Papers by José Brito

Revista de Direito, 2021
O artigo busca apresentar o processo de ingresso diferenciado para as minorias raciais como propo... more O artigo busca apresentar o processo de ingresso diferenciado para as minorias raciais como proposta de implementação de uma igualdade com base na teoria dworkiniana, abordando especificamente o processo seletivo criado pela rede varejista Magazine Luiza para o seu programa de trainee, restrito a candidatos negros. Dados demonstram que os negros estão em piores condições que os brancos em relação a bens e recursos no Brasil, havendo um cenário de exclusão social que os leva à condição de vulneráveis. O combate às práticas discriminatórias deve abranger, além de estratégias repressivas, medidas compensatórias que possam acelerar o processo da busca pela igualdade. A pesquisa, de cunho eminentemente teórico, envolvendo o método dedutivo, abordagem qualitativa e técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, conclui que as ações afirmativas, tais como a implementada pela Magazine Luiza, funcionam como instrumentos para a promoção da igualdade de recursos, nos termos propostos por Rona...

RESUMO: O presente artigo objetiva analisar a disposição do princípio da diferença na teoria da j... more RESUMO: O presente artigo objetiva analisar a disposição do princípio da diferença na teoria da justiça, de John Rawls, com o intuito de demonstrar a possibilidade de interpretar seu sentido mais amplo como garantia de um padrão mínimo adequado às necessidades individuais. Ainda que o liberalismo de princípios não conceba expressamente a criação de um padrão (standard) de bem estar social, a interpretação do princípio da diferença pode proporcionar a ideia de que indivíduos racionais, em equilíbrio reflexivo, não celebrariam acordos desprovidos da conotação mínima de justiça distributiva, sobejamente quando se está em jogo o acesso a bens escassos em uma sociedade idealizada como um sistema de cooperação. A pesquisa desenvolvida é uma pesquisa teórica, focada especialmente em obra de Rawls, em que discute a temática proposta.
ABSTRACT/RESUMEN/RÉSUMÉ: This study aims to analyze the arrangement of the difference principle in the theory of justice of John Rawls, in order to demonstrate the possibility of interpreting its broadest sense as a guarantee of a minimum standard appropriate to individual needs. Although the principles of liberalism does not explicitly conceive the creation of a standard social welfare, the interpretation of the difference principle can provide the idea that rational individuals in reflective equilibrium, not devoid agreements would
RESUMO: A procura por métodos consensuais de resolução de conflitos não é muito explorada nas dem... more RESUMO: A procura por métodos consensuais de resolução de conflitos não é muito explorada nas demandas envolvendo o setor público. Os Comitês Estaduais de Saúde, criados por determinação do CNJ, com objetivo marcante de resolução consensual em questões de saúde pública, apresentam o diálogo e o debate acadêmico da medicina baseada em evidências como diretrizes para uma postura arrojada na garantia de direitos, inovando no comportamento do Poder Judiciário no enfrentamento do fenômeno da judicialização da saúde. ABSTRACT/RESUMEN/RÉSUMÉ: The search for consensus methods of conflict resolution is not much explored in claims involving the public sector. The State Health Committees, created by determining the CNJ, with remarkable goal of consensual resolution on public health issues, have dialogue and academic discussion of evidence-based medicine as

RESUMO O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar pontos de convergência e divergência nas pr... more RESUMO O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar pontos de convergência e divergência nas propostas de Ronald Dworkin (igualdade de recursos) e Amartya Sen (igualdade de capacidades) em torno do que consideram legítimo tratamento de igual consideração, imprescindível para um patamar adequado de igualdade em um Estado Democrático, bem como esclarecer o que consideram como variáveis políticas em suas teorias, a forma como são executadas essas variáveis e o que levam em conta na fixação de suas diretrizes. A pesquisa desenvolvida é uma pesquisa teórica, focada especialmente em obras de Dworkin e Sen, em que discutem a temática proposta.
ABSTRACT This article aims to identify points of convergence and divergence in the proposed Ronald Dworkin (equality of resources) and Amartya Sen (equal capacities) around what it legitimate treatment as an equal, essential to a proper level playing field in a democratic rule, as well as clarify what they see as political variables in their theories, how these variables are performed and which take into account when setting its guidelines. The developed research is a theoretical research, focused especially in works of Dworkin and Sen, in which they discus the proposed theme.
Text that discuss the judicial review of acts of the parliament in interna corporis matters, whic... more Text that discuss the judicial review of acts of the parliament in interna corporis matters, which have constitutional provision. Ronald Dworkin is the theoretical framework, specifically his defense of the judicial review of issues insensitive to choice. Study based on the theoretical conceptions of Dworkin, which play as the basis for the analysis of ADI 563 - DF, MS 34.574 - DF, MS 34.599 - DF and, especially, MS 34.602 - DF, actions in which discusses especially the possibility of occupation more than once the office of President of the Chamber of Deputies, in the same legislature.

Um dos grandes desafios da vida humana, sem dúvida, diz respeito a coexistência harmônica da dive... more Um dos grandes desafios da vida humana, sem dúvida, diz respeito a coexistência harmônica da diversidade de concepções de vida boa existentes dentro de uma mesma sociedade. Isto porque, a partir do contexto de justificação pós-metafísico da modernidade, as relações sociais foram caracterizadas pelo pluralismo de estilo de vida pessoal e da forma de vida cultural entre as pessoas. E isso naturalmente implica em um conflito de interesses e de concepções de bem, que são concorrentes e, até mesmo, incompatíveis entre si. Por esse motivo, a doutrina liberal, que pode ser considerada como a cultura de fundo das sociedades contemporâneas e que exerce profunda influência na organização e estruturação das mesmas, possui há tempos uma importante questão em pauta: como pode ser justificado o dever de tolerância entre os indivíduos, grupos, em um corpo social tão diversificado? O objetivo deste texto é articular, ainda que de forma singela, as concepções de respeito existentes na filosofia moral e na filosofia política, demonstrando em que medida o conceito político pode ser considerado como um desdobramento do conceito moral, afim de elucidar uma forma de justificação dos fundamentos da tolerância na contemporaneidade. Para tanto, elegeu-se o conceito moral de respeito elaborado por Immanuel Kant, por se entender que tal construção filosófica elenca dois elementos imparciais em uma concepção de pessoa: a racionalidade e a igual capacidade de autodeterminação que cada indivíduo possui.
Artigos Publicados Pela Escola da AGU by José Brito
VOLUME 19, Nº 01, jan./mar., 2020
The sense test aims to establish primary thoughts on affirmative action: your history, your purpo... more The sense test aims to establish primary thoughts on affirmative action: your history, your purpose, your legality, as well as your nature and effectiveness in meeting its objectives. Whereas affirmative action as a means of redistribution of social goods, we intend to initiate a preliminary theoretical debate about distributive justice. In this sense, we’ll focus our attention in the debate promoted by authors such as John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin. The methodology used was based on the reading, analysis and exposure of concepts. As a conclusion, we aim to provide a concise display of the points addressed in our test.

This article aims to verify how Brazil has complied with the decision of the Inter - American Cou... more This article aims to verify how Brazil has complied with the decision of the Inter - American Court of Human Rights that condemned it in the
Gomes Lund et al. Brazil , even though there is a decision of the Federal
Supreme Court, pronounced in ADPF n. 153 concerning the Amnesty Law,
to the contrary. In order to do so, it proposed to analyze the aforementioned
decision of the Federal Supreme Court, as well as the structure of the regional protection system in which the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which decided the Gomes Lund v. Brazil , and, finally, to analyze compliance with the conviction by Brazil of such Court decision. The methodology used was based on the collection of secondary data collected from the indirect documentation technique, on which the hermeneutical method was applied, considering that it intends to understand how the decision of the case Gomes Lund v. Brazil has been fulfilled. It was concluded that Brazil, with the exception of criminal investigations of state agents, such as the military, has been complying with the Court’s decision
Papers by José Brito
ABSTRACT/RESUMEN/RÉSUMÉ: This study aims to analyze the arrangement of the difference principle in the theory of justice of John Rawls, in order to demonstrate the possibility of interpreting its broadest sense as a guarantee of a minimum standard appropriate to individual needs. Although the principles of liberalism does not explicitly conceive the creation of a standard social welfare, the interpretation of the difference principle can provide the idea that rational individuals in reflective equilibrium, not devoid agreements would
ABSTRACT This article aims to identify points of convergence and divergence in the proposed Ronald Dworkin (equality of resources) and Amartya Sen (equal capacities) around what it legitimate treatment as an equal, essential to a proper level playing field in a democratic rule, as well as clarify what they see as political variables in their theories, how these variables are performed and which take into account when setting its guidelines. The developed research is a theoretical research, focused especially in works of Dworkin and Sen, in which they discus the proposed theme.
Artigos Publicados Pela Escola da AGU by José Brito
Gomes Lund et al. Brazil , even though there is a decision of the Federal
Supreme Court, pronounced in ADPF n. 153 concerning the Amnesty Law,
to the contrary. In order to do so, it proposed to analyze the aforementioned
decision of the Federal Supreme Court, as well as the structure of the regional protection system in which the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which decided the Gomes Lund v. Brazil , and, finally, to analyze compliance with the conviction by Brazil of such Court decision. The methodology used was based on the collection of secondary data collected from the indirect documentation technique, on which the hermeneutical method was applied, considering that it intends to understand how the decision of the case Gomes Lund v. Brazil has been fulfilled. It was concluded that Brazil, with the exception of criminal investigations of state agents, such as the military, has been complying with the Court’s decision
ABSTRACT/RESUMEN/RÉSUMÉ: This study aims to analyze the arrangement of the difference principle in the theory of justice of John Rawls, in order to demonstrate the possibility of interpreting its broadest sense as a guarantee of a minimum standard appropriate to individual needs. Although the principles of liberalism does not explicitly conceive the creation of a standard social welfare, the interpretation of the difference principle can provide the idea that rational individuals in reflective equilibrium, not devoid agreements would
ABSTRACT This article aims to identify points of convergence and divergence in the proposed Ronald Dworkin (equality of resources) and Amartya Sen (equal capacities) around what it legitimate treatment as an equal, essential to a proper level playing field in a democratic rule, as well as clarify what they see as political variables in their theories, how these variables are performed and which take into account when setting its guidelines. The developed research is a theoretical research, focused especially in works of Dworkin and Sen, in which they discus the proposed theme.
Gomes Lund et al. Brazil , even though there is a decision of the Federal
Supreme Court, pronounced in ADPF n. 153 concerning the Amnesty Law,
to the contrary. In order to do so, it proposed to analyze the aforementioned
decision of the Federal Supreme Court, as well as the structure of the regional protection system in which the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which decided the Gomes Lund v. Brazil , and, finally, to analyze compliance with the conviction by Brazil of such Court decision. The methodology used was based on the collection of secondary data collected from the indirect documentation technique, on which the hermeneutical method was applied, considering that it intends to understand how the decision of the case Gomes Lund v. Brazil has been fulfilled. It was concluded that Brazil, with the exception of criminal investigations of state agents, such as the military, has been complying with the Court’s decision