Papers by Juan Carlos Isaguirre chavarria
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Revista De Biologia Tropical, 2017
The Golfo de Nicoya is among the largest tropical estuaries (1530km2) in Central America and the ... more The Golfo de Nicoya is among the largest tropical estuaries (1530km2) in Central America and the main. and already overexploited. fishing area of Costa Rica. It can be separated into a shallow (25m) interior part fringed by mangroves and mud flats and a deeper part that extends to the shelf edge to about 200m. In order to integrate available information on biomass. catches. food spectrum and dynamics of the main species populations of the system. a trophic model of 21 compartments was constructed by the use of tile ECOPATH II software. The larger portion of system biomass is confined to the benthic domain (18.4 gm-2, mangroves excluded, compared to 13.8 gm-2 for the pelagic domain). Mangroves, although only covering 1% of tile gulf area, contribute 76% to the system biomass, but only about 1%, to the system's primary production. Through their root system, their provide surface area for about 90% of the gulfs biomass of epifauna (12 gm-2), the second largest group of the model. I...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2016
This material is brought to you by the Journals at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been ac... more This material is brought to you by the Journals at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been accepted for inclusion in Communications of the Association for Information Systems by an authorized administrator of AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). For more information, please contact [email protected].
La presencia y ejercicio de los contenidos ideologicos porpios en los individuos y en los grupos ... more La presencia y ejercicio de los contenidos ideologicos porpios en los individuos y en los grupos que en ellos se integra. Un particular tratamiento que arranca en la naturaleza propia y compleja de los conceptos, discurre por el estudio historico detallado sobre sus distintas formulaciones en textos juridicos constitucionales, el analisis de su configuracion social y de la dinamica en su ejercicio en el ambito de los medios de comunicacion. A traves de u particular instrumento (la clausula de conciencia), invocable por los periodistas, en supuestos tasados en su propia ordenacion, cuando se afecte notablemente su ideologia y su conciencia. Esta investigacion detallada ha sido realizada tambien, en forma comparada, en los siguientes paises: Espana, Italia, Francia y Portugal.
Derecho Y Opinion, 1999
Reflexiones sobre algunos aspectos ideológicos en las empresas informativas J l iAI\ CARLOS ll A.... more Reflexiones sobre algunos aspectos ideológicos en las empresas informativas J l iAI\ CARLOS ll A.\IB A CIIAVARRIA Uni• cf'> idJd de C. id ll La /ibmml. Sm1chn, e.< 111111 de lor mn.< p1~dosos do11c< '1"' a los hombrt.< ¡Jiemulm rrelos: cnu e/ln1w puNie11 ig1111lnrre In> re.w mr que enritrra la tierra 11i el mar encuhrt; ¡N>r In libtrtad, u~f como por lnlrn11ra, Je puede\' debe al'f/1/llrar la 1ida. y. pnr r l romrmio. rl caii!H'Prto eJ el UUI\'Or mt~l que ¡mtt.!e 1 e'lir a /o.f Iwmh".'J.

Dyna, Oct 1, 1967
Se ha convenido en llamar fibras sinteticas a las obtenidas mediante el tratamiento quimico de ci... more Se ha convenido en llamar fibras sinteticas a las obtenidas mediante el tratamiento quimico de ciertas materias primas de origen artificial. Precisamente es la procedencia de la materia prima lo que las diferencia de los otros dos grandes grupos de fibras: las naturales, obtenidas a partir de materias de origen animal o vegetal, y las artificiales, obtenidas por modificacion quimica de fibras celulosicas naturales. El consumo mundial del total de fibras en 1965 fue de 17,7 millones de Tm. De esta cifra total un 7 0 por 100 corresponde a las fibras naturales; un 20 por 100, a las artificiales, y un 10 por 100, a las fibras sinteticas. En el cuadro 1 se muestra la distribucion del consumo segun los tipos de fibras para los tres ultimos anos. Entre los tres sectores es el de fibras sinteticas el que ofrece indices de crecimiento del consumo considerables. En los restantes sectores, la demanda se encuentra estabilizada. La importancia de las fibras sinteticas es aun mas clara y su evolucion reviste caracteristicas extraordinarias si comparamos las ultimas cifras de produccion con las de anos anteriores. Por primera vez, en 1965 la produccion mundial de fibras sinteticas alcanzo la cantidad de dos millones de toneladas, cifra que es el doble de la produccion de este tipo de fibras en 1962. Mas del 90 por 100 de esta produccion esta en manos de los Estados Unidos, Japon y los paises de Europa Occidental. En el cuadro II puede verse la evolucion de la produccion en los ultimos cinco anos. De la simple observacion del cuadro se deduce que, si bien el crecimiento de la produccion de fibras sinteticas no es regular, las cifras de un ano a otro varian considerablemente, y los indices de crecimiento son muy importantes en todos los casos, desde un 30 por 100 de incremento de la produccion, al pasar del ,ano 61 al 62, hasta un 19 por 100 en el ultimo ano. En el caso de Espana, los indices de crecimiento .on mas irregulares, siendo el aumento relativo de produccion del ano 63 el mas importante de los registrados. En cualquier caso, lo que si es importante senalar es que el sector de fibras sinteticas es un sector en pleno desarrollo, cuya estructura varia sensiblemente de un ario a otro y que, por tanto, merece ser objeto de un estudio detallado. Tres son los tipos de fibras fundamentales: las fibras poliamidicas, las fibras acrilicas y las fibras poliester.

Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, 2014
INTRODUCTION Software piracy is a pervasive phenomenon that began to receive attention in the 80s... more INTRODUCTION Software piracy is a pervasive phenomenon that began to receive attention in the 80s (Cook, 1984; Cooper, 1984; Graham, 1984; Morgan & Ruskell, 1987). A basic definition of piracy portrays it as "the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright "(Merriam Webster, 2012). In the information systems (IS) literature software piracy has been defined as "any illegal software copying activity" (Peace, Galletta, & Thong, 2003), or the unauthorized duplication, distribution (Moores & Dhillon, 2000), and downloading of computer software and applications (Nill & Shultz, 2009). Recent statistics underscore the importance of the software industry as an important sector of the United States economy. It is estimated that in 2011, the software industry added more than US$ 150 billion in revenue to the US economy (First Research, 2014). Moreover, the US software industry controls about 43% of the global sales (Marketline, 2012). Nevertheless, despite the suggested positive context, Business Software Alliance (BSA) exposes that not all is good news. For instance, this organization claims that for the year of 2011 software piracy increased by 7.8% (BSA, 2012). In addition, the same report presents that the global piracy rate is 42% and estimates that loses for software developers extend to US$60 billion, worldwide, for the year of 2011 (BSA, 2012). Hence, given the suggested level of piracy rate we think it is important to continue studying this phenomenon. In the early 2000s, researchers began to empirically uncover the role that culture has in understanding the phenomena of software piracy at the national level (Husted, 2000; Marron & Steel, 2000). Both studies relied on Hofstede's (1983) cultural value measures to analyze software piracy. Hofstede's cultural dimensions were obtained from data collected at different subsidiaries of US-corporation IBM across the globe during the late 60s (Javidan, House, Dorfman, Hanges, & De Luque, 2006). Hofstede's effort became a highly utilized way to understand and measure culture (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004). However, it has been criticized (Javidan, House, et al., 2006; McSweeney, 2002; Schwartz, 1994). Some say that the instrument used was biased on the needs of IBM and developed with no theoretical support (Javidan, House, et al., 2006). Others suggest that because only one organization from a hi-tech sector was used, it is plausible to think that respondents' education level was biased, especially in the context of developing countries (Schwartz, 1994). In addition, some researchers indicate that Hofstede's dimensions confuse cultural values (what ought to be) and behavior (actual practices) (Terlutter, Diehl, & Mueller, 2006). The culture literature has different instruments proposed to measure culture. One of these instruments came through the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) program (House et al., 2004). This project resulted from the collaboration of more than 160 researchers from different parts of the world (Javidan, House, et al., 2006). The effort focused on developing an instrument elaborated with theory while using modern statistical techniques with the aim of having a valid and reliable instrument (House et al., 2004). Also, the instrument divided the measure of culture into practices and values since the researchers aimed to test if values indeed drive cultural practices and because it is argued that it is practices that actually drive social phenomena (Javidan, House, et al., 2006). Hence, given the alleged weaknesses of Hofstede's instrument and the claim that cultural practices are better measured with GLOBE, we address a gap in the literature since we know of no other study that uses GLOBE measurements to assess the impact of culture practices on software piracy. As a result, we replicate previous studies (Husted, 2000) that addressed software piracy at the national level using GLOBE (House et al. …
Economia Industrial, 1975
Economia Industrial, 1965
Economia Industrial, 1967
Papers by Juan Carlos Isaguirre chavarria