François Joseph CABRAL
Cabral François Joseph is a Professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (UCAD), Director of Ph D School on Law, Politic, economic and management sciences at Cheikh Anta Diop University and the scientific coordinator of CRES, an NGO research centre based in Dakar.After a Doctorate obtained in 2005 in UCAD, he has done a post-doctorate in 2007 in Cirpée, in Laval University, in 2007.He has been admitted as Associate Professor at the 15th session of the competition of aggregation of African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES) held in November 2011 in Abidjan.He’s been involved in the Pep network since 2004. While doing his thesis, he has benefited from a technical and financial support from Pep through a study visit done in Cirpée, in Laval University in 2005.Again during his post-doctorate in 2007, financed by AUF, he has also benefited from a technical support of Pep. The main tool he uses is computable general equilibrium and he has been assisting during the last years Professor Martens, from Montreal University, for all Pep school modeling training sessions organized in Dakar.During his thesis, he tries to simulate the potential impact of Agricultural agreement on rural poverty in Senegal while he makes the focus the pro-poor content of Senegalese Accelerated growth strategy during his post-doctorate research.Hence, his main fields of research are agriculture, trade liberalization and poverty and now, he tends to make focus on growth and climate change issues.In his last papers, he tries to assess the effects of rainfall hazards on poverty in Senegal and plan to extend this research to all Sahelian countries. During the last years, he has work on several collaborative research programs. With PEP, he’s been involved in the process of assessing 2010 world crisis economic effects for Senegal.With UNDP-desa, he has completed within a team a research trying to assess strategies to achieve MDGs for Senegal. With IFPRI, he is also completing a research to assess the link between biofuel and poverty in Senegal.With Universty of Las Palmas, he’s currently working on a comparative research on water issues between Las Palmas and Senegal.Within a collaborative research sustained by Brookings Institute, he’s actually involved in research program on agricultural transformation and public expenditure efficiency in agricultural sector.With ECOWAS and under Comprehensive Africa agricultural development program (CAADP), he has built two SAM for Cabo Verde and Guinea Bissau, which seems to be the first ones for those two countries.He has also built a CGE for Guinea Bissau to assess the ability of CAADP to match with the growth and poverty outcomes of this program.He’s also completing a research case study for Senegal with African development bank on the following topic “Trade, jobs and inclusive development in Africa”.He has also built a CGE dealing with rainfall issues in Senegal for the national Ministry of Planning.Pr Cabral is also a member of African economic research consortium and African growth and development policy modeling consortium networks.
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Papers by François Joseph CABRAL