Papers by Juliana V A N E S I Lopes da Silva

This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on r... more This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on regional development in Vale do Rio Pardo, based on the Regional Development Council of Vale do Rio Pardo, municipal associations and intermunicipal health consortia. The main objective of the work is to analyze how the regionalizations created from these institutions condition and/or influence the articulations and integration of actions and public policies for territorial development, based on the assumption that the fragmentation of areas can cause profound limitations and difficulties for the planning and development of the regional territory. The study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection through bibliographical research, consulting official websites of the government and of the analyzed institutions, documentary research and semi-structured interviews with eleven regional actors, including presidents, former presidents, executive secretaries and representatives of the civil society of the researched institutions. The analysis of the interviews revealed challenges and potential for regional integration and articulation. The similarity between the municipalities in the region, Corede's active role as a coordination body and the possibility of sharing resources and knowledge between institutions stand out as potentialities. However, difficulties related to the lack of dialogue between institutions and civil society, scarcity of available information, lack of public participation in discussions and decisions, political disputes and competition between municipalities and lack of investment in regional infrastructure were identified. To overcome these challenges, strategies are suggested such as promoting spaces for dialogue and participation, publicizing the activities of regional institutions, establishing partnerships and investing in training and awareness of the population and public managers. Cooperation and regional integration are fundamental for the sustainable and equitable development of the Vale do Rio Pardo region.

This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on r... more This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on regional development in Vale do Rio Pardo, based on the Regional Development Council of Vale do Rio Pardo, municipal associations and intermunicipal health consortia. The main objective of the work is to analyze how the regionalizations created from these institutions condition and/or influence the articulations and integration of actions and public policies for territorial development, based on the assumption that the fragmentation of areas can cause profound limitations and difficulties for the planning and development of the regional territory. The study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection through bibliographical research, consulting official websites of the government and of the analyzed institutions, documentary research and semi-structured interviews with eleven regional actors, including presidents, former presidents, executive secretaries and representatives of the civil society of the researched institutions. The analysis of the interviews revealed challenges and potential for regional integration and articulation. The similarity between the municipalities in the region, Corede's active role as a coordination body and the possibility of sharing resources and knowledge between institutions stand out as potentialities. However, difficulties related to the lack of dialogue between institutions and civil society, scarcity of available information, lack of public participation in discussions and decisions, political disputes and competition between municipalities and lack of investment in regional infrastructure were identified. To overcome these challenges, strategies are suggested such as promoting spaces for dialogue and participation, publicizing the activities of regional institutions, establishing partnerships and investing in training and awareness of the population and public managers. Cooperation and regional integration are fundamental for the sustainable and equitable development of the Vale do Rio Pardo region.

This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on r... more This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on regional development in Vale do Rio Pardo, based on the Regional Development Council of Vale do Rio Pardo, municipal associations and intermunicipal health consortia. The main objective of the work is to analyze how the regionalizations created from these institutions condition and/or influence the articulations and integration of actions and public policies for territorial development, based on the assumption that the fragmentation of areas can cause profound limitations and difficulties for the planning and development of the regional territory. The study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection through bibliographical research, consulting official websites of the government and of the analyzed institutions, documentary research and semi-structured interviews with eleven regional actors, including presidents, former presidents, executive secretaries and representatives of the civil society of the researched institutions. The analysis of the interviews revealed challenges and potential for regional integration and articulation. The similarity between the municipalities in the region, Corede's active role as a coordination body and the possibility of sharing resources and knowledge between institutions stand out as potentialities. However, difficulties related to the lack of dialogue between institutions and civil society, scarcity of available information, lack of public participation in discussions and decisions, political disputes and competition between municipalities and lack of investment in regional infrastructure were identified. To overcome these challenges, strategies are suggested such as promoting spaces for dialogue and participation, publicizing the activities of regional institutions, establishing partnerships and investing in training and awareness of the population and public managers. Cooperation and regional integration are fundamental for the sustainable and equitable development of the Vale do Rio Pardo region.

This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on r... more This dissertation investigates the different regionalizations of public institutions focused on regional development in Vale do Rio Pardo, based on the Regional Development Council of Vale do Rio Pardo, municipal associations and intermunicipal health consortia. The main objective of the work is to analyze how the regionalizations created from these institutions condition and/or influence the articulations and integration of actions and public policies for territorial development, based on the assumption that the fragmentation of areas can cause profound limitations and difficulties for the planning and development of the regional territory. The study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection through bibliographical research, consulting official websites of the government and of the analyzed institutions, documentary research and semi-structured interviews with eleven regional actors, including presidents, former presidents, executive secretaries and representatives of the civil society of the researched institutions. The analysis of the interviews revealed challenges and potential for regional integration and articulation. The similarity between the municipalities in the region, Corede's active role as a coordination body and the possibility of sharing resources and knowledge between institutions stand out as potentialities. However, difficulties related to the lack of dialogue between institutions and civil society, scarcity of available information, lack of public participation in discussions and decisions, political disputes and competition between municipalities and lack of investment in regional infrastructure were identified. To overcome these challenges, strategies are suggested such as promoting spaces for dialogue and participation, publicizing the activities of regional institutions, establishing partnerships and investing in training and awareness of the population and public managers. Cooperation and regional integration are fundamental for the sustainable and equitable development of the Vale do Rio Pardo region.

Ágora, 2017
Muitas discussões e desafios que envolvem o ensino para surdos vêm sendo realizadas no campo das ... more Muitas discussões e desafios que envolvem o ensino para surdos vêm sendo realizadas no campo das licenciaturas e, consequentemente, na Geografia. Para os professores que trabalham nesta área, a Língua de Sinais Brasileira (Libras) é fundamental para o despertar de ideias, de questionamentos, de reflexões e de transformações junto aos alunos surdos. A partir disso, o texto aborda a relevância do conhecimento e da utilização da Libras e dos sinais específicos da Geografia no contexto do ensino de surdos, tendo em vista os deslocamentos ocorridos, também, na Geografia escolar. O tema é relevante diante dos debates, das políticas públicas e dos direitos relacionados aos campos da Educação Especial, da Educação de Surdos e da Educação Inclusiva que se tornam cada vez mais visíveis em nossa sociedade. Assim, a partir de levantamento bibliográfico, apresentamos uma reflexão relativa à importância de conhecimentos relacionados à Libras para o ensino de Geografia para surdos. Nosso objetivo ...

Formalidade x informalidade: análise sobre as dinâmicas das agroindústrias familiares do Vale do Rio Pardo (RS/Brasil), 2019
Resumo: As agroindústrias familiares estão adquirindo cada vez mais adeptos entre os agricultores... more Resumo: As agroindústrias familiares estão adquirindo cada vez mais adeptos entre os agricultores familiares, que veem no processamento de matéria-prima uma forma de complementação da renda. Os produtos advindos das agroindústrias familiares acabam conquistando o mercado consumidor, que busca opções de consumo mais saudáveis. No entanto, observa-se que os agricultores familiares ainda enfrentam enormes dificuldades geradas, principalmente, por questões que envolvem a legalização e comercialização da produção, levando-os a operar de maneira informal. Partindo dessas questões, o presente artigo tem como objeto de análise as dinâmicas adotadas pelas agroindústrias familiares na região do Vale do Rio Pardo, ressaltando a importância da agricultura familiar no contexto da produção agrícola brasileira, bem como buscando identificar as dificuldades enfrentadas para adequar o processamento da produção às exigências legais.
Papers by Juliana V A N E S I Lopes da Silva