Papers by Bro. Jose Arnold L . Alferez, OCDS

Global Scientific Journals, 2024
This study determined the relationship of faculty members' job satisfaction and their work perfor... more This study determined the relationship of faculty members' job satisfaction and their work performance in Cotabato State University, Cotabato City during the school year 2022-2023. One hundred and four (104) faculty members from the different colleges of the University responded to the study. The researcher used the descriptive-correlational research design; and the faculty member Job Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire and Individual Performance Commitment Review Form as instruments. Mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis were the statistical tools used. Findings revealed that the teachers were highly satisfied with their job, and their work performance was very satisfactory. The satisfaction of teachers on school heads' supervision and job security inversely affect the teachers' work performance. Schools have to be provided with the faculty lounge so teachers can talk freely on their well-being. Human Resource Department officers have to include in their faculty retention strategies the faculty members' welfare packages. Future researchers have to look into other factors that might predict the faculty members' work performance.

Global Scientific Journal, 2024
This study determined the extent of dissemination of information, awareness, and degree of
accep... more This study determined the extent of dissemination of information, awareness, and degree of
acceptability of the revised CSU vision and mission and the Graduate School objectives among
students and faculty. Descriptive research design was employed using a researcher-made survey
questionnaire. Results show a moderate level of the extent of dissemination and awareness of the
revised CSU vision and mission and Graduate School objectives to both faculty and studentrespondents. The finding suggests that information was disseminated properly and clearly through
brochures, bulletin boards, leaflets, manuals, posters, and meetings. In terms of degree of
acceptability, the results reveal that both faculty and student respondents accept the vision and
mission and GS objectives for “total human formation” and delivery of “quality education.”
Meanwhile, both faculty and student-respondents’ profile shows no significant difference in their
extent of dissemination and awareness and with their degree of acceptance of the revised CSU
vision and mission and GS objectives. It can be implied that they come to accept the vision and
mission regardless of their profile. Lastly, both faculty and students’ extent of dissemination and
degree of acceptability was found to have a significant difference. It can be deduced that if the
information was disseminated clearly through different sources such as posters, bulletin boards,
and the like the more they become aware by accepting the revised University’s vision and mission
and GS objectives.
Keywords: Dissemination, awareness, acceptability, revised CSU vision and mission, GS

Global Scientific Journals, 2024
In a highly competitive global marketplace, the academic preparation of
graduates provides them ... more In a highly competitive global marketplace, the academic preparation of
graduates provides them with better job opportunities and a higher chance of
employment. With graduate studies, one will be more qualified, eligible, and
competent to face new jobs and work assignments, especially when holding
managerial positions. This study generally aimed to trace the graduates of a
State Higher Education Institution in the Philippines. Specifically, it
determined the profile of graduates, employment status, employability
characteristics, the extent of contribution and applicability of the skills
gained, assessed the graduate program offerings, and recommendations to
improve the services of the Graduate School. The study used a descriptive
research design. The study gathered data from ninety-two graduates of the
three program offerings of the Graduate School. The questionnaire was used
to gather the necessary data and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as
frequency count and percentage, mean, and rank. Based on the result,
graduates have a very high employability rate. There is a very high application
of the competencies gained by the graduates specifically on the enhanced
academic profession to their personal and professional growth; there is a very
high assessment of graduates to the graduate program they enrolled in the
College. The graduates recommended the offering of more terminal programs
and improvement of facilities to improve the services of the Graduate School.
With these conclusions, the study recommends a periodic review of the
curriculum and continuous capability building of professors to make the
programs more responsive and relevant to the needs of the students and the
standards and requirements of the industry.
Key words: Peace and Development, Graduate School Program, Tracer Study,

Global Scientific Journals, 2021
This study aimed to find out the bachelor's degree of trainees and its relevance to Public Safety... more This study aimed to find out the bachelor's degree of trainees and its relevance to Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. Specifically, the study sought to find out the profile of the respondents, the relevance of the respondents' bachelor's degree to the areas of Public Safety Basic Recruit Course and the suggestions and recommendation to improve the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. The study used the descriptive study design in order to get the needed data to find out the relevance of bachelor's degree to the contents of the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. The study was conducted at ARMM Training Center situated at Camp Brigadier General Salipada K Pendatun, Parang, Maguindanao. The respondents of the study are the participants of Public Safety Basic Recruit Course Class Number ARMMTC 2016-02. A simple random sampling was used to get the total sample of 166. A self-made questionnaire was used to gather the important data. The data collected were analysed quantitatively with the use of Statistical Package for Social Science or SPSS version 2.0. Figures and tables were used to present and discuss the result of the findings of the study. From the total of 166 copies of questionnaire which were distributed all were retrieved. Findings showed that majority age group belongs to age that ranges from 21-25 years old with 66 per cent. Of the total number of respondents, 67 per cent were male and majority of them were single comprising the 90 per cent of the total respondents. Majority of the respondents were graduates of Bachelor of Science in Criminology with 63 per cent and belongs to Tausug tribe. On the relevance of bachelors' degree to Public Safety Basic Recruit Course, taking into consideration the different subjects in each modules from general subjects, values and ethics, effective communication, laws and jurisprudence, law enforcement operation, internal security operation and community immersion program, results yielded a "very relevant" response from the respondents with the weighted mean of 3.54 and standard deviation of .84 which is described as "very relevant" to the Bachelors' Degree to Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC). Various suggestions and recommendations surfaced to improve the course. Coping to the physical and mental demands of training, maximizing available resources like books, journals and other reference materials and use of audio visual/multi-media presentation to ensure easy comprehension and creative visualization, utilizing the use of forensic laboratory for in depth familiarization, allocating enough study periods during the course of training, the actual performance of rope course, periodic appraisal of instructors performance to monitor teaching efficiency and effectiveness and persistent motivation thru pep talks to trainees to

Global Scientific Journal, 2021
This study focused on the ethical challenges faced by the Social Workers of Cotabato City and Mag... more This study focused on the ethical challenges faced by the Social Workers of Cotabato City and Maguindanao Province during the Corona Virus Disease 2019. The respondent of the study are Registered Social Workers from different field of the profession such as Medical Social Worker, Women Welfare Officer, Municipal Link, Crisis Intervention Worker, Case Worker, Child Welfare Officer, Social Work Educator and Human Right Investigator. The study used the Phenomenological research design and interviewed the respondent on their experienced ethical challenges during this time of pandemic. The study concludes that Covid-19 and its measures to control and prevent it, have restricted the services and responsibilities usually carried out by Social Workers in addressing the new needs and demands of the clients. Thus, the study recommended that Social workers need to rethink how to apply professional values and principles in new contexts, Social work agencies should ensure all social workers are supported through regular supervision and meetings. Social work associations should intensify their efforts to collect evidence on conditions for Social workers and the Government should recognize the critical role played by Social workers.

Global Scientific Journal, 2023
This study conducted a situational analysis on the nutrition during the first one thousand days o... more This study conducted a situational analysis on the nutrition during the first one thousand days of life in Barangay Lebe, Kiamba, Sarangani Province. The study used a quantitative-qualitative design and nonprobability purposive sampling to select 30 respondents. Thematic analysis was used to identify the problems and coping mechanisms related to providing proper nutrition during this critical period. The major findings revealed that the respondents preferred iron and calcium for their nutritional requirements, and encountered various problems such as not taking vitamins, lack of prenatal checkups , unhealthy food intake, and inadequate support from family members. The coping mechanisms included counseling, education, vegetable gardening, seeking care from midwives, and utilizing local resources. The study also found a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and the coping mechanisms used. The strengths of the study were the knowledgeable respondents, while weaknesses included financial constraints and transportation difficulties. Opportunities included encouraging mothers to have prenatal checkups and immunizations and finding alternative sources of income. Threats included a shortage of free vitamins and inadequate family support. The study concludes that with the support of health care providers and the local government unit, the nutritional requirements during the first one thousand days of life in Barangay Lebe can be achieved.

Global Scientific journal, 2023
This paper aimed to examine peace education initiatives in restoring confidence of the communitie... more This paper aimed to examine peace education initiatives in restoring confidence of the communities in the wake of terrorist violence. The terror plot destructed many building such as; schools, churches, hospital and business establishments in the area. This situation rendered the communities of Marawi helpless to provide education to their children in an environment of terror, volatility and insecurity. Many innocent children and their parents suffered psychological and socially. Still the danger is looming large. To grapple with the situation, various national and international philanthropic organizations in collaboration with the government of the Philippines started community sensitization programmes in order to restore peace and development in the area. Findings of this study revealed that peace education initiatives have led to restoration of peace in the area. Students have started going to schools have slowly come out of the psychological stress and strain. Parents now confidently are sending their children to schools. School-home communication has strengthened. Parents also coordinated with teachers to ward off any untoward future situation.

This paper discusses a project called "Barangay Justice Service System (BJSS) implemented in... more This paper discusses a project called "Barangay Justice Service System (BJSS) implemented in Maguindanao Province of Southern Philippines whose purpose is to provide awareness and easy access to justice by improving the awareness and technical know-how of individuals handling disputes and cases at the local level. Specifically, the paper delved into analysis of the content and subject areas of the project, including the mechanisms and strategies adopted covering five (5) modules of implementation which include: Katarungan Pambarangay; Counselling; Mediation, Para Legal; and Shariah or P.D. 1083, known as "The Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines."As it was envisioned, the project implementation resulted to a more accessible and inexpensive justice services at the local communities in Maguindanao Province. This is evidenced by the reduction of cases filed at the regular trial courts, especially those of civil cases that are within the jurisdiction of the Kat...

This study aimed to find out the bachelor's degree of trainees and its relevance to Public Safety... more This study aimed to find out the bachelor's degree of trainees and its relevance to Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. Specifically, the study sought to find out the profile of the respondents, the relevance of the respondents' bachelor's degree to the areas of Public Safety Basic Recruit Course and the suggestions and recommendation to improve the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. The study used the descriptive study design in order to get the needed data to find out the relevance of bachelor's degree to the contents of the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course. The study was conducted at ARMM Training Center situated at Camp Brigadier General Salipada K Pendatun, Parang, Maguindanao. The respondents of the study are the participants of Public Safety Basic Recruit Course Class Number ARMMTC 2016-02. A simple random sampling was used to get the total sample of 166. A self-made questionnaire was used to gather the important data. The data collected were analysed quantitatively with the use of Statistical Package for Social Science or SPSS version 2.0. Figures and tables were used to present and discuss the result of the findings of the study. From the total of 166 copies of questionnaire which were distributed all were retrieved. Findings showed that majority age group belongs to age that ranges from 21-25 years old with 66 per cent. Of the total number of respondents, 67 per cent were male and majority of them were single comprising the 90 per cent of the total respondents. Majority of the respondents were graduates of Bachelor of Science in Criminology with 63 per cent and belongs to Tausug tribe. On the relevance of bachelors' degree to Public Safety Basic Recruit Course, taking into consideration the different subjects in each modules from general subjects, values and ethics, effective communication, laws and jurisprudence, law enforcement operation, internal security operation and community immersion program, results yielded a "very relevant" response from the respondents with the weighted mean of 3.54 and standard deviation of .84 which is described as "very relevant" to the Bachelors' Degree to Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC). Various suggestions and recommendations surfaced to improve the course. Coping to the physical and mental demands of training, maximizing available resources like books, journals and other reference materials and use of audio visual/multi-media presentation to ensure easy comprehension and creative visualization, utilizing the use of forensic laboratory for in depth familiarization, allocating enough study periods during the course of training, the actual performance of rope course, periodic appraisal of instructors performance to monitor teaching efficiency and effectiveness and persistent motivation thru pep talks to trainees to

Global Scientific Journals, 2021
This study is an examination of the level of Higher Education (HE) research and utilization of re... more This study is an examination of the level of Higher Education (HE) research and utilization of research finding as an essential function of colleges and universities generally, with a view of research in the two higher education institutions. It utilized mainly literature review and a qualitative inquiry technique where higher education lecturers were interviewed to ascertain the major constraints contributing to the discrepancy between research function of the university/college and the utilization of research findings. Funding, lecturers work overload, lack of trust in quality of HE research, lack of knowledge transfer settings have been identified as the major constraints'. Research reports are stored in library without dissemination and it is also observed that there are no sections reserved for research abstracts nor are research findings disseminated in usable forms in most of the universities and colleges. Findings also reveal that policy makers or other constituents do not utilize research results for public accountability and management decisions. It is therefore recommended that HE develop a strategic and balanced approach that manifest authentic professional responsibility for utilization settings for research findings in public sector, and private sectors for improvement of standards, for innovations and management decision and even at classroom level.

Faculty Development Program for the College of Arts and Sciences of Notre Dame University, Cotabato City, 2021
This study was conducted to come up with a Faculty development plan for the College of Arts and S... more This study was conducted to come up with a Faculty development plan for the College of Arts and Sciences of Notre Dame University based on the result of data gathered in this study. The study tried to gather responses of the following queries: 1.What is the level of effectiveness of the Faculty Development practices for the College of Arts and Sciences in terms of: professional advancement, evaluation of the faculty in-service training, selection of the faculty scholars, problems encountered by the faculty scholars, scholarship benefits and financial support of the institution. 2. What Faculty Development Program may be formulated and implemented based on the evaluation result? 3. What is the financial implication of the development plan? The study made use of the descriptive method. Informal interview of the faculty was also conducted to enhance the validity of the data. The respondents were seventy faculty members coming from three departments of the College of Arts and Sciences of Notre Dame University. The general objectives of the plan are: a) to provide faculty members for personal and professional growth b) to provide in-service trainings, conference, workshops, latest trends of education, c) to motivate teachers to become active member in professional organization. As a whole, there is a need for the College of Arts and Sciences of Notre Dame University to have a Faculty Development Program.

Global Scientific Journal, 2021
This study focused on the ethical challenges faced by the Social Workers of Cotabato City and Mag... more This study focused on the ethical challenges faced by the Social Workers of Cotabato City and Maguindanao Province during the Corona Virus Disease 2019. The respondent of the study are Registered Social Workers from different field of the profession such as Medical Social Worker, Women Welfare Officer, Municipal Link, Crisis Intervention Worker, Case Worker, Child Welfare Officer, Social Work Educator and Human Right Investigator. The study used the Phenomenological research design and interviewed the respondent on their experienced ethical challenges during this time of pandemic. The study concludes that Covid-19 and its measures to control and prevent it, have restricted the services and responsibilities usually carried out by Social Workers in addressing the new needs and demands of the clients. Thus, the study recommended that Social workers need to rethink how to apply professional values and principles in new contexts, Social work agencies should ensure all social workers are supported through regular supervision and meetings. Social work associations should intensify their efforts to collect evidence on conditions for Social workers and the Government should recognize the critical role played by Social workers.

International Academic & Scientific Research Publication, 2021
This paper aimed to examine peace education initiatives in restoring confidence of the communitie... more This paper aimed to examine peace education initiatives in restoring confidence of the communities in the wake of terrorist violence. The terror plot destructed many building such as; schools, churches, hospital and business establishments in the area. This situation rendered the communities of Marawi helpless to provide education to their children in an environment of terror, volatility and insecurity. Many innocent children and their parents suffered psychological and socially. Still the danger is looming large. To grapple with the situation, various national and international philanthropic organizations in collaboration with the government of the Philippines started community sensitization programmes in order to restore peace and development in the area. Findings of this study revealed that peace education initiatives have led to restoration of peace in the area. Students have started going to schools have slowly come out of the psychological stress and strain. Parents now confidently are sending their children to schools. School-home communication has strengthened. Parents also coordinated with teachers to ward off any untoward future situation.

International Academic & Scientific Research Publication, 2021
This paper aimed to examine peace education initiatives in restoring confidence of the communitie... more This paper aimed to examine peace education initiatives in restoring confidence of the communities in the wake of terrorist violence. The terror plot destructed many building such as; schools, churches, hospital and business establishments in the area. This situation rendered the communities of Marawi helpless to provide education to their children in an environment of terror, volatility and insecurity. Many innocent children and their parents suffered psychological and socially. Still the danger is looming large. To grapple with the situation, various national and international philanthropic organizations in collaboration with the government of the Philippines started community sensitization programmes in order to restore peace and development in the area. Findings of this study revealed that peace education initiatives have led to restoration of peace in the area. Students have started going to schools have slowly come out of the psychological stress and strain. Parents now confidently are sending their children to schools. School-home communication has strengthened. Parents also coordinated with teachers to ward off any untoward future situation.

Ang layunin ng pag-aaral ng pananaliksik na ito ay upang suriin at malaman ang Pasalitang Diskurs... more Ang layunin ng pag-aaral ng pananaliksik na ito ay upang suriin at malaman ang Pasalitang Diskurso sa Kaugalian ng Kasalang Iranun: Isang Pagsusuri (kapangdong-dong, kapanuksam, kagkawing at pangilain). Apat na mga tanong sa pananaliksik ang gumabay sa pag-aaral. Upang makamit ito, ang deskriptibong sarbey at palarawan na pananaliksik disenyo ay pinagtibay. Ang pag-aaral ay nakatutok sa Calaan Buldon, Maguindanao at kinalahukan ng mga piling respondente. Isang “Two-Point Type Dichotomous Scale” uri ng questionnaire, na pinamagatang: Pasalitang Diskurso sa Kaugaliang Iranun-Katumbas sa Filipino ay ginamit upang mangolekta ng datos mula sa mga kalahok at ang pagsusuri ng resulta ay hinango batay sa mga nakalap na datos. Ipinakita ng mga natuklasan sa pananaliksik batay sa isinagawa lumabas sa pagsusuri o pag-aaral na ang implikasyon nito ay kahit naiiba man ang mga kasuotan sa kasalang Iranun dahil sa paglipas ng panahon at sa mga bagong teknolohiya ay hindi parin naiiba ang masining na pananalita o proseso ng kaugalian ng kasalang Iranun, na hanggang ngayon ay hindi parin naiiba na kung ano ang noon ay iyon parin ang nakasanayan na proseso ng pananalita tulad sa banal na Qur’an. Napatunayan sa pag-aaral na maraming komunikasyon ang bawat kaugalian ng pagpapakasal sa kasalang Iranun, at marami ang ginagampanan ng akto ng pagsasalita, maraming pasalitang diskurso ang dapat isaalang–alang ng isang lalaking Iranun na gustong mag-asawa. Napatunayan din ng mga mananaliksik sa pag-aaral na nanatili pa rin ang proseso ng kasalang Iranun tulad ng kapangdong-dong, kapanoksam, kagkawing at pangilain sa kasalang Iranun noon at ngayon.

International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 2019
The study entitled The Side effects of Contraceptive Used by Women in Rosary Heights VIII, Cotaba... more The study entitled The Side effects of Contraceptive Used by Women in Rosary Heights VIII, Cotabato City is guided by its Statement of the Problem, what are the demographic characteristics of the respondents. What is the profile of the of the respondents in Rosary Heights VIII, Cotabato City in terms of Age, Educational Attainment, Civil Status, Number of Children, Occupation, Religion. This study aimed to determine the side effects of contraceptives used by women in Rosary Heights VIII, Cotabato City. The study employed the descriptive-qualitative design. Methods used as follows: survey questionnaire, focus group discussion and interviews. To accumulate and identify respondents we sought the help of the Public Health Midwife of the Barangay. The onsite visit, questionnaire distribution and interviews to the respondents provided and validated the important data for this study. The questionnaire is divided into five parts. The first part of the questionnaire is composed of Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents, the second part is Different Contraceptive Methods used by the respondents, third part is Purpose of using Contraceptive methods, fourth part Problem Encountered by the respondents, and lastly, the five-part dealt with Side-effects encountered by the respondents. Convenient sampling technique was used. Researchers identified respondents since they are users of contraceptive methods ranging the age between 15-49 years old and a resident of the identified area. The data were statistically treated using a scale that had been specially developed for this purpose. The results suggest that some of the contraceptive hormones have a certain influence on the aforementioned side effects.
International Journal on Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 2019
This paper addresses some of the major issues of Peace Education in schools and relates music and... more This paper addresses some of the major issues of Peace Education in schools and relates music and music education to this field of knowledge. Music can be a tool to contribute to building peace. Throughout history, music and musical practices have been used to enhance relationships; learning and sharing music has been used to transform realities in diverse ways. In this regard, the paper aims to review major concerns of Peace Education in relation to music in schools, to encourage teachers to promote musical practices aimed at transforming societies and to offer examples of different projects that have made use of music education to contribute to peacebuilding.

International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations, 2018
This study aimed to find out the teaching performance of the civilian and uniformed faculty of th... more This study aimed to find out the teaching performance of the civilian and uniformed faculty of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Training Centre. Specifically, the study sought to find out the profile of the respondents, the teaching performance of civilian and uniformed faculty in terms of planning and preparation for instruction, professional knowledge/competency, the delivery of instruction and the suggestions and recommendations to better improve the teaching performance of the faculty. The study used the descriptive study design in order to generate the desired data on the teaching performance of ARMM Training Center faculty. The study was conducted at the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Training Centre. The respondents were members of PSBRC 2016-02 "MANATAG" who are undergoing the six (06) months training at ARMMTC. A simple random sampling was used to come up with the final respondents of the study. The institution's survey questionnaire was used as reference in formulating the questions. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively with the used of Statistical Package for Social Science or SPSS version 20. Figures and tables were used to present and discuss the result of findings of the study. One hundred percent of the floated questionnaires were returned/ retrieved. The study concluded that generally, teaching performance of the civilian and uniformed faculty of ARMM Training Center are outstanding which can be inferred that both group of faculty are professionalized, competent and committed professors who are capable of providing quality education to Philippine Public Safety College-National Police Training Institute-Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Training Center clientele.
Papers by Bro. Jose Arnold L . Alferez, OCDS
acceptability of the revised CSU vision and mission and the Graduate School objectives among
students and faculty. Descriptive research design was employed using a researcher-made survey
questionnaire. Results show a moderate level of the extent of dissemination and awareness of the
revised CSU vision and mission and Graduate School objectives to both faculty and studentrespondents. The finding suggests that information was disseminated properly and clearly through
brochures, bulletin boards, leaflets, manuals, posters, and meetings. In terms of degree of
acceptability, the results reveal that both faculty and student respondents accept the vision and
mission and GS objectives for “total human formation” and delivery of “quality education.”
Meanwhile, both faculty and student-respondents’ profile shows no significant difference in their
extent of dissemination and awareness and with their degree of acceptance of the revised CSU
vision and mission and GS objectives. It can be implied that they come to accept the vision and
mission regardless of their profile. Lastly, both faculty and students’ extent of dissemination and
degree of acceptability was found to have a significant difference. It can be deduced that if the
information was disseminated clearly through different sources such as posters, bulletin boards,
and the like the more they become aware by accepting the revised University’s vision and mission
and GS objectives.
Keywords: Dissemination, awareness, acceptability, revised CSU vision and mission, GS
graduates provides them with better job opportunities and a higher chance of
employment. With graduate studies, one will be more qualified, eligible, and
competent to face new jobs and work assignments, especially when holding
managerial positions. This study generally aimed to trace the graduates of a
State Higher Education Institution in the Philippines. Specifically, it
determined the profile of graduates, employment status, employability
characteristics, the extent of contribution and applicability of the skills
gained, assessed the graduate program offerings, and recommendations to
improve the services of the Graduate School. The study used a descriptive
research design. The study gathered data from ninety-two graduates of the
three program offerings of the Graduate School. The questionnaire was used
to gather the necessary data and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as
frequency count and percentage, mean, and rank. Based on the result,
graduates have a very high employability rate. There is a very high application
of the competencies gained by the graduates specifically on the enhanced
academic profession to their personal and professional growth; there is a very
high assessment of graduates to the graduate program they enrolled in the
College. The graduates recommended the offering of more terminal programs
and improvement of facilities to improve the services of the Graduate School.
With these conclusions, the study recommends a periodic review of the
curriculum and continuous capability building of professors to make the
programs more responsive and relevant to the needs of the students and the
standards and requirements of the industry.
Key words: Peace and Development, Graduate School Program, Tracer Study,
acceptability of the revised CSU vision and mission and the Graduate School objectives among
students and faculty. Descriptive research design was employed using a researcher-made survey
questionnaire. Results show a moderate level of the extent of dissemination and awareness of the
revised CSU vision and mission and Graduate School objectives to both faculty and studentrespondents. The finding suggests that information was disseminated properly and clearly through
brochures, bulletin boards, leaflets, manuals, posters, and meetings. In terms of degree of
acceptability, the results reveal that both faculty and student respondents accept the vision and
mission and GS objectives for “total human formation” and delivery of “quality education.”
Meanwhile, both faculty and student-respondents’ profile shows no significant difference in their
extent of dissemination and awareness and with their degree of acceptance of the revised CSU
vision and mission and GS objectives. It can be implied that they come to accept the vision and
mission regardless of their profile. Lastly, both faculty and students’ extent of dissemination and
degree of acceptability was found to have a significant difference. It can be deduced that if the
information was disseminated clearly through different sources such as posters, bulletin boards,
and the like the more they become aware by accepting the revised University’s vision and mission
and GS objectives.
Keywords: Dissemination, awareness, acceptability, revised CSU vision and mission, GS
graduates provides them with better job opportunities and a higher chance of
employment. With graduate studies, one will be more qualified, eligible, and
competent to face new jobs and work assignments, especially when holding
managerial positions. This study generally aimed to trace the graduates of a
State Higher Education Institution in the Philippines. Specifically, it
determined the profile of graduates, employment status, employability
characteristics, the extent of contribution and applicability of the skills
gained, assessed the graduate program offerings, and recommendations to
improve the services of the Graduate School. The study used a descriptive
research design. The study gathered data from ninety-two graduates of the
three program offerings of the Graduate School. The questionnaire was used
to gather the necessary data and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as
frequency count and percentage, mean, and rank. Based on the result,
graduates have a very high employability rate. There is a very high application
of the competencies gained by the graduates specifically on the enhanced
academic profession to their personal and professional growth; there is a very
high assessment of graduates to the graduate program they enrolled in the
College. The graduates recommended the offering of more terminal programs
and improvement of facilities to improve the services of the Graduate School.
With these conclusions, the study recommends a periodic review of the
curriculum and continuous capability building of professors to make the
programs more responsive and relevant to the needs of the students and the
standards and requirements of the industry.
Key words: Peace and Development, Graduate School Program, Tracer Study,