Papers by Juan Manuel Renjifo
Reptiles & Amphibians, 2023
Copyright is held by the authors. Articles in R&A are made available under a Creative Commons Att... more Copyright is held by the authors. Articles in R&A are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. T he Chocó biogeographic province in western Colombia is one of the world's most biodiverse regions (Myers et al. 2000; Rodríguez-Mahecha et al. 2004). It features a high diversity of amphibians, including both endemic and widely distributed species (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga 2004). A total of 157 amphibian species have been documented in this
Reptiles & Amphibians
Copyright is held by the authors. Articles in R&A are made available under a Creative Commons Att... more Copyright is held by the authors. Articles in R&A are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. T he Chocó biogeographic province in western Colombia is one of the world's most biodiverse regions (Myers et al. 2000; Rodríguez-Mahecha et al. 2004). It features a high diversity of amphibians, including both endemic and widely distributed species (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga 2004). A total of 157 amphibian species have been documented in this
FIGURE 1. Detail of external morphology of Pseudogonatodes furvus (CBUMAG:REP: 00283). (A) Head i... more FIGURE 1. Detail of external morphology of Pseudogonatodes furvus (CBUMAG:REP: 00283). (A) Head in dorsal view: blue = rostrals, yellow = postrostrals, violet = supraciliary plate. (B) Head in ventral view: orange = mental, purple = postmentals. (C) Head in lateral view: orange = loreals, yellow = supralabials, blue = infralabials. (D) Dorsals at midbody. (E) Ventrals at midbody. (F) Subcaudal patter: yellow = midventrals (denoted by Arabic numbers), gray = laterals (denoted by apostrophe [']). (G) Left hand: orange = lamellae under fourth finger. (H) Right foot: red = lamellae under fourth toe. Digital drawings by Sebastian Contreras Valencia.

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Land-use change is a factor that may alter the assembly of herpetofaunal communities. To determin... more Land-use change is a factor that may alter the assembly of herpetofaunal communities. To determine the effects of land use change, we characterized the herpetofaunal community of " La Gloria Project " in Magdalena, Colombia. Agroforestry crops (Red Gum, Pink Trumpet Tree, Beechwood, and Teak), native forest, wetlands, and built-up zones composing the site. From March to October 2012, we performed eleven field trips, of ten days (eight hours each) for a total sampling effort of 880 hours per observer. We implemented visual encounter surveys and pitfall traps for herpetofauna detection. We recorded 23 amphibian (3,555 individuals) and 37 reptile species (1,088 individuals); the highest diversity for both amphibians and reptiles were found in native forest. Comparing disturbed areas, Teak agroforest presented the highest diversity for both taxa relative to non-natural environments, by factors such as big leaf size, generating conditions to sustenance of some species. However,...
FIGURE 3. High resolution computed tomography of the skull of Pseudogonatodes furvus (MCZ:Herp:R-... more FIGURE 3. High resolution computed tomography of the skull of Pseudogonatodes furvus (MCZ:Herp:R-29700) A–C, and P. barbouri (MCZ:Herp:R-14385) D–F.
FIGURE 4. High resolution computed tomography of the skeleton of Pseudogonatodes furvus (MCZ: Her... more FIGURE 4. High resolution computed tomography of the skeleton of Pseudogonatodes furvus (MCZ: Herp: R-29700). A) dorsal view, B) ventral view, C–D) right upper limb, E–G) left lower limb. Note the oblique fracture in the right humerus and the comminuted fractures in the right tibia and fibula.

RESUMEN Este estudio revisa la distribucion para el Caribe colombiano de las especies Kinosternon... more RESUMEN Este estudio revisa la distribucion para el Caribe colombiano de las especies Kinosternon scorpioides, Trachemys callirostris, Mesoclemmys dahli y Chelonoidis carbonari a y nuevas localidades en la distribucion de dichas especies para la region. La especie K. scorpioides es registrada por primera vez en la cuenca del rio Manzanares, en Santa Marta, Magdalena. Trachemys callirostris fue registrada en el rio Canas, La Guajira, constituyendose en el primer registro para la especie en un riachuelo de la cara norte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Chelonoidis carbonaria fue registrada en un humedal ubicado en la ciudad de Santa Marta. Se registro una hembra de M. dahli en el corregimiento Monterrubio, municipio Sabana de San Angel, Magdalena. Tres de las cuatro especies incluidas en esta revision se encuentran en alguna categoria de amenaza; la falta de conocimiento en la biologia y distribucion de estas especies podria incluirse como una amenaza para ellas, pues el desconocim...
Journal of Herpetology, 1990
ABTRACT. -A large species of Rhamphophryne having a very long snout is named from extreme western... more ABTRACT. -A large species of Rhamphophryne having a very long snout is named from extreme western Departamento Antioquia, Colombia. This species appears to be most closely related to R. acrolopha. Another large species, having extensive webbing of the feet, is named on the basis of a single specimen presumably originating from southern Antioquia. It is most closely related to R. rostrata and differs from all other Rhamphophryne in having a fully developed ear.
Revista Biodiversidad Neotropical, 2015
Objetivos: Caracterizar la herpetofauna y determinar su distribución espacial en el campus de la ... more Objetivos: Caracterizar la herpetofauna y determinar su distribución espacial en el campus de la Universidad del Magdalena. Metodología: El estudio se realizó mediante el método de búsquedas por encuentro casual empezando desde las 9:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00, 19:00-21:00 horas, en época seca y lluviosa. También se instalaron dos trampas de caída con una barrera de interceptación en la zona de bosque en recuperación para tratar de capturar el mayor número de especies posibles. Resultados: Entre abril de 2011 y abril de 2013 se registraron 39 especies de herpetos así, siete especies de anfibios y 32 especies de reptiles, distribuidas en tres y 14 familias respectivamente, en el campus de

Pseudogonatodes furvus is an endemic gecko from the region of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a... more Pseudogonatodes furvus is an endemic gecko from the region of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, an isolated massif located in the continental Caribbean region of Colombia. Pseudogonatodes furvus is the type species of the genus, and its morphology and natural history remain poorly known. This lizard was described based on two specimens. After its description, the species has only been mentioned in a handful of taxonomic studies of Pseudogonatodes, in which a few morphological characters of P. furvus have been mentioned. One other paper reported two new localities, without providing new information on the external morphology, especially the lepidosis of the newly obtained specimens. Here we review the external morphology of P. furvus, based on examination of the holotype and six additional specimens. We provide an extended diagnosis and definition, description of holotype, variation, comparisons with other Pseudogonatodes, geographic distribution (adding a fourth locality to the know...

Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology, Jan 15, 2018
Snake venoms are a mixture of different molecules that can be used in the design of drugs for var... more Snake venoms are a mixture of different molecules that can be used in the design of drugs for various diseases. The study of these venoms has relied on strategies that use complete venom extracted from animals in captivity or from venom glands that require the sacrifice of the animals. Colombia, a country with political and geographical conflicts has difficult access to certain regions. A strategy that can prevent the sacrifice of animals and could allow the study of samples collected in the field is necessary. We report the use of lyophilized venom from Crotalus durissus cumanensis as a model to test, for the first time, a protocol for the amplification of complete toxins from Colombian venom samples collected in the field. In this protocol, primers were designed from conserved region from Crotalus sp. mRNA and EST regions to maximize the likelihood of coding sequence amplification. We obtained the sequences of Metalloproteinases II, Disintegrins, Disintegrin-Like, Phospholipases A...
Herpetotropicos, 2007
... Acceso: enero de 2007. La Marca, E., KR Lips, S. Lötters, R. Puschendorf, R. Ibáñez, JV Rueda... more ... Acceso: enero de 2007. La Marca, E., KR Lips, S. Lötters, R. Puschendorf, R. Ibáñez, JV Rueda-Almonacid, R. Schulte, C. Marty, F. Castro, J. Manzanilla-Puppo, JE García-Pérez, F. Bolaños, G. Chaves, JA Pounds, E. Toral y BE Young. ... Santiago-Paredes, S. y E. La Marca. ...
Herpetology Notes, Mar 10, 2015
constrict their prey as a strategy of submission (Rojas-Morales, 2013). Others, such as the coral... more constrict their prey as a strategy of submission (Rojas-Morales, 2013). Others, such as the coral snakes, are highly venomous and subdue their prey by inoculating toxins (Greene, 1984; Gold et al., 2002). The New World Coral Snakes are a monophyletic group, containing the genera Micrurus, Leptomicrurus, and Micruroides (Slowinski, 1995), of which Micrurus is the most diverse with a distribution range from southern United States of America to northern Argentina. These snakes are commonly known as ophiophagus (Campbell and Lamar, 1989; Roze, 1996). Their diet includes other snakes, lizards, legless lizards, worm lizards, caecilians and freshwater eels (
Papers by Juan Manuel Renjifo