Papers by Juan Antonio Campos

GrassPlot is a collaborative vegetation-plot database organised by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Gro... more GrassPlot is a collaborative vegetation-plot database organised by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) and listed in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD ID EU-00-003). GrassPlot collects plot records (relevés) from grasslands and other open habitats of the Palaearctic biogeographic realm. It focuses on precisely delimited plots of eight standard grain sizes (0.0001; 0.001; ... 1,000 m²) and on nested-plot series with at least four different grain sizes. The usage of GrassPlot is regulated through bylaws that intend to balance the interests of data contributors and data users. The current version (v. 1.00) contains data for approximately 170,000 plots of different sizes and 2,800 nested-plot series. The key components are richness data and metadata. However, most included datasets also encompass compositional data. About 14,000 plots have near-complete records of terricolous bryophytes and lichens in addition to vascular plants. At present, GrassPlot contains data from 36 countries throughout the Palaearctic, spread across elevational gradients and major grassland types. GrassPlot with its multi-scale and multi-taxon focus complements the larger international vegetation-plot databases, such as the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and the global database "sPlot". Its main aim is to facilitate studies on the scale-and taxon-dependency of biodiversity patterns and drivers along macroecological gradients. GrassPlot is a dynamic database and will expand through new data collection coordinated by the elected Coordinating Board. We invite researchers with suitable data to join GrassPlot. Researchers with project ideas addressable with GrassPlot data are welcome to submit proposals to the Governing Board.
Data in Brief
The data reported in this article relates to the research article entitled "Changes in plant dive... more The data reported in this article relates to the research article entitled "Changes in plant diversity patterns along dune zonation in south Atlantic European coasts" (Torca et al., 2019) [1]. Data about traits of species from coastal dunes, a synoptic table and PERMANOVA comparisons are given. The information detailed in the methodology section can be used as a guide to perform analyses on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity.

Nature ecology & evolution, Jan 29, 2018
A central hypothesis of ecology states that regional diversity influences local diversity through... more A central hypothesis of ecology states that regional diversity influences local diversity through species-pool effects. Species pools are supposedly shaped by large-scale factors and then filtered into ecological communities, but understanding these processes requires the analysis of large datasets across several regions. Here, we use a framework of community assembly at a continental scale to test the relative influence of historical and environmental drivers, in combination with regional or local species pools, on community species richness and community completeness. Using 42,173 vegetation plots sampled across European beech forests, we found that large-scale factors largely accounted for species pool sizes. At the regional scale, main predictors reflected historical contingencies related to post-glacial dispersal routes, whereas at the local scale, the influence of environmental filters was predominant. Proximity to Quaternary refugia and high precipitation were the main factor...

Diversity and Distributions
Aim: Woodlands make up a third of European territory and carry out important ecosystem functions,... more Aim: Woodlands make up a third of European territory and carry out important ecosystem functions, yet a comprehensive overview of their invasion by alien plants has never been undertaken across this continent. Location: Europe. Methods: We extracted data from 251,740 vegetation plots stored in the recently compiled European Vegetation Archive. After filtering (resulting in 83,396 plots; 39 regions; 1970–2015 time period), we analysed the species pool and frequency of alien vascular plants with respect to geographic origin and life- forms, and the levels of invasion across the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) woodland habitats. Results: We found a total of 386 alien plant species (comprising 7% of all recorded vascular plants). Aliens originating from outside of and from within Europe were almost equally represented in the species pool (192 vs. 181 species) but relative frequency was skewed towards the former group (77% vs. 22%) due, to some extent, to the frequent occurrence of Impatiens parviflora (21% frequency among alien plants). Phanerophytes were the most species- rich life- form (148 species) and had the highest representation in terms of relative frequency (39%) among aliens in the dataset. Apart from Europe (181 species), North America was the most important source of alien plants (109 species). At the local scale, temperate and boreal softwood riparian woodland (5%) and mire and mountain coniferous woodland (<1%) had the highest and lowest mean relative alien species richness (percentage of alien species per plot), respectively. Main conclusions: Our results indicate that European woodlands are prone to alien plant invasions especially when exposed to disturbance, fragmentation, alien propagule pressure and high soil nutrient levels. Given the persistence of these factors in the landscape, competitive alien plant species with a broad niche, including alien trees and shrubs, are likely to persist and spread further into European woodlands.
Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. subsp. distans_________________ 3.1.3 Puccinellia rupestris (With.... more Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. subsp. distans_________________ 3.1.3 Puccinellia rupestris (With.) Fernald et Weatherby __________ 3.1.4 Zostera marina L. _____________________________________ 3.2 Especies incluidas en el Catálogo Vasco de especies amenazadas _ 3.2.1 Limonium humile Mill. _________________________________ 3.2.2 Zostera noltii L. ______________________________________ 3.3 Plantas para las que se propone su inclusión en el Catálogo Vasco de Especies Amenazadas _______________________________________________ 3.4 Otras especies escasas_____________________________________ 4 Propuesta de actuaciones para la gestión de las especies amenazadas de los estuarios 70 5 Bibliografía _________________________________________________ 6 Anexo: Tabla de datos sobre la flora de los estuarios del País Vasco____
Lazaroa, 2001
En este trabajo se aportan algunos datos florísticos y fitosociológicos sobre 5 taxones poco cono... more En este trabajo se aportan algunos datos florísticos y fitosociológicos sobre 5 taxones poco conocidos del País Vasco y Navarra. Además de las nuevas localidades, para cada especie se recopilan las citas bibliográficas conocidas para el territorio estudiado, representándolo todo en 5 mapas de distribución.
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid
Forma densas poblaciones en arroyos de corriente escasa y en cubetas de agua estancada (f = 12-15... more Forma densas poblaciones en arroyos de corriente escasa y en cubetas de agua estancada (f = 12-15 °C; pH = 6,27-6,22; conductividad > 1000 uS/cm). Sifones de 30-42 um de ancho. Gametóforos de 110-160 um de longitud y 25-60 um de diámetro distal, con dos Oogonios laterales y un anteridio central. Anteridio circinado-cilíndrico, de 40-* Trabajo financiado con cargo al proyecto "Flora
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid
NOTAS BREVES NUEVAS CITAS DE CHROOCOCCUS (CHROOCOCCALES, CYANOPHYTA) PARA LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA* L... more NOTAS BREVES NUEVAS CITAS DE CHROOCOCCUS (CHROOCOCCALES, CYANOPHYTA) PARA LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA* Las especies que en este trabajo son primeras citas para la Península Ibérica se recolectaron en paredes graníticas de edificios de Galicia y se estudiaron mediante cultivo.
Se comentan 11 taxones con interés florístico y corológico para la provincia de Palencia.
En los últimos años se han realizado importantes avances en la conservación de flora y hábitats e... more En los últimos años se han realizado importantes avances en la conservación de flora y hábitats en Europa. La Lista Roja de la UICN y la red Natura 2000 han resultado ser herramientas imprescindibles para la planificación, gestión y conservación de los hábitats naturales. Sin embargo, no existen muchos datos acerca de la efectividad en la selección de los espacios incluidos en la red Natura 2000. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evaluar si los espacios protegidos incluidos actualmente en la red Natura 2000 en el País Vasco son suficientes para asegurar la protección de los hábitats de la directiva 92/43/CEE y de las 205 especies de plantas incluidas en el Catálogo Vasco de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestre y Marina.

The IUCN Red List and the Natura 2000 Network ( more The IUCN Red List and the Natura 2000 Network (, have become increasingly powerful tools for conservation planning, management, monitoring and decision making. However, the effectiveness in the selection of plant species and natural protected areas has rarely been assessed. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 Network for the protection of the 204 threatened plants included in the Basque Catalogue of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. CONCLUSIONS 1. The current Natura 2000 Network is not enough to guarantee the conservation of the threatened flora in the Basque Country. 2. A network of plant micro‐reserves such as those already existing across Europe (Laguna et al. 2004) could help to conserve the endangered flora.

The study of 16 mire sites in Northwestern Navarra (Northern Spain) has proved the diversity of t... more The study of 16 mire sites in Northwestern Navarra (Northern Spain) has proved the diversity of these habitats in Navarra. Among them, just one (Xuriain) is genuinely ombrogenic, while minerogenic sites are the most abundant. Their occurrence is determined mainly by geological contacts between water retaining and non-permeable rocks. Chemical water analyses show mostly acid pH (4.2 – 5.8), low conductivity, and low Ca2+ and Mg2+ contents. Only four of the studied sites (Arxuri, Belate, Baltsagorrieta and Gesaleta) may be considered as true peat mires, bearing peat deposits over 1 m deep. The rest of sites are designed as para-peaty habitats, with essentially mineral deposits with peat absent or punctual. Anyway, trophic conditions and vegetation allow mires in Navarra to be assigned to fen forms. The flora is composed of 432 cormophytic and bryophytic taxa. 43 phytocoenosis have been recognized, down to community, variant or association level, most of them typical of mires; Nartheci...
Se presenta el catálogo florístico (cormófitos y briófitos) obtenido del estudio de 16 enclaves h... more Se presenta el catálogo florístico (cormófitos y briófitos) obtenido del estudio de 16 enclaves hidroturbosos del noroeste de Navarra, compuesto por 317 taxones de cormófitos y 115 de briófitos. Se comentan brevemente las especies de mayor interés y las novedades florísticas para Navarra.
Papers by Juan Antonio Campos