Papers by Juliana Hernandez
Investigating what makes for a person's wellbeing in the work place has been the topic of many st... more Investigating what makes for a person's wellbeing in the work place has been the topic of many studies and professionals. This is due to the fact that the organizational climate has changed dramatically over the past decades and a professional's understanding of what to expect from the organization has also changed. Today besides receiving compensation for the work done, an individual also expects to feel recognized and satisfied, as well as he or she expects to find personal and professional growth. Due to this, it is essential for the organization to understand how its health impacts on the bonds its employee will develop in relation to the organization and his or her job. The present study aims at testing a model which considered the Organizational Health Perception as an antecedent to the Wellbeing at work. In order for that, we have considered the concept of wellbeing at work as proposed by Siqueira and Padovam (2004) and the variable "Perception of Organizational Health" (Gomide Jr. and Fernandes, 2007). The sample comprises of 160 employees from different companies and segments. In order to test the model, we conducted two Stepwise multiple regression analysis. The proposed model was confirmed. The results were discussed and an agenda for future investigations was proposed.
Papers by Juliana Hernandez