Papers by Jose Castro Urioste
Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, 2000
... El motivo del enfren-tamiento de ambos hermanos es un deslinde -topico representado posterior... more ... El motivo del enfren-tamiento de ambos hermanos es un deslinde -topico representado posteriormente en Doha Barbara-y el protagonista ha sido ... iEnseniad a la mujer a ser honrada, por temor o por halago, y habr6is logrado su desgracia; hacedla buena por deber, y ...
Revista Iberoamericana, Sep 4, 1991
Press, en 1987 o, con especifica intenci6n didictica, el volumen de Elena Braceras, Cristina Leyt... more Press, en 1987 o, con especifica intenci6n didictica, el volumen de Elena Braceras, Cristina Leytour y Susana Pitella, El cuento policial argentino: Una propuesta de lectura productiva para la escuela secundaria (Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra, 1986). En esta linea, el libro de Amelia Simpson sobresale por lo ambicioso de su enfoque y por las virtudes de su ejecuci6n.

In recent decades, due to a steady flow of immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, and... more In recent decades, due to a steady flow of immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, Chicago has become one of the U.S. cities with the largest and most diverse Latino populations. This process of immigration has been instrumental in the development of various Latino cultural activities that both utilize the infrastructure already in existence-museums, radio and newspapers, festivals, art galleries-and create other new cultural spaces. Some examples of the latter are the Mexican Fine Arts Museum, the Latino Film Festival-whose latest edition was organized by the recently founded International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago-and the rise of Latino literary figures such as Ana Castillo, Sandra Cisneros, and Luis Rodriguez, whose books have been published in the mainstream press. This process implies a double volition: on the one hand, the desire to build a location within the new space-Chicago-and contribute to its transformations; and on the other hand, the need to establish a "mark"-a Latino thing-that is not homogeneous, but rather expresses different meanings according to the origin of the group and its relationship with the new space. Latino theater in Chicago has developed within this context. Analyzing it implies an understanding of its double intention. Latino theater expresses a specific ethnic component clearly related to the Latin American theater tradition. But it is also incorporated into the current theatrical movement taking place in Chicago. In this sense, my purpose is to propose a hypothesis about recent Latino plays that have been produced in Chicago. As a hypothesis, it leaves several questions open. I have observed that the main characteristic of the latest performances by the Latino theater groups of Chicago is the portrayal of a self whose voice is denied. At the same time, this self insists on being heard in order to demonstrate his/her existence. This type of representation might be related to the place that Latino theater
Explicacion De Textos Literarios, 1996
La Chispa 95 Selected Proceedings the Sixteenth Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures Tulane University New Orleans 1995 1995 Isbn 0 9607798 6 8 Pags 81 90, 1995
Latin American Theatre Review, Mar 1, 2003
Gestos Teoria Y Practica Del Teatro Hispanico, 2003
Lexis Revista De Linguistica Y Literatura, 2002
Latin American Theatre Review, 2003
Anthropos Boletin De Informacion Y Documentacion, 1992

Latin American Theatre Review, 2013
In recent decades, due to a steady flow of immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, and... more In recent decades, due to a steady flow of immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, Chicago has become one of the U.S. cities with the largest and most diverse Latino populations. This process of immigration has been instrumental in the development of various Latino cultural activities that both utilize the infrastructure already in existence-museums, radio and newspapers, festivals, art galleries-and create other new cultural spaces. Some examples of the latter are the Mexican Fine Arts Museum, the Latino Film Festival-whose latest edition was organized by the recently founded International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago-and the rise of Latino literary figures such as Ana Castillo, Sandra Cisneros, and Luis Rodriguez, whose books have been published in the mainstream press. This process implies a double volition: on the one hand, the desire to build a location within the new space-Chicago-and contribute to its transformations; and on the other hand, the need to establish a "mark"-a Latino thing-that is not homogeneous, but rather expresses different meanings according to the origin of the group and its relationship with the new space. Latino theater in Chicago has developed within this context. Analyzing it implies an understanding of its double intention. Latino theater expresses a specific ethnic component clearly related to the Latin American theater tradition. But it is also incorporated into the current theatrical movement taking place in Chicago. In this sense, my purpose is to propose a hypothesis about recent Latino plays that have been produced in Chicago. As a hypothesis, it leaves several questions open. I have observed that the main characteristic of the latest performances by the Latino theater groups of Chicago is the portrayal of a self whose voice is denied. At the same time, this self insists on being heard in order to demonstrate his/her existence. This type of representation might be related to the place that Latino theater
Revista Iberoamericana, 1991
Press, en 1987 o, con especifica intenci6n didictica, el volumen de Elena Braceras, Cristina Leyt... more Press, en 1987 o, con especifica intenci6n didictica, el volumen de Elena Braceras, Cristina Leytour y Susana Pitella, El cuento policial argentino: Una propuesta de lectura productiva para la escuela secundaria (Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra, 1986). En esta linea, el libro de Amelia Simpson sobresale por lo ambicioso de su enfoque y por las virtudes de su ejecuci6n.
Estudios Revista De Investigaciones Literarias, 1997
Papers by Jose Castro Urioste