Papers by Juliane Alt-mörbe
Nature, 1997

Short tandem repeats (STRs) are repeating DNA sequences used in forensic human identity testing a... more Short tandem repeats (STRs) are repeating DNA sequences used in forensic human identity testing and the diagnosis of aneuploidies. Many STRs like Penta D and TPOX are used routinely for paternity tests, but these tests are not widely used in sub-Saharan Africa. The study population consisted of Gabonese families seeking a paternity test. After DNA extraction from the individuals collected by buccal swabs, we genotyped samples using a panel of 15 to 22 STRs. A total of 115 subjects from 39 families were included. Allele frequencies of the 22 STR loci were determined in unrelated Gabonese subjects. The most polymorphic loci were D21S11 and FGA, with 16 and 17 alleles, respectively, while D3S1358 and TH01 loci were less polymorphic, with 5 alleles. Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were only observed in the cases of TPOX, D3S1358, CSFPO and D7S820 loci. We report tri-allelic patterns that indicate aneuploidies at a combined frequency of 4% (4/115) with 3% for Penta D (1/35) an...

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2009
Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a key role in the development of cervical and laryngeal cancers.... more Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a key role in the development of cervical and laryngeal cancers. The aim of our study was to compare the performance of a new hydrogel-based HPV genotyping biochip assay (Biochip) to a commercially available and CE-marked conventional PCR followed by reverse hybridization (GenID-PCR). One hundred twenty-three samples were available for the study. Of these samples, 101/123 were gynecological swabs, 8/123 were swabs or biopsy samples of genital warts, 7/123 were biopsy samples of otorhinolaryngeal lesions, 5/123 were samples of skin warts, and 2/123 were samples of orolabial abnormalities. These molecular methods for HPV genotyping showed comparable sensitivity and specificity. However, 19/123 of the results were discrepant. Specifically, Biochip showed better performance in the detection of multiple infections, especially when more than one high-risk genotype was present. Due to the different probe configurations used in the two assays, GenID-PCR achi...
Plant Molecular Biology, 1985
The gene for cytochrome b-559, associated with the photosystem II reaction center, has been locat... more The gene for cytochrome b-559, associated with the photosystem II reaction center, has been located on the spinach plastid chromosome by cell-free coupled transcription-translation and RNA-programmed hybrid selection translation using appropriate recombinant DNAs, RNA fractions, and monospecific antisera. The gene is located in the large single-copy segment of the plastid chromosome between the genes for cytochomef and the P680 chlorophyll a apoprotein of photosystem II and transcribed in the opposite direction relative to these genes. The 10 kd protein is decoded from a bicistronic 1.0 kb mRNA and is apparently not made as a precursor in cell-free rabbit reticulocyte and E. coli lysates.
MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 1985
... Peter Westhoff 1, Juliane Alt 1, Nathan Nelson 2, and Reinhold G. Herrmann 1 Botanisches Inst... more ... Peter Westhoff 1, Juliane Alt 1, Nathan Nelson 2, and Reinhold G. Herrmann 1 Botanisches Institut der Universit/it, Universit/itsstrasse 1, D-4000 Dfisseldorf 1, Federal Republic of Germany 2 Department of Biology, Technion, Haifa, Israel Summary. ...

Journal of Virological Methods, 2010
Genotyping of the human papilloma virus (HPV) is from a clinical point of view an important diagn... more Genotyping of the human papilloma virus (HPV) is from a clinical point of view an important diagnostic task as some genotypes play a major role in the development of cervical carcinoma. So far PCR combined with blotting or in situ labelling is known to be the most accurate and sensitive method for detection and genotyping of HPV infection in clinical samples. However, specificity, cost-efficiency and sensitivity are not always satisfactory. A novel DNA biochip is described based on a plastic substrate, onto which small polymer droplets and single-stranded DNA are printed in the form of microarrays. Immobilisation of all compounds on the chip surface is achieved by a short UV-irradiation process, inducing photochemical reactions in the polymer. The chip designed for this study contains 36 probes for determining 12 common, different HPV genotypes. After isolation of the DNA, PCR and biochip read-out, the chip allows for genotyping of the most common virus strains, which, according to current prevalence studies, cover 85-95% of all infections. Following this approach as little as 10 virus copies can be detected within a short exposure time. Even using paraffin-embedded material and 10 4 copies per PCR are sufficient to allow rapid and reliable HPV genotyping.

The EMBO Journal, 1983
Cytochrome b6/f complex was prepared from washed thylakoid membranes by a procedure involving det... more Cytochrome b6/f complex was prepared from washed thylakoid membranes by a procedure involving detergent treatment and centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The complex is composed of at least four polypeptide species, cytochrome f which occurs in two variant forms (mol. wt. 34/33 kd), cytochrome b6 (23 kd), the high-potential Rieske iron-sulfur protein (19 kd) and a fourth subunit (17 kd) of unknown function. Transcripts for the cytochromes f, b6 and subunit 4 were found in plastid RNA, those for the Rieske iron-sulfur protein in cytosolic poly(A) + RNA. Transcripts for cytochrome b6 and subunit 4 are translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysates into products of correct length. The Rieske ironsulfur protein and the cytochrome f apoprotein appear to be made as precursors with excess sequences of 7 and 4 kd, respectively. Cytochrome f, cytochrome b6 and subunit 4 are encoded by uninterrupted plastid genes that are located in the large single-copy region of the circular DNA molecule. Each of these genes is present once per chromosome. Their location and direction of transcription have been determined by hybrid-selection mapping and by cell-free transcription/translation of various recombinant DNAs. The genes for cytochrome b6 and for subunit 4 lie near each other, but do not overlap. They are transcribed into a single message. The gene for cytochrome f maps 15 kbp away from this cluster, close to the 3' end of the gene for the large subunit of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, and is transcribed into a separate 4 kb long RNA. All these genes have the same polarities with respect to each other.
Structure and Function of Plant Genomes, 1983

Biological chemistry of …, 1980
The autotrophic eukaryotic cell is a highly complex system; its biogenesis demands a subtle inter... more The autotrophic eukaryotic cell is a highly complex system; its biogenesis demands a subtle interplay of three genetic compartments: nucleus/cytosol, plastids, and mitochondria. The genetic material of plastids, the plastome (Renner 1934), possesses unique features which allow us to probe the cooperation between intracellular genetic compartments as well as gain insight into the evolution of this system. The primary attributes of plastid DNA (ptDNA) are that it is moderately complex, structurally defined, and does not appear to encode only ancillary functions. In vascular plants the plastid genetic information is deposited in a single, highly reiterated circular DNA molecule of about 150 kilobase pairs (kbp), a size that corresponds roughly to a coding potential of 200 polypeptides of average molecular weight. Although the sizes of plastid chromosomes of the vascular plants studied to date are remarkably uniform (for review see Herrmann and Possingham 1980), they can vary from at least 120 kbp in the liverwort Sphaerocarpos (Herrmann et al. 1980) or the Xanthophycean alga Vaucheria (Kowallik and Hennig unpublished) to 200 kbp in Chlamydomonas reinhardii (Behn and Herrmann 1977).
Berichte Der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Oct 1, 1982

The EMBO Journal
A core particle of the water-oxidizing photosystem II reaction center has been prepared from stac... more A core particle of the water-oxidizing photosystem II reaction center has been prepared from stacked spinach thylakoid membranes by a procedure involving extraction with the nonionic detergent dodecyl-3-D-maltoside and centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The protein-pigment complex consists of at least four polypeptide species: two components with mol. wts. of 51 and 44 kd which are conjugated with chlorophyll a and ,3-carotene, the herbicide-binding protein of mol. wt. 32 kd and cytochrome b 559 (11 kd). The genes for the 51-and 44-kd polypeptides have been located on the circular 150-kbp spinach plastid chromosome. They were identified by hybrid-selection mapping, in vitro transcription-translation of recombinant DNAs and specific antisera which were used to characterize the translation products. The plastid chromosome carries one uninterrupted copy for each of these genes in its large single-copy region. The gene for the 51-kd protein (which probably bears the P680 reaction center chlorophyll a) is located in close proximity to the gene for cytochrome b6, and some 70 kbp away from the gene for the '32-kd' herbicide-binding protein of the reducing side of photosystem II. The gene for the 44-kd protein is situated halfway between these two genes adjacent to the gene for the P700 chlorophyll a apoprotein of the photosystem I reaction center. Both photosystem II genes are transcribed into discrete RNA species in the same direction but from the opposite strand as the gene for the '32-kd' protein.

The EMBO journal, 1983
A core particle of the water-oxidizing photosystem II reaction center has been prepared from stac... more A core particle of the water-oxidizing photosystem II reaction center has been prepared from stacked spinach thylakoid membranes by a procedure involving extraction with the non-ionic detergent dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside and centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The protein-pigment complex consists of at least four polypeptide species: two components with mol. wts. of 51 and 44 kd which are conjugated with chlorophyll a and beta-carotene, the herbicide-binding protein of mol. wt. 32 kd and cytochrome b 559 (11 kd). The genes for the 51-and 44-kd polypeptides have been located on the circular 150-kbp spinach plastid chromosome. They were identified by hybrid-selection mapping, in vitro transcription-translation of recombinant DNAs and specific antisera which were used to characterize the translation products. The plastid chromosome carries one uninterrupted copy for each of these genes in its large single-copy region. The gene for the 51-kd protein (which probably bears the P(680) react...
Nature, Jan 29, 1997
The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII has 572 predicted ope... more The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII has 572 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), of which 341 are new. No correlation was found between G+C content and gene density along the chromosome, and their variations are random. Of the ORFs, 17% show high similarity to human proteins. Almost half of the ORFs could be classified in functional categories, and there is a slight increase in the number of transcription (7.0%) and translation (5.2%) factors when compared with the complete S. cerevisiae genome. Accurate verification procedures demonstrate that there are less than two errors per 10,000 base pairs in the published sequence.

European Journal of Biochemistry, 1998
Many aromatic compounds are anaerobically oxidized to CO 2 via benzoyl-CoA as the common aromatic... more Many aromatic compounds are anaerobically oxidized to CO 2 via benzoyl-CoA as the common aromatic intermediate. In Thauera aromatica, the central benzoyl-CoA pathway comprises the ATP-driven two-electron reduction of the benzene ring; this reaction uses a ferredoxin as electron donor and is catalyzed by benzoyl-CoA reductase. The first intermediate, cyclohex-1,5-diene-1-carboxyl-CoA, is subsequently hydrated by dienoyl-CoA hydratase to 6-hydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA. Formation of the main product produced by cell extracts, 3-hydroxypimelyl-CoA, requires at least two further steps; the oxidation of a hydroxyl group and the hydrolytic carbon ring cleavage of a CoA-activated β-oxoacid. In addition, enoyl-CoA hydratase may come into play. A cluster of eight adjacent genes, which are transcribed in the same direction and may form an operon, was found in this bacterium. The cluster codes for proven and postulated enzymes of the benzoyl-CoA pathway. The genes for the enzymes code for ferredoxin, four subunits of benzoyl-CoA reductase, dienoyl-CoA hydratase, 6-hydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase (NAD ϩ ), and the ring hydrolyzing enzyme. The deduced amino acid sequences of these proteins were 35Ϫ86% similar to the corresponding sequences found in Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Benzoyl-CoA reductase subunits exhibit distinct similarities with 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA dehydratase and its ATP-hydrolysing activase protein of Acidaminococcus fermentans as well as with open reading frames of unknown function in other bacteria. Conversion of benzoyl-CoA to 3hydroxypimelyl-CoA can be explained by a minimal model of the benzoyl-CoA pathway assuming the four enzymes whose genes were characterized and an additional enoyl-CoA hydratase. In R. palustris the dienoyl-CoA hydratase gene is lacking suggesting the operation of a modified benzoyl-CoA pathway with cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA as intermediate.
MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 1985
A pBR322 recombinant plasmid containing the spinach chloroplast DNA fragment SalI-5 has been used... more A pBR322 recombinant plasmid containing the spinach chloroplast DNA fragment SalI-5 has been used for coupled transcription-translation. Translational products of 19, 16 and 12x103 daltons give a positive immunoreaction with mixed antibodies against 30S and 50S spinach chloroplast ribosomal proteins. Three translational products co-migrate with basic chloroplast ribosomal proteins separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. It is concluded that at least three ribosomal proteins are encoded by the SalI-5 DNA fragment, probably CS-S19, CS-L24 and CS-L25.
R. G. Herrmann, P. Westhoff, J. Alt, P. Winter, J. Tittgen, C. Bisanz, B. B. Sears, N. Nelson, E. Hurt, G. Hauska, A. Viebrock, W. Sebald (1983)Identification and Characterization of Genes for Polypeptides of the Thylakoid Membrane. Structure and Function of Plant Genomes, NATO Advanced Science I...

The EMBO Journal
A core particle of the water-oxidizing photosystem II reaction center has been prepared from stac... more A core particle of the water-oxidizing photosystem II reaction center has been prepared from stacked spinach thylakoid membranes by a procedure involving extraction with the nonionic detergent dodecyl-3-D-maltoside and centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The protein-pigment complex consists of at least four polypeptide species: two components with mol. wts. of 51 and 44 kd which are conjugated with chlorophyll a and ,3-carotene, the herbicide-binding protein of mol. wt. 32 kd and cytochrome b 559 (11 kd). The genes for the 51-and 44-kd polypeptides have been located on the circular 150-kbp spinach plastid chromosome. They were identified by hybrid-selection mapping, in vitro transcription-translation of recombinant DNAs and specific antisera which were used to characterize the translation products. The plastid chromosome carries one uninterrupted copy for each of these genes in its large single-copy region. The gene for the 51-kd protein (which probably bears the P680 reaction center chlorophyll a) is located in close proximity to the gene for cytochrome b6, and some 70 kbp away from the gene for the '32-kd' herbicide-binding protein of the reducing side of photosystem II. The gene for the 44-kd protein is situated halfway between these two genes adjacent to the gene for the P700 chlorophyll a apoprotein of the photosystem I reaction center. Both photosystem II genes are transcribed into discrete RNA species in the same direction but from the opposite strand as the gene for the '32-kd' protein.
Papers by Juliane Alt-mörbe