We present a systematic study of uncertainties due to parton distributions and the strong couplin... more We present a systematic study of uncertainties due to parton distributions and the strong coupling on the gluon-fusion production cross section of the Standard Model Higgs at the Tevatron and LHC colliders. We compare procedures and results when three recent sets of PDFs are used, CTEQ6.6, MSTW08 and NNPDF1.2, and we discuss specifically the way PDF and strong coupling uncertainties are combined. We find that results obtained from different PDF sets are in reasonable agreement if a common value of the strong coupling is adopted. We show that the addition in quadrature of PDF and alphas uncertainties provides an adequate approximation to the full result with exact error propagation. We discuss a simple recipe to determine a conservative PDF+alphas uncertainty from available global parton sets, and we use it to estimate this uncertainty on the given process to be about 10% at the Tevatron and 5% at the LHC for a light Higgs.
We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard s... more We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard scattering data using the NNPDF methodology: NNPDF2.0. Experimental data include deep-inelastic scattering with the combined HERA-I dataset, fixed target Drell-Yan production, collider weak boson production and inclusive jet production. Nextto-leading order QCD is used throughout without resorting to K-factors. We present and utilize an improved fast algorithm for the solution of evolution equations and the computation of general hadronic processes. We introduce improved techniques for the training of the neural networks which are used as parton parametrization, and we use a novel approach for the proper treatment of normalization uncertainties. We assess quantitatively the impact of individual datasets on PDFs. We find very good consistency of all datasets with each other and with NLO QCD, with no evidence of tension between datasets. Some PDF combinations relevant for LHC observables turn out to be determined rather more accurately than in any other parton fit.
We present the determination of a set of parton distributions of the nucleon, at nextto-leading o... more We present the determination of a set of parton distributions of the nucleon, at nextto-leading order, from a global set of deep-inelastic scattering data: NNPDF1.0. The determination is based on a Monte Carlo approach, with neural networks used as unbiased interpolants. This method, previously discussed by us and applied to a determination of the nonsinglet quark distribution, is designed to provide a faithful and statistically sound representation of the uncertainty on parton distributions. We discuss our dataset, its statistical features, and its Monte Carlo representation. We summarize the technique used to solve the evolution equations and its benchmarking, and the method used to compute physical observables. We discuss the parametrization and fitting of neural networks, and the algorithm used to determine the optimal fit. We finally present our set of parton distributions. We discuss its statistical properties, test for its stability upon various modifications of the fitting procedure, and compare it to other recent parton sets. We use it to compute the benchmark W and Z cross sections at the LHC. We discuss issues of delivery and interfacing to commonly used packages such as LHAPDF.
The extraction of robust parton distribution functions with faithful errors requires a careful tr... more The extraction of robust parton distribution functions with faithful errors requires a careful treatment of the uncertainties in the experimental results. In particular, the data sets used in current analyses each have a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty that needs to be properly accounted for in the fitting procedure. Here we consider the generic problem of performing a global fit to many independent data sets each with a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty. We show that the methods in common use to treat multiplicative uncertainties lead to systematic biases. We develop a method which is unbiased, based on a self-consistent iterative procedure. We then apply our generic method to the determination of parton distribution functions with the NNPDF methodology, which uses a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty estimation.
The proposed Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN would bring Deep-Inelastic scattering ... more The proposed Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN would bring Deep-Inelastic scattering into the unexplored TeV regime. The LHeC rich physics program, among other topics, includes both precision SM measurements to complement LHC physics as well as studies of QCD in the high energy limit. The present contribution reports on ongoing studies within the NNPDF framework towards the LHeC CDR. We study the impact of LHeC simulated data on PDF uncertainties, in particular the small-x gluon. We also assess the LHeC potential to disentangle between various scenarios of small-x QCD, including saturation models and small-x resummation. Finally, we explore how deviations from DGLAP can be quantified in inclusive measurements.
The spectral function $\rho_{V-A}(s)$ is determined from ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau deca... more The spectral function $\rho_{V-A}(s)$ is determined from ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau decays using a neural network parametrization trained to retain the full experimental information on errors, their correlations and chiral sum rules: the DMO sum rule, the first and second Weinberg sum rules and the electromagnetic mass splitting of the pion sum rule. Nonperturbative QCD vacuum condensates can then be determined from finite energy sum rules. Our method minimizes all sources of theoretical uncertainty and bias producing an estimate of the condensates which is independent of the specific finite energy sum rule used. The results for the central values of the condensates $O_6$ and $O_8$ are both negative.
We use recent neutrino dimuon production data combined with a global deep-inelastic parton fit to... more We use recent neutrino dimuon production data combined with a global deep-inelastic parton fit to construct a new parton set, NNPDF1.2, which includes a determination of the strange and antistrange distributions of the nucleon. The result is characterized by a faithful estimation of uncertainties thanks to the use of the NNPDF methodology, and is free of model or theoretical assumptions other than the use of NLO perturbative QCD and exact sum rules. Better control of the uncertainties of the strange and antistrange parton distributions allows us to reassess the determination of electroweak parameters from the NuTeV dimuon data. We perform a direct determination of the |V cd | and |V cs | CKM matrix elements, obtaining central values in agreement with the current global CKM fit: specifically we find |V cd | = 0.244 ± 0.019 and |V cs | = 0.96 ± 0.07. Our result for |V cs | is more precise than any previous direct determination. We also reassess the uncertainty on the NuTeV determination of sin 2 θ W through the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation: we find that the very large uncertainties in the strange valence momentum fraction are sufficient to bring the NuTeV result into complete agreement with the results from precision electroweak data.
We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard s... more We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard scattering data using the NNPDF methodology including heavy quark mass effects: NNPDF2.1. In comparison to the previous NNPDF2.0 parton determination, the dataset is enlarged to include deep-inelastic charm structure function data. We implement the FONLL-A general-mass scheme in the FastKernel framework and assess its accuracy by comparison to the Les Houches heavy quark benchmarks. We discuss the impact on parton distributions of the treatment of the heavy quark masses, and we provide a determination of the uncertainty in the parton distributions due to uncertainty in the masses. We assess the impact of these uncertainties on LHC observables by providing parton sets with different values of the charm and bottom quark masses. Finally, we construct and discuss parton sets with a fixed number of flavours.
We discuss a general framework for the inclusion of heavy quark mass contributions to deep-inelas... more We discuss a general framework for the inclusion of heavy quark mass contributions to deep-inelastic structure functions and their perturbative matching to structure functions computed in variable-mass schemes. Our approach is based on the so-called FONLL method, previously introduced and applied to heavy quark hadroproduction and photoproduction. We define our framework, provide expressions up to second order in the strong coupling, and use them to construct matched expressions for structure functions up to NNLO. After checking explicitly the consistency of our results, we perform a study of the phenomenological impact of heavy quark terms, and compare results obtained at various perturbative orders, and with various prescriptions for the treatment of subleading terms, specifically those related to threshold behaviour. We also consider the heavy quark structure function F 2 c and discuss issues related to the presence of mass singularities in their coefficient functions.
We present predictions for relevant LHC observables obtained with the NNPDF2.0 set. We compute th... more We present predictions for relevant LHC observables obtained with the NNPDF2.0 set. We compute the combined PDFs uncertainties on these observables, and show that combining errors in quadrature yields an excellent approximation to exact error propagation. We then compare the NNPDF2.0 results to the other global PDF fits using a common value of $\alpha_s$. At LHC 7 TeV, reasonable agreement, both in central values and in uncertainties, is found for NNPDF2.0, CTEQ6.6 and MSTW08.
We present a systematic study of uncertainties due to parton distributions and the strong couplin... more We present a systematic study of uncertainties due to parton distributions and the strong coupling on the gluon-fusion production cross section of the Standard Model Higgs at the Tevatron and LHC colliders. We compare procedures and results when three recent sets of PDFs are used, CTEQ6.6, MSTW08 and NNPDF1.2, and we discuss specifically the way PDF and strong coupling uncertainties are combined. We find that results obtained from different PDF sets are in reasonable agreement if a common value of the strong coupling is adopted. We show that the addition in quadrature of PDF and alphas uncertainties provides an adequate approximation to the full result with exact error propagation. We discuss a simple recipe to determine a conservative PDF+alphas uncertainty from available global parton sets, and we use it to estimate this uncertainty on the given process to be about 10% at the Tevatron and 5% at the LHC for a light Higgs.
We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard s... more We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard scattering data using the NNPDF methodology: NNPDF2.0. Experimental data include deep-inelastic scattering with the combined HERA-I dataset, fixed target Drell-Yan production, collider weak boson production and inclusive jet production. Nextto-leading order QCD is used throughout without resorting to K-factors. We present and utilize an improved fast algorithm for the solution of evolution equations and the computation of general hadronic processes. We introduce improved techniques for the training of the neural networks which are used as parton parametrization, and we use a novel approach for the proper treatment of normalization uncertainties. We assess quantitatively the impact of individual datasets on PDFs. We find very good consistency of all datasets with each other and with NLO QCD, with no evidence of tension between datasets. Some PDF combinations relevant for LHC observables turn out to be determined rather more accurately than in any other parton fit.
We present the determination of a set of parton distributions of the nucleon, at nextto-leading o... more We present the determination of a set of parton distributions of the nucleon, at nextto-leading order, from a global set of deep-inelastic scattering data: NNPDF1.0. The determination is based on a Monte Carlo approach, with neural networks used as unbiased interpolants. This method, previously discussed by us and applied to a determination of the nonsinglet quark distribution, is designed to provide a faithful and statistically sound representation of the uncertainty on parton distributions. We discuss our dataset, its statistical features, and its Monte Carlo representation. We summarize the technique used to solve the evolution equations and its benchmarking, and the method used to compute physical observables. We discuss the parametrization and fitting of neural networks, and the algorithm used to determine the optimal fit. We finally present our set of parton distributions. We discuss its statistical properties, test for its stability upon various modifications of the fitting procedure, and compare it to other recent parton sets. We use it to compute the benchmark W and Z cross sections at the LHC. We discuss issues of delivery and interfacing to commonly used packages such as LHAPDF.
The extraction of robust parton distribution functions with faithful errors requires a careful tr... more The extraction of robust parton distribution functions with faithful errors requires a careful treatment of the uncertainties in the experimental results. In particular, the data sets used in current analyses each have a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty that needs to be properly accounted for in the fitting procedure. Here we consider the generic problem of performing a global fit to many independent data sets each with a different overall multiplicative normalization uncertainty. We show that the methods in common use to treat multiplicative uncertainties lead to systematic biases. We develop a method which is unbiased, based on a self-consistent iterative procedure. We then apply our generic method to the determination of parton distribution functions with the NNPDF methodology, which uses a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty estimation.
The proposed Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN would bring Deep-Inelastic scattering ... more The proposed Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN would bring Deep-Inelastic scattering into the unexplored TeV regime. The LHeC rich physics program, among other topics, includes both precision SM measurements to complement LHC physics as well as studies of QCD in the high energy limit. The present contribution reports on ongoing studies within the NNPDF framework towards the LHeC CDR. We study the impact of LHeC simulated data on PDF uncertainties, in particular the small-x gluon. We also assess the LHeC potential to disentangle between various scenarios of small-x QCD, including saturation models and small-x resummation. Finally, we explore how deviations from DGLAP can be quantified in inclusive measurements.
The spectral function $\rho_{V-A}(s)$ is determined from ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau deca... more The spectral function $\rho_{V-A}(s)$ is determined from ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau decays using a neural network parametrization trained to retain the full experimental information on errors, their correlations and chiral sum rules: the DMO sum rule, the first and second Weinberg sum rules and the electromagnetic mass splitting of the pion sum rule. Nonperturbative QCD vacuum condensates can then be determined from finite energy sum rules. Our method minimizes all sources of theoretical uncertainty and bias producing an estimate of the condensates which is independent of the specific finite energy sum rule used. The results for the central values of the condensates $O_6$ and $O_8$ are both negative.
We use recent neutrino dimuon production data combined with a global deep-inelastic parton fit to... more We use recent neutrino dimuon production data combined with a global deep-inelastic parton fit to construct a new parton set, NNPDF1.2, which includes a determination of the strange and antistrange distributions of the nucleon. The result is characterized by a faithful estimation of uncertainties thanks to the use of the NNPDF methodology, and is free of model or theoretical assumptions other than the use of NLO perturbative QCD and exact sum rules. Better control of the uncertainties of the strange and antistrange parton distributions allows us to reassess the determination of electroweak parameters from the NuTeV dimuon data. We perform a direct determination of the |V cd | and |V cs | CKM matrix elements, obtaining central values in agreement with the current global CKM fit: specifically we find |V cd | = 0.244 ± 0.019 and |V cs | = 0.96 ± 0.07. Our result for |V cs | is more precise than any previous direct determination. We also reassess the uncertainty on the NuTeV determination of sin 2 θ W through the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation: we find that the very large uncertainties in the strange valence momentum fraction are sufficient to bring the NuTeV result into complete agreement with the results from precision electroweak data.
We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard s... more We present a determination of the parton distributions of the nucleon from a global set of hard scattering data using the NNPDF methodology including heavy quark mass effects: NNPDF2.1. In comparison to the previous NNPDF2.0 parton determination, the dataset is enlarged to include deep-inelastic charm structure function data. We implement the FONLL-A general-mass scheme in the FastKernel framework and assess its accuracy by comparison to the Les Houches heavy quark benchmarks. We discuss the impact on parton distributions of the treatment of the heavy quark masses, and we provide a determination of the uncertainty in the parton distributions due to uncertainty in the masses. We assess the impact of these uncertainties on LHC observables by providing parton sets with different values of the charm and bottom quark masses. Finally, we construct and discuss parton sets with a fixed number of flavours.
We discuss a general framework for the inclusion of heavy quark mass contributions to deep-inelas... more We discuss a general framework for the inclusion of heavy quark mass contributions to deep-inelastic structure functions and their perturbative matching to structure functions computed in variable-mass schemes. Our approach is based on the so-called FONLL method, previously introduced and applied to heavy quark hadroproduction and photoproduction. We define our framework, provide expressions up to second order in the strong coupling, and use them to construct matched expressions for structure functions up to NNLO. After checking explicitly the consistency of our results, we perform a study of the phenomenological impact of heavy quark terms, and compare results obtained at various perturbative orders, and with various prescriptions for the treatment of subleading terms, specifically those related to threshold behaviour. We also consider the heavy quark structure function F 2 c and discuss issues related to the presence of mass singularities in their coefficient functions.
We present predictions for relevant LHC observables obtained with the NNPDF2.0 set. We compute th... more We present predictions for relevant LHC observables obtained with the NNPDF2.0 set. We compute the combined PDFs uncertainties on these observables, and show that combining errors in quadrature yields an excellent approximation to exact error propagation. We then compare the NNPDF2.0 results to the other global PDF fits using a common value of $\alpha_s$. At LHC 7 TeV, reasonable agreement, both in central values and in uncertainties, is found for NNPDF2.0, CTEQ6.6 and MSTW08.
Papers by Juan Rojo