Papers by Josiah Mwivandi Kinama
Research Square - Research Square, Dec 5, 2022

Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems
Background: Water is the most valuable resource in agriculture. Agricultural development in semi-... more Background: Water is the most valuable resource in agriculture. Agricultural development in semi-arid eastern Kenya is essentially dependent on intermittent rainfall. An accurate estimate of sweet potato water usage and productivity is considered a significant feature of conservation agriculture under such climatic conditions. Methodology: The research was conducted for two seasons, from December 2018 to April 2019 and October 2019 to March 2020, with the aim of quantifying the water use efficiencies of two sweet potato varieties, Kabode and Bungoma. Assuming that there were no variations in water-use efficiency between the two varieties. The experiment was established as RCBD for the two seasons. Treatments comprised of sole sweet potato varieties of Kabode and Bungoma, together with their intercrops with common beans. Results: Seasonal effective rainfall values were 302 and 639.2 mm, whereas the mean saturation pressure deficit recorded was 2.5 and 2.4 Kpa for S (I) and S (II), re...

Advances in Agriculture
Conservation tillage is regarded as the best practice for crop production in drylands. However, t... more Conservation tillage is regarded as the best practice for crop production in drylands. However, their effect on the green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) has not been much documented in ASALs of Kenya. A field study was conducted during the 2018-2019 short rains with the aim of evaluating the effect of tillage methods and mulch application on the growth and yield of two green gram varieties in Katumani and Mwea. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a split-slit plot arrangement and three replicates was used. The main plots were tillage methods zero tillage (ZT), furrow-ridge (FR), and conventional tillage (CT). Subplots were mulched plots with plant residue (3 t·ha−1) and plots without mulch applied (0 t·ha−1) and in the sub-subplots were two green gram varieties (N26 and KS20). Data was collected on plant height, number of primary branches, root biomass, shoot biomass, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 1000 seed weight, grain weight (t·ha1), and harvest ...

African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2019
The livestock rearing households of Pate Island in Lamu County of the Northern Coast of Kenya had... more The livestock rearing households of Pate Island in Lamu County of the Northern Coast of Kenya had been participating in the control of tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis. The objective of this study was to estimate the change in household wealth index resulting from tsetse and trypanosomiasis control. The study was conducted on 254 project households and 282 non-project households in the County. Using structured questionnaires, the study collected data on household characteristics, number of livestock in the household by type, household durable assets and living conditions. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was used to construct the household wealth index as an outcome to measure the well-being of households. The results indicated that the proportion of very wealthy households was higher (16%) in the project areas than in non-project areas (3.7%). Propensity Score Matching (PSM) results showed that the mean wealth index for a project participating household was 0.699 (Std. Err. = 0....

Tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis affects 37 sub-Saharan African countries impacting lives of abou... more Tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis affects 37 sub-Saharan African countries impacting lives of about 60 million people and 48 million cattle. It is one of the greatest constraints to agricultural development in the sub-humid and humid zones of Africa that needs to be removed if the Sustainable Development Goals and Kenya’s Vision 2030 goals of poverty reduction and food security is to be achieved. This study assessed the factors influencing farmers’ choice of Integrated Methods (IM), Moving Targets (MT), Insecticide Treated Targets (ITT) and Trypanocidal Drugs/Ethno-veterinary practices (TD) as methods used to control tsetse and trypanosomiasis in Lamu County, Kenya. A structured questionnaire was used to collect Social and economic data from a random sample of 536 farm households. Multinomial Logit regression results showed that the odds of a household choosing IM over TD increased 1.046 times (Sig. =0.002) when the Tropical Livestock Units in the household increased by one unit. Whe...

Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020
Integration of tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis control methods is identified as most feasible and ... more Integration of tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis control methods is identified as most feasible and effective approach to eradication of African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT) and Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT). However, little focus is directed towards understanding the drivers of integration of the control methods by farmers. We used cross-sectional data collected from 536 livestock keeping households in Lamu County of Kenya to identify factors influencing multiple use of insecticide treated livestock (ITL), insecticide treated targets (ITT), and treatment with trypanocidal drugs (TTD). Multivariate probit model was applied in estimation of covariates of multiple use of the control methods. Descriptive results indicated that nearly 61% of the livestock keeping households used at least one of the tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis control methods, with about 9%, 7%, and 13% of the households using ITL, ITT, and TTD, respectively. The results also indicated that nearly 32% of the househ...

East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2020
Kenya remains susceptible to climate change due to the dependence on rain-fed agriculture with li... more Kenya remains susceptible to climate change due to the dependence on rain-fed agriculture with limited climate change adaptation capacity. This study sought to establish the influence of gender roles on climate change adaptation in two different ago-climatic zones namely, Kajiado East and Central within Kajiado County in the arid part of Kenya and Kabete and Kikuyu within Kiambu County in the highlands region. A survey was conducted on 312 households, six gendered focus group discussions, and fourteen key informant interviews. Frequency analysis was used for descriptive statistics. Chi-square was used to test for statistical associations between variables (p≤0.05). The findings showed that Kajiado County has experienced more climate change-related household food insecurity in comparison to Kiambu County. Only 12% of the respondents in Kiambu County indicated having experienced extreme household food insecurity related to climate change. The findings showed 66% of the respondents in ...

Advances in Agriculture
Conservation tillage is regarded as the best practice for crop production in drylands. However, t... more Conservation tillage is regarded as the best practice for crop production in drylands. However, their effect on the green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) has not been much documented in ASALs of Kenya. A field study was conducted during the 2018-2019 short rains with the aim of evaluating the effect of tillage methods and mulch application on the growth and yield of two green gram varieties in Katumani and Mwea. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a split-slit plot arrangement and three replicates was used. The main plots were tillage methods zero tillage (ZT), furrow-ridge (FR), and conventional tillage (CT). Subplots were mulched plots with plant residue (3 t·ha−1) and plots without mulch applied (0 t·ha−1) and in the sub-subplots were two green gram varieties (N26 and KS20). Data was collected on plant height, number of primary branches, root biomass, shoot biomass, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 1000 seed weight, grain weight (t·ha1), and harvest ...
Papers by Josiah Mwivandi Kinama