Julia Skupchenko
Connecting Social Entrepreneurs, Experts & Companies in Sustainable Business Initiatives! Co-Founder of Think Tank AlterContacts.net
In my personal practice as Business Navigator, I give #entrepreneurs, #experts, and companies an actionable path to making business growth happen! Whether you want to grow, find a differentiator, define strategy, or become known - I can help you to get a new perspective on your challenge and turn it into an opportunity.
About me
Co-founder of AlterContacts and CEO of Business GreenHouse
Guest Writer at The Helm and Entrepreneur.com
Mentor on Artificial Intelligence program at Rockstart
Mentor at Business GreenHouse
Expert on Business Development, #GrowthHacking, #Entrepreneurship, #InternationalAffairs, #StakeholderManagement, #PublicRelations, #EventDesign, #Arctic, #OilGas
I have an international background and experience of working with clients from a wide range of industries including Oil & Gas, Chemicals, IT, Consumer Goods, Social Media Marketing, New Technology & Innovation on the European and Russian markets.
Are you looking for opportunities to make an impact? Whether you are an entrepreneur or expert, a representative of an NGO or a commercial venture - you can become a member or a partner of our Think Tank AlterContacts.net or BusinessGreenHouse.org. Read more about it below and contact me [email protected]. Let’s find your path to contribute to a better life on our planet.
In my personal practice as Business Navigator, I give #entrepreneurs, #experts, and companies an actionable path to making business growth happen! Whether you want to grow, find a differentiator, define strategy, or become known - I can help you to get a new perspective on your challenge and turn it into an opportunity.
About me
Co-founder of AlterContacts and CEO of Business GreenHouse
Guest Writer at The Helm and Entrepreneur.com
Mentor on Artificial Intelligence program at Rockstart
Mentor at Business GreenHouse
Expert on Business Development, #GrowthHacking, #Entrepreneurship, #InternationalAffairs, #StakeholderManagement, #PublicRelations, #EventDesign, #Arctic, #OilGas
I have an international background and experience of working with clients from a wide range of industries including Oil & Gas, Chemicals, IT, Consumer Goods, Social Media Marketing, New Technology & Innovation on the European and Russian markets.
Are you looking for opportunities to make an impact? Whether you are an entrepreneur or expert, a representative of an NGO or a commercial venture - you can become a member or a partner of our Think Tank AlterContacts.net or BusinessGreenHouse.org. Read more about it below and contact me [email protected]. Let’s find your path to contribute to a better life on our planet.
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Conference Presentations by Julia Skupchenko
The paper discusses the role of the Arctic as an energy-supply region and the reasons of its growing importance. It identifies the Arctic resource potential from industry perspective. It also finds out the attitude of actors like Russia, Norway, European Union, NATO and the USA to this issue. And finally the impact of resources on the security situation in the region, and the possibilities for cooperation is examined. The growth of the Arctic importance was caused by: the increasing oil prices and political instability of traditional importing countries; the global climate change and new “ice-free” territories; and the lack of more accessible for exploration reserves.
The Arctic has a huge undiscovered resource potential - about 8.3 billion standard cubic meters of oil equivalents. The key role in the Arctic resources issue belongs to Norway, Denmark, Canada, US, and Russia. The approaches these states choose in their Arctic-related foreign policy can potentially influence the security situation in the Arctic and lead to the conflict, but it will affect involved actors in the first place. So international cooperation for the peaceful development of the region is of great importance.
Books by Julia Skupchenko
Co-authors: Aho S., Ananyina A. N., Espiritu A., Gelter H., Gerashchenko L., Kiselev A., Kotyrlo E., Mulina T., Pavlova E. N., Ryzhkova I., Shestova Y., Skupchenko J., Viken A.
ISBN: 9788253038575
A comprehensive encyclopedia of the Northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia
The Barents region comprises the northernmost parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. It was established in 1993 as a result of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and it is also the first macroregion to move beyond the Cold War's Iron Curtain. Six million people live in the Barents Region.
As is the case with nations, there are different understandings of what constitutes a region. Are regions deeply grounded in history and culture or are they created by actors for instrumental reasons? The Barents Region is the prototype of a region made by concrete actors for political purposes, but the historical account shows that there were transnational contacts even before this novel political construction came into being.
The encyclopedia represents the ultimate guide to the region bridging the gap between Russia and the Nordic countries in terms of geography, history, ethnicity, religion, cultural content, political systems and economies. It fullfills the project about the Barents Region which started with The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe. This first book provides a research-based history of the Barents Region from 800-2010 written by history researcher within the thirteen sub-regions of the Barents Region.
Papers by Julia Skupchenko
Международный туризм представляет собой сложную и комплексную сферу мировой экономики, существенно влияющую как на все мировое хозяйство, так и на хозяйство отдельных стран и регионов.
Образовательный туризм представляет собой быстро развивающийся сектор экономики, завоевывающий признание во всем мире. На сегодняшний день 30% рынка туристических услуг составляет туризм, главной целью которого является получение знаний. В международных образовательных обменах ежегодно участвуют миллионы студентов и преподавателей по всему миру.
С присоединением к Болонскому процессу в Болгарии была начата реформа высшего образвания, целью которой является соответствие европейским стандартам и повышение конкуренции на рынке образовательных услуг.
ISBN 978-5-87237-940-9
Thesis Chapters by Julia Skupchenko
Магистратура «Историческая политология»
Научный руководитель д.и.н., проф. Шабаев Ю.П.
Институт Гуманитарных Наук, Кафедра истории, социологии и политологии
The paper discusses the role of the Arctic as an energy-supply region and the reasons of its growing importance. It identifies the Arctic resource potential from industry perspective. It also finds out the attitude of actors like Russia, Norway, European Union, NATO and the USA to this issue. And finally the impact of resources on the security situation in the region, and the possibilities for cooperation is examined. The growth of the Arctic importance was caused by: the increasing oil prices and political instability of traditional importing countries; the global climate change and new “ice-free” territories; and the lack of more accessible for exploration reserves.
The Arctic has a huge undiscovered resource potential - about 8.3 billion standard cubic meters of oil equivalents. The key role in the Arctic resources issue belongs to Norway, Denmark, Canada, US, and Russia. The approaches these states choose in their Arctic-related foreign policy can potentially influence the security situation in the Arctic and lead to the conflict, but it will affect involved actors in the first place. So international cooperation for the peaceful development of the region is of great importance.
Co-authors: Aho S., Ananyina A. N., Espiritu A., Gelter H., Gerashchenko L., Kiselev A., Kotyrlo E., Mulina T., Pavlova E. N., Ryzhkova I., Shestova Y., Skupchenko J., Viken A.
ISBN: 9788253038575
A comprehensive encyclopedia of the Northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia
The Barents region comprises the northernmost parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. It was established in 1993 as a result of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and it is also the first macroregion to move beyond the Cold War's Iron Curtain. Six million people live in the Barents Region.
As is the case with nations, there are different understandings of what constitutes a region. Are regions deeply grounded in history and culture or are they created by actors for instrumental reasons? The Barents Region is the prototype of a region made by concrete actors for political purposes, but the historical account shows that there were transnational contacts even before this novel political construction came into being.
The encyclopedia represents the ultimate guide to the region bridging the gap between Russia and the Nordic countries in terms of geography, history, ethnicity, religion, cultural content, political systems and economies. It fullfills the project about the Barents Region which started with The Barents Region. A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe. This first book provides a research-based history of the Barents Region from 800-2010 written by history researcher within the thirteen sub-regions of the Barents Region.
Международный туризм представляет собой сложную и комплексную сферу мировой экономики, существенно влияющую как на все мировое хозяйство, так и на хозяйство отдельных стран и регионов.
Образовательный туризм представляет собой быстро развивающийся сектор экономики, завоевывающий признание во всем мире. На сегодняшний день 30% рынка туристических услуг составляет туризм, главной целью которого является получение знаний. В международных образовательных обменах ежегодно участвуют миллионы студентов и преподавателей по всему миру.
С присоединением к Болонскому процессу в Болгарии была начата реформа высшего образвания, целью которой является соответствие европейским стандартам и повышение конкуренции на рынке образовательных услуг.
ISBN 978-5-87237-940-9
Магистратура «Историческая политология»
Научный руководитель д.и.н., проф. Шабаев Ю.П.
Институт Гуманитарных Наук, Кафедра истории, социологии и политологии