Papers by José Luis Martí Ferriol
Quaderns, Jun 9, 2023
En este artículo se plantea la posibilidad de establecer una relación conceptual entre la legibil... more En este artículo se plantea la posibilidad de establecer una relación conceptual entre la legibilidad de un texto escrito, expresada en forma de valores numéricos por los índices al uso, y la velocidad de lectura en subtitulación interlingüística. La hipótesis planteada enuncia la posibilidad de que exista una relación entre la legibilidad y la velocidad de lectura, si se tratan los subtítulos de acuerdo con la metodología que se presenta. El material audiovisual analizado es la versión original subtitulada de una obra de ficción con contenido de ámbito temático médico. La metodología propuesta se pone en práctica en el caso de un único texto, aunque se sugiere su utilización en un diseño de experimento más amplio en futuras investigaciones, así como en determinadas aplicaciones prácticas.

Trans, Dec 31, 2022
Este estudio de caso empírico y cuantitativo muestra que la presencia de terminología especializa... more Este estudio de caso empírico y cuantitativo muestra que la presencia de terminología especializada (términos, siglas y epónimos) en un texto audiovisual de ficción que pertenece al ámbito de las ciencias de la salud, puede tener un impacto en los subtítulos interlingüísticos utilizados para su traducción. Más concretamente, se ha observado que la presencia de la mencionada terminología especializada conlleva un valor más alto de las tasas de visualización de la velocidad de lectura para los subtítulos en los que aparece terminología. Estos cálculos se han realizado para un corpus de subtítulos en español (fansubbs) de un solo capítulo de la serie estadounidense The Good Doctor (unos 750 subtítulos). PALABRAS CLAVE: subtitulación, subtitulación realizada por fans, velocidad de lectura de subtítulos, terminología especializada. This empirical and quantitative case study shows that the presence of specialized terminology (terms, initials and eponyms) in a fictional, audiovisual text which belongs to the field of health sciences, may have an impact on the interlingual subtitles used for its translation. More precisely, it has been observed that the presence of the above-mentioned specialized terminology entails a higher value of the reading speed display rates for the subtitles where terminology appears. These calculations have been carried out for a corpus of Spanish subtitles (fansubs) of a single chapter of the American series The Good Doctor (around 750 subtitles).

SKOPOS. Revista Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación. e-ISSN: 2695-8465. ISSN: 2255-3703
En este artículo se profundiza en un aspecto ya mencionado en una publicación anterior sobre la t... more En este artículo se profundiza en un aspecto ya mencionado en una publicación anterior sobre la traducción del español al alemán de la obra mencionada en el título (Martí Marco & Hernández Verdú 2021: 286-298) y, más concretamente, en la traducción de la metáfora en un ensayo divulgativo de ámbito temático psiquiátrico. La gran profusión del uso de metáforas en la obra motivó la necesidad de su estudio y análisis específico en el proceso del trasvase interlingüístico. La metodología seguida en la presente investigación se basa, en gran medida, en un estudio empírico y descriptivo sobre la traducción de la metáfora en artículos de divulgación científica (Shuttleworth 2011), aunque en este caso se estudió la traducción de la metáfora en artículos originales en lengua inglesa a cinco lenguas europeas, entre las que no se encontraba la española. La aplicación crítica de dicha metodología, por medio de un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, permite extraer conclusiones que apuntan hacia...
Projectes d'innovació educativa de la convocatòria 2009/10: actes de la IX Jornada de Millora Educativa de l’UJI i XI Jornada sobre aprenentatge cooperatiu, 2011, ISBN 978-84-695-0300-3, págs. 711-717, 2011
Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 2016
This trans durin subti cultu progr mode which resul 2016 well a
En la contraportada del libro puede leerse una breve si-CORE Metadata, citation and similar paper... more En la contraportada del libro puede leerse una breve si-CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at

Esta contribución realiza una propuesta de puntos clave relacionados con la enseñanza de la tradu... more Esta contribución realiza una propuesta de puntos clave relacionados con la enseñanza de la traducción de la publicidad en la educación superior. El artículo describe una propuesta innovadora en la docencia de traducción de la publicidad en el entorno universitario. Los materiales utilizados, y especialmente, la secuencia de los materiales audiovisuales propuestos para su traducción, añaden valor a este campo, ya que estos asuntos no se han tratado hasta la fecha de forma específi ca para el caso de la traducción de la publicidad. Este artículo también aporta algunas conclusiones que explican la relevancia de la contribución, y sus implicaciones teóricas para futuras investigaciones. Debe ponerse de manifi esto que los contenidos presentados han sido recopilados a lo largo de años de docencia de traducción de la publicidad en cursos de grado y posgrado.The aim of this contribution is to propose the foundations for teaching advertising translation in higher education. The paper depicts an innovative proposal to teach advertising translation in the university environment. The materials used, and especially, the sequencing of the proposed audiovisual materials to be translated add value to the fi eld, since these topics have not been covered so far for this specifi c audiovisual translation mode. This article also includes some conclusions explaining the relevance of the contribution and which are the theoretical implications of the work for future research. It must also be pointed out that the contents of this article have been compiled following several years of teaching in the fi eld of advertising translation in undergraduate and postgraduate courses
INTED2019 Proceedings, 2019
Comunicación y Sociedad, 2021
The current paper presents a study on the subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH) in Sp... more The current paper presents a study on the subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing (SDH) in Spanish TV news programs (live and semi-live subtitling). The aim of this reception study is to analyze users’ comprehension and assessment of live and semi-live SDH. A contemporary corpus comprising items from real news broadcasts was used for the research, and a sample of 52 deaf and hard-of-hearing participants was recruited for the experiment, which was carried out through a variety of virtual and live sessions. The results show that users consider the quality of SDH acceptable and audiovisual comprehension insufficient.

Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 2021
An Empirical and Descriptive Study of the Translation Method for Dubbing and Subtitling is the ti... more An Empirical and Descriptive Study of the Translation Method for Dubbing and Subtitling is the title of a doctoral thesis submitted in November 2006. This research project developed a theoretical framework where the notion of translation method was defined in terms of a graphical and parametrical representation as a function of three parameters: constraints active in audiovisual translation, translation norms and translation techniques. The object of study consisted of several independent American films shown in Spain, in dubbed and subtitled versions, in the period between 2001 and 2004. Both the preliminary and the translation phases of the translation process were taken into account in the scope of work. Empirical data were gathered through interviews with the translators of the films for the preliminary phase of the translation process; the compilation of almost 500 micro textual samples of the two translated versions provided the empirical data for the translation phase itself....

Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 2020
The main objective of this article is to review the concept of norm in Audiovisual Translation (A... more The main objective of this article is to review the concept of norm in Audiovisual Translation (AVT), a concept which has been subject to a dual approach when using it, both a descriptive one and a prescriptive one. The review proposed in this article is intended to be twofold: descriptive and critical. A descriptive approach will be the focus in the first two sections of the paper, where the history and evolution of the concept is analysed. A more critical stance is then adopted in the following two sections of the paper. The dual orientation of the concept of norm is highlighted in Section 3. The hypothetical application of norm theory to professional practices for the main modes within AVT has in most cases taken the form of guidelines, the result of a pure prescriptive approach. This discussion is covered in Section 4. The final fifth section summarizes the review, while pointing out the great significance of this fundamental notion within the field of AVT. All in all, the conce...
TRANS. Revista de Traductología, 2012

Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, 2016
This article presents some findings which deal with text readability, obtained in a research proj... more This article presents some findings which deal with text readability, obtained in a research project sponsored by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad . The main objective of the project was to improve the quality of written texts used to convey information to oncological patients in hospitals in Spain. Among other measurement instruments, it was proposed to use some readability index which allowed to detect the quality of the original texts considered (written in Spanish), and which additionally enabled the evaluation of the improvement in readability achieved as a consequence of the research. Literature review on readability indices, for the case of Spanish language, indicated three possible candidates. Statistical analysis guided the selection and validation processes carried out for the indices in the case of patient information leaflets addressed to oncological patients in two Spanish hospitals
Target. International Journal of Translation Studies, 2016
Reviewed by José Luis Martí Ferriol (Universitat Jaume I) This book describes the phenomenon of I... more Reviewed by José Luis Martí Ferriol (Universitat Jaume I) This book describes the phenomenon of Italian fansubbing from a multidisciplinary perspective, while it also reflects on theoretical concepts related to subtitling and translation processes, as a whole. The book's main argument is that fansubbing in Italy has become a practice with an important and positive impact on professional subtitling in the country. This conclusion is obtained from the qualitative analysis of subtitles proposed by fansubbers (two Italian fansubbing communities, namely ItaSA and Subsfactory) and professional subtitlers (DVD versions) for a few episodes of the American TV shows Lost and Californication. The book is the result of a PhD research project. The book contains an introduction, seven chapters, and a concluding chapter.

Quaderns Revista De Traduccio, 2013
This paper presents results of subtitle reading speeds in five languages (Spanish, English, Germa... more This paper presents results of subtitle reading speeds in five languages (Spanish, English, German, French and Italian), for subtitles both ripped from a commercial DVD and downloaded from an Internet site of the film Lethal Weapon (Richard Donner, 1987). The reading speed calculations are shown in the parameters most widely used in the field: CPS (characters per second) and WPM (words per minute). The research questions posed in this descriptive and quantitative study have been twofold. In the first place it is intended to find out which of the two above mentioned parameters is best suited to express reading speeds which are language-independent. Secondly, the possible difference, as far as reading speed parameters is concerned, between more commercial DVD-ripped and more «fan-oriented» and downloaded from Internet subtitles is investigated as well. The reading speed calculations were carried out by a new application developed by the author and some other researchers. A total amount of about 5000 subtitles were statistically evaluated.
Papers by José Luis Martí Ferriol