ah scholars or fiqh experts tend to state that this understanding is misleading and al-Bustami is said to be infidel, some consider it just a deviation and some understand that an understanding based on al-Bustami's expressions cannot be used as a guide because it was conveyed when he was not in his self-consciousness, but is subject to intuition when he is mortal', baqa', and Ittihad.

Sulesana: Jurnal Wawasan Keislaman, 2018
The study was descriptive qualitative research, aimed at identifying and analyzing the Sufism mor... more The study was descriptive qualitative research, aimed at identifying and analyzing the Sufism moral values in children's education in Ntori Bima community. The child referred to in this study was a child who is the second offspring of his/her parents. The location of this research was in Ntori Village, Wawo District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Data sources were taken from the local community leaders regarded to understand and practice the moral values that can be detected by observing the scale of their spiritual attitudes. Observation, interview, and documentation were utilized in collecting the data. The researcher as the main instrument, observation guide, interview guide, and check list of documents as well as other supporting tools such as recorders, cameras and stationery were used as the research instruments. Data processing techniques employed were Miles and Hiberman techniques, starting from collecting, condensing, managing, and veriying the data. The quantitative data would be processed first with a percentage formula so that it could be e, while the qualitative data would be described. Triangulation technique was applied in testing the data validity. The results of the study revealed that the level of understanding on Sufism Moral values (fi tua) in the Ntori Bima community was still general and taught informally. While the forms of Sufism Moral values in children's education in the Ntori Bima community were: (1) To'a ro nggahi rombo mantiri (obedient and honest), (2) maja labo dahu (embarrassed and afraid), (3) ngaji raso (purifying). These values shaped the character of the Ntori Bima people who were polite, shy, honest, trustworthy, and continue to be oriented towards kindness and sincerity. The implications of the study; (1) understanding Sufism moral values in children's education by raising local values, (2) raising awareness to prioritize moral values in educating children, (3) being able to recognize, understand, and apply the moral values to be accustomed behavior, so that it could become an identity in the future.

Fitrah: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan, 2019
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemaknaan pe... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemaknaan pendidikan akhlak tasawuf dalam kehidupan eksoteris masyarakat Ntori Bima tentang tata cara berwudhu. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi penelitian di Desa Ntori Kabupaten Bima. Adapun metode pengumpulan data ialah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Tekhnik analisis data yakni; 1) pengumpulan data, 2) kondensasi data, 3) mengorganisasi data, dan 4) verifikasi data. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan pedoman dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini kemudian menemukan bahwa pemaknaan dalam kehidupan eksoteris masyarakat Ntori Bima masih cukup kental pada tataran masyarakat klasik atau umur 90-an ke bawah. Sedangkan pada tataran masyarakat milenial sudah mulai berkurang. Nilai raso ini merupakan instrumen dalam aktivitas ibadah umat Islam yang menjadi tiang utama terbentuknya masyarakat yang Islami.

FiTUA: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2020
This article intends to review how the history of the government of Ali bin Abhi Talib's friends ... more This article intends to review how the history of the government of Ali bin Abhi Talib's friends who later got a rebellion from the community at that time. This is inseparable from the aftermath of the policies taken by Ali ibn Abhi Talib who was considered so rash because he dared to bring down officials who were appointed by Uthman ibn Affan's friends before his supporters officially pledged Ali as Khalifah. Moreover, efforts to demand the death of Uthman by his family are like Aisha, Talha, and Zubair, which was then used by Muawiyah ibn Abu Suffyan as an opportunity to bring down Ali ibn Abhi Talib. So the polemic gave birth to the Jamal war, the Siffin war, and the legendary events of Tahkim. Amr's cunning diplomatic power then lowered Ali as Caliph and raised Muawiyah as the official Caliph. The emergence of Khawarij as a rebel who intends to kill Ali, Muawiyah and Amr increasingly adds suspicion to the Muawiyah camp. Considering that only Ali was killed by the Khawarij, while Amr and Muawiyah survived. Ali's death also started a new chapter of the emergence of the Umayyad dynasty.
Papers by Junaidin Muhaimin