Papers by Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2023
The Great Step Pyramid of Djoser is an archaeological site in the Saqqara necropolis. This six-ti... more The Great Step Pyramid of Djoser is an archaeological site in the Saqqara necropolis. This six-tiered, four-sided structure is the oldest stone colossal building in Egypt, built in the 27th century B.C., to bury Pharaoh Djoser. On the plateaus and escarpments of the Nile Valley flanks, limestones were mined to be used as core material for many pyramids and temples during the Old Kingdom. The step pyramid, when completed, had a thin limestone casing on top. The Saqqara plateau is made up mostly of rocks from the middle-upper Eocene, with the Mokkatam Formation as the most important, relative to the main materials used in the construction of the necropolises. A limestone sample, most likely used in the casing of Djoser's pyramid, was analyzed from its nannofossil content. The nannofossil association, defined a middle Eocene age (upper Lutetian to Bartonian) corresponding to zones NP16 and NP17 (42.4 to 36.8 Ma), based on the first occurrence of Reticulofenestra umbilica and the last occurrence of Chiasmolithus grandis. This dating suggests that this pyramid casing material, corresponded to the Giushi Member of the Mokattam Formation.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2022
The significance of this paper is the evaluation of the use of BQS (blastability quality system) ... more The significance of this paper is the evaluation of the use of BQS (blastability quality system) on rock slopes in practice A landslide, which took place in Northern Greece, in a tectonic active fault damage zone of gneiss and sandstone, and is used for our investigation. The results of the BQS description are combined with the results of the SMR (slope mass rating) Classification. The final results of the two classification methods are similar. It is significant that the both estimates are really close. So, the BQS can effectively be used as a combinational classification system and results in the appropriate support measure. The decision about the installation of the support measures mainly depends on the worst rock mass. Considering the presence of the active fault and the rock mass quality, the appropriate restoration can be a flexible system with gabions and benches, which follow the geometry of the potential critical sliding cycle. The above flexible support system can follow the fault movement during future earthquakes and absorb the energy and deformation. The cracked small wedges can be prevented from sliding by wire mess. Also, a drainage system and toe ditch need to drive the water of the rainfall out of the slope.
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering , 2021
Van Yen district, Yen Bai province belongs to the Red River zone, which is a promising area for g... more Van Yen district, Yen Bai province belongs to the Red River zone, which is a promising area for graphite ore, however, the methodologies were applied to previous research, evaluation and forecast potential of graphite are still limited. Based on that reason, this paper introduces a method to forecast prospective zoning by using mathematical methods, remote sensing combined with GIS (geographic information system) technology. The results of the study are an important basis in research orientation, in mineral exploration and exploitation in a reasonable way in order to meet the demand of the graphite raw materials for domestic and industries abroad.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering , 2021
Carbon and oxygen XRF spectra were studied using a WDXRF (WD X-ray fluorescence) spectrometer S8 ... more Carbon and oxygen XRF spectra were studied using a WDXRF (WD X-ray fluorescence) spectrometer S8 TIGER (Bruker AXS, Germany). XRF spectra were obtained from the samples of the calcareous spar (CaCO3) (pure calcium carbonate), the limestones, the graphite, the microcrystalline cellulose, various organic compounds and prepared mixtures on the basis of the calcareous spar with addition of the graphite and the microcrystalline cellulose. The studied samples of the limestones are characterized by high concentrations of calcite (98.5-99%). Main objective of this investigation is to develop WDXRF technique for the determination of C(total) and O(total). Optimal instrumental measuring conditions were selected experimentally for quantitative determination of C(total) and O(total). The calculated values of the ILD (instrumental limit of the detection) vary from 0.0215% for C(total) to 0.0331% for O(total), respectively. The obtained values of the LDM (limit of determination of the XRF method) do not exceed 0.08% for C(total) and O(total). The RSDs (relative standard deviations) values do not exceed 1.0% in all cases.
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2021
The TRU-Vision system, developed by Baker Hughes, analyzes the gas extracted from drilling mud to... more The TRU-Vision system, developed by Baker Hughes, analyzes the gas extracted from drilling mud to estimate the hydrocarbons composition in drilled rock formations. Several separation processes had been surveyed in order to enhance the gas extraction at the gas trap, namely, mechanical stirring, vacuum, air sparging, membrane separation processes, ultrasounds, and cyclones. Mechanical stirring devices (one propeller, one flat-blade turbine, and two baffles sets), a vacuum generator, and an air bubble generator were designed and assembled to increase the efficiency and the response stability of TRU-Vision system.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2021
Introduction: The current worldwide electric power & heat & cool production has a negative impact... more Introduction: The current worldwide electric power & heat & cool production has a negative impact on the environment by emissions and enormous leaks of low-potential waste heat. Transformation of unused industrial low power heat into "renewable heat" useful to enhance the efficiency of the system is essential and actual innovation in the field of worldwide environmental protection. By introducing and defining the terminology of low-potential, "renewable", "green heat" has created a new, parallel category of research in the energy sector. Traditional co-generation systems produce heat for space heating and hot water and generate electricity. Moving to tri-generation allows growing demand for air conditioning for homes, offices and commercial spaces such as server rooms and switchboards to be met simultaneously or on a seasonal basis. Tri-generation, or combined cooling, heat and power, is the process by which some of the heat produced by a co-generation plant is used to generate chilled water for air conditioning or refrigeration. Usually an absorption chiller is linked to the plant to provide this functionality. The technical solution is related to the new efficient manner and system of simultaneous generation of heat/cold from multiple heat sources, which has not yet been known, but in practice required. New system also enables advantageous utilization of solar power in supporting of the cooling output. The innovative system can be operated also within the existing central heating distribution systems.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering , 2021
South Nam Xe carbonatites are located in northwest Vietnam and include calcio-and ferro-carbonati... more South Nam Xe carbonatites are located in northwest Vietnam and include calcio-and ferro-carbonatite dikes. This investigation on their petrography, mineralogy and whole rock chemistry aims to constrain temporal emplacement sequence of the carbonatites during their evolution. The calciocarbonatites are supposed to be formed in the first or second stage due to massive coarse-grained texture with an assemblage of calcite, typical magmatic alkaline silicates (aegirine, arfvedsonite), biotite, fluorapatite and magnetite. Their calcites show a high CaO/(MgO + Fe 2 O 3 + MnO) ratio and a predominance of SrO over MnO (SrO = 3.81-3.98 wt.%; MnO = 0.66-0.78 wt.%). Rare earth elements (REE) tend to participate in rock-forming minerals rather than in isolated REE minerals. The ferrocarbonatites are composed of magmatic and hydrothermal varieties and assumed to be formed in the third and/or fourth stage. Major minerals of the former include zoned ankerite, Sr-rich calcite, subhedral feldspar crystals, phlogopite and magnetite; fluorapatite, monazite and REE carbonates are minor resulting in a moderate REE concentration of 43,200 ppm. Meanwhile, the latter is predominant by syntax-texture REE fluorcarbonates and (Ba,Sr) sulphates. Further, the highest REE concentration (163,900 ppm) of the rock coupled with abundance of volatile minerals (fluorite, fluorcarbonates, sulphides) and 18 O enrichment in the calcites (δ 18 O V-SMOW = 12.01-13.26‰) is probably attributed to hydrothermal subjection in the last stage.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2021
Record-breaking floods occurred in the autumn of 1998 and the spring of 2001 in the lowlands of T... more Record-breaking floods occurred in the autumn of 1998 and the spring of 2001 in the lowlands of Transcarpathia, as well as in the areas of Hungary and Romania bordering Ukraine, which caused severe damage. Our research was to determine the frequency of floods. The fluctuation of precipitation values brings about the increased frequency of the rivers’ inundation as well. The research is based on the data of the Tisza River’s inundation onto the flood plain near Vylok, as well as the precipitation data of the Rakhiv meteorological station. Both data series include the data of the latest 46 years (1970-2015), highlighting the pre-flood period of 1970-2001. To evaluate the data, we used linear trend analysis, which was edited using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. The results of the study showed that no particular changes in precipitation were observed, but the frequency of flood waves and the coverage of the floodplain with water showed a gradually increasing trend. The results of studying the amount of precipitation and the Tisza River’s inundation: in recent decades the frequency of flood wave formation and the coverage of the flood plain with water show a gradually increasing tendency.
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2021
For the first time, the property of deep abiogenic methane-containing high-thermobaric fluid to d... more For the first time, the property of deep abiogenic methane-containing high-thermobaric fluid to decompose organic residues in the Earth's crust and form coal seams was established.
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
Determining the contents of F, S (total) , and Cl in the studied samples of the limestone and mar... more Determining the contents of F, S (total) , and Cl in the studied samples of the limestone and marbles with high calcite contents was carried out by the nondestructive method of WDXRFS (Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry). All measurements were performed in a vacuum condition using a WDXRF spectrometer S8 TIGER (Bruker AXS, Germany). The studied samples have wide ranges of F, S (total) , and Cl contents, and high concentration of calcite (89.5%-99%). Main objective of this research is to develop WDXRF (WD X-ray fluorescence) technique for the determination of F, S (total) , and Cl. The calculated values of the ILD (instrumental limit of the detection) were within the interval from 3 for S (total) to 37 for F mg/kg. The repeatability was found to be satisfactory with the relative standard deviations lower than 7%.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
Limestone being sedimentary rock contains multiple bedding planes, which has vertical cracks or j... more Limestone being sedimentary rock contains multiple bedding planes, which has vertical cracks or joints. As explosives apply high dynamic loading rate during blasting i.e. rock fragmentation & comminution process, the measure of critical SIF (stress intensity factor) is pertinent to be measured and is known as dynamic fracture toughness of limestone. In order to investigate the influence of several factors on the mode-I fracture toughness and fracture behavior of limestone, dynamic fracture toughness tests (mode-I) were conducted under various conditions of loading rate. The microstructure of rocks was also investigated to understand the dynamic fracture toughness and fracture mechanism of limestone. This paper deals with results of 11 limestone specimen subjected to dynamic fracture toughness tests. It was observed that crack surface velocity increases with increase in dynamic fracture toughness. The fracture velocity also increases with increase in dynamic fracture toughness. The fracture velocity in limestone increases between 1.14-5.09 times with increased fracture toughness. The crack surface velocity of limestone increases between 1.39-3.09 times with increase in dynamic fracture toughness.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
This article focuses on the study of sediment transport during flood events in the Oued Nachef wa... more This article focuses on the study of sediment transport during flood events in the Oued Nachef watershed that feeds the Mefrouche dam. To understand the sediment dynamics in this watershed, ANRH data on instantaneous water discharges and the respective concentrations of suspended particulate matter were used. This enabled the selection of some of the largest flood events over a 24-year period in order to establish the log-log relationships between sediment load (concentration and flux) and water discharge. However, the discharge-concentration relationships revealed hysteresis phenomena that enabled a flood typology to be established and classified into seven categories, thus showing very different transfer dynamics in relation to flood events. The results showed that Category 6 floods presenting hysteresis in the form of a figure of eight exported almost 44% of the suspended particulate matter load while representing just 29% of the flow discharge.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
Coastal change has merited attention because of heated arguments in the literature on this subjec... more Coastal change has merited attention because of heated arguments in the literature on this subject at national, regional, southern African, and international levels. The city of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, which had been undergoing intense coastal erosion actions, was the target of large-scale intervention aimed at halting the advance of the sea and the consequent destruction of infrastructure. Coastal protection consisted of soft forms, artificial feeding, and heavy, longitudinal and transversal structures. This study was carried out along the protected line, about 3 km long, and aims to understand the morphological transformations in the Maputo city shoreline that occurred after the coastal protection. For that, the following technical methods were used: observation, a topographic survey of the beach cross-sections, and the shoreline evolution before and after coastal protection using 2008 and 2010 Google Earth satellite imagery prior to protection 2015, project completion year and 2018 monitoring year. The findings of the study revealed that the causes of coastal erosion persist, like constant removal by deflation of the borrowed sediment. Besides, vertical structures (groynes) intensify erosion in the downdrift while adherent structures interrupt the return of sediment deposited on the sidewalk and the road. The beach that experienced a positive sedimentary balance with artificial feeding has been losing more sediment than it gets. The transversal profiles show the beach shore has depressions that are submerged in the presence of high tides, bringing the sea closer to the adherent structure. Despite the sped up erosion observed, embryonic dunes were detected in some parts of the beach, signs of the establishment of dynamic equilibrium, becoming sites of sand accumulation and sediment source to the beach, through the exchange between the dune and the beach. With these results, a pilot station for artificial dune construction is being designed for beach stability.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
Dynamic properties of limestone govern the rock fragmentation characteristics. Failure of rock un... more Dynamic properties of limestone govern the rock fragmentation characteristics. Failure of rock under tension is more likely as compared to failure under compression under static or dynamic loading both. Since the application of explosives creates dynamic loading and is a dynamic event, the determination of dynamic modulus values is technically more appropriate than the static measurement. The rock fragmentation would significantly improve by investigating the dynamic uniaxial tensile strength as specific fracture energy, stress intensity factor, fracture toughness of any detonating blast hole depend heavily on dynamic rock property and not on static rock property. Most of the limestone projects globally are still accustomed with using static tensile strength to understand the rock fragmentation. The present papers deal with determination of dynamic uniaxial tensile property using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system. The nano second high speed camera with laser captures the crack surface opening velocity during dynamic loading. It was observed during data analysis that dynamic tensile strength of limestone increases by 1.2-2.3 times of the static strength. It may be concluded by the study that determination of dynamic tensile strength is paramount for understanding the rock fragmentation.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
Studies of inclusions (defects) in minerals have shown that the source of carbon in the natural p... more Studies of inclusions (defects) in minerals have shown that the source of carbon in the natural processes of synthesis of perfect diamond crystals is mantle carbon dioxide, (СО 2)Р = 6.1 МPа and δ 13 С = (-6.1±0.5)‰. A new mechanism for the synthesis of natural crystals of diamond, pyrope, magnetite, quartz, etc. has been developed. It is shown that under the influence of a powerful pulse of tectonogenic energy in some parts of the lithosphere that there are deep faults-tubes, which take root-migrating melt in the direction of the earth's crust. During migration in the contact zone-"melt-lithosphere rocks" due to their contact interaction-friction, a high-voltage electric field of complex shape is formed, in which CO 2 turns into an energy-excited state, its molecules decompose into individual radicals and atoms. In the melt-electrolyte under the influence of an electric field, ions-cations move in certain directions depending on the configuration of the field, which is due to magma, contact with rocks of the lithosphere and the speed of magma in the gap-tube. As they move, these ions undergo numerous collisions with the molecules present there, in particular, СО 2 and its atoms and radicals, temporarily forming unstable compounds that fall into the zone with existing iron compounds, etc. Oxygen СО 2 poatomically detaches from the molecule and forms FeO·Fe 2 O 3 (magnetite), and the most energetically advantageous for chemically active carbon atoms in such an environment is that the melt bonds together form a diamond crystal. The isolated SiO 2 molecules chemically form a group of garnets, quartz, and the like.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
The dynamic properties of limestone play a pivotal role while selecting the suitable explosives f... more The dynamic properties of limestone play a pivotal role while selecting the suitable explosives for any limestone mine. Since the application of explosives creates dynamic loading and is a dynamic event, the determination of dynamic modulus values is technically more appropriate than the static measurement. The rock fragmentation would significantly improve by investigating the dynamic uniaxial compressive strength as specific fracture energy, stress intensity factor, fracture toughness of any detonating blast hole depend heavily on dynamic rock property and not on static rock property. Most of the limestone projects globally are still accustomed with using static compressive strength to understand the rock fragmentation. The present papers deal with determination of dynamic uniaxial compressive property using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system. The nano second high speed camera with laser captures the crack surface opening velocity during dynamic loading. It was observed during data analysis that dynamic compressive strength of limestone increases by 1.7-4.9 times of the static strength. It may be concluded by the study that determination of dynamic compressive strength is paramount for understanding the rock fragmentation.
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
The relation between loading rate and fracture velocity is the key to determining the fracture to... more The relation between loading rate and fracture velocity is the key to determining the fracture toughness of rock mass under dynamic loading. While designing an optimal blast design for any limestone mines, understanding the relationship between blast detonation pressure and rock fragmentation can increase the energy utilisation in any limestone mine blast. The detonation pressure is directly related to dynamic loading rate and fracture velocity is directly related to stress wave propagation speed during blasting. This paper discusses the relationship between dynamic loading rate and fracture velocity for limestone samples. It was observed that crack propagation velocity increases with fracture toughness of rock samples. It may be concluded that as the dynamic loading increases, the fracture velocity increases.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
The main objective of the current work is to recover SiO 2 various acid concentrations, scrubbing... more The main objective of the current work is to recover SiO 2 various acid concentrations, scrubbing time, and attrition impeller speed for crystal glass application. Silica rocks were treated using a physico-chemical method involving physical separation method using citric and sulphuric acids as the reagents. Low acid concentration range of 1%-2% and variable scrubbing time of 10, 20, and 30 min were investigated. The microstructure, phase, and particle size of the silica rocks were determined after scrubbing process. Citric acid was found effective in improving the purity of SiO 2 to 99.8% at 0.75% concentration, via a 20 min scrubbing process operated at 1,250 rpm (rotations per minute). The phase structure and morphology of the recovered SiO 2 were confirmed as trigonal crystal structure with small and irregular shape. To date, studies on the processing of silica rock using organic acid are yet very limited.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
Generally, the morphology of the post-mining area is steep slopes. Based on geotechnical consider... more Generally, the morphology of the post-mining area is steep slopes. Based on geotechnical considerations, the area is no longer allowed for mining areas, because the potential for landslides is very high. The development of the natural potential of the post-mining area in the research area is a geotourism area in the form of outcrops of pumice breccias and karst areas. The positive impact on society is the opportunity to get a job or business opportunity in providing services. Geotourism is a sustainable nature tourism activity with a main focus on the geological appearance of the earth's surface in order to encourage environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation as well as local wisdom. The concept of geotourism emphasizes the beauty, uniqueness and rarity of a natural phenomenon that is closely related to geological phenomena. The results of the study indicate the potential for geotourism that includes views of geological structures, stratigraphy, topography, rock types. Regional planning of geotourism is the making of a grand design for geotourism facilities and infrastructure, including a rock museum in the open air, gazebo, jogging track, hiking track, bicycle track, camping area, and viewpoint.

Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 2020
The N70° DASA graben is a closed-rift that seems to be the deepest part of the Tim Mersoï Basin, ... more The N70° DASA graben is a closed-rift that seems to be the deepest part of the Tim Mersoï Basin, which is located in the northwestern part of Niger in West Africa. It contains more than 805 m of Paleozoic-Mesozoic sediments. The tectonic subsidence and uplifting was calculated by using well log data and deducing the variations in sedimentary thicknesses over time. Geological mapping and tectono-sedimentary analysis indicate that the structural evolution of the DASA trough is characterized by two major periods: (1) the first period was marked by an uplift stage ranging from the Carboniferous to the Permian. It was typified by a weak subsidence rate (3.45 m/Ma on average), under a transpressive tectonic regime, with a decrease in the thickness of the sedimentary series along the axial zone of the trough, and an increase of the thickness towards the border areas; (2) the second period was characterized by a higher subsidence rate (4.11 m/Ma on average) related to a change in the tectonic regime. It was marked by a rifting stage preserved over a long period, subjected to an extensive tectonic regime, from the Triassic to the lower Cretaceous, during which the highest thicknesses of the sedimentary series developed in the axial zone of the graben. The structural and sedimentological features defined the DASA graben as a particular type of syn-sedimentary basin evolving from a transpressive tectonic regime during the Paleozoic to an extensive tectonic regime during the Lower Mesozoic. Thus, the second period marked by an extensional regime would probably be related to the opening of the first stages of the Atlantic Ocean.
Papers by Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering