Papers by José Fuentes Hernández

La localizacion de servicios pretende encontrar el emplazamiento de uno o mas centros (servicios)... more La localizacion de servicios pretende encontrar el emplazamiento de uno o mas centros (servicios) de modo que se optimice una o varias funciones objetivo. Dicha funcion objetivo puede, por ejemplo, tratar de minimizar el coste de transporte, proporcionar a los clientes un servicio de forma equitativa, capturar la mayor cuota de mercado posible, etc. La localizacion de servicios abarca muchos campos, como la investigacion operativa, la ingenieria industrial, la geografia, la economia, las matematicas, el marketing, el planning urbanistico, ademas de otros muchos campos relacionados. Existen muchos problemas de localizacion en la vida real, como por ejemplo, la localizacion de hospitales, de colegios o vertederos, por nombrar algunos. Para ser capaces de obtener soluciones a los problemas de localizacion, es necesario desarrollar/disenar un modelo que represente la realidad lo mas fielmente posible. Dichos modelos pueden llegar a ser realmente dificiles de tratar. Para resolver tales ...
This paper describes some results of a study carried out on the stability of Diesel – Fuel Oil bl... more This paper describes some results of a study carried out on the stability of Diesel – Fuel Oil blends. The stability is evaluated by macroscopic properties s...
The avifauna of the Santay island (Guayaquil, Ecuador) has been studied during a six-months perio... more The avifauna of the Santay island (Guayaquil, Ecuador) has been studied during a six-months period from September 2000 to February 2001. Nearly half covered by mangrove forest, the island (2 200 ha) has recently been put on the list of the Ramsar Convention. However, very few data exist about its natural resources. The present results are compared to a previous study carried out in 1994. On the whole 130 birds species have been listed in Santay (48 new for the island) among which 20 Emberizidae, 18 Tyrannidae, 16 diurnal raptors, 20 endemic species to Ecuador, Colombia or Peru, 12 migrating species and 10 species both resident and migrating. Some of these species present abundant populations. Several taxa are considered as threatened. These results confirm the high biological value of the island and involve an important potential for the development of ecotouristic activities.

Revista Argentina de Radiología / Argentinian Journal of Radiology, 2019
Resumen Objetivo Desde la aparición de la tractografía, al tratarse de una técnica no invasiva y ... more Resumen Objetivo Desde la aparición de la tractografía, al tratarse de una técnica no invasiva y que usa la ampliamente conocida resonancia magnética (RM), el estudio de la sustancia blanca se ha facilitado. A partir de eso, se han logrado grandes descubrimientos en cuanto a fascículos cerebrales involucrados en funciones cognitivas. Sin embargo, su evaluación sigue siendo subjetiva y depende de la experiencia y entrenamiento del evaluador, razón por la cual se ha limitado su aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica. En ese sentido, es conveniente parametrizar volúmenes cerebrales de sustancia blanca en población sana a través de una herramienta electrónica que se pueda reproducir y así poderlo aplicar en enfermos. Materiales y métodos Se reportan 10 sujetos sanos desde el punto de vista neurológico. Para cada sujeto, se adquirieron imágenes ponderadas por difusión y los resultados se visualizaron mediante FiberNavigator ( Finalmente, esa misma he...

Acta Neurológica Colombiana, 2018
Síndrome neuroléptico maligno con mielinolisis central pontina Síndrome neuroléptico maligno con ... more Síndrome neuroléptico maligno con mielinolisis central pontina Síndrome neuroléptico maligno con mielinolisis central pontina Neuroleptic malignant syndrome with central pontine myelinolysis resumen El síndrome neuroléptico maligno (SNM) es una complicación severa de los antipsicóticos, en especial los de primera generación como el haloperidol, que fue el primero en el que se describió esta patología, caracterizada por fiebre, rigidez, alteración del estado de conciencia y disautonomías. Por otro lado, la mielinólisis central pontina (ahora llamada síndrome de desmielinización osmótica) resulta de las alteraciones agudas séricas del sodio, como las que ocurren en las reposiciones de hiponatremia, y podría poner en riesgo la vida al igual que el SNM. La asociación de estas dos patologías es inusual y hasta el momento no se conoce con claridad su relación causal, producto de los pocos casos reportados. Aunque se conoce la mortalidad del síndrome neuroléptico maligno, la compañía de la mielinolisis central pontina podría aumentar la morbimortalidad de esta entidad, por lo cual es necesario reconocerla rápidamente para prevenir la aparición de complicaciones, ya que no cuenta con un tratamiento específico. Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven que cursó con estas dos patologías, y consideramos que la causa de la mielinolisis central pontina fue el haloperidol, así como del SNM. A pesar de ello, este medicamento continúa siendo muy seguro en la práctica clínica ya que la aparición de estas complicaciones es una reacción idiosincrática por algún tipo de susceptibilidad genética desconocida. PALAbrAS cLAveS: antipsicóticos; haloperidol; mielinólisis pontino central; síndrome neuroléptico maligno (DecS). summary Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a severe complication of antipsychotics, especially those of first generation such as haloperidol, which was the first in which this pathology was described, characterized by: fever, rigidity, alteration of the state of consciousness and dysautonomies. On the other side, central pontine myelinolysis (Now called Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome), search results of acute sodium alterations of sodium, as those occurring in hyponatremia replenings and could put life at risk just like the NMS. The association of recibido 28/01/18. Aceptado: 18/09/18.

Physical Review A, 2016
We study few-cycle, strong-field dissociation of aligned H + 2 by solving the time dependent Schr... more We study few-cycle, strong-field dissociation of aligned H + 2 by solving the time dependent Schrödinger equation including rotation. We examine the dependence of the final angular distribution, kinetic energy release spectrum, and total dissociation yield on the initial nuclear angular distribution. In particular, we look at the dependence on the relative angle θ0 between the laser polarization and the symmetry axis of a well-aligned initial distribution, as well as on the delay between the "pump" pulse that prepares the alignment and the few-cycle probe pulse. Surprisingly, we find the dissociation probability for θ0=90 • can be appreciable even though the transitions involved are purely parallel. We therefore address the limits of the commonly held "ball-and-stick" picture for molecules in intense fields as well as the validity of the axial recoil approximation.
Acta Neurológica Colombiana, 2015
To describe Cutis Verticis gyrate (CVG) in cases found in an institutionalized people facility in... more To describe Cutis Verticis gyrate (CVG) in cases found in an institutionalized people facility in Colombia. Case series with 65 male adult in-patients, describing socio-demographic and clinical variables. Prevalence of 5.9 % was higher than expected in the general population (1:100.000 in males). Mean age: 38.5 years, most illiterate (98.46%). The most frequent diagnosis was profound mental retardation in 59 (90.77 %) cases, with high multi-axis comorbidity. Folds range from 1 to 16. Age of onset and type of CVG couldn't be established. This is the largest case series reported from a single institution. There is need of further study to determine type, origin, and evolution of the sign.
Anuario De Filosofia Del Derecho, 1992
2. Sin embargo, hay intérpretes que opinan lo contrario, como V. DELBOS: La Metafísica de las cos... more 2. Sin embargo, hay intérpretes que opinan lo contrario, como V. DELBOS: La Metafísica de las costumbres no es "casi más que un esfuerzo penoso y estéril de simple ordenación esquemática: el pensamiento aparece allí inmovilizado en las definiciones y proposiciones establecidas en obras anteriores; no tiene ni amplitud, ni flexibilidad ni siempre lucidez" (La philosophie pratique de Kant, Paris,
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, 2008
ESOPO will be a spectrograph of medium resolution for the 2.1 m telescope of the National Observa... more ESOPO will be a spectrograph of medium resolution for the 2.1 m telescope of the National Observatory at San Pedro Martir, Baja California, Mexico. It has been developed by the Instituto de Astronomia of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (IA-UNAM). The main goal of this instrument is to modernize the capabilities of making science with that particular telescope. It

Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría, 2013
Determinar la presencia de signos de liberación cortical, asociada a daño de sustancia blanca, es... more Determinar la presencia de signos de liberación cortical, asociada a daño de sustancia blanca, es un método clínico de fácil realización. El objetivo es deter minar la presencia de signos de liberación cortical en pacientes con enfermedades mentales y enfermedad cerebrovascular y determinar su utilidad clínica, dado que indica daño cortical. Material y métodos: Se realiza búsqueda de signos de liberación cortical en pacientes hospitalizados en clínica psiquiátrica y hospital general con diagnósticos de trastorno afectivo bipolar (40), depresión (37), esquizofrenia (33), enfermedad cardiovascular (33) y demencia (37). Resultados: Los signos de liberación cortical no tienen igual importancia en la determinación de daño cortical; por ejemplo, se encontró reflejo glabelar en todos los grupos; el de paratonía, especialmente en el grupo con esquizofrenia, y más signos, en el grupo de pacientes con demencia. Conclusiones: Se formula que estos signos implican daño de sustancia blanca subcortical; la aparición de estos signos supone la necesidad de seguimiento de pacientes con diagnósticos de trastorno afectivo bipolar, depresión y esquizofrenia.
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 1996
... Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11 (1996) 17401744. Printed in the UK Arrays of thermally evaporated... more ... Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11 (1996) 17401744. Printed in the UK Arrays of thermally evaporated PbSe infrared photodetectors deposited on Si substrates operating at room temperature Jaime M Martin, Jose Luis Hernández, Lucıa Adell, Acacio Rodriguez and FL´opez§ ...
Phytochemistry, 1989
Physical Review A, 2005
We report the results of simulations of the many atom wave function when a cold gas is excited to... more We report the results of simulations of the many atom wave function when a cold gas is excited to highly excited states. We simulated the many body wave function by direct numerical solution of Schrödinger's equation. We investigated the fraction of atoms excited and the correlation of excited atoms in the gas for different types of excitation when the blockade region was small compared to the sample size. We also investigated the blockade effect when the blockade region is comparable to the sample size to determine the sensitivity of this system and constraints for quantum information.

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2008
We report on simulations involving the blockade effect on a dense ultracold gas. The blockade eff... more We report on simulations involving the blockade effect on a dense ultracold gas. The blockade effect is seen when the interaction energy between two excited Rydberg atoms is large enough to shift the two-excitation state out of resonance. In this paper we investigate a system that exhibits a strong van der Waals blockade, where only one out of thousands of atoms can be excited per blockade volume. With such a high number of atoms blockaded, the collective oscillation rate of an ensemble of atoms is much faster than the single atom oscillation rate. We examine the effects of this high density and the effects of a non-uniform density distribution as commonly seen in a magneto-optical trap (MOT). We use three different models and compare them to recent experimental data. The agreement between theory and experiment, although qualitative, suggests that the non-uniformity of the density within a blockade region presents a new challenge to theoretical models.

Journal of Natural Products, 1988
AssTucT.-The conformation of longipinene derivatives of types 1, 2, and 3 is established from the... more AssTucT.-The conformation of longipinene derivatives of types 1, 2, and 3 is established from their proton coupling constants. The seven-membered ring bearing three oxygens exists in a twist-chair conformation where 0-7 and 0-8 arepseudo-equatorial and 0-9 ispseudoaxial. The seven-membered ring bearing two oxygens shows a similar conformation. The sixmembered ring in compounds of type 1 has a conformation midway between Y-shaped and bridged chair, where the methyl groups at C-3 becomes pseudo-equatorial, while in 3-epi-Iongipinanes like 6 this ring is almost Y-shaped but slightly displaced to bridged boat. The absolute configuration of these natural products isolated from Steviu, PolypteriS, Crironza, and Ar-temiJia species is the same as (+>longipinene as shown by comparison of the cd curves of 3a and 3c with that of vulgarone B (8). Several longipinene derivatives of types 1,2, and 3 have been found as constituents of Steviu (1-4), Critoniu (2) , PoIypteris (5) , and Artemisia (6) species. The relative stereochemistry of these natural products has been established (4) via a single crystal Xray diffraction study of rastevione acetate (la, Scheme 2) followed by correlation by chemical transformations of rastevione (Ib) with compounds of types 2 and 3 (7). Following our investigations concerning these longipinenes, we describe herein a conformational study based on the vicinal proton couplings found in the 'H-nmr spectra of some of these natural compounds and several synthetic derivatives. We also establish the absolute configuration of these molecules from the cd curves of compounds 3a and 3c, which were compared with that of vulgarone B (8) (8). CoNFoRMATIoN.-Observation of Dreiding models of these skeletons shows that there are basically three conformational facts to be defined: The shape of the sevenmembered ring bearing three oxygens (la-ld, 2% and 2b), of the seven-membered 1 2 3 0 0 R', R2, and R3 can be H or the acyl groups (See references 1-7) SCHEME 1. Longipinene derivatives of types 1,2, and 3.
Journal of Natural Products, 2002
The molecular rearrangement of (1R,3S,4S,5S,7S,8R,9S,10R,11R)-7,8,9-triacetyloxylongipinan-1-ol (... more The molecular rearrangement of (1R,3S,4S,5S,7S,8R,9S,10R,11R)-7,8,9-triacetyloxylongipinan-1-ol (4) under acidic conditions afforded (1S,4R,5R,7S,8R,9S,10S)-7,8,9-triacetyloxyuruap-3(12)-ene (5), while 6, the C(3)-stereoisomer of 4, after two consecutive Wagner-Meerwein rearrangements followed by two 1,2-hydride migrations, afforded (4R,5R,7S,8S,9S,10S,11S)-7,8,9-triacetyloxyjiquilp-3(12)-ene (7), which possesses a new hydrocarbon skeleton. The structures of the new substances were elucidated by 1D and 2D NMR data in combination with X-ray diffraction analyses of the uruapane, longipinane, and jiquilpane derivatives 5, 6, and 14, respectively. Molecular modeling at the ab initio level was used to study the reaction mechanisms, while deuterium labeling was employed to confirm the C-C bond migrations and the hydride shifts.

European Neurology, 2001
Rizatriptan (MAXALTTM, a registered trademark of Merck & Co. Inc.) is a selective 5-HT1B/1D recep... more Rizatriptan (MAXALTTM, a registered trademark of Merck & Co. Inc.) is a selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonist with rapid oral absorption and early onset of action in the acute treatment of migraine. This randomized, open-label, crossover outpatient study assessed the preference of 481 patients for rizatriptan 10-mg rapidly disintegrating tablets versus sumatriptan (IMIGRANTM, a registered trademark of GlaxoWellcome PLC) 50-mg tablets in the treatment of a single migraine attack with each therapy. Almost twice as many patients preferred rizatriptan 10-mg rapidly disintegrating tablet to sumatriptan 50-mg tablet (64.3 vs. 35.7%, p ≤ 0.001). Faster relief of headache pain was the most important reason for the preference, cited by 46.9% of patients preferring rizatriptan and 43.4% of patients who preferred sumatriptan. Headache relief at 2 h was 75.9% with rizatriptan and 66.6% with sumatriptan (p ≤ 0.001), with rizatriptan being superior to sumatriptan within 30 min of dosing. Fifty-fiv...
Papers by José Fuentes Hernández