Papers by Juan Diego Cabrera Hoyos

Los constructores de proyectos civiles se enfrentan permanentemente al reto de aumentar la produc... more Los constructores de proyectos civiles se enfrentan permanentemente al reto de aumentar la productividad a través de la optimización de recursos y la interacción de los mismos, situación que ha sido abordada desde diferentes perspectivas utilizando estrategias computacionales y manuales. En este trabajo se presenta la utilización de un módulo programable y autónomo para captura de imágenes digitales de procesos constructivos, con alimentación a través de energía fotovoltaica. Se incluyen equipos de hardware y componentes electrónicos como cámaras fotográficas, cámaras de video, tarjetas electrónicas, computadores, paneles solares, plataforma web y sistemas de comunicación; controlados a través de un software diseñado específicamente para este fin, que facilita el control de equipos y componentes. Mediante este sistema es posible contar con datos confiables y considerar las variables que intervienen en el proceso, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones respecto a métodos constructivos...
Quien leyese este articulo se remitiria de inmediato a Britney Spears y su popular cancion One Mo... more Quien leyese este articulo se remitiria de inmediato a Britney Spears y su popular cancion One More Time, o a Mike Royko, un famoso escritor cuya obra principal sostiene el mismo nombre de este texto, o simplemente a una estructura gramatical inglesa.

Durante las ultimas decadas han surgido multiples estudios sobre las posibles relaciones entre el... more Durante las ultimas decadas han surgido multiples estudios sobre las posibles relaciones entre el derecho y la literatura. Si bien el debate no es nuevo –ya Platon habia dado cuenta de la relacion entre los poetas y La Republica- parece que esta ganando espacio en las Facultades de Derecho e incluso en la practica legal. Este articulo presentara como algunos jueces colombianos del Consejo de Estado, la Corte Suprema de Justicia y la Corte Constitucional usan recursos literarios en sus decisiones dandole existencia a la jurisprudencia literaria en Colombia. A partir de ello, y con apoyo en distintas teorias acerca de la literatura y el derecho, se buscara comprender dichos recursos y proponer algunas respuestas acerca de por que lo hacen y que efectos pueden tener en las decisiones judiciales. Asi como interpretar algunos casos en especifico a la luz de diferentes ideas acerca de si la literatura puede tener cabida en el derecho.
PLOS ONE, 2019
Background We assessed the capacity of HIV self-testing to promote testing among untested men who... more Background We assessed the capacity of HIV self-testing to promote testing among untested men who have sex with men (MSM) and determined the most benefited subpopulations. Methods An online questionnaire was disseminated on several gay websites in Spain from September 2012 to April 2013. We used Poisson regression to estimate factors associated with the intention to use self-testing if already available. Among those who reported intention of use, we assessed several aspects related to the testing and linkage to care process by type of barrier reported: low perceived risk (LR), structural barriers (SB) and fear of testing positive (FTP). Results Of 2589 never-tested MSM, 83% would have used self-testing if already available. Intention of use was associated with age �30 (adj.
Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 2011
La Delhi Lecture fue la conferencia inaugural que presentó Partha Chatterjee en la Universidad de... more La Delhi Lecture fue la conferencia inaugural que presentó Partha Chatterjee en la Universidad de Columbia La Delhi Lecture fue la conferencia inaugural que presentó Partha Chatterjee en la Universidad de Columbia que presentó Partha Chatterjee en la Universidad de Columbia

Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica, Oct 7, 2017
Contact with the healthcare system by a sample of seropositive men who have sex with men (MSM) pr... more Contact with the healthcare system by a sample of seropositive men who have sex with men (MSM) prior to their HIV diagnosis are analysed, and missed opportunities (MO) for an earlier HIV diagnosis are identified. Between 2012-2013, an online survey was conducted among HIV-positive MSM, mainly recruited from gay websites. Those who were diagnosed with HIV between 2010-2013 were analysed. MO were defined as episodes prior to the HIV diagnosis in which the healthcare system was contacted due to an indicator condition of HIV infection and the test was not suggested. The proportion of missed opportunities were compared according to the type of indicator condition, the department consulted and the healthcare professional's knowledge that the patient was MSM. Overall, 639 participants (66% of 966) reported 1,145 episodes with some indicator condition, the majority of these being identified in primary care (n=527; 46%). The highest percentage of MOs is also observed in primary care (63%...

Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017
To quantify the relationship between patterns of psychostimulants, hypnotics/sedatives and alcoho... more To quantify the relationship between patterns of psychostimulants, hypnotics/sedatives and alcohol consumption and the frequency of unintentional non-traffic injuries (UNTIs) requiring medical assistant in Spain. Methods: We carried out a cross sectional study using a randomized pooled sample from two household surveys on psychoactive drugs use (n = 51,649 subjects aged 15-64 years). We estimated the magnitude of the association between the use of psychostimulants and hypnotics/sedatives in the last 12 months as well as alcohol consumption in the last 30 days with the occurrence of UNTIs in the last 12 months (falls, knocks/bumps and cuts) by building several logistic regression models, which took into account the effect of sociodemographic characteristics and the use of other psychoactive drugs (including cannabis). The presence of interactions between age or gender with drug use was also assessed. Results: Psychostimulants use was associated with a higher frequency of UNTIs (aOR = 1.24; 95%CI:1.03-1.49). The strongest association was found with cuts (aOR = 1.64; 95%CI:1.10-2.43). An association between hypnotics/sedatives and UNTIs was also found in each type of injury and was higher with regular use (> =30 days) than with non-regular use (< 30 days). The age modified the association between hypnotic/sedatives and knocks/bumps, being higher in the 35-64 years group (aOR = 2.34; 95%CI:1.78-3.06) than in the 15-34 years group (aOR = 1.59; 95%CI:1.14-2.21). Regarding alcohol, an increased risk of UNTIs was also observed in all types of UNTIs, even with moderate use, being the association higher for cuts in heavy drinkers (aOR = 2.41; 95%CI:1.63-3.57). Conclusions: Our results reveal a consistent relationship between hypnotics/sedatives and UNTIs, especially in regular users. Additional research should apply longitudinal designs to establish causal relationships and to gain an in-depth knowledge in this area in order to specific public health interventions.

AIDS and Behavior, 2016
We analyze the impact of HIV rapid testing (RT) programs in non-clinical settings (NCS) by evalua... more We analyze the impact of HIV rapid testing (RT) programs in non-clinical settings (NCS) by evaluating their contribution to new diagnoses reported to the Spanish HIV Surveillance System (SINIVIH) from 2007 to 2012. We estimate the proportion of new diagnoses reported to SINIVIH attributable to them and the maximum annual contribution (MAC). Of 95.575 rapid tests conducted, 2061 were reactive; 1582 in men who have sex with men (MSM). The contribution of RT in NCS increased from 3.4% in 2007 to 11.0% in 2012 (8.1%-16.6% in MSM). RT programs contributed 25.3% of the new diagnoses reported in Catalonia (MAC:30.6%), 15% in the Canary Islands (MAC:16.2%) and 13.7% in the Basque Country (MAC:21.0%). Among MSM, contribution was of 45.2% in Catalonia (MAC:60.7%), 20.2% in the Canary Islands (MAC:21.3%) and 16.6% in the Basque country (MAC:20.9%). Especially among MSM, RT in NCS contributed a large proportion of the new HIV cases diagnosed in regions with a very high HIV incidence.

BMC Public Health, 2016
Background: Shortly after the approval of an over-the-counter HIV self-test in the US, we conduct... more Background: Shortly after the approval of an over-the-counter HIV self-test in the US, we conducted a study to estimate the proportion of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Spain who knew that unauthorized HIV self-tests could be purchased online, and the proportion that had already used these tests, as well as their socio-demographic and behavioural correlates. Methods: Between September 2012 and February 2013, MSM users of gay dating websites were invited to complete an online questionnaire. We calculated estimates of the knowledge and use of unauthorized HIV self-testing and assessed the associated factors by rare event logit regression models. Results: Among 8620 participants, 4.2 % (95 % CI:3.8-4.6) knew they could buy an unauthorized HIV self-test kit online, and 12.7 % (95 % CI:12.0-13.4) thought that such a test might exist, although they had never seen one. Only 0.7 % (95 % CI:0.5-0.9) had ever self-tested. In the multivariable analysis, knowledge of online availability of self-tests was associated with being a non-Latin American foreigner, having at least two previous HIV tests, intending to test for HIV in the next year, and knowing about U.S. approval of self-testing. Ever-use of HIV self-testing was associated with being over 34 years of age, living outside Spain during the last 12 months, and knowing about U.S. approval of self-testing. Conclusions: Both knowledge and use of unauthorized HIV self-testing among MSM in Spain was very low among HIV negative or untested MSM in Spain. The recent approval in the United Kingdom and France might increase the number of MSM seeking such testing and possibly using unauthorized test kits not meeting quality standards.
A nuestro señor JESUCRISTO por darme la vida y fortaleza: A mi madre, mis hermanos. A mis compañe... more A nuestro señor JESUCRISTO por darme la vida y fortaleza: A mi madre, mis hermanos. A mis compañeros. Wilson Echeverría A Dios por darme el don de la vida, salud y libertad. A mis padres, a mi padrino Pedro Guayana.

El Cuaderno Ciencias Estrategicas, 2009,.por.el.Magíster.Darío. Angee.Cerq... more,.por.el.Magíster.Darío. Angee.Cerquera,ía.indagar.por.las.motivaciones.e.intenciones. de. los. estudiantes. que. terminan. bachillerato. en. cuanto. a. continuar. sus. estudios.ó,.la.cultura,.;.se.estructura.el. presente.trabajo..Ademá,.el.trabajo.realizado.por. este.Magíster, curso.profesional,.al.considerarlo.como.un.medio.para.conseguir.recursos.y.posesión. material,.asíóó,, estudio.riguroso.y.profundo.en.este.sentido,ón.y.el.sentido,.que.,.tienen.los.estudiantes.del.cursar.una.carrera.universitaria.
Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterologia, Mar 1, 2005
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Agenda Cultural Alma Mater, Dec 6, 2012

El sistema educativo ha servido como soporte para la industria a nivel local e internacional, don... more El sistema educativo ha servido como soporte para la industria a nivel local e internacional, donde las empresas de diferentes sectores se ven beneficiadas por la formación académica de sus empleados. Sin embargo, en tiempos donde la velocidad de respuesta ha cambiado, donde cada vez los tiempos de entrega son más reducidos y se hace necesario estar innovando constantemente, es necesario que los modelos educativos actuales se ajusten a las exigencias que el mismo entorno laboral demanda. Es por esto que no basta con que un profesional del diseño de productos conozca herramientas creativas como el dibujo y modelado 3D, es necesario que desde el momento mismo en que se están aprendiendo, se asimilen desde un enfoque aplicado, es decir, desde un ambiente de diseño y desarrollo de productos. A continuación se expone un modelo de enseñanza que involucra el diseño asistido por computador (CAD) aplicado a ambientes de creatividad e innovación en el campo de la ingeniería. Education system has served as support for local and international industry, where companies from different clusters are benefited from the skills of its employees. However, in times where the response speed has changed, where lead times are becoming more narrow and is totally necessary to be constantly innovating, is also necessary that the current educational models fit to work environment claim. This is why it is not enough that a product design professional know about drawing and 3D modeling tools (CAD). It is necessary that from the moment they are learning these tools, these are understood with an applied approach, ie, from a design and product development discipline. Then we will discuss about one teaching model that involve computer-aided design (CAD) applied to design environments and product development in the field of engineering.

Accident; analysis and prevention, Jan 12, 2016
Part of the differences by age and gender in driver death rates from traffic injuries depends on ... more Part of the differences by age and gender in driver death rates from traffic injuries depends on the amount of exposure (km/year travelled). Unfortunately, direct indicators of exposure are not available in many countries. Our aim was to compare the age and gender differences in death rates with and without adjustment by exposure using a quasi-induced exposure approach in Spain, during 2004-2012. Crude and adjusted death rate ratios (CDRR and ADRR, respectively) were calculated for each age and gender group. To obtain the latter estimates, in accordance with quasi-exposure reasoning, the number of registered drivers was replaced by the number of non-infractor drivers, passively involved in collisions with another vehicle whose driver committed an infraction. 18-29 years and female drivers were chosen as the reference categories for age and gender. Striking differences were found between CDRR and ADRR estimates. When CDRR were estimated, we found the highest traffic mortality among t...
Revista De Historiografia, 2005
Papers by Juan Diego Cabrera Hoyos