Papers by Jorge Zavala-castro

Rickettsia typhi is an intracellular bacteria who causes murine typhus. His importance is reected... more Rickettsia typhi is an intracellular bacteria who causes murine typhus. His importance is reected in the high frequency founding specic antibodies against R. typhi in several worldwide seroepidemiological studies, the seroprevalence ranging between 3-36%. Natural reservoirs of Rickettsia typhi are rats (some species belonging the Rattus Genus) and eas (Xenopsylla cheopis) are his vector. is infection is associated with overcrowding, pollution and poor hygiene. Typically presents fever, headache, rash on trunk and extremities, in some cases may occur organ-specic complications, aecting liver, kidney, lung or brain. Initially the disease is very similar to other diseases, is very common to confuse the murine typhus with Dengue fever, therefore, ignorance of the disease is a factor related to complications or non-specic treatments for the resolution of this infection. is paper presents the most relevant information to consider about the rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia typhi.

Abstract: This work emphasizes the detection of Candidatus “Rickettsia amblyommii ” in questing ... more Abstract: This work emphasizes the detection of Candidatus “Rickettsia amblyommii ” in questing Haemaphysalis juxtakochi and Amblyomma mixtum. From February 2009 to December 2012, questing ticks were collected from the vegetation and leaf-litter of four protected forests and two grassy areas around the Panama Canal basin. DNA was extracted from Amblyomma mixtum, Amblyomma naponense, Amblyomma oblongoguttatum, Amblyomma pecarium, Amblyomma tapirellum, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi, and unidentified immature Amblyomma. Specific primers of citrate synthase gene gltA were used to detect and identify the rickettsiae. Amplicons with the expected band size were purified and sequenced. DNA of C. “R. amblyommii” was found in A. mixtum, H. juxtakochi and Amblyomma immatures. To our knowledge, these finding represent the first report of C. “R. amblyommii ” in free-living ticks in the wilderness of Central America.

Colombia Medica, 2012
Summary Fungus from the Aspergillus genus mainly affects lung tissue, occurring when the integrit... more Summary Fungus from the Aspergillus genus mainly affects lung tissue, occurring when the integrity of the host immune system is compromised. The human body uses immunocompetence conditions from mechanical and enzymatic defenses and the action of the innate immune system cells and also uses adaptive responses to control infection. Neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells are critical as antifungal effector cells possess surface receptors that recognize fungal structures and trigger specific responses. TLRs and Dectin-1 the most studied for this interaction. TLRs are responsible for the production and release of cytokines and Dectin-1 is essential in the phagocytosis of the particle recognition and production of ROS. The best-studied cytokines and its crucial role in the response to Aspergillus spp. are TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-12. In this work, we reviewed the main mechanisms related to molecular receptors on phagocytic cells involved in the recognition of Aspergillus spp. Understan...

Introduccion: La sifilis como enfermedad de transmision sexual se mantiene latente en miles de pe... more Introduccion: La sifilis como enfermedad de transmision sexual se mantiene latente en miles de personas; su incidencia ha aumentado en los ultimos anos en el mundo y puede ser considerada como enfermedad reemergente. Objetivo: Establecer la tasa de incidencia y los factores epidemiologicos asociados a la sifilis adquirida en donadores de sangre que acuden al CETS del estado de Yucatan. Materiales y metodos: Se realizo un estudio transversal en los donadores de sangre que acudieron al CETS, durante el periodo 2012, recabando encuestas anonimas con pruebas serologicas ligadas al diagnostico de sifilis adquirida, identificando factores epidemiologicos. Resultados: Durante el 2012 acudieron al CETS 14,652 donadores, se reportaron 130 casos positivos, se obtuvo una tasa de incidencia de 8.9 casos de sifilis adquirida por cada 1,000 donadores de sangre; se recabaron 100 encuestas para la descripcion de las variables epidemiologicas. Conclusiones: La tasa de incidencia en este grupo de per...
Las bacterias del genero Rickettsia son micro-organismos gram-negativas, intracelulares obligado... more Las bacterias del genero Rickettsia son micro-organismos gram-negativas, intracelulares obligados, que pertenecen a la familia Rickettsiaceae. Existen varias especies potencialmente patogenas para el humano, entre las que se destacan Rickettsia felis, Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia akari, Rickettsia typhi, y Rickettsia prowazekii , las cuales han sido descritas en nuestro continente, y en especial en Mexico. Los antecedentes de las infecciones Rickettsiales en nuestro pais demuestran que es una enfermedad re-emergente y que es una amenaza potencial para la salud en Mexico.

Introduccion: La cesarea es la cirugia mas practicada en Latinoamerica. La OMS en 1985 publico qu... more Introduccion: La cesarea es la cirugia mas practicada en Latinoamerica. La OMS en 1985 publico que ningun pais debe tener mas de un 10- 15% de nacimientos por cesareas. En la ultima encuesta de ENSANUT 2012, Mexico presenta 45.2% de cesareas. En Yucatan en 2008, la intervencion quirurgica mas veces realizada fue la cesarea con 31.4%. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la frecuencia, las indicaciones y el conocimiento que tienen las mujeres embarazadas sobre la cesarea, asi como sus complicaciones inmediatas y mediatas en un hospital de la ciudad de Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Materiales y Metodos: Del 30 de julio de 2012 al 30 de enero de 2013, se seleccionaron a 200 mujeres que fueron sometidas a cesarea durante el periodo mencionado, quienes fueron elegidas al azar. A cada una se le aplico una encuesta y se tomaron sus datos generales. Resultados: De 2,148 mujeres embarazadas, a 1,126 (52.5%) se les realizo cesarea; de estas, se seleccionaron 200 pacientes. El 42.5% fu...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Knowledge of vector-borne diseases (dengue, rickettsiosis and Chagas disease) in physicians]](
Gaceta medica de Mexico, 2017
BACKGROUND The ecological conditions of Yucatan made it a suitable region for the acquisition of ... more BACKGROUND The ecological conditions of Yucatan made it a suitable region for the acquisition of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. As the epidemiological burden of these diseases shows an alarming increase of severe cases, the early establishment of diagnosis and therapeutics by first-contact physicians is a critical step that is not being fulfilled due to several reasons, including poor knowledge. OBJECTIVE To determine the level of knowledge related to dengue, Chagas disease, and rickettsiosis among rural first-contact physicians of Yucatan. METHODS A survey was applied to 90 first-contact physicians from rural clinics of Yucatan, which included 32 items related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. Answers were analyzed by central tendency statistics. RESULTS Differences were observed among every category, however; diagnosis and therapeutics showed the lower values. Globally, 62.5% of respo...
in 2 human patients increased the diversity of rickettsioses affecting the public health in the s... more in 2 human patients increased the diversity of rickettsioses affecting the public health in the southeast of Mexico. Rickettsialpox should be considered in the differential diagnosis with other febrile ill-nesses for the correct diagnosis and accurate treatment of this potential threat to human health.

Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases, 2018
Background: Tick-borne diseases are caused by several pathogens whose transmission could be assoc... more Background: Tick-borne diseases are caused by several pathogens whose transmission could be associated to the life conditions of communities settled in endemic areas. We aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the exposition and prevention of tick-borne diseases among people living in a typical Mayan community of Yucatan, Mexico between Dec 2012 and May 2013. Methods: A directed survey was applied to 212 (100%) householders (women and men) from Teabo, Yucatan, Mexico. Answers and field notes were recorded and analyzed with central statistics. Results: People have been bitten at least once in the community, but the majority of them consider those bites innocuous. In addition, people do not consider prevention measures, and only a few mentioned the use of some chemicals on their backyards. Conclusion: This study found little awareness among the participants regarding the importance and the transmission of these diseases even though they possess a vast...

Introducción. El Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus (SPH) es una zoonosis emergente en el continent... more Introducción. El Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus (SPH) es una zoonosis emergente en el continente Americano, caracterizado por un estado febril y rápida aparición de edema pulmonar con letalidad ›40%. Es ocasionada por un virus de la familia Bunyaviridae; sus principales reservorios son roedores de la subfamilia Sigmodontinae. El propósito de este trabajo fue detectar la presencia de anticuerpos contra Hantavirus en muestras de suero humano y mamíferos silvestres y sinantrópicos en el estado de Yucatán. Material y Métodos. Se analizaron 616 muestras de suero humano provenientes de población abierta y 92 muestras de roedores mediante la técnica de ELISA indirecta para la detección de anticuerpos contra Hantavirus. Resultados. Se demostró la presencia de anticuerpos contra Hantavirus en cuatro muestras de humanos (0.6%), con títulos de 1/320 a › 1/20,000; el rango de edad de las personas seropositivas fluctuó entre 2.4 a 80 años. Sin embargo, los sueros de los roedores fueron negativ...
![Research paper thumbnail of {"__content__"=>"Immunogenicity of OmpA and OmpB antigens from on mononuclear cells from positive Mexican patients.", "i"=>[{"__content__"=>"Rickettsia rickettsii"}, {"__content__"=>"Rickettsia"}]}](
Journal of vector borne diseases
The nature of the rickettsial antigens and the immune response generated by them, have been the s... more The nature of the rickettsial antigens and the immune response generated by them, have been the subject of exhaustive research so that a suitable vaccine can be developed. Till date evaluations of Rickettsia rickettsii antigens that induce both humoral and cellular responses in animal models have only shown partial protection and short-term immunological memory. This study was aimed to evaluate the immune response induced by DNA plasmids generated from the OmpA and OmpB genes of R. rickettsii in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rickettsial (sensitized) patients compared to healthy subjects. Plasmids OmpA-49, OmpB-15 and OmpB-24 were generated in the pVAX vector. Macrophages derived from the THP-1 cell line were transfected in vitro with the plasmids and were co-cultured with T-lymphocytes from sensitized subjects and healthy subjects to evaluate cell proliferation and cytokine production. The OmpB-24 plasmid induced proliferative response in human lymphocytes, with production o...

Open Veterinary Journal, 2017
Murine typhus is a rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia typhi, whose transmission is carried out by... more Murine typhus is a rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia typhi, whose transmission is carried out by rat fleas in urban settlements as classically known, but it also has been related to cat fleas in a suburban alternative cycle that has been suggested by recent reports. These studies remarks that in addition to rats, other animals like cats, opossums and dogs could be implied in the transmission of Rickettsia typhi as infected fleas obtained from serologically positive animals have been detected in samples from endemic areas. In Mexico, the higher number of murine typhus cases have been detected in the Yucatan peninsula, which includes a great southeastern region of Mexico that shows ecologic characteristics similar to the suburban alternative cycle recently described in Texas and California at the United States. To find out which are the particular ecologic characteristics of murine typhus transmission in this region, we analyzed blood and Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks obtained from domestic dogs by molecular approaches, demonstrating that both samples were infected by Rickettsia typhi. Following this, we obtained isolates that were analyzed by genetic sequencing to corroborate this infection in 100% of the analyzed samples. This evidence suggests for the first time that ticks and dogs could be actively participating in the transmission of murine typhus, in a role that requires further studies for its precise description.

Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2011
Data on genus and infectious by Rickettsia were retrospectively compiled from the critical review... more Data on genus and infectious by Rickettsia were retrospectively compiled from the critical review literature regarding all countries in Latin America, Caribbean islands, Portugal and Spain. We considered all Rickettsia records reported for human and/or animal hosts, and/or invertebrate hosts considered being the vector. In a few cases, when no direct detection of a given Rickettsia group or species was available for a given country, the serologic method was considered. A total of 13 Rickettsia species have been recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean. The species with the largest number of country confirmed records were Rickettsia felis (9 countries), R. prowazekii (7 countries), R. typhi (6 countries), R. rickettsii (6 countries), R. amblyommii (5 countries), and R. parkeri (4 countries). The rickettsial records for the Caribbean islands (West Indies) were grouped in only one geographical area. Both R. bellii, R. akari, and Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ have been recorded in only 2 c...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Current review of the epidemiology of leptospirosis]](
Revista medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Spirochete bacteria Leptospira spp. is the causative agent of leptospirosis, antropozoonotic ende... more Spirochete bacteria Leptospira spp. is the causative agent of leptospirosis, antropozoonotic endemic disease in many parts of the world, mainly in underdeveloped countries with high levels of poverty. Its incidence and prevalence rates are higher and important in human populations living in tropical and subtropical climates. Leptospira spp., is capable of infecting more than 160 species of domestic and wild mammals, including human beings, causing various and nonspecific clinical manifestations that make the diagnosis of the disease rarely accurate. In Mexico, the first reports of leptospirosis dating from 1920 and is now considered a matter of public and animal health, mainly for the economic losses it generates. The aim of this paper is to present a review in Spanish, containing the most important aspects in the epidemiology of leptospirosis, to serve as a starting point for students and researchers who are interested about this endemic disease in Mexico.

Advances in Microbiology, 2016
Borna Disease Virus (BDV) causes a progressive non-suppurative meningoencephalitis that sometimes... more Borna Disease Virus (BDV) causes a progressive non-suppurative meningoencephalitis that sometimes occurs in mortality; this disease has been reported for over two centuries ago in horses, sheep and cats in Central Europe and some regions of Asia. Currently, it is known that it causes neurological symptoms in various species of vertebrates including human beings. In Yucatan, Mexico, there is a single serological report about the circulation of BDV in schizophrenia patients; however, nothing is known about the circulation in animals. We obtained serum samples of 100 horses without apparent clinical signs caused by BDV infection, from various sites in the region. Antibodies against BDV were detected by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) method with three recombinant proteins: BDV p24, BDV p40 and BDV p10 as antigens; obtaining a high seroprevalence of 44% (44/100). This study generates the first report of the probable activity of the BDV in healthy horses in Mexico and has expanded the infiltration area of BDV in the world. Nevertheless, several molecular investigations are required to detect BDV-RNA circulating and find sequences for clarification of the origin of BDV in Mexican horses.
Open Veterinary Journal, 2016
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite recognized as a causal agent of toxoplasm... more Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite recognized as a causal agent of toxoplasmosis; zoonotic disease endemic in many countries worldwide, including Mexico. Different species of animals participate in the wild cycle infection, including opossums of the species Didelphis virginiana. Thirteen D. virginiana were captured in Yucatan, Mexico. Detection of T. gondii was achieved by Polymerase Chain Reaction, which determined an infection of 76.9% (10/13) in brains. Positive amplicons were sequenced for analysis, this produced results similar to T. gondii with identity and coverage values of 98% and 96-100%, respectively. This study presents the first molecular evidence of the circulation of T. gondii in D. virginiana from Mexico.

Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 2016
Rickettsia felis is an emergent pathogen and the causative agent of a typhus-like rickettsiosis i... more Rickettsia felis is an emergent pathogen and the causative agent of a typhus-like rickettsiosis in the Americas. Its transmission cycle involves fleas as biological vectors (mainly Ctenocephalides felis) and multiple domestic and synanthropic mammal hosts. Nonetheless, the role of mammals in the cycle of R. felis is not well understood and many efforts are ongoing in different countries of America to clarify it. The present study describes for the first time in Mexico the infection of two species of opossum (Didelphis virginiana and D. marsupialis) by R. felis. A diagnosis was carried out from blood samples by molecular methods through the gltA and 17 kDa genes and sequence determination. Eighty-seven opossum samples were analyzed and 28 were found to be infected (32.1%) from five out of the six studied localities of Yucatan. These findings enable recognition of the potential epidemiological implications for public health of the presence of infected synanthropic Didelphis in households.

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2016
To report the renal histological lesions in synanthropic rodents, Mus musculus and Rattus rattus,... more To report the renal histological lesions in synanthropic rodents, Mus musculus and Rattus rattus, naturally infected with Leptospira spp., captured in a rural community in Yucatan, Mexico. Methods: Kidney samples of synanthropic rodents were collected from a rural community in Yucatan, Mexico. Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect Leptospira spp. infection. Tissue kidney was fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed according to the usual techniques for paraffin inclusion, cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and examined using a conventional electronic microscope. Results: A total of 187 rodents were captured. Nine individuals (4.8%) were positive for Leptospira spp. in the molecular analysis. All renal lesions observed in the histopathological study had been reported previously for Leptospira spp. infection. Conclusions: The histopathological lesions are present in the kidneys, plus the results of the polymerase chain reaction confirm that these rodents are true carriers of Leptospira spp.
Colombia Medica, Apr 1, 2012
Papers by Jorge Zavala-castro