Papers by Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities

Da'wah of social empowerment is the real action in order to make the improvements. Historically, ... more Da'wah of social empowerment is the real action in order to make the improvements. Historically, da'wah in the form of social empowerment based on mosque has been portrayed by the Prophet in the Nabawi Mosque Madinah. Muhammad saw. has successfully repaired and changed the conditions of the Medina people into a new powerfull society. Forms of empowerment included empowering spiritual aspect, social (of unity and equality), education, economics, politics and defense. The steps in empowerment, was to grow and to build the spiritual potential of Tawheed communities, providing access to (social institutions) building a mosque, made peace agreement with the various parties, established markets around the mosque, formed and trained defense forces, and togetherness. Abstrak Dakwah pemberdayaan masyarakar merupakan gerakan dakwah yang bersifat tindakan nyata, guna mewujudkan perubahan. Secara historis, dakwah dalam bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis masjid telah diperankan oleh Rasulullah saw. di Masjid Nabawi Madinah. Nabi telah mampu memperbaiki dan mengubah kondisi masyarakat Madinah dan sekitarnya menjadi sebuah masyarakat baru yang maju dari semua sisi. Bentuk pemberdayaan yang dilakukan meliputi pemberdayaan dalam aspek spiritual, aspek sosial (persatuan dan kesetaraan), pendidikan, ekonomi, politik dan pertahanan. Adapun langkah yang ditempuh dalam melakukan pemberdayaan, adalah menumbuhkan dan membangun potensi spiritual Tauhid masyarakat, menyediakan akses (pranata sosial) dengan: membangun masjid, membuat perjanjian damai dengan berbagai pihak, mendirikan pasar di sekitar masjid, membentuk dan melatih pasukan pertahanan, dan kebersamaan. Kata kunci: pemberdayaan, masjid dan dakwah

An ideal marriage is a marriage that able to achieve the goal of becoming a family wedding sakina... more An ideal marriage is a marriage that able to achieve the goal of becoming a family wedding sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah. Al-Qur'an and Sunnah did not explain in detail about the limitations of marriageable age. There are three perspectives on the age limit to get married in Indonesia, first, the perspective of Islamic law, the second law No. 1 in 1974 allow a woman to get married at the age of 16 and men at age 19, the third, BKKBN which advocated age at marriage ideal namely the minimum age for women 21 years and for men 25 years old. But in different perspective, the ideal age of marriage maqasid shari'ah perspective for women 20 years and for men 25 years, because at this age considered to have been able to realize the goal wedding (maqasid shari'ah) such as: creating a family sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah, keeping the lineage, maintaining the pattern of family relationships, maintaining diversity and deemed ready in terms of economic, medical, psychological, social, religious.

One of the main problems of the information age is how to get the information that would be credi... more One of the main problems of the information age is how to get the information that would be credible. The issues outlined in this paper, is how naqd al-hadith as a method of criticism credibility of information. The method was used deductive, by discussing the theory of the credibility of the information developed at this time, then discuss the concept of credibility of information on Islam, namely 'ulum al-hadith, then offered naqd al-hadith as a method of criticism credibility of information. The results showed that naqd al-hadith can be used as a method of credibility of the information at this time. Abstrak Salah satu problematika utama era informasi ini adalah bagaimana mendapatkan informasi yang dapat dipercaya kebenarannya (kredibel). Persoalan yang diurai dalam tulisan ini, adalah bagaimana naqd al-hadits sebagai metode kritik kredibilitas informasi. metode yang digunakan adalah deduktif, dengan mendiskusikan teori kredibilitas informasi yang berkembang pada saat ini, kemudian mendiskusikan konsep kredibilitas informasi dalam Islam, yaitu 'ulum al-hadits, kemudian menawarkan naqd al-hadits sebagai metode kritik kredibilitas informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa naqd al-hadits dapat digunakan sebagai metode kredibilitas informasi pada saat ini.

One potential disputes in Sharia economic is the one of the practice transactions that are not in... more One potential disputes in Sharia economic is the one of the practice transactions that are not in accordance with Islamic principles, although recorded in the books of the bank. This is becaused of the one parties defaulting does not carry out the contract as stipulated in the agreement on the notary deed. Urgency notarized deed in Sharia economic transactions is very important to ensure the rights and obligations of the parties to the covenant-making. Making an authentic deed is done in order to create certainty, order, legal protection and to avoid disputes in the future. Abstrak Salah satu potensi sengketa dalam transaksi ekonomi syariah adalah adanya pihak melakukan praktek transaksi yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip syariah, meskipun tercatat dalam pembukuan bank. Hal ini dikarenakan salah satu pihak wanprestasi tidak melaksanakan akad yang tertuang dalam akta notariil yang disepakatinya. Urgensi akta Notariil dalam transaksi ekonomi syariah sangat penting untuk menjamin hak dan kewajiban para pihak pembuat perjanjian. Pembuatan akta otentik dilakukan dalam rangka menciptakan kepastian, ketertiban, perlindungan hukum dan agar tidak terjadi sengketa di kemudian hari. Kata kunci: urgensi akta notariil, transaksi ekonomi syariah

The purpose of this research is to know about the conflict in family life, especially in family t... more The purpose of this research is to know about the conflict in family life, especially in family that the husband merried again (poligamy). Then patience poligamy wife is very interesting to research. This research used qualitative research methods. This research was done in Mojokerto by using the method of observation and interviews. Based on this study it can be explained that poligamy wives patience can be grouped into two reasons, namely the worldly reason, and the eschatological matters reason. The worldly reason include biological, economic, and social. Whereas eschatological matters include factors faith and worship. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih jauh konflik yang terjadi dalam kehidupan berumah tangga khususnya keluarga yang suami menikah lagi (poligami). Maka kesabaran istri yang dipoligami sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Mojokerto dengan menggunakan cara pengambilan subyek secara purposive sampling, dan dalam menperoleh data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa kesabaran istri yang dipoligami dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua alasan, yakni alasan duniawi dan alasan ukhrowi. Alasan duniawi ini meliputi faktor biologis, ekonomi, dan sosial. Sedangkan ukhrowi meliputi faktor keimanan, dan ibadah.
Papers by Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities