Papers by Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó
Revista Cubana de Estomatología, Apr 20, 2012
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2013

Revista cubana de estomatología
Es ampliamente conocida la utilidad de la evidencia dental y la importancia de la historia clinic... more Es ampliamente conocida la utilidad de la evidencia dental y la importancia de la historia clinica para la identificacion humana en una variedad de situaciones medico legales. Aun despues de muchos anos de la muerte, los dientes son los organos mejor preservados y los mas valiosos indicadores de la identidad de las personas. Motivados por la necesidad de contar con una ficha dental en el pais, nos propusimos como objetivo la confeccion y presentacion de una. Constituye una demanda internacional la necesidad de que los estomatologos esten cada dia mas preparados para enfrentar un proceso de identificacion humana y con su trabajo cooperar a la realizacion exitosa del proceso. El uso de la informacion dental para identificar personas desconocidas es una parte esencial de la respuesta a desastres masivos, los cuales cada dia son mas comunes. La confeccion de buenas historias clinicas no es suficiente para que los datos recogidos en estas puedan ser utilizados con fines identificativos; se hace indispensable la existencia de una ficha dental con su correspondiente sistema de archivo
Revista cubana de estomatología
Rev. cuba. …, 1987
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 53744 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refi... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 53744 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 53744. ...
Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas, 2009
Revista Cubana de Estomatología, Jun 5, 2016

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2018
Two years ago the article "Some bibliometric indicators referring to endodontics, present in... more Two years ago the article "Some bibliometric indicators referring to endodontics, present in Cuban medical journals" was published. In that article, the existence of scientific articles related to endodontics in Cuban medical journals was qualified as scarce; only until 2014 there were 25 articles of this type and national and foreign researchers were encouraged to send their related research to publishers in the country for dissemination. The technological advances of endodontic treatments have allowed to conserve teeth that were previously considered intractable.2 Hence the importance of updating and constant renewal of knowledge in this regard to improve our practice and the quality of life of our patients. After the publication of the aforementioned article, the Cuban Journal of Stomatology has published on average one article per number related to endodontics, which represents just under half of the total existing until 2014 in all the journals of the country. We beli...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2019
Funerary monuments containing several tombs are called burial vaults. The purpose of the study wa... more Funerary monuments containing several tombs are called burial vaults. The purpose of the study was to describe some historical elements of the burial vault of the Dental College of Havana in Colon Cemetery. A historical-particular-descriptive study was conducted from June to December 2017. A review was performed of documents related to the topic in Colon Cemetery. The information obtained was arranged chronologically to facilitate the description of events related to the burial vault, and a search was carried out on the Internet and libraries to clarify the definitions and find similar research studies. All the information was scanned in a library created on EndNote X7 to facilitate the processing of the text in Microsoft Word. The burial vault was sold to the Dental College of Havana on 21 April 1939 as a parcel of land in Colon Cemetery. It is located in the South-West Quarter, Lot No. 6 of the Third Class Monuments Area, and carries the number 22361. Burials in the vault started ...

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016, Dr. Dra. C. Jolan Banoczy, a great loss to the World Stomatology, ... more On Wednesday, August 31, 2016, Dr. Dra. C. Jolan Banoczy, a great loss to the World Stomatology, died at the age of 87. He was born in Hungary on March 2, 1929. He graduated from the University Semmelweis, Budapest, Hungary, Doctor of Medicine in 1953, because the School of Dentistry opened its doors just in that year. His dedication to study and research led him to receive in 1956 his diploma of Doctor in Medical Sciences and already in 1968 he defended his thesis "Keratinization of the oral mucosa in physiological and pathological circumstances" to receive the degree of Doctor in Sciences (1978) with the theme "Clinical-pathological significance of oral leukoplakia." His scientific activity covered three aspects. For 25 years he investigated precancerous lesions together with the precancerosis group of the World Health Organization, led by Professor Jens Pindborg. He determined the clinical, histological and ultrastructural characteristics of buccal leukoplakia...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2018
Scientific communication pursues the objective of favoring the dissemination and exchange of rese... more Scientific communication pursues the objective of favoring the dissemination and exchange of research results; the way to achieve it is the scientific publication that must go a long way: from writing the manuscript, selecting the appropriate journal, passing the arbitration and, finally, submitting to the editorial process before publishing; what is described in a few words is very laborious. In our times the interest of the professionals has increased to publish the results of their investigations; all this motivated by communicating the results of the research, obtaining recognition, moving to a higher category, responding to pressure from institutions, among others; but the experience and prestige of the Cuban stomatology is not yet reflected in the publications, there are reports that say so. When the author has selected the journal, he should carefully study the guidelines for authors; in our magazine they are quite explanatory and with following them step by step, at least th...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2015
Introduction: on June 30, 1964 the Cuban Journal of Dentistry first appeared which was a firm ste... more Introduction: on June 30, 1964 the Cuban Journal of Dentistry first appeared which was a firm step in the consolidation of the studies. It is a necessity for the improvement of the professionals culture, knowing the history of medical science. The scarce literature on the subject found motivated us to do this paper. Objective: Conduct a historical research on the Cuban Journal of Dentistry. Method: A historical documentary investigation was conducted to collect data on the Cuban Journal of Dentristy. A literature review was conducted by consulting SciELO Cuba database and the database on books by Cuban authors at the Virtual Health Library, as well as the web pages where this journal is visible. Final Considerations: During these fifty years, the journal has evolved and been nurtured by the benefits of new information technologies and communications to improve accessibility and international visibility. Facing new times, this publication renews its approach to keep pace with the nee...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2012
La leucoplasia bucal es una lesión precancerosa bien conocida debido a su asociación con la prese... more La leucoplasia bucal es una lesión precancerosa bien conocida debido a su asociación con la presencia de displasia epitelial y su tendencia a la transformación maligna. Con el fin de eliminar la subjetividad en la determinación de los grados de la displasia epitelial se han utilizado marcadores biológicos, entre ellos, el AcM anti p53. Por ello se propuso evaluar la expresión del AcM anti p53 en los diferentes grados de displasia epitelial en la leucoplasia bucal. Se emplearon las biopsias de 46 pacientes con diagnóstico de leucoplasia bucal, procedentes del Departamento de Patología Bucal de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana. Las muestras fueron procesadas por la técnica de inclusión en parafina y coloreadas con la técnica inmunohistoquímica del complejo avidina-biotina-peroxidasa para el AcM p53. Se estudió la correlación entre el patrón de inmunoensayo para p53 y el grado de displasia epitelial. Se evidenció que existe una asociación significativa entre la inmunocoloració...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2019
The publications on Stomatology, in Cuba, appear in many magazines of the national territory, for... more The publications on Stomatology, in Cuba, appear in many magazines of the national territory, foreign and not precisely specialized in the subject. Researchers of the stomatological union have given themselves the task of showing the world their achievements through scientific publication. But, it is the responsibility of each disseminating entity to show the transparency with which the editorial process is carried out and to require the authors to demonstrate the same characteristics with their research. Hence the existence of editorial policies and standards for authors, which each magazine in particular has the responsibility to review and systematize according to current times. In September 2018, the SciELO Network Meeting was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil where, among other topics, the communication of research through open science, the transparency of processes and the opening of contents with a view were discussed. to promote the reusability and replicability of the methods. Thes...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2013
Fidel Castro, in his plea, History will absolve me refers to the state of total abandonment in wh... more Fidel Castro, in his plea, History will absolve me refers to the state of total abandonment in which the oral health of the majority of the Cuban population was before 1959. When referring to the future that concerned him, he said: "[ ...] at thirty they will not have a healthy piece in their mouth [...] ". This situation changed radically after the triumph of the Revolution. The stomatologists have witnessed the importance that has been given to the prevention and promotion of health, not only the treatment of the sick man. The intention has been to approach a social practice consistent with this approach. The oral health indexes reached, as shown by the oral health studies of the National Direction of Stomatology until 2010: healthy, 71% of children from 5 to 6 years of age; 91.2% of 18-year-olds retain all their teeth; 69.8% of people do not have periodontal disease; the index of decayed, filled and lost teeth CPO-D at 12 years is 1.38%; the average number of teeth lost...

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2015
Introduction: bibliometric indicators allow characterizing the scientific production of a journal... more Introduction: bibliometric indicators allow characterizing the scientific production of a journal. Objective: describe the scientific production of the Cuban Journal of Dentistry from 2009 to 2013. Method: a descriptive, transversal study was conducted. All articles published in the Cuban Journal of Dentistry from 2009 to 2013 were selected. The type and number of papers, thematic, authors and their country of origin, bibliographyc updating, and the impact factor were variables studied. SciELO Cuba was used to obtain the information. The absolute frequencies and the percentage from the descriptive statistics were used. The results obtained were presented in tables and graphs for their better interpretation. Results: 226 papers were published, 114 were original articles, 20 were bibliographic reviews, 60 were report of clinical case, 14 were on pedagogy and history, and 18 on others. There were 758 authors: 161 Cuban authors, 43 Brazilian, 11 Colombian, 4 Mexicans, 3 Chileans, 2 Vene...
Revista Cubana de Estomatología
a enseñar, investigar, y escribir artículos y libros con el fin de estimular y convencer a los es... more a enseñar, investigar, y escribir artículos y libros con el fin de estimular y convencer a los estomatólogos cubanos, latinoamericanos y del mundo a trabajar en la prevención del cáncer bucal; labor que estos pueden y deben realizar para evitar en las personas una enfermedad que los afecte física, social, económica y psíquicamente, y que en un gran porcentaje puede ser hasta mortal.

Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2019
Introduction: Head and neck neoplasms represent 17.6% worldwide. Cancer of the oral cavity is one... more Introduction: Head and neck neoplasms represent 17.6% worldwide. Cancer of the oral cavity is one of the most common that appear in this region, being 95% epidermoid carcinoma with a poor prognosis of survival because they develop from premalignant lesions dangerously asymptomatic, the reason why the precocious detection is imperative. Objective: Characterize potentially malignant oral disorders through epidemiological, clinical and topographical aspects in adults served at the Montalvo health subcenter. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted on 99 patients treated at the Montalvo health subcentre in Ambato, Ecuador, from November 2012 to January 2013. The data were collected in the stomatological medical history, which included: general data, interrogation and physical examination of the oral cavity. The potentially malignant oral disorders considered were leukoplakia, erythroleukoplakia, erythroplasia and the palate of the inverted smoker. The descriptive s...
Revista Cubana de Estomatología, 2019
Papers by Josefa Dolores Miranda Tarragó