Thyroid hormone resistance is a rare autosomal dominant disease associated, in more than 90% of c... more Thyroid hormone resistance is a rare autosomal dominant disease associated, in more than 90% of cases, to mutations in the beta thyroid hormone receptor. We report a 23 years old male that consulted for a psychiatric condition. Clinically, the patient was euthyroid in spite of high total and free T4 and T3 concentrations, while TSH remained normal. Also, TSH showed a five fold increase under TRH stimulation. The mother and one of his brothers had the same pattern of abnormal serum thyroid hormones. We discuss the diagnostic considerations and the protocol to study this rare pathology (Rev Méd Chile 2004; 132: 1096-9).
Nonthrombotic platelet-endothelial interactions may contribute to atherosclerotic plaque developm... more Nonthrombotic platelet-endothelial interactions may contribute to atherosclerotic plaque development, although in vivo studies examining mechanism without platelet preactivation are lacking. Using in vivo molecular imaging at various stages of atherosclerosis, we quantified platelet-endothelial interactions and evaluated the contribution of major adhesion pathways. Mice deficient for the low-density lipoprotein receptor and Apobec-1 were studied as an age-dependent model of atherosclerosis at 10, 20, 30, and 40 weeks of age, which provided progressive increase in stage from early fatty streak (10 weeks) to large complex plaques without rupture (40 weeks). Platelet-targeted contrast ultrasound molecular imaging of the thoracic aorta performed with microbubbles targeted to GPIbα demonstrated selective signal enhancement as early as 10 weeks of age. This signal increased progressively with age (almost 8-fold increase from 10 to 40 weeks, analysis of variance P<0.001). Specificity fo...
The first main result of this paper is the development of a low power threshold logic gate based ... more The first main result of this paper is the development of a low power threshold logic gate based on a capacitive input, charge recycling differential sense amplifier latch. The gate is shown to have very low power dissipation and high operating speed, as well as robustness under process, temperature and supply voltage variations. The second main result is the development
Despite much research on feed grains and oilseeds little is known about the dairy industry's ... more Despite much research on feed grains and oilseeds little is known about the dairy industry's influence on aggregate cottonseed demand. A transcendental logarithmic production model with regional dummy variables is used to estimate the US dairy industry's derived demand for cottonseed meal, corn, alfalfa hay and other grains. Own-price and cross-price elasticities for the US dairy industry are estimated using
The role of peptidases in carcinogenic processes and their potential usefulness as tumor markers ... more The role of peptidases in carcinogenic processes and their potential usefulness as tumor markers in colorectal cancer (CRC) have been classically attributed to cell-surface enzymes. The objective of the present study was to analyze the activity and mRNA expression of three cytosolic peptidases in the CRC and to correlate the obtained results with classic histopathological parameters for tumor prognosis and survival. The activity and mRNA levels of puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (PSA), aminopeptidase B (APB) and pyroglutamyl-peptidase I (PGI) were measured by fluorimetric and quantitative RT-PCR methods in colorectal mucosa and tumor tissues and plasma samples from CRC patients (n=81). 1) PSA and APB activity was higher in adenomas and carcinomas than in the uninvolved mucosa. 2) mRNA levels of PSA and PGI was lower in tumors. 3) PGI activity in CRC tissue correlated negatively with histological grade, tumor size and 5-year overall suvival of CRC patients. 4) Higher plasmatic APB...
The generation of antitumour immunity depends on the nature of dendritic cell (DC)-tumour interac... more The generation of antitumour immunity depends on the nature of dendritic cell (DC)-tumour interactions. These have been studied mostly by using in vitro-derived DC which may not reflect the natural biology of DC in vivo. In breast cancer, only one report has compared blood DC at different stages and no longitudinal evaluation has been performed. Here we conducted three cross-sectional and one one-year longitudinal assessments of blood DC in patients with early (stage I/II, n=137) and advanced (stage IV, n=36) disease compared to healthy controls (n=66). Patients with advanced disease exhibit markedly reduced blood DC counts at diagnosis. Patients with early disease show minimally reduced counts at diagnosis but a prolonged period (1 year) of marked DC suppression after tumour resection. While differing in frequency, DC from both patients with early and advanced disease exhibit reduced expression of CD86 and HLA-DR and decreased immunostimulatory capacities. Finally, by comparing a r...
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2006
We report on the progress of our on-going campaign to monitor the evolution of the VLTP objects V... more We report on the progress of our on-going campaign to monitor the evolution of the VLTP objects V4334 Sgr and V605 Aql, as well as the suspected (V)LTP object CK Vul. V4334 Sgr does not show signs of increased ionization compared to our previous observations in 2004. We obtained the first radio detection of V605 Aql, indicating a strong increase in radio flux since 1987. We also present the first radio detection of CK Vul and discuss the expansion of the material ejected during the 1670 event.
30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Physical activity was simultaneously monitore... more 30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Physical activity was simultaneously monitored every minute by wrist actigraphy to accurately calculate the diurnal and nocturnal means of BP on a per subject basis. In comparison with patients who received all their medication upon awakening, subjects with one drug before bedtime were characterized by a significant reduction in the 24h mean of systolic and diastolic BP (3.5 and 2.1 mm Hg, respectively; PϽ0.010). This reduction was much more prominent during nocturnal resting hours (5.8 and 3.3 mm Hg, PϽ0.001). Accordingly, the day/night BP ratio (nocturnal decline of BP relative to the diurnal mean) was also significantly increased (by 2.6 and 2.8 for systolic and diastolic BP ratio, PϽ0.001) in patients taken one drug at bedtime. A very high 79.0% of the patients receiving all drugs on awakening were non-dippers. This prevalence was significantly reduced to 52.6% in patients who received one drug at bedtime (PϽ0.001). In patients with resistant hypertension, pharmacological therapy should take into account when to treat with respect to the rest-activity cycle of each patient, as a function of the therapeutic coverage of the drugs and the baseline circadian BP profile of each patient. This chronotherapeutic approach allows reducing the prevalence of an altered non-dipper BP profile, associated with an increased cardiovascular risk.
A significant circadian variation has been shown to characterize cholesterol and triglycerides, w... more A significant circadian variation has been shown to characterize cholesterol and triglycerides, with predictably highest values at the end of the diurnal active hours, and lowest values after awakening [Am Heart J. 2000;139:164-173]. It has thus been suggested that statins should be administered at night. However, most studies on the efficacy of statins have not evaluated a potential change in effects as a function of the circadian time of dosing. Accordingly, we evaluated the potential administration time-dependent changes in the lipid profile of hyperlipidemichypertensive patients treated with statins. We studied 2486 patients (1167 men), 59.7Ϯ13.8 years of age, with grade 1-2 essential hypertension and dyslipemia, all under treatment with statins. We evaluated the circadian time of statin administration (awakening-breakfast, lunch, bedtime-dinner, other) and its potential correlation with lipid control, according to NCEP-III criteria (LDL-cholesterol Ͻ 160, Ͻ130, or Ͻ100 mg/dL, according to cardiovascular risk stratification). Therapeutic compliance was evaluated using the Morisky-Greeen test. Atorvastatin was the statin most frequently used (41.3%), followed by simvastatin (28.0%) and pravastatin (17.4%). Most of the patients were taken their statin at night (67.3%), although 25.4 were taken statins with lunch, and a low 4.1% were taken statins in a single morning dose. With respect to lipid control, 36.3% of the patients taken statins at night were controlled. This percentage was significantly reduced to 20% in patients taken statins with lunch (PϽ0.001). Therapeutic compliance was also significantly higher when statins were taken at bedtime (87.7%) as compared to midday (78.6%, PϽ0.001). As a clear example of chronotherapy, in hyperlipidemic patients with essential hypertension the time of treatment with statins should always be recommended to be bedtime, in keeping with the expected high values of lipids at the end of the diurnal active period, the significantly increased efficacy after bedtime dosing with all statins here evaluated, and a higher patient compliance at bedtime as compared to the administration of statins either with lunch or at the highly less efficient awakening time.
The phylogenetic relationships of extant species of Esox were investigated using both morphologic... more The phylogenetic relationships of extant species of Esox were investigated using both morphological and molecular data. The complete mtDNA cytochrome b gene (cytb) and the second intron of the RAG1 gene were sequenced from multiple specimens of each species and analyzed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The resulting cladograms were compared with each other and to the morphological cladogram for congruence. Data from all three sources strongly support the monophyly of the genus, and the monophyly of the subgenera Esox (i.e., pikes) and Kenoza (i.e., pickerels). Our data support the sister-group relationship between Esox reicherti and Esox lucius (the Amur and Northern Pike, respectively). Incongruent results between the morphological and RAG1 data and the cytb data, with respect to pickerel interrelationships, suggest hybridization and introgression among pickerel species. Additional research is necessary to explore these results further. This study represents the first study to integrate both morphological and molecular data into a phylogenetic analysis of Esox. It aims to provide a better understanding of esocid evolution and lay the foundation for the interpretation of fossil material assigned to Esox. It also provides preliminary genetic evidence of hybridization among the pickerels.
Amlodipine, a calcium antagonist of the 1,4-dihydropyridine type, has been shown to be effective ... more Amlodipine, a calcium antagonist of the 1,4-dihydropyridine type, has been shown to be effective in reducing blood pressure (BP) throughout the day and night when given once daily. However, the potential chronopharmacologic differing effects on BP of amlodipine have only been addressed occasionally. We investigated the administration-time dependent antihypertensive efficacy of amlodipine in patients with essential hypertension. We studied 194
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health problem in child... more Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health problem in childhood and adolescence. Its diagnosis is commonly performed in a subjective manner since current objective measurements are either expensive or time-consuming. However, subjective methods tend to overestimate the severity of the pathology. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for automatic diagnosis of ADHD based on signal
The synthesis and complete characterisation of the chloroanilato anionic rhodium complexes (NHEt3... more The synthesis and complete characterisation of the chloroanilato anionic rhodium complexes (NHEt3)[Rh(C6Cl2O4)(COD)] (1) and (NHEt3)[Rh(C6Cl2O4)(CO)2] (2) are reported. In these complexes the chloroanilate dianion chelates the metal through the 1,2 oxygen atoms. The crystal structure of complex (NHEt3)[Rh(C6Cl2O4)(CO)2] (2) reveals the adverse influence of the counterion in the formation of metal-columnar stacking. Although the molecules exhibit intermetallic interactions between the
... Anabel Elduque, Cristina Finestra, José A. López, Fernando J. Lahoz, Francisco Merchá... more ... Anabel Elduque, Cristina Finestra, José A. López, Fernando J. Lahoz, Francisco Merchán, Luis A. Oro ... de Zaragoza-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain, and Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Universidad de La Rioja, 26001 ...
The discovery of a system of Herbig-Haro objects ejected by young, low mass stars in the &sigma O... more The discovery of a system of Herbig-Haro objects ejected by young, low mass stars in the &sigma Orionis region (Reipurth et al. 1998) has given rise to models of the photoionization of a neutral jet by an external source. We present long-slit spectra of high spectral resolution of HH 444 and numerical simulations for this Herbig-Haro object using ``yguazú'', a
The San Pedro M\'artir kinematic catalogue of galactic planetary nebulae provides spatially r... more The San Pedro M\'artir kinematic catalogue of galactic planetary nebulae provides spatially resolved, long-slit Echelle spectra for about 600 planetary nebulae. The data are presented wavelength calibrated and corrected for heliocentric motion. For most objects multiple spectra have been acquired and images with accurate slit positions on the nebulae are also presented for each object. This is the most extensive
Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10(2):140 76 (16.5%) had diabetes mellitus (11 with type 1 DM and 65 with typ... more Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10(2):140 76 (16.5%) had diabetes mellitus (11 with type 1 DM and 65 with type 2 DM). An increased incidence of diabetes in RCC patients was found. Mean follow-up was 43 months. Overall survival was 34.3 vs 67.5 months in diabetic and nondiabetic patients (p<0.04) respectively. Progression-free survival was 26.4 vs 64.6 months in diabetic and non-diabetic patients respectively. Disease recurrence occurred in 46 (60.5%) diabetic patients vs 54 (14.0%) non-diabetic patients (p<0.05). In multivariate analysis diabetes (HR:4.90; p<0.001) along with stage (HR:2.01;p=0.01), tumor size (HR:1.09; p=0.02) and UISS stage system (HR:1.82; p=0.01) were independent predictors of cancer related-mortality. Conclusions: Although multiple high-risk groups for RCC have been identified with a marked consistency, taken together, these risk factors account only for 49% of cases, so a large portion of RCC still has an unknown and unexplained etiology. We found that patients with RCC who have pre-existing diabetes, were associated with shorter overall survival, increased risk of recurrence and higher risk for kidney cancer mortality compared with those without diabetes.
Thyroid hormone resistance is a rare autosomal dominant disease associated, in more than 90% of c... more Thyroid hormone resistance is a rare autosomal dominant disease associated, in more than 90% of cases, to mutations in the beta thyroid hormone receptor. We report a 23 years old male that consulted for a psychiatric condition. Clinically, the patient was euthyroid in spite of high total and free T4 and T3 concentrations, while TSH remained normal. Also, TSH showed a five fold increase under TRH stimulation. The mother and one of his brothers had the same pattern of abnormal serum thyroid hormones. We discuss the diagnostic considerations and the protocol to study this rare pathology (Rev Méd Chile 2004; 132: 1096-9).
Nonthrombotic platelet-endothelial interactions may contribute to atherosclerotic plaque developm... more Nonthrombotic platelet-endothelial interactions may contribute to atherosclerotic plaque development, although in vivo studies examining mechanism without platelet preactivation are lacking. Using in vivo molecular imaging at various stages of atherosclerosis, we quantified platelet-endothelial interactions and evaluated the contribution of major adhesion pathways. Mice deficient for the low-density lipoprotein receptor and Apobec-1 were studied as an age-dependent model of atherosclerosis at 10, 20, 30, and 40 weeks of age, which provided progressive increase in stage from early fatty streak (10 weeks) to large complex plaques without rupture (40 weeks). Platelet-targeted contrast ultrasound molecular imaging of the thoracic aorta performed with microbubbles targeted to GPIbα demonstrated selective signal enhancement as early as 10 weeks of age. This signal increased progressively with age (almost 8-fold increase from 10 to 40 weeks, analysis of variance P<0.001). Specificity fo...
The first main result of this paper is the development of a low power threshold logic gate based ... more The first main result of this paper is the development of a low power threshold logic gate based on a capacitive input, charge recycling differential sense amplifier latch. The gate is shown to have very low power dissipation and high operating speed, as well as robustness under process, temperature and supply voltage variations. The second main result is the development
Despite much research on feed grains and oilseeds little is known about the dairy industry's ... more Despite much research on feed grains and oilseeds little is known about the dairy industry's influence on aggregate cottonseed demand. A transcendental logarithmic production model with regional dummy variables is used to estimate the US dairy industry's derived demand for cottonseed meal, corn, alfalfa hay and other grains. Own-price and cross-price elasticities for the US dairy industry are estimated using
The role of peptidases in carcinogenic processes and their potential usefulness as tumor markers ... more The role of peptidases in carcinogenic processes and their potential usefulness as tumor markers in colorectal cancer (CRC) have been classically attributed to cell-surface enzymes. The objective of the present study was to analyze the activity and mRNA expression of three cytosolic peptidases in the CRC and to correlate the obtained results with classic histopathological parameters for tumor prognosis and survival. The activity and mRNA levels of puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (PSA), aminopeptidase B (APB) and pyroglutamyl-peptidase I (PGI) were measured by fluorimetric and quantitative RT-PCR methods in colorectal mucosa and tumor tissues and plasma samples from CRC patients (n=81). 1) PSA and APB activity was higher in adenomas and carcinomas than in the uninvolved mucosa. 2) mRNA levels of PSA and PGI was lower in tumors. 3) PGI activity in CRC tissue correlated negatively with histological grade, tumor size and 5-year overall suvival of CRC patients. 4) Higher plasmatic APB...
The generation of antitumour immunity depends on the nature of dendritic cell (DC)-tumour interac... more The generation of antitumour immunity depends on the nature of dendritic cell (DC)-tumour interactions. These have been studied mostly by using in vitro-derived DC which may not reflect the natural biology of DC in vivo. In breast cancer, only one report has compared blood DC at different stages and no longitudinal evaluation has been performed. Here we conducted three cross-sectional and one one-year longitudinal assessments of blood DC in patients with early (stage I/II, n=137) and advanced (stage IV, n=36) disease compared to healthy controls (n=66). Patients with advanced disease exhibit markedly reduced blood DC counts at diagnosis. Patients with early disease show minimally reduced counts at diagnosis but a prolonged period (1 year) of marked DC suppression after tumour resection. While differing in frequency, DC from both patients with early and advanced disease exhibit reduced expression of CD86 and HLA-DR and decreased immunostimulatory capacities. Finally, by comparing a r...
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2006
We report on the progress of our on-going campaign to monitor the evolution of the VLTP objects V... more We report on the progress of our on-going campaign to monitor the evolution of the VLTP objects V4334 Sgr and V605 Aql, as well as the suspected (V)LTP object CK Vul. V4334 Sgr does not show signs of increased ionization compared to our previous observations in 2004. We obtained the first radio detection of V605 Aql, indicating a strong increase in radio flux since 1987. We also present the first radio detection of CK Vul and discuss the expansion of the material ejected during the 1670 event.
30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Physical activity was simultaneously monitore... more 30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Physical activity was simultaneously monitored every minute by wrist actigraphy to accurately calculate the diurnal and nocturnal means of BP on a per subject basis. In comparison with patients who received all their medication upon awakening, subjects with one drug before bedtime were characterized by a significant reduction in the 24h mean of systolic and diastolic BP (3.5 and 2.1 mm Hg, respectively; PϽ0.010). This reduction was much more prominent during nocturnal resting hours (5.8 and 3.3 mm Hg, PϽ0.001). Accordingly, the day/night BP ratio (nocturnal decline of BP relative to the diurnal mean) was also significantly increased (by 2.6 and 2.8 for systolic and diastolic BP ratio, PϽ0.001) in patients taken one drug at bedtime. A very high 79.0% of the patients receiving all drugs on awakening were non-dippers. This prevalence was significantly reduced to 52.6% in patients who received one drug at bedtime (PϽ0.001). In patients with resistant hypertension, pharmacological therapy should take into account when to treat with respect to the rest-activity cycle of each patient, as a function of the therapeutic coverage of the drugs and the baseline circadian BP profile of each patient. This chronotherapeutic approach allows reducing the prevalence of an altered non-dipper BP profile, associated with an increased cardiovascular risk.
A significant circadian variation has been shown to characterize cholesterol and triglycerides, w... more A significant circadian variation has been shown to characterize cholesterol and triglycerides, with predictably highest values at the end of the diurnal active hours, and lowest values after awakening [Am Heart J. 2000;139:164-173]. It has thus been suggested that statins should be administered at night. However, most studies on the efficacy of statins have not evaluated a potential change in effects as a function of the circadian time of dosing. Accordingly, we evaluated the potential administration time-dependent changes in the lipid profile of hyperlipidemichypertensive patients treated with statins. We studied 2486 patients (1167 men), 59.7Ϯ13.8 years of age, with grade 1-2 essential hypertension and dyslipemia, all under treatment with statins. We evaluated the circadian time of statin administration (awakening-breakfast, lunch, bedtime-dinner, other) and its potential correlation with lipid control, according to NCEP-III criteria (LDL-cholesterol Ͻ 160, Ͻ130, or Ͻ100 mg/dL, according to cardiovascular risk stratification). Therapeutic compliance was evaluated using the Morisky-Greeen test. Atorvastatin was the statin most frequently used (41.3%), followed by simvastatin (28.0%) and pravastatin (17.4%). Most of the patients were taken their statin at night (67.3%), although 25.4 were taken statins with lunch, and a low 4.1% were taken statins in a single morning dose. With respect to lipid control, 36.3% of the patients taken statins at night were controlled. This percentage was significantly reduced to 20% in patients taken statins with lunch (PϽ0.001). Therapeutic compliance was also significantly higher when statins were taken at bedtime (87.7%) as compared to midday (78.6%, PϽ0.001). As a clear example of chronotherapy, in hyperlipidemic patients with essential hypertension the time of treatment with statins should always be recommended to be bedtime, in keeping with the expected high values of lipids at the end of the diurnal active period, the significantly increased efficacy after bedtime dosing with all statins here evaluated, and a higher patient compliance at bedtime as compared to the administration of statins either with lunch or at the highly less efficient awakening time.
The phylogenetic relationships of extant species of Esox were investigated using both morphologic... more The phylogenetic relationships of extant species of Esox were investigated using both morphological and molecular data. The complete mtDNA cytochrome b gene (cytb) and the second intron of the RAG1 gene were sequenced from multiple specimens of each species and analyzed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The resulting cladograms were compared with each other and to the morphological cladogram for congruence. Data from all three sources strongly support the monophyly of the genus, and the monophyly of the subgenera Esox (i.e., pikes) and Kenoza (i.e., pickerels). Our data support the sister-group relationship between Esox reicherti and Esox lucius (the Amur and Northern Pike, respectively). Incongruent results between the morphological and RAG1 data and the cytb data, with respect to pickerel interrelationships, suggest hybridization and introgression among pickerel species. Additional research is necessary to explore these results further. This study represents the first study to integrate both morphological and molecular data into a phylogenetic analysis of Esox. It aims to provide a better understanding of esocid evolution and lay the foundation for the interpretation of fossil material assigned to Esox. It also provides preliminary genetic evidence of hybridization among the pickerels.
Amlodipine, a calcium antagonist of the 1,4-dihydropyridine type, has been shown to be effective ... more Amlodipine, a calcium antagonist of the 1,4-dihydropyridine type, has been shown to be effective in reducing blood pressure (BP) throughout the day and night when given once daily. However, the potential chronopharmacologic differing effects on BP of amlodipine have only been addressed occasionally. We investigated the administration-time dependent antihypertensive efficacy of amlodipine in patients with essential hypertension. We studied 194
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health problem in child... more Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health problem in childhood and adolescence. Its diagnosis is commonly performed in a subjective manner since current objective measurements are either expensive or time-consuming. However, subjective methods tend to overestimate the severity of the pathology. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for automatic diagnosis of ADHD based on signal
The synthesis and complete characterisation of the chloroanilato anionic rhodium complexes (NHEt3... more The synthesis and complete characterisation of the chloroanilato anionic rhodium complexes (NHEt3)[Rh(C6Cl2O4)(COD)] (1) and (NHEt3)[Rh(C6Cl2O4)(CO)2] (2) are reported. In these complexes the chloroanilate dianion chelates the metal through the 1,2 oxygen atoms. The crystal structure of complex (NHEt3)[Rh(C6Cl2O4)(CO)2] (2) reveals the adverse influence of the counterion in the formation of metal-columnar stacking. Although the molecules exhibit intermetallic interactions between the
... Anabel Elduque, Cristina Finestra, José A. López, Fernando J. Lahoz, Francisco Merchá... more ... Anabel Elduque, Cristina Finestra, José A. López, Fernando J. Lahoz, Francisco Merchán, Luis A. Oro ... de Zaragoza-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain, and Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Universidad de La Rioja, 26001 ...
The discovery of a system of Herbig-Haro objects ejected by young, low mass stars in the &sigma O... more The discovery of a system of Herbig-Haro objects ejected by young, low mass stars in the &sigma Orionis region (Reipurth et al. 1998) has given rise to models of the photoionization of a neutral jet by an external source. We present long-slit spectra of high spectral resolution of HH 444 and numerical simulations for this Herbig-Haro object using ``yguazú'', a
The San Pedro M\'artir kinematic catalogue of galactic planetary nebulae provides spatially r... more The San Pedro M\'artir kinematic catalogue of galactic planetary nebulae provides spatially resolved, long-slit Echelle spectra for about 600 planetary nebulae. The data are presented wavelength calibrated and corrected for heliocentric motion. For most objects multiple spectra have been acquired and images with accurate slit positions on the nebulae are also presented for each object. This is the most extensive
Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10(2):140 76 (16.5%) had diabetes mellitus (11 with type 1 DM and 65 with typ... more Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10(2):140 76 (16.5%) had diabetes mellitus (11 with type 1 DM and 65 with type 2 DM). An increased incidence of diabetes in RCC patients was found. Mean follow-up was 43 months. Overall survival was 34.3 vs 67.5 months in diabetic and nondiabetic patients (p<0.04) respectively. Progression-free survival was 26.4 vs 64.6 months in diabetic and non-diabetic patients respectively. Disease recurrence occurred in 46 (60.5%) diabetic patients vs 54 (14.0%) non-diabetic patients (p<0.05). In multivariate analysis diabetes (HR:4.90; p<0.001) along with stage (HR:2.01;p=0.01), tumor size (HR:1.09; p=0.02) and UISS stage system (HR:1.82; p=0.01) were independent predictors of cancer related-mortality. Conclusions: Although multiple high-risk groups for RCC have been identified with a marked consistency, taken together, these risk factors account only for 49% of cases, so a large portion of RCC still has an unknown and unexplained etiology. We found that patients with RCC who have pre-existing diabetes, were associated with shorter overall survival, increased risk of recurrence and higher risk for kidney cancer mortality compared with those without diabetes.
Papers by José López