Papers by Julián Camacho Sanz

Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships in the Twentieth Century, 2019
For almost a century, the term fascism has had a particularly wide and confusing variety of uses ... more For almost a century, the term fascism has had a particularly wide and confusing variety of uses in the public sphere and is one of the concepts that have seen most scientific debates. 1 The same applies to the idea of Spanish fascism: it is difficult to imagine a greater gap between the way it is viewed among a large part of democratic and progressive sectors in the world, as one of the longest lasting forms of fascism and some academic postulates that characterize it as weak or failed. In the same way that the debates on generic fascism have generated notorious polemics, there is also The author is a member of the research project titled Derechas y nación en la España contemporánea: culturas e identidades en conflicto (HAR2014-53042-P), financed by the General Secretariat for Research of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation, and of the Grup de recerca d'excel•lència PROMETEU/2016/2018 research group of the Department for Education, Research, Culture and Sport of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Papers by Julián Camacho Sanz