Papers by Josenilson Pereira Santana

Of all the philosophers, theorists, and thinkers we will encounter in this essay, none has had a ... more Of all the philosophers, theorists, and thinkers we will encounter in this essay, none has had a greater impact than Heidegger, as he posits Dasein, which is always already in the world. He undermines the centrality of the subject as the ontological point of departure, and suggests an understanding where all existing things come to be-to have meaning-through Dasein's being-in-the-world. He suggests that self and world belong together in the single entity-Dasein-and says, "self and world are not two entities like subject and object … but self and world are basic determination of Dasein itself in the unity of the structure of being-in-the-world." 7 In Heidegger's view, this fundamental union of the self and the world, as expressed by Dasein's being-in-theworld, successfully destabilizes and overthrows the Cartesian division between object and subject. Thus, it is important to realize at the outset that for Heidegger, being is not a substance or a process. Being, in early Heidegger, is that on the basis of which beings are already understood. Generally speaking, in some sense technology is responsible for
Papers by Josenilson Pereira Santana