Papers by Juliana Almeida

Egitania Sciencia
A obstipação intestinal é definida como dificuldade em defecar e é considerada um fator de risco ... more A obstipação intestinal é definida como dificuldade em defecar e é considerada um fator de risco para o cancro cólon retal. Pode estar associada com o estilo de vida, nomeadamente, com hábitos alimentares, stresse, atividade física e hábitos tabágicos. Por isso, desenvolveu-se um estudo transversal, com o objetivo de estudar a associação entre a obstipação intestinal e o estilo de vida numa amostra não probabilística de 341 estudantes de uma universidade do centro de Portugal. A recolha de dados foi feita a partir de um questionário autoaplicado, que incluiu os critérios de Roma III para o diagnóstico da obstipação intestinal, a escala PSS-10 para avaliar o stresse, o IPAQ para avaliar o nível de atividade física, o QFA para avaliar os hábitos alimentares e, ainda, questões específicas acerca do peso e estatura, hábitos tabágicos e consumo de laxantes. Para estudar a correlação entre a obstipação e o estilo de vida utilizou-se o teste de Spearman. Observou-se que, quanto maior o str...

This study investigates the effect of olive leaf tea (OLT) on postprandial glycemia in healthy vo... more This study investigates the effect of olive leaf tea (OLT) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers when ingested with a high-carbohydrate meal, compared with a placebo tea (CON). Healthy adults participated in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, and cross-over design trial receiving a high-rich carbohydrate meal with either 250 mL of OLT or CON at two different times after a washout period. The sequence order was randomized at a ratio of 1:1. Capillary blood glucose was measured in a 2 h period after ingestion. Eighteen participants were initially randomized. Of these, thirteen completed the trial and were analyzed. The consumption of OLT resulted in a delay in peak time (48.5 ± 4.2 min vs. 35.7 ± 4.0 min, p = 0.03) and a significant increase in glucose area under the curve compared to placebo (14,502.7 ± 640.8 vs. 13,633.3 ± 869.4 mg/dL.min, p = 0.03). Results are depicted as mean ± SEM. The OLT and CON palatability were generally well accepted. No adverse effect...

(1) Background: Metabolic syndrome is associated with cardiovascular complications. Therefore, th... more (1) Background: Metabolic syndrome is associated with cardiovascular complications. Therefore, this study aims to establish cut points for the conicity index based on the components of metabolic syndrome and to associate it with characteristic sociodemographic, food consumption and occupational factors in Brazilian rural workers; (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out with farmers. The receiver operating characteristic curve was calculated and the cutoff points for the conicity index were identified by the area under the curve, sensitivity and specificity. The variables included in the binary logistic regression analysis were selected by considering p < 0.20 in the bivariate test; (3) Results: The cut points were similar in females according to both criteria, resulting in a single cutoff of 1.269. In males, the cut points showed differences, resulting in 1.272 according to the NCEP-ATP III and 1.252 according to the IDF. We have shown that younger people, those who work more than 40 h a week and the lowest contribution of culinary ingredients are associated with increased odds of abdominal obesity, while the consumption of the products they sell or produce decreases these chances; (4) Conclusions: The conicity index showed high discriminatory power for the identification of abdominal obesity in rural workers. Therefore, there is a need to improve eating habits and promote healthier eating environments for individuals, respecting traditional food culture, mainly to contain the advance of MS in rural areas.
RevSALUS - Revista Científica da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia

Com o avançar da idade, o ser humano é sujeito a alterações fisiológicas. Estas contribuem para a... more Com o avançar da idade, o ser humano é sujeito a alterações fisiológicas. Estas contribuem para a redução da sensibilidade a gostos primários, sobretudo, o salgado. O idoso tende a aumentar o consumo de sal de forma a ajustá-lo ao paladar. Assim, os valores de sódio (Na) elevados aumentam o risco de manifestar tensão arterial (TA) elevada. Esta situação associada a um nível elevado de Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), constitui um risco maior para as patologias cardiovasculares (PCV), uma das principais causas de morte. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a ingestão e a excreção de Na em idosos institucionalizados tendo em consideração o risco para as PCV, o IMC e a TA. Foram, ainda, tidos em consideração fatores como a idade, o género e os alimentos externos à instituição. O estudo envolveu uma amostra de 40 idosos, no qual, se realizou uma entrevista juntamente com um recordatório 24h para a quantificação de Na ingerido. A quantificação de Na excretado foi determinada através de...

European Journal of Epidemiology, 2012
Epidemiology is an exciting science that provides the way to formulate intelligent questions and ... more Epidemiology is an exciting science that provides the way to formulate intelligent questions and often responses to understand the dynamics of health and disease in the communities. Bridging different methods and fields of enquire the ultimate interest of epidemiology is the ability to make the well known distance from the bench side to the bed side even shorter if it also takes the way to the population side and back. As times are changing also epidemiology seems to follow: from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases, from biological determinants to social capital, from cross-sectional thinking to life course approaches, from the reductionist strategy of single agents or single genes to systems biology and systems public health. Thus an extraordinary diverse world of opportunities is born and many different approaches can be tested giving epidemiology new chances. Any simple descriptive exercise in epidemiology can show us that iniquities in health are a main challenge faced by human societies. In the 1990 the median age at death was five years for those living in sub-Saharan Africa and seventy-five for those living in what was then called the established market societies. This is an essential hallmark of what can be a claim for a universal human right to health or, as Jonathan Wolff put it, the beginning of an ''exercise in cautious idealism'' (1), and probably the most interesting confront that epidemiologists have ahead of them: working for a fair and healthy society, especially in societies and at times of crisis. And all societies and times face crisis! The European Epidemiology Conference that takes place in Porto, Portugal, from 5 to 8 September 2012 brings together research findings, scientists, clinicians and public health practitioners from 45 countries addressing, from multiple perspectives, the most important methodological and substantive findings that build up the health debate through the eyes of epidemiology. On behalf of the Organizing Committee we sincerely hope that this meeting, and all these presented and published abstracts, might be a privileged moment to share knowledge and an opportunity to make the epidemiological contribute even sounder, particularly regarding the making of evidence to inform action.
students at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Benjámin Ede Kiss , Katalin Kelemen , Vera Ferr... more students at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Benjámin Ede Kiss , Katalin Kelemen , Vera Ferro-Lebres, Juliana Almeida de Souza, Antonío José Gonçalves Fernandes Department of Dietetics and Complementary Medicine Faculty of Health Science University of Pécs Departamento das Tecnologias de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica in área de estudo Dietética e Nutrição Escola Superior de Saúde– Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Departamento Ciências Sociais e Exactas Escola Superior Agrária Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Egitania Sciencia, 2020
A obstipação intestinal é um problema de saúde que pode ser definido como dificuldade em defecar.... more A obstipação intestinal é um problema de saúde que pode ser definido como dificuldade em defecar. e que pode ser tratado com recurso à alimentação. Por isso, o objetivo do estudo é verificar a associação entre o consumo alimentar e a obstipação intestinal. Para tal, foi feita uma pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed e Web of Science com as palavras-chave diet e constipation. Dos 3857 artigos encontrados, foram selecionados 20 artigos publicados no período de 2007-2017 que respeitavam os critérios de inclusão. Os resultados revelaram que a alimentação está associada à obstipação intestinal. A fibra tem um papel muito importante para a diminuição da obstipação intestinal. Nutrientes como o magnésio e zinco também demonstraram diminuir a obstipação. Alimentos como hortícolas, fruta, batata, ovos, soja, grãos integrais, probióticos, kefir e ingestão de líquidos ajudam a combater a obstipação. Pelo contrário, leite de vaca, iogurte, pão, massa, arroz, bolachas e o padrão alimentar fast-food tendem a aumentar a obstipação intestinal, podendo ser o motivo do aparecimento desta patologia. Conclui-se que os hábitos alimentares estão associados à presença/ausência de obstipação intestinal, sendo importante adotar medidas corretivas para minimizar ou eliminar esta patologia, tendo em atenção os alimentos que se devem ingerir.

European Journal of Epidemiology, 2012
The sample was mostly females (graphic 1) and the mean age was 42±14 (20-‐64) years old. Regardi... more The sample was mostly females (graphic 1) and the mean age was 42±14 (20-‐64) years old. Regarding the BMI, 38.1% was Normal weight, 28.6% Pre-‐Obesity, 14.3% Obese type I, 14.3% type II and 4.8% type III. Regard to the BF%, 4.8% was Under fat, 28.6% Healthy in fat and 66.7% was Over fat. The Energy consump>on was 23.8% Hypo caloric, 33.3% Norm caloric and 42.9% Hyper caloric. The Psychotropic Therapy used was 80,9% An>depressants, 47,6% Anxioly>cs, 14,3% Mood stabilizers and 52,4% An>psycho>cs. There was a moderate posi>ve correla>on between the Energy consump>on with BMI (R=0,588; p=0,005) and with BF% (R=0,470; p=0,032). There was a strong posi>ve correla>on between Energy consump>on with number of Psychotropic drugs consump>on (R=0,717; p<0,001). Regarding the Psychotropic treatment and BMI or FM%, no correla>on was found. Anthropometric Data, Energy Consumption and Psychotropic Therapy in Psychiatric Patients Guilherme, Ana1; Simões, ...

Violence against children and adolescents is an unequal power relationship. The Brazilian Child a... more Violence against children and adolescents is an unequal power relationship. The Brazilian Child and Adolescent Act adopt a strategy of safety and protection of all suspected cases of abuse. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to analyze the system of general practitioners (GPs) noti cation for child and adolescent mistreatment throughout Ceará State, Brazil. Methods: A structured questionnaire was given to 227 general practitioners in 85 cities across the state. A quantitative analyze was done. The research was conducted in accordance with recognized ethical standards and national/international laws. Results: The professional average age is 35.7 years (Standard Deviation = 12.2). The GPs have been working on primary healthcare less than 05 years (51.5%). The results illustrate that the majority of GP had no training on child/adolescent mistreatment noti cation (73.6%), but knew the Child and Adolescent Act (72.7%). GPs that trust in protection agencies of child and adolescent are the majority (70.8%) and do not feel under threat by the State (75.8%), for this reason they know how to forward the child/adolescent mistreatment cases (64.2%). Among 227 GPs participants, 53,1% affirmed that they had identified cases of child abuse in their careers (53.1%), nevertheless, just 52.6% of these occurrences of abuse had noti ed. Conclusions: These ndings show that as less training GPs are, less noti cation of abuse problem they do. This is under the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) expectation and an abuse noti cation system on the SUS must to be done, looking for changes on the GPs noti cation.

European Journal of Epidemiology, 2012
Epidemiology is an exciting science that provides the way to formulate intelligent questions and ... more Epidemiology is an exciting science that provides the way to formulate intelligent questions and often responses to understand the dynamics of health and disease in the communities. Bridging different methods and fields of enquire the ultimate interest of epidemiology is the ability to make the well known distance from the bench side to the bed side even shorter if it also takes the way to the population side and back. As times are changing also epidemiology seems to follow: from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases, from biological determinants to social capital, from cross-sectional thinking to life course approaches, from the reductionist strategy of single agents or single genes to systems biology and systems public health. Thus an extraordinary diverse world of opportunities is born and many different approaches can be tested giving epidemiology new chances. Any simple descriptive exercise in epidemiology can show us that iniquities in health are a main challenge faced by human societies. In the 1990 the median age at death was five years for those living in sub-Saharan Africa and seventy-five for those living in what was then called the established market societies. This is an essential hallmark of what can be a claim for a universal human right to health or, as Jonathan Wolff put it, the beginning of an ''exercise in cautious idealism'' (1), and probably the most interesting confront that epidemiologists have ahead of them: working for a fair and healthy society, especially in societies and at times of crisis. And all societies and times face crisis! The European Epidemiology Conference that takes place in Porto, Portugal, from 5 to 8 September 2012 brings together research findings, scientists, clinicians and public health practitioners from 45 countries addressing, from multiple perspectives, the most important methodological and substantive findings that build up the health debate through the eyes of epidemiology. On behalf of the Organizing Committee we sincerely hope that this meeting, and all these presented and published abstracts, might be a privileged moment to share knowledge and an opportunity to make the epidemiological contribute even sounder, particularly regarding the making of evidence to inform action.

European Journal of Epidemiology, 2012
Epidemiology is an exciting science that provides the way to formulate intelligent questions and ... more Epidemiology is an exciting science that provides the way to formulate intelligent questions and often responses to understand the dynamics of health and disease in the communities. Bridging different methods and fields of enquire the ultimate interest of epidemiology is the ability to make the well known distance from the bench side to the bed side even shorter if it also takes the way to the population side and back. As times are changing also epidemiology seems to follow: from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases, from biological determinants to social capital, from cross-sectional thinking to life course approaches, from the reductionist strategy of single agents or single genes to systems biology and systems public health. Thus an extraordinary diverse world of opportunities is born and many different approaches can be tested giving epidemiology new chances. Any simple descriptive exercise in epidemiology can show us that iniquities in health are a main challenge faced by human societies. In the 1990 the median age at death was five years for those living in sub-Saharan Africa and seventy-five for those living in what was then called the established market societies. This is an essential hallmark of what can be a claim for a universal human right to health or, as Jonathan Wolff put it, the beginning of an ''exercise in cautious idealism'' (1), and probably the most interesting confront that epidemiologists have ahead of them: working for a fair and healthy society, especially in societies and at times of crisis. And all societies and times face crisis! The European Epidemiology Conference that takes place in Porto, Portugal, from 5 to 8 September 2012 brings together research findings, scientists, clinicians and public health practitioners from 45 countries addressing, from multiple perspectives, the most important methodological and substantive findings that build up the health debate through the eyes of epidemiology. On behalf of the Organizing Committee we sincerely hope that this meeting, and all these presented and published abstracts, might be a privileged moment to share knowledge and an opportunity to make the epidemiological contribute even sounder, particularly regarding the making of evidence to inform action.

Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research, 2021
Background: Coffee includes some potentially bioactive components that can interfere with platele... more Background: Coffee includes some potentially bioactive components that can interfere with platelets, which can influence coagulation, despite generating controversy. The aim of this systematic review is to verify whether coffee or its components can influence platelet regulators and/or aggregation. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted on July 29, 2021, in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, using the following mesh-terms: (caffeine)) OR (coffee)) AND (platelets). Eligibility criteria were: studies carried out in humans, referring to the effects of coffee consumption, or one of its components, on platelets or their regulators. We exclude in vitro or animal studies, reviews, editorials, and non-English written studies. From a total of 836 publications, 17 articles were included from which we extracted the relationship between coffee consumption and changes in blood platelets and performed a subjective assessment of bias. Results: Ten articles refer to the non-interference of coffee or its components with platelets, nine affirm results that support the increase in platelet aggregation, and eight articles observe the decrease in platelet aggregation when coffee is consumed. Some articles presented the lack of data regarding the sample collection location, age group, or classification as to the type of study, which is limiting. Conclusions: The heterogeneity of results makes it difficult to correctly interpret the possible interaction of coffee or its components with platelets or their regulators. For better interpretation, further studies on this topic should be carried out considering the individualization of coffee components, different platelet regulators, and the size of the sample used.

Journal Health NPEPS, 2018
RESUMO Objetivo: compreender a associação entre a saúde materna e a saúde do recém-nascido. Métod... more RESUMO Objetivo: compreender a associação entre a saúde materna e a saúde do recém-nascido. Método: realizou-se um estudo longitudinal e restrospetivo em um serviço de obstetrícia, durante o período de fevereiro a junho de 2017, junto a 295 parturientes que tivessem tido gravidezes de um feto. Os dados foram obtidos através de registros no boletim de saúde da grávida e no processo clínico do registro do parto. Resultados: alguns dos resultados obtidos foram que as mulheres com excesso de peso e obesidade pré-gestacional ou ganho de peso gestacional excessivo tiveram recém-nascidos maiores na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados, nomeadamente no peso, percentil do peso, z-score do peso, estatura, percentil da estatura e z-score da estatura. Já as mulheres com diabetes mellitus gestacional ou hipertensão arterial na gravidez tiveram recém-nascidos menores, considerando, nomeadamente, o z-score do peso e o z-score do índice de massa corporal. Conclusão: confirmou-se que as mulheres com excesso de peso e obesidade pré-gestacional ou ganho de peso gestacional excessivo tiveram recémnascidos maiores e que as mulheres com Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional ou Hipertensão Arterial na gravidez tiveram recém-nascidos menores.
… of Plymouth: Reino …, 2009

European journal of clinical nutrition, Jan 26, 2017
The dietary inflammatory index (DII) is a tool to measure the diet's inflammatory potential a... more The dietary inflammatory index (DII) is a tool to measure the diet's inflammatory potential and has been used with adults to predict low-grade inflammation. The present study aims to assess whether this dietary score predicts low-grade inflammation in adolescents. The sample comprises 329 adolescents (55.9% girls), aged 12-18 years, from LabMed Physical Activity Study. DII score was calculated based on a food-frequency questionnaire and categorized into tertiles. We collected blood samples to determine the follow inflammatory biomarkers: C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), complement component 3 (C3), and 4 (C4). In addition we calculated an overall inflammatory biomarker score. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were computed from binary logistic regression models. DII score, comparing first with third tertile, was positively associated with IL-6 in crude model (OR = 1.88, 95%CI:1.09-3.24, p trend = 0.011) and in fully adjusted (for biological and...

European journal of nutrition, Jan 14, 2017
The dietary guidelines for the consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables have been recogn... more The dietary guidelines for the consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables have been recognized as an important factor for achieving healthy eating patterns to reduce the risk of chronic disease throughout the lifespan. Our aim is to assess the association between fruit and vegetable variety and low-grade inflammation in adolescents. This cross-sectional analysis was conducted with 412 adolescents (ages 14.4 ± 1.7 years; 52% girls). The consumption of a variety of fruits and vegetables was assessed with a food-frequency questionnaire, considering the number of individual/category of fruit or vegetable intake at least once month, and categorized into tertiles. Blood samples were collected to determine C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), complement component 3 (C3), and 4 (C4). We created categories of lower or higher (inflammatory state) for each biomarker, considering sex- and age-adjusted median values. Then, we computed an overall inflammatory score, by adding al...

Low-grade inflammation is considered an important factor in chronic 20 disease development and ma... more Low-grade inflammation is considered an important factor in chronic 20 disease development and may be influenced by diet. We performed a cross-sectional 21 study in 412 adolescents (14.9±1.72 years), mostly girls (52.4%), to study the 22 association between fatty-acid intake and low-grade inflammation. We assessed fatty 23 acids in percentage of energy intake (%en), determined by a food-frequency 24 questionnaire, and then we categorized them into tertiles. We collected blood samples 25 to assess C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and complement components 3, and 4, and 26 create categories of lower or higher (inflammatory state) for each biomarker, 27 considering sexand age-adjusted median values. An overall inflammatory biomarker 28 score was computed by adding the biomarkers in the categories (it was assigned one 29 point if it was higher or zero if it was lower), and classified as 0–1 or 2–4 biomarkers 30 above the median (lower or higher inflammatory state). Odds ratio (OR) and...
Papers by Juliana Almeida