Papers by Juan Luis Aranguiz
![Research paper thumbnail of [Association of acute bronchiolitis with climate factors and environmental contamination]](
Revista medica de Chile
Annually, acute bronchiolitis (AB) occurrence peaks during winter and is probably associated with... more Annually, acute bronchiolitis (AB) occurrence peaks during winter and is probably associated with air pollution. To relate the number of ambulatory consultations, emergency and hospital admission due to AB with climatic factors and air pollution. Patients of less than 1 year old with AB that consulted to outpatient clinics, the emergency room or were admitted to the Pediatrics ward of the Catholic University Hospital, were enrolled. Information about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was obtained from the Catholic University Medical Investigation Center. Indices of air pollution such as particulate matters of less than 10 microns/m3 (PM 10), of less than 2.5 microns/m3 (PM 2.5), CO, SO3 and O3 were obtained from the Metropolitan Environmental Service. Temperature, humidity and precipitations were obtained from the Chilean Meteorological Service. Ninety nine consultations in out patient clinics and 442 in emergency rooms were collected (55% male, mean age 4.8 months). One hundred fif...

Revista médica de Chile, 2003
Background: Annually, acute bronchiolitis (AB) occurrence peaks during winter and is probably ass... more Background: Annually, acute bronchiolitis (AB) occurrence peaks during winter and is probably associated with air pollution. Aim: To relate the number of ambulatory consultations, emergency and hospital admission due to AB with climatic factors and air pollution. Patients and methods: Patients of less than 1 year old with AB that consulted to outpatient clinics, the emergency room or were admitted to the Pediatrics ward of the Catholic University Hospital, were enrolled. Information about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was obtained from the Catholic University Medical Investigation Center. Indices of air pollution such as particulate matters of less than 10 microns/m 3 (PM 10), of less than 2.5 microns/m3 (PM 2.5), CO, SO 3 and O 3 were obtained from the Metropolitan Environmental Service. Temperature, humidity and precipitations were obtained from the Chilean Meteorological Service. Results: Ninety nine consultations in out patient clinics and 442 in emergency rooms were collected (55% male, mean age 4.8 months). One hundred fifty two were admitted (34.4%). Thirty percent of children consulting in emergency rooms were younger than 3 months and 43% of them were hospitalized. The RSV study was made in 307 patients and 52% were positive. There was a higher rate of hospital admissions among RSV positive than RSV negative patients (52.5 and 22% respectively, p<0.001). No association between environmental variables or air pollution and the number of consultations was observed. Young age and smoking inside the household were the main risk factors for hospital admission due to acute bronchiolitis. Conclusions: Environmental variables did not influence the number of cases of acute brochiolitis. Young age and exposure to tobacco smoke were risk factors for hospital admission (Rev Méd Chile 2003; 131: 1117-22). (

Revista chilena de pediatría, 2008
Background: The Newborn Hypotonic Syndrome (NHS) is a clinical entity that presents up to 28 days... more Background: The Newborn Hypotonic Syndrome (NHS) is a clinical entity that presents up to 28 days after birth. The main symptom is a significant decrease in muscular tone, but its severity is determined by the lack of muscular strength. NHS is a relatively frequent entity, so it becomes an important diagnosis problem. There is few information in literature regarding its incidence. Method: Retrospective study performed between May 2000 -April 2006, including patients with diagnosis of NHS in a Neonatal Intesive Care Unit. Results: 2 158 newborns, of which 113 (5.2%) had NHS. 83% of cases were attributed to central causes, such as hipoxic-isquemic encephalopathy (49%) and genetic disorders (15%). 17% of cases corresponded to peripheral causes, including hypermagnesemia (68%) and myopathic diseases (21%). Conclusions: 1) NHS is a relatively frequent clinical entity; 2) Central causes are the most prevalent; 3) It is possible to study the etiology of NHS with a systematic approach. (Key words: neonatal hypotonia, floppy newborn, neonate). Rev Chil Pediatr 2008; 79 (2): 146-151 RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome hipotónico del recién nacido (SHRN) es un cuadro clínico que se presenta hasta los 28 días de vida extrauterina. Su síntoma definitorio es la disminución significativa en tono muscular, pero su gravedad se relaciona a asociación a falta de fuerzas. Es un cuadro aparentemente poco frecuente en este grupo etáreo, pero que plantea un problema diagnostico importante. Existe escasa información en la literatura respecto a su frecuencia real. Objetivo: Evaluar la incidencia de SHRN, su etiología y aprobación diagnóstica. Método: Estudio retrospectivo con revisión de fichas clínicas, desde mayo 2000 a abril 2006, incluyendo pacientes ingresados con diagnostico de SHRN a unidad de intermedio-intensivo de servicio de recién-nacidos de un hospital universitario (SRNU). Resultados: El número total de RN ingresados a SRNU fue 2158, en 5,2% (113) el motivo de ingreso, principal o secundario, correspondió a Trabajo recibido el 25 de julio de 2007, devuelto para corregir el 21 de noviembre de 2007, segunda versión el 02 de enero de 2008, aceptado para publicación el 21 de febrero de 2008.
Revista chilena de pediatría, 2010
Pediatric Research, 1997
Controversy exists in the management of term healthy infants with non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemi... more Controversy exists in the management of term healthy infants with non-hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia. Less strict criteria for PT have been proposed without evaluation in controlled clinical trials. A prospective controlled randomized trial was designed to compare the ...
Papers by Juan Luis Aranguiz